• Published 4th May 2019
  • 1,052 Views, 17 Comments

Flurry Heart and the Imprisoned King - ddstory25

  • ...

Meeting a Monster

Author's Note:

OK, so a few things
1) Only Flurry and Sombra's speech will be in color. They're the main characters in this so they get the colored text.
2) I'll try to make it easier to read the new real paragraphs but I guess FimFic hates the indent button.
Other than that enjoy the read.

The Crystal Fair had finally ended and as every pony retired for the night, Flurry raced to the castle to get to her room. As she entered her room, she grabbed her saddle bag, a quill, empty notebook and the only thing she took from the dark unicorns study. She headed to where the crystal dungeons were which only a few ponies knew of. She looked at the two guards who stood in front of the hall that leads to the only prisoner to speak of. She needed to figure out a way to get past the guards til she remembered she was an alicorn, and she could just teleport passed them. She focused all her magic into teleporting passed them, but instead of being behind them, she was in front of them. Her eyes turned into saucers as her ears folded back. The guards were alarmed to see the young princess in such a dark place. The one on the right spoke in an authoritative tone.

“Princess, what are you doing here?”

“You should be in bed right now; it's very late.”

The other said. Flurry feared they would tell her parents about her being here, but she quickly thought of a lie. Something she was good at lately. She stood up straight and gained a regal aura to her.

“I’m here on official busy.”

She said to both guards as authoritatively as she could muster. The guards were suspicious. The one than asking:

“What kind of business do you have with this vile creature?”

She gulped as sweat started forming on her forehead but she held her ground.

“My mother wanted me to inform our prisoner that another Crystal Fair has passed and that the Empire is still safe.”

It was farfetched but it had to work. She quickly straightened herself out again and spoke before they could.

“My parents thought it was time, I meet the prisoner. And you’re interfering soldier. Now let me through.”

The guards looked at each other but quickly relented, allowing her to pass by them with the one on the left giving her a warning as she walked passed them.

“Be careful my princess for he is quite a hoof-full. His cell is the last one down the corridor of the dungeon.”

“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Passing the two she quietly squealed in joy, knowing that, that worked. She trotted down the corridor. The dungeon felt like an icebox; it was colder than the rest of the castle. It didn’t bother her much as she continued walking down the corridor that was lit with torches along the wall, revealing the light blues of the dungeon and empty cells. Flurry was excited. Finally, she was going to see what her parents were hiding from her. Her mind raced as she approached the cell, questions filling her to the brim. She stopped in front of the cell and gazed upon it; blackness lined most of the interior. Her smile faded as fear quickly overtook her. All of her questions faded away.


Flurry backed away, she wasn’t expecting such a loud greeting as she peered at the creature who had slammed against the bars of his cell: a unicorn whose coat was as gray as ash and mane as black as the shadows. The unicorn's horn was smooth and curved upwards, black to red. He was as tall as a tree or at least it seemed like he was, he was by far taller than her father. The unicorn king the former ruler of the Crystal Empire before her parents was peering back at her with hatred consuming his ruby eyes. Flurry slowly approached, wonder and caution swirled in her eyes.

“You’re the unicorn king. You’re King Sombra.”

She whispered in amazement to the pony before her. The unicorn smiled at her, a sicking smile

]“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, what do you want?”

His last words dripped with venom as he backed away from the bars and sat in the middle of his crystalline prison. Flurry breathed in and then breath out, calming her rattled nerves.

“I’m Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire. I’m Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s daughter and I came here to speak to you.”

He raised an eyebrow at her asking cautiously.

“Princess Flurry Heart? You look like, nevermind. You’re that child, aren’t you?”


“Yes, the one I held captive so your parents would relinquish the Crystal Empire to me.”

He sounded so confident at that statement as he questioned her.

“How old are you, child?”

“Held captive, I don’t remember that.”

“You were an infant at the time!”

He snapped at her,

“Now answer my question child, how old are you?”

