• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,209 Views, 17 Comments

The enhanced Stallion - Shenzy

When a metallic monster surfaces in Equestria, all clues point to the past...

  • ...

Duck Hunt

Everything was upside down.

The buildings hung from the ground down to the sky... pony's were glued to earth, otherwise, they had fallen of the planet into the unknown, while gravity worked backward.

“Ugh... sooo booooring!” Rainbow wailed, laying on top of a cloud, her hooves dangling down from its sides “Nothing ever happens around here!”

Then a mail-mare came from outer space, to land right in front of Twilight's Castle.

“OUH!” Rainbow snapped and rolled onto her tummy – now everything was back in place.

The gray mare hoofed a packet towards the princess, followed by a clumsy curtsy, which got waved off – to take off again, but not without changing direction, twice.

The purple alicorn was about to shut the door, when a blue stroke hit her “Uhggfff” and made her role backward over the ground.

“What in the...?”

Was this some sort of attack!?

A glance over her belly provided the unwelcome answer right away.

There was a pegasus sitting, holding her packet in hooves - about to tear it open “Rainbow!?” the alicorn got back on her hooves, but still got ignored. “What you think you are doing?”

The paper kept flying in all directions.

“Raainbow Daaash!”

The pegasus continued the paper tearing a few more seconds, before giving a first reaction.

“HU? What?”

“What you are doing!?” repeating the question, taking away the packet with her magic.

“Ey, give that back!”

“That's not yours, what just got into you!?”

“Oh, come on... I just wanted to read it first...!”

Twilight rose and eyebrow at that “Read what?”

“Your new book of course!” she grinned brightly.

The alicorn was utterly confused about this, but… she always wanted ponies to read more... and if Rainbow wanted to pick it up... odddd... but okaaay!

“... alright, but next time, just ask”.

“So cooool!” the pegasus squeezed out.

With that, the book got levitate back into Rainbows hooves, which doubled her effort to open the packet when her face dropped faster than a Sonic-Rainboom.

- Economic Geology: Issue 5# Principles and Practice –


“Something wrong?”


The book got picked up and levitate in front of the princess “Oh I see...” she giggled “I guess you want to start with the first issue...”

Blue hooves stroked over the pegasus face, till they dropped back onto the ground “I'm outta here!”

The alicorn tilted her head “... but, I thought you wanted to read?”

“Yeah, the next Daring-Do! Not about boring rocks!”

Now the alicorn put a frown on her face “it's not boring.”

“For you maybe... but I need something a little more exciting!”

Twilight had a hard time to stay patient since Rainbow Dash never was it on her own... in this regard, they were pretty much like two magnets - pushing away from one another.

“What would you say, if I ask Spike to lend you some of his comics?” it came forthcoming.

“Oh please...” her eyes rolled “...flying mares with superpowers... phhhhwwwww” blowing some air through her lips.

“Than i'm afraid I can't help you... i already told you about a hundred times... -and with this, it would be a hundred and one times, that the next Daring-Dowont come out before next month.”

The pegasus sulked once more on this and let her head hanging deep “Well, thanks...” to drag her body out of Twilight's Castle and up into the air, with lackluster flaps.

“... be patient, but feel free to drop by if you change your mind!” the alicorn shouted after her, before closing the door for good.

“Sure...” she mumbled to herself and dropped back onto her cloud, silently cursing towards the sky... “...can't she just write faster?... maybe I should get over there and... ”

All of a sudden a gray blur rushed by – almost throwing Rainbow off her cloud.

“Sorry, my bad!” it shouted, while the blue pegasus struggled to get back up again, halfway hanging from the edge, while her back legs kept fidgeting around.

“Ey, watch where you flying!” Rainbow replied waving a hoof at her, but the mail-mare was way to busy to listen and kept flying.

Rainbow finally used her head and with a few flaps of her wings got back on her cloud, to watch what was going on.

Derpy landed in front of a door - picked up a newspaper she had just put down a minute ago and replaced it with a second one. Filling the first bag, to empty the second one she had along with her.

Rainbow noticed this and watched her for a while, repeating the process almost everywhere, till she had exchanged as much she could, to fly of again, probably to get ready for a second run.

“What just got into her?” Rainbow wondered and decided to take a closer look, what was all the ruckus about.

Jumping of her cloud, performed a quick loop and snatched herself one of the papers – just to return onto her cloud yet again.

It was just an ordinary newspaper.

“What's so special about that?”

With that, she snapped away from the rubber band and rolled it up...

just a few pictures... all black and white... with the boring story's beneath...

so she plucked it apart like the packet from before, to throw side after side careless of her cloud onto the earth beneath.

“Economy? Away!”

“Politics? Booooring!”

“Sports?” On this side she took a longer peek “What a bunch of losers!” to throw it away like the rest.

“Regional” this was the last remaining page, which almost ended up as confetti... if it hadn't been for one of the headlines, catching her eye.

- Super stallion robs bank! -

“Hmmm...” this one might be worth a minute.

“Yesterday afternoon a spectacular robbery took place, in the town of Galloping Gorge, when a yet unknown stallion entered the local bank and stole valuables in worth of over ten thousands bits...”

“Wohh... ten-thousand bits...” she said amazed, tapping hoof onto her chin.

That was enough, to hire her favorite author A.K.Yearlingfor an exclusive issue, just for herself! Making her grin by the pure thought, just before snapping out of the daydreaming and going back to the rest of the article.

