• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 779 Views, 53 Comments

The Wonderbirds... are... UP! - Lets Do This

No, that's not a typo -- it's the 50th Anniversary of the Wonderbirds, the greatest sci-fi movie series in Equestria. Rainbow Dash just wants to buy a ticket to the marathon -- but Pinkie Pie wants to go into SPACE...

  • ...

Space Boot Camp

"Alllllright, newbies!" Spitfire growled. "You think you've got what it takes to be Equuinaut Candidates? Well? Do yah?"

The flame-maned pegasus paced back and forth along the line of crew ponies... and dragons... and alligator mascots. They were all standing alongside the runway at the Wonderbolts Academy, wearing the simple gray flightsuits that Rarity had quickly run up for each of them to wear during training, while she completed their actual space gear.

"You think you've got what it takes," Spitfire went on, "to fly higher, farther, and faster than any creature in history? You actually think you've got the moxie to get all the way to the Moon and back, in just three days? Just seventy-two hours? Huh? Do ya?"

She was suddenly nose-to-nose with Rarity... who drew back, wide-eyed. "Well, let me be the first to tell you, you don't! And it's gonna take a lot more than good looks to get by around here, lady!"

"Errr... uh... yes, ma'am!"

Spitfire swung round and resumed pacing, snorting angrily.

Rarity glanced at Rainbow. "She is on our side, isn't she?", she whispered.

"Sure, this is just her way of saying hello." Rainbow winked. "Just roll with it!"

"No talking in ranks, Crash!" Spitfire swung round and marched over, to glare at Rainbow, eye to eye. "And don't think I'm gonna go easy on ya, just because you're a Wonderbolt. I'm gonna lean on you the hardest! Because I know you can take it!"

Rainbow saluted. "Ma'am! Yes, ma'am!"

Spitfire nodded, then looked to Rainbow's right. And blinked, and looked down... at Spike. The dragon saluted, stiffly and fiercely. "Co-pilot Spike, Ma'am! Ready for duty!"

Spitfire almost smiled... almost. "Ya got spunk, kid. And I hate spunk. It can get ya killed. I need dedication, quick thinking, and responsibility. You're gonna be Crash's wing... uh, creature." She waved a forehoof vaguely then recovered. "And you're gonna have to be ready and able to do everything she does. Everything! On short notice! And BACKWARDS!"

Spike's eyes went wide at the sudden fusillade of shouting, but his salute didn't falter. "Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!"

There was a snurfling sound. Pinkie Pie had a hoof pressed to her snout, trying vainly to suppress giggles.

Spitfire swung on her, glaring angrily. "Something you find amusing, newbie? Something you'd care to share with the rest of us?"

"Of course!" Pinkie nodded. "I thought I was the Element of Laughter, ma'am! But you're an expert -- it's hysterical!" And then she finally gave it up, dissolving in helpless gales of laughter.

Spitfire looked as if she was going to bite her whistle in half. She stepped closer to stand nose-to-nose with Pinkie Pie, her stare blazing hotly enough to burn through steel. "You think all this is some kind of a joke? You think ponies putting their lives on the line, risking it all is funny? You think none of this matters?"

But Pinkie just smiled back, completely unfazed. "Oh, not at all! It's incredibly serious, ma'am. And risky. And scary. And I love the way you're helping us not think about it, by keeping everyone focused on training and the mission, and by acting all mean and scary yourself as a distraction. That's the work of a true master of the art of Laughter! I'm lovin' it!"

Coming to attention, Pinkie snapped off a respectful, serious salute. "Mission Specialist Pinkamena Diane Pie! Reporting for duty! Ma'am!"

And then her face broke up again. She covered her mouth with her hooves and resumed giggling merrily.

Spitfire cast a doubtful glance at her, then at Rainbow. "You sure it's a good idea bringing this one along, Crash?"

"Uhh... actually, she brought me along, Captain. And Pinkie may be a little random at times, but I trust her. She keeps us all going whenever the going gets rough."

"Well, that's good news!" Spitfire snarled. "Because it started getting rough the moment you all stepped onto this field!" She glared around at them all. "You're gonna work hard! You're gonna train hard! You're gonna make Equestria proud! More than that, you're gonna make me proud, newbies!"

"Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!" they choroused.

"All right, then!" Spitfire nodded. "Non-pegasus crewmembers, start showin' me what you've got! Gimme fifty laps around this field, starting right now! GO GO GO!" Her whistle shrilled.