She frowned at him.

“I’m sixteen years old, now why don’t you answer my question?”

He ignored her.

“Sixteen years old? I see I’ve rotted down here for sixteen years. Oh, how time flies when you’re
imprisoned...No isolated."

“Hello? Answer my questions?”

He didn’t hear her as he addressed her again with his arrogance laced tone.

“What brings you down here to see me? Surely your pathetic father didn’t send you down here and your mother would never allow you to see me.”

He stared at her. Flurry’s face turned red and her feathers ruffled.

“My father isn’t pathetic! He’s the bravest captain in the guard!”

She yelled defensively. Sombra smiled at her again revealing his fangs.

“Child, that knight, no that prince couldn’t even stop me from retaking the Empire let alone repel my magic. Even now his sealing spell only stays in place due to an additional spell used by the princess of love which binds me here.”

She looked shocked that he seemed to know so much about his prison cell, then again, he did say he was imprisoned for sixteen years. She shook her head as she realized she was getting off topic. She straightened herself out and reached into her saddlebag pulling out two notebooks, one of which the unicorn recognized.

“That’s my old journal. Why do you have it? Don’t you know it's wrong to take things that aren’t yours?”

“Pfft! You’re one to talk… So you’re really King Sombra. I knew it, I knew they couldn’t hide you from me!”

Flurry started jumping up and down as a smile spread across her lips. As she jumped up and down, Sombra just stared at her disgusted, he wished she would go away; her childish behavior was unbefitting for a princess. Sombra huffed as he raised an eyebrow.

“Sixteen years down here and my first visitor beside that foolish prince is an annoying child. What's worse is that your that fool’s child.”

He snorted.

“What do you want again? And what do you mean I was hidden from you?”

Although he was annoyed, she noticed the second part of his question was laced with curiosity. Flurry stopped her celebrating and returned to the task at hoof.

“Right, well my parents don’t talk about you or your reign over the empire. In fact, you aren’t even in many history books. A lot of the texts you’re in only mention you briefly and then skip right to when my mother took over the empire.”

“What morons!” He hissed. “Skipping over me. A curse to themselves.”

He whispered under his breath as Flurry continued on.

“And I want to know what happened a thousand years ago. I mean every history book just skips over you and never even mention the first crystal princess in detail. And I read your journal, but I want to hear it from you, yourself.”

He didn’t answer. He seemed amused by this. A knot started to form in Flury’s stomach as his silence prolonged. She worried he would refuse her; his smile faded as he laid down on the floor of his cell.

“*Huff*. Why do you ask if you’ve already read my journal? You already know the answers child. And there’s nothing more than what you read. What would be the point to hear it all again? What you read is what you get.”

Flurry blinked dumbfounded, but she just couldn’t accept that it wasn’t an answer but a way to avoid answering. Plus she wanted him to describe everything to her in great detail. That's why she had brought another notebook with her so she could record everything that happened. She breathed out again and began to speak as authoritatively as possible.

“Let me clarify, I want to know why you hurt Princess Amore. I also want to know what she looked like, you lacked proper descriptions in your journal. Why you stole the Crystal Heart. Why you choose to accept something you could have changed. Who was Radiant Hope and why did you abandon her?”

At the mention of Radiant Hope, he lashed out sending black crystals towards the pale pink princess. The spell failed as the magical barrier keeping him trapped inside his prison appeared between the two. He cursed the barrier that keeps him in; Flurry flinched as she wasn’t expecting such a violent reaction from him. She continued speaking as she approached the bars to his cage cautiously once again.

“I want to understand how some pony who wanted so desperately to see the Crystal Fair turned out like this. How some pony who loved another so deeply became so cruel. How you came back to life after the Crystal Heart destroyed you the first time or why you’re here instead of deceased like how all the history books say you are.”

He huffed in annoyance as he laid back down,

“Ask your parents! They’ll be delighted to tell you all about me."

