• Published 29th Apr 2019
  • 293 Views, 1 Comments

No Doubts About It - DerpyMinty

On a rainy, but seemingly happy day in Canterlot, a little pony wonders about the future

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A Rainy Day in Canterlot

The ground was wet and muddy. The rain was pouring down. But that didn't stop four very good friends from playing a good game of ball, just like they did every week at the Canterlot stadium. It was a tradition, and a little rain wasn't going to get them down. Granted, they only decided a week ago to make it a tradition, but what's a little mud on the hooves? The weather ponies predicted stormy weather all week anyways.

"We could've picked a better day!" said a blue pony with a minty looking mane.

"They said it would rain all week, Minuette!" another pony replied. This one was white, and her mane was a cotton candy pink.

"Are you sure, Twinkleshine?" Minuette sighed, "they have to be wrong sometimes!"

"But Minnie, they're the ones who control the weather!" a third pony laughed, her mane blue, and her coat a lemony yellow.

"Are you reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllly sure?" Minuette asked a third time.

"As sure as the stars on my flank!" Twinkleshine proudly exclaimed.

"Twinkles!" the third pony was in shock.

Aw, come on Lemon Hearts, live a little, will ya?" Twinkleshine guffawed.

"There' s no reason for that kind of talk, especially in front of Minnie" Lemon Hearts stuck out her chest defiantly.

"Thr nu reesen fu dat kinde tak especie en fru ur minneh" Twinkleshine stuck out her chest in a mocking, exaggerated manner.

"Ugh! Whatever! I can't believe you. Act your age for once!" Lemon Hearts shot back in a sarcastic tone.

"Meeeemenenenemmmeeeneneeeea" Twinkleshine replied.

Minuette watched unamused as they argued over her. "See what I mean, Moondancer? They treat me like a filly!"

No response.

"Um.... Moondancer?"

It was then all three realized that their newest friend wasn't with them any longer.

"Moooooooondanceeeeer!" they called, "where are you!?"

"Mooooooniiiieeeee!" Twinkleshine called, "heeeeere moonie moonie moonie!"

Lemon Hearts was about to turn around and react in disgust to her friend calling for somepony like a dog, but then she saw what, or rather who they'd been looking for.

Moondancer was sitting in a patch of grass, about three feet behind them, all alone. The rain poured down her back, and soaked her sweater. She had insisted on wearing it today, even though it wasn't exactly waterproof. Raindrops stained her glasses, and she seemed to sigh, adding a foggy effect to her lenses.

Lemon Hearts gestured to the others, and together, they ventured over to their friend now sitting in a puddle, in which the rain had gathered.

"Moondancer?" Minuette said concerned. "Is something wrong?"

The pony's head moved, and her ears pricked when she heard her name, but she didn't look up or reply.

The three ponies were now gathered around their soaking wet friend, looks of worry and concern on their faces.


"...What if it happens again?"

"Huh?" Her friends were confused.

"What if it happens again?" Moondancer looked up at them, her glasses, this time, stained with tears. "What if she forgets us again? What if she doesn't love us anymore?"

The three ponies knew to whom their friend was referring. Their old friend, Twilight Sparkle. About a few years ago, their unicorn friend had refused a invitation to a party thrown by Moondancer, and then suddenly left town without a word. For a long time, they wondered why she had left, and where she had gone. Luckily, their other friend Lyra Heartstrings had spotted her in Ponyville, her hometown. They often came to visit Lyra, and would see Twilight many times. However, she always seemed busy with her newer friends, so they thought it would be best not to bother. Quite recently, she became an Alicorn, and even more recently, she was given the title of "Princess of Friendship". She had many adventures, and they saw her at the coronation. Even though she never spoke to them, they were content their friend was safe. They thought about telling Moondancer, but ever since Twilight's departure, she had become more antisocial and self involved. She would often times be too busy studying, trying to hide the heartache she felt.

But all that changed a week ago, when Twilight returned.

As suddenly as she had left, she was back, asking for forgiveness. She had felt terrible about her past mistakes, and abandoning them. Of course, they hadn't taken it too personally, and they were mostly just happy to see her after so long. Moondancer, however, didn't take it as lightly.
They couldn't blame her though, She and Twilight had been best friends since they were fillies, reading all the same books, sharing opinions and engaging in debates. And all for fun, it seemed. Though Twilight had become Princess Celestia's prized pupil, so she could've been studying for that. Being in such a high place, at such a young age, she was envied by most in her class. This included Moondancer.
She had idolized Twilight, taking to everything she said and did. At one point, she even changed her appearance to look like hers, a tiny bit of that phase still remaining.
In the end, it all worked out. Through a series of events, Moondancer ended up forgiving Twilight for her past mistakes, and also let friendship into her heart for the first time since they were in school together.