Pinkie, Rarity, and Spike jumped at the sound, glanced briefly at each other, then raced off together, with Pinkie scooping up Gummy as she passed him.

Spitfire watched them go. Then she shook her head. "Gonna be honest with you, Crash. You've got your work cut out for ya with this crew."

"I know, Captain. But I'm sure we'll pull it together... with your help."

"Don't worry, you'll have it." Spitfire waved over the other Wonderbolt officers who'd been standing nearby: Soarin, Fleetfoot, Blaze, and the rest. "We've gone over our flight training program, picked out the evaluation methods that seem most applicable to spaceflight. Plus, we've brainstormed some custom tests, and a few surprises for ya. You wanted hard? You're gonna get hard. I'll make sure everyone on your team is up to snuff. Trust me on this!"

"Thanks, Spitfire. I really appreciate everyone taking the time for this."

"Not a problem, Crash. As of now, Project Moonshot is officially the Wonderbolts' top priority."

"Oh... I guess Princess Celestia must've sent you a letter or something."

"Nope. This comes straight from the top. And the buck stops right here." She pointed to herself proudly.

"Geez, what makes it such a big deal for you guys?"

Spitfire eyed Rainbow sternly. "Ya know, Crash... you haven't exactly said why this Moonshot deal is so important to you, either."

Rainbow grimaced. She knew that look. She was going to have to come clean here. It would only end up hurting more otherwise. "Well, it's because when I was a filly... I loved watching the Wonderbirds movies. And because of them... well, I wanted to go to the Moon, and be the first pony to walk on it. Even though that's impossible. And then Pinkie Pie somehow found a way for it to be possible. And I ask you... seriously, could I pass up a chance like that?"

Rainbow shrugged, blushing. "That's the whole stupid truth. You can go ahead and laugh now if you want."

Spitfire just raised an eyebrow. Then she waved over a staff pony, and fished in the pony's carryall for a moment. She came up with a large, flat block of clear lucite, and tossed it to Rainbow, who belatedly caught it. Embedded in the block was a strip of newsprint. Looking closer, Rainbow could see it was a cartoon strip... a Wonderbirds cartoon strip.

"Used to collect those," Spitfire said. "When I was a filly and they still ran the strip in the funny pages. And then one day I made the mistake of showing my collection to some of the other kids at school. And they laughed and made fun of me. Said the Wonderbirds were just for little kids." She sighed angrily. "And I was stupid enough to listen to them. I took my entire collection and burned it. About half an hour later I came to my senses and regretted it, but it was too late. And they weren't printing the strip any longer, so I was HOL.

"But then I came across one last strip I didn't burn, because I'd been using it as a bookmark in my journal. This one." She tapped the block. "So I kept it as a reminder... to have no patience with idiots who just don't get what makes the Wonderbirds movies so special."

Rainbow stared at her. "You're a Birdie, Spitfire? Geez, I thought I was the only one around here!"

"We're all Birdies in the Wonderbolts, Crash." Spitfire glanced around at the other officers. "We just keep it to ourselves. It's a private vice for the in-crowd here... because you don't find out until you ask."

"Really? Soarin', Fleetfoot? All you guys?"

The others were nodding happily. Spitfire smirked. "What you think we're watching, in those late Friday officers' meetings? It ain't health and safety films, that's for sure! I mean, the Wonderbirds were freakin' named after us! Why wouldn't we be fans? And something else, Crash... where d'ya think the look of our modern-day performance flight suits came from?"

Rainbow looked stunned, staring at the blue-and-gold skin-tight suits that Soarin' and the others were wearing.

And then she nodded, seeing it.

"The helmets would have been a bit much," Spitfire admitted. "But it just means we can cosplay on the job and nopony's the wiser."

"Wow! That is just... totally cool, Spitfire!"

"We're so glad you approve, Crash." Spitfire was suddenly solemn and fierce again, and she fixed Rainbow with her best drill-sargeant's glare. "And we got no time to waste. So get after your team. Ride 'em hard, and keep riding 'em! We'll run you all through the gauntlet, the toughest, fairest drill we can manage. And then we'll just see if you've got what it takes."

Rainbow snapped to attention, and saluted. "Yes, Ma'am!"

"And remember, Crash," Spitfire growled. "We're the most hardcore Birdies there are. You're livin' our dreams here, doin' everything we've always wanted to do. You screw this up... you disappoint us... and you'll never hear the end of it. Trust me on that, too!"

Spitfire was smiling as she said it, but Rainbow still felt nervous.

It was that kind of smile...