Again he was trying to avoid her,

“I already told you they won’t tell me anything about you. Please, I really want to hear about the past, I love learning and what better way to learn about it than to learn from the pony who was there?”

She pleaded with him holding her front hooves together. As Sombra watched her, he was confused by this girl since she didn’t fear him nor did she want to hurt him. She instead wanted to learn about him. It was peculiar; no pony ever wanted to talk to him let alone be near him for longer than they had to be. He looked at her again, puppy dog eyes staring back at him; he flinched to see such a face as usually he only saw anger or fear upon a pony's face. The face she was making disturbed him, he had forgotten what childish begging looked like.

“*Sigh* If I tell you, will you go away? I would prefer you leaving or have that laughable prince come visit me. Either way, I want you to leave me alone after this. ”

She smiled brightly with her puppy dog eyes still on ignoring the last part.


“Fine, I’ll tell you anything you want to hear just stop making that face! It's creeping me out.”

She dropped her puppy dog eyes and replaced them with a serious expression as her notebook floated next to her with a quill appearing from her bag,

“Ok now please tell me what-?”

A voice from the distance stopped Flurry mid-sentence.

“Princess are you done yet; it’s been a long time?”

Flurry pouted as Sombra smiled smugly.

“It seems your time is up to my dear. I’ll see you another time.”

He said triumphantly figuring she would never appear before him again. She looked at him with her cheeks puffed out, turning red again. Her reaction disturbed him. She let out the air that was stored in her cheeks and answered the voice cheerfully.

“I’ll be right there.”

She looked straight into Sombra’s eyes as she answered the guard her determination drilled into him.

“I’ll be back tomorrow. Just you wait.”

“Oh, lucky me...”

He said sarcastically. Flurry got up and smiled at him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, King Sombra.”

He was surprised to see the current monarch address him in such a manner, but he ignored it as he watched her leave.


Flurry had a big smile on her face as she walked down the corridor. Her thoughts were beside her.

Oh I can’t wait to ask about Princess Amore tomorrow I bet she was really pretty. I wonder why my parents didn't want me to meet King Sombra. He seemed so mellow, well arrogant is more like it. And he even agreed to answer all the questions. Hmm... maybe it's because he did all those bad things before and they feared for my safety. Did they even ever read his journal, it would seem he started out like everypony else? Well whatever the case, I’ll be back tomorrow, but I have to get past the guards again, and that excuse won't work again. She reached the end of the corridor and only realized it when she heard somepony address her.

“Princess, are you alright? The prisoner didn't do anything to you, did he? You were gone for a long time.”

She looked at the guard who addressed her.

“Oh, he didn’t do anything to me. I’m fine. See!”

She unfolded her wings and smiled at the two guards. They eyed her and let out a sigh of relief. She walked by them before leaving she addressed them both.

“Oh, I’m sorry about this.”

Before they could react, a spell was cast on them as Flurry disappeared from their memories as she replaced herself with another guard. She finished casting the spell and rushed back to her room before they saw her as she passed through her door with her magic and slammed it shut. She sighed heavily. She hated doing shady things, but she also didn’t want her parents to know what she was up to. As she walked over to her balcony that overlooked the Crystal Empire, she spoke aloud to no pony but herself.

“How am I going to get passed the guards tomorrow?”

She sighed heavily. She knew teleporting was out of the question. The spell on the dungeon made it impossible to teleport in or out of it as a security measure for the king if he ever got out of his cell. She also didn’t want to have to use a memory replacement spell on the guards again as it just felt wrong. She wondered for about twenty minutes about the dungeon. The dungeon was below the castle. Perhaps there was a secret passage into the dungeon. It wouldn't be the first time this crossed her mind though. Afterall all she did find a secret passage connecting the kitchen to the library. Flurry smiled with renewed vigor.

“Alright after breakfast, I’m heading to the library. It’s time to do some research!”