• Published 18th Apr 2019
  • 486 Views, 10 Comments

Banana - JustNewHere

Twilight Sparkle doesn’t understand

  • ...

Banana na na banana

When Twilight Sparkle walked in CHS, she didn’t know what to expect. Figures, she decided to stop expecting anything remotely normal to happen in her daily life ever since attending CHS but still, it was a nice enough thought to delude herself with. Entering past the double doors, already she was greeted by a bizarre conversation. It began with Lyra and BonBon, the best friends of CHS and a conversation that Twilight honestly could not understand.

“Banana banana banana, ba banana ban ban,” Lyra said as she frowned at the other girl. Bon Bon huffed, turning away while pointing at Lyra. “Banana banana banana banana banana banana. Ban ban banana nana banana.” She snapped her fingers, ignoring the other girl’s tears as Bon Bon ended with a distraught, “Banana.”

Twilight watched as Lyra reached a hand out to the dual toned haired girl before cradling her hand to her chest and running away, muttering “banana banana banana” with tears running down her face.

Twilight blinked, before scratching her head. “What was that all about?” Shaking her head, she headed deeper inside and passed by multiple of her schoolmates who were, oddly enough, saying the same thing as well.

“Banana nana nan a banana,” Microchips excitedly uttered, waving at Twilight once the purple girl was near.

“I’m sorry, what are you saying?”

Her fellow genius tilted his head before grinning smugly, immediately to Twilight’s displeasure. Granted, she may have unknowingly made an enemy out of the boy when she transferred, challenging his genius status and receiving higher marks during her first weeks, which ended up into a silent rivalry ever since but she wasn’t intentionally looking for a rival to begin with. She didn’t know there was a hidden rule amongst eggheads that one shouldn’t correct another in public, she didn’t know and she read the rulebook to be sure!

Now, standing smugly before her, Microchips crossed his arms with a haughty look.

“Banana nana na,” he drawled, making Twilight scowl.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Banana banana.”

Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose before glaring at the rival she accidentally made. “The fact that you’re just repeating that word made you lose some of my respect.”

Microchips shrugged as he inspected his cuticles. “Banana nana.”

Opening her mouth then closing it, Twilight shook her head and stomped away, ignoring the other’s mocking “Na na banana.”

She passed by another similar encounter, with Trixie and Maud.

“Banana banana banana nan a banana!” Trixie joyously proclaimed, raising her hand with a flourish. In contrast to the silver haired girl’s exuberance, Maud let out a monotoned, “banana.”

Twilight earnestly did not understand, further fueled when Trixie dropped her stance and curled in on herself with a blush.

“’Banana?’” She pointed her indexes together as she glanced shyly at the neutral girl.

“Banana,” Maud repeated, making Trixie blush hotter before turning away and hiding her face behind her cape. Maud’s eyes glanced at the staring bespectacled girl, offering a wave. “Banana.”

Eyebrows scrunched up together, Twilight made a move to speak before the stage magician shot up and yelled at the rock collector.

“Banana banana banana banana nana nana banana!” Trixie said, waving her hands with a heavy blush.

Maud blinked.


Twilight decided to leave the two alone as Trixie once again flushed red and hid her face behind her cape.

“What’s happening to everyone?” Twilight asked, panic now rising. She passed by Snips and Snails who were snickering about something.

“Banana?” Snips asked, making Snails giggle harder.


Snips patted the other on the shoulder, nodding sagely. “Ananab.”

Twilight nearly knocked over one Flash Sentry in her haste to get to the band room. She knew her friends would be there, maybe they know what’s going on.

“Ba!” Flash started, wobbling a bit before he glanced at the other girl. “Ba nana?”

“I DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU!” Twilight hysterically cried, gripping her hair.

Flash Sentry raised a hand in a calming gesture. “Banana banana banana, bana na na ban.” Yet this further frustrated the teen. Groaning, she pushed herself off the boy and bolted out of there.

“Banana!” He cried out. When the purple girl didn’t return, he sighed and dejectedly placed both his hands inside his pockets.

Derpy came along to pat him on the shoulder before she offered a muffin, “Banana?”