This is how it came to the ball games. Twilight had left them, returning to Ponyville, to take care of princess things no doubt. But the four of them still had her, making sure to see each other as much as they could. With all of them having jobs and conflicting schedules, it was hard to arrange a time for them to get together.

And now here they were, in the rain, seemingly back at square one.

What if Twilight did forget? What if she never came back? What if she didn't forget but was too busy with royal duties to even come visit anymore? No doubt these troubling questions were in all of their minds, yet they tried their best to comfort their friend.

"I'm sure that won't happen". Minuette said confidently. "Twilight wouldn't do that."

"She did it before, didn't she?" Moondancer sobbed, "she left us!"

"Well, yea, but she came back, didn't she?" Lemon Hearts pointed out. Moondancer was not fazed.

"Yea, it only took her like, a thousand years" she replied through her teeth.

"If you're expecting her to come back soon, the party was just last week. We might not see her for a while now" Twinkleshine said.

They all turned to her, their faces unamused. Twinkleshine blushed, "oops".

Moondancer sighed again, and looked at the ground. The muddy, cold ground.

Let's get out of the rain" suggested Minuette.

The three friends got up, and ran towards a nearby tree, dragging Moondancer behind them.

Safely sheltered, Lemon Hearts tried once again, to comfort Moondancer.

"Moondancer. Twilight is not going to forget us. Didn't you see how sad she was? She genuinely regrets what she did, and she did her best to make it up to us. You, of all ponies, should know this.

Moondancer sighed. "Yeah, I know. I guess I'm just worried is all."

"Well, there's nothing to worry about. Twilight knows we're her friends, and always will be. Why would she have come back if this wasn't so?"

Moondancer shrugged. "Spike probably could've told her" she said under her breath.



"Look guys..." Twinkleshine interjected, "we're all worried that she'll forget us again. We're all afraid of this. There's no reason to be, and yet, we are. But we might as well stick together, whatever the future has in store for us."

"Yeah." said Minuette. Maybe she'll come back, maybe she won't. She probably will, but even if she doesn't, we still have each other."


"And no matter what happens, we're not going to separate either. We'll always stick together. No doubts about it."

Moondancer still had her doubts, but she did feel a little better. It was still raining, but she wasn't mad, or sad anymore. She felt grateful to have such good friends. Even after she had drifted away from them, they had always been there for her. Minuette was always there if she needed a shoulder to cry on, and Lemon Hearts always knew the right thing to say to make her feel safe. Twinkleshine was able to almost always make her laugh. Almost.
Even Lyra, so far away, with new friends of her own. Even she would always be there with her undying compassion and loyalty to her friends.

And Twilight....she had given everything to make her feel better. Her old study, her books, her magic, and, Moondancer was sure, more if necessary, even bringing a friend from Ponyville to help her make up for lost opportunities. And Spike, the little baby dragon, had given her a special reminder of how important friendship is. In fact, Spike had helped out more than she would ever know. Truly a generous friend, even with his "Dragon Greed".

"Hey!" Twinkleshine's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yeah, what?"

"Isn't your house near here?"

"Yeah? So?"

"So maybe we should go there, and not get soaked by the tree!"

"Oh yeah, ha ha!"

Moondancer laughed, and her friends laughed too. Together they packed their things, and headed over to her place, where they had a good rest of the day with hot cocoa and stories.

Yes, Moondancer still had her doubts about the future, and what it held in store for both her, and her friends. But she knew one thing for certain. They were together now, and that was all that mattered. And no matter what challenges they faced, they would always try their best, to stick together, as good friends do.

No doubts about it.

Author's Note:

Amending Fences is one of my favorite Mlp episodes, having to do a lot with personal experiences. I myself have had doubts about the future of my friendships, and it's a tough thing to go through. That's why everybody (and everypony) should know that they're not alone, and there is hope for everyone to have relationships with trust and togetherness. :-)

Comments ( 1 )

This is an absolutely spectacular story. Amending Fences was also one of my favorites because of the ponies it involved. You really got all of the characters down good, particularly Moondancer and her concerns that Twilight might not return. An upvote, a fave and a follow!

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