Flash Sentry smiled as he took the offering. “Ban.”

“Ananab? Banana nana banana,” Diamond Tiara stated with a raised brow.

Silverspoon nodded, smiling mischievously. “Ananab nana a banana.”

The two girls spotted Twilight, hair growing slowly into a frazzled mess as she ran past them.

“Banana!” Silverspoon cried with a friendly hand wave but then dropped it when the older girl paid them no mind. Diamond Tiara stared after the girl, turning to her friend with a confused, “Banana nan a banana?”

Silverspoon tapped her chin in thought before shaking her head. This earned a face palm from the other girl before Diamond Tiara sighed and took out her phone.

Applebloom’s phone rang, startling the girl from her nap with a squeaked “Banana!”

The sound drew the attention of the school’s librarian. “Banana,” she hissed at the blushing girl before going back to what she was doing.

“Nana,” Applebloom muttered in apology before checking her phone. After reading the text, the girl’s pupils shrunk before slapping her head. Focusing, she shook her two friends awake.

“Banana?” Sweetie Belle uttered, rubbing her eyes. Scootaloo followed suit with a yawn.

The country girl showed her phone.

The remaining girls were silent for a moment but after they finished, Scootaloo tapped a finger to her head. “Banana na ananab?”

Applebloom shrugged. “Banana na ananab. Banana na Banana na banana nana na.”

Sweetie Belle placed a hand under her chin. “Banana a nana?”

The two girls nodded. “Nana banana.” This made Sweetie Belle look up again before her mouth formed an ‘o’ and then she blushed. She sheepishly turned to her friends. “Banana banana banana nan a banana na a banana na na.”

Both stared at her incredulously. Scootaloo shouted, “Banana na ananab!?”

“Banana!” The librarian hissed again, startling the three.

“Banana,” the CMC’s muttered in unison. As the strict librarian left them with one last glare, Sweetie Belle whispered, “Banana na Banana nana Banana.”

Applebloom nodded before she began typing in her phone.

Applejack boredly watched Rarity as she went over to each dress. She had been sitting there for some quite time now, staring as Rarity ran back in forth inside the band room and continued perusing each article of clothing.

“Nana,” the purple haired girl began as she held up a polka dotted one. “A nana?” she said as she brought up the striped one next. She turned expectantly at her friend, who replied with a dull, “Banana.”

Rarity scoffed, nose in the air as she replied, “Banana na banana banana.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. When her phone buzzed, she raised a brow once she read the text she got.

“Nana?” Rarity asked. The farmer scratched her head, saying, “Banana na banana nana Banana.” She tilted her friend at the fashionista. “Banana nan banana?”

Rarity matched the other’s confusion. “Banana?” She then tapped her finger against her chin before she exclaimed, “Banana! Ananab na banana banana na ananab.”

The farmer groaned. “Banana na banana nan a banana. Banana na banana na banana.”

Rarity then looked down, pointing her index fingers together as her cheeks heated up. “Banana na ananab banana?”

Applejack flushed red following the other’s statement before turning away. “Banana a na nana banana.” The farmer glanced up when a hand clasped with hers. Azure stared intensely at green.

“Na…banana ananab?” Rarity smiled yet a blush remained.

The other girl shyly smiled, leaning in unconsciously. “Banana ananab,” Applejack breathlessly stated, using her thumb to rub against the other’s hand before she looked up again. “Banana banana na banana.”

Eyelids drooping slightly, Rarity leaned in closer. “Banana.”

Applejack closed her eyes with a faintly muttered, “Banana.”


The two abruptly pulled away. They turned to where the sound originated and stared down at Twilight laying on the floor.

“Banana?” Rarity asked.

The young genius groaned before rubbing her head, accepting the hand that was offered and pulled herself up. When she saw the two, she smiled like a Pinkie and hurriedly hugged her two friends.

“OH YOU TWO HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’VE BEEN THROUGH!” Twilight exclaimed, pulling them tighter. “I don’t know what’s happening with the students in CHS but I thought at first it’s some kind of prank but then I figured, why am I not part of it? Then I thought maybe you all were just pranking me but then I heard Mr. Cranky Doodle doing a lecture and he’s still using that accursed word! And I know he wouldn’t sacrifice a lesson just for some prank so I came here as soon I could but then I bumped into Bulk Biceps yet he wasn’t even helpful so-

“Banana,” Applejack stated, cutting the other off. When Twilight stared with her mouth hanging open, Applejack exchanged a worried look with Rarity before saying in a gentle manner, “Banana nan a banana.”

“Y-You said…” Twilight stammered, pointing a shaky finger at them, “Y-you s-said the w-word.”

Rarity raised both her hands, matching AJ’s gentle tone. “Banana nan a banana, banana ba bana banana.” She then gestured for the other girl to sit. “Banana na banana. Na na banana.”

Both girls jumped when Twilight stood up, tears streaming down her face.


“WHAT’S HAPPENING TO YOU ALL?!” The purple girl then proceeded to hug herself.

Applejack stepped forward, hand ready to reach out to the girl before Twilight smacked it away. “No! What is wrong with you? What’s wrong with everyone? Why can’t I understand you!”

The farmer scratched her head. Rarity seemed to be mulling over something before she smiled and snapped her fingers. She turned to the apple farmer. “A banana na bana banana.” Green eyes blinked before she smiled, nodding in agreement. She pulled out her phone and opened her messages. She did a little swiping before she stopped with a satisfied, “Ban!”

At the purple girl’s startled jump, AJ smiled sheepishly before showing Twilight the text.

Only to catch the phone soon after when Twilight dropped it with a frustrated, “I CAN’T EVEN UNDERSTAND YOUR MESSAGES!”

At the outburst, Rarity stepped forward, wagging her finger in a scolding manner before she adopted a lecturing tone, “Na na banana baba na na!”

“I can’t even feel guilty for what you’re lecturing me for!” Twilight shouted in reply.

Both girls stared sadly at her.

Twilight then straightened up. “That’s it. I think I know what’s wrong.”

Applejack and Rarity exchanged a glance.

“I might have trapped myself in a nightmare. That’s it. I remember now. Last night I refused to eat my fruits when my mother told me to, but I was in a hurry, I was almost close to a breakthrough with my spectrometer Mk. V.” The young genius paused when she felt disapproving eyes on her. She briefly froze before reminding herself that this was just a nightmare, no matter how eerily accurate the Applejack before her could do the “Raised brow of Guilt.” It almost felt like the real one.

Gathering her resolve, Twilight continued while she paced. “That in mind, I locked myself in my lab and refused to come out except for bathroom breaks.” She wracked her brain. “I got out for my scheduled break twenty-one but when I opened the door. My mother was there, giving me the saddest look I’ve never seen her give me before and lo and behold clutched in her hands,” She whirled around, startling the two as she pointed at them. “There was the banana I refused to eat!”

Two pairs of eyes stared, unimpressed, at the girl.

Amethyst eyes blinked before Twilight shook her head. “Right right, preposterous.” Then she froze, slowly backing away. “Or…that’s what you two wanted me to think.”

Scratching her head, Applejack stepped forward. “Banana-

“No! You banana!”

All pairs of eyes blinked.

Blushing, Twilight looked away as she muttered to herself, “It’s useless arguing with Nightmare Applejack. I need to find a way to wake up.” She pinched herself but she remained where she was.

“Come on, wake up!”

Rarity sighed, pressing a hand against her forehead before turning to the farmer. “Banana nana banana na?”

Applejack toyed with her Stetson, shrugging helplessly with a muttered, “Banana. Na na banana nan a ban.”

“Nan a ban?” The purple haired girl asked, unsure.

A shrug before a worried, “Na na banana nan a banana.”

Guiltily, Rarity glanced one last time at Twilight who was pinching herself red before taking her phone and began hurriedly texting out a message.

Banana nab a banana: Banana na banana ba nana banana

Ananab a Banana: Ba ba nana banana?

Banana nab a banana: Banana.

Ananab a Banana: Baba nana,

Rarity took one last worried glance at Twilight who was now slapping herself and resisting Applejack’s help, before sending her last text.

Banana nab a banana: banana.