“... according to over twenty witnesses, the stallion was able to break into the vault with bare hooves. It is yet unclear if the robber used some unidentified magic to accomplish this task. The stallion was described as followed: big, brown fur, dark brown mane, blue eyes, white hashtag as cutiemark. Anypony with further inf-...” the rest she didn't bother to read.

Rainbow got down from her cloud and rushed once more to Twilight's door, but this time she was the one to get tackled, right in front of it!

It was Derpy, which tried to get the last site back, but since Rainbow just didn't let go, it quickly turned it into a tussle.

“What's the matter with you!?” the blue one barfed.

“That's myyyyyy....!” it grizzled back stubborn.

“No, Twilight has to see this!” with that the pegasus pulled harder, to free her hooves of Derpy's grip, which was surprisingly strong. Carrying around heavy bags every day wasn't to bad a work out it seemed, but Rainbow wasn't out of shape either, so it was quite a close call, but than the blue pegasus had an idea.

“Look, a Muffin!” she shouted and pointed to her side, which distracted the gray pegasus for long enough to get her other hoof free.

“Ha! Looks like I win!” she grinned and kept some distance, while hiding the paper behind her back... but than Derpy began to sob and her eyes got all wet... then there was sulking and sniffing about the situation. This poor mare, she sure was sensitive about mistakes.

Rainbow might have been a little too harsh, but she sure wasn't heartless “Oh come on... you might win next time” she pleaded in a desperate attempt, but the Mail-Mare now began to cry, which made her feel even more guilty.

“I... I just...”

Now Derpy cried even louder, which already was drawing attention from some pony's nearby.

“Keep it down!” Rainbow demanded, but it was no use, the mare continued to look like the saddest pile of pony there is. She just could not look at this any longer and gave in.

“I'm sorry, okay!? Just cut it out already!” … on this the gray mare slowly got silent, but still sobbed, reaching with her hooves towards Rainbow.

“No way i'm gonna-” the sobbing got louder again and her lips began to shiver.

“Okay, okay! Fine...”

The blue pegasus stepped up to her and gave a short, but embarrassing hug, after which Derpy had big round cheeks and a smile on her face.

Rainbow checked a last time, if nopony had seen this “Just don't... tell anypony” she mumbled and got into the Castle to search Twilight.

“Twilight!?” she shouted through the entrance hall, but nopony was in sight.

The howl first floor seemed empty, so the mare tried her luck upstairs.

The first door “Twilight!?”

It was just a small chamber with brooms and cleaning stuff, so she got to the next door.


Some kind of study-room, filled with bookshelf's, maps and a huge telescope, pointing through a gape in the ceiling.


“Next room!” an annoyed purple dragon answered while browsing his comics.


The unicorn jumped up and fell right onto the ground, while the pegasus made it's way up to her “You gotta see this!”.


Rainbow stepped onto the bed and looked down on the purple mare, which was just about to recover “There was a robbery! Lets bust that guy! Come on, hurry!”

The alicorn quickly got back on her hooves and forgot the lesson about “privacy” she wanted to give Rainbow Dash... yet again.

“Robbery!? In Ponyville!?”

The pegasus slammed the paper onto her bed and pointed hooves “Galloping Gore, yesterday!”.

The alicorn's body lost a lot of its tension when her wings retracted and her stance became more casual.

“... yesterday? In Galloping Gore...?” she rose an eyebrow at her aroused friend,

which nodded excited, while the alicorn picked up the paper, to study what was all the fuzz about.


“Lets pick up the others and go!” the sports pony was almost through the door, when the bookworm stopped her.

“Rainbow, what is this?”


“This” her magic levitated the page up and the alicorn pointed a hoof on it, which made the pegasus come back and give it a closer look.

Half the side was missing... and the rest was crumbled and wet. There wasn't much left to read.

“Is this some kind of joke?”

“What!? NO!” How did that even.... “Derpy did it!”

Now the purple mare seemed confused “You mean, Derpy robbed the bank?”

“No! She ate the site!”

Her friend rose an eyebrow at her, but didn't say anything.

“I swear!”

Twilight sighed and reached the rest of the site back “Why don't you bring me a new copy...” the pegasus tried to get a word in but got silent, when Twilight rose her voice for a moment “...ONE I can read... and then we talk about it, okay?"

The pegasus clenched her teeth but gave in.

“Gah, fine!” with that Rainbow stomped out of the room and left the castle, to give the crumbled page a look. Why she even still carried this around?

a gray blur rushed by and the rest of the paper was gone.

“What the- !?”

Right above her was Derpy again, forcing down the remaining half, after which she sassy showed her tongue and blew some air through lips, before flying away victorious!

Rainbow just stared after her in utter confusion... “... what was THAT!?”

The blue pegasus shook her confusion off, got airborne and flew in a swift move across town to the next news-stand she could find, to search for a fresh copy.

There it was – today'sissue! Once again she plucked it apart...

“Ey, whatcha doing!?” a grumpy orange stallion asked.

“Duh, reading!” she pulled a face and kept plucking.

“That's no library, thus cost three bits!”

Rainbow gave him an annoyed glance “ugh!” and took off –

causing a harsh breeze, forcing the stallion to throw himself onto his papers

- to return about five seconds later -

Once again blowing almost his stand away, but this time into the other direction - and slam him three bit's onto his counter.


Finally, the local part... now all she had to do, was to show it Twilight!

“See ya!” she casual saluted towards the sales-pony and took off in a rush – blowing away half his papers across the street and nearby roofs.

“Yar pay for those!” he yelled, but the blue mare was already gone.

About a minute later, Rainbow was back in front of the castle, giving a last look around, searching for gray blurs... but there weren't any. Alright, so far so good... only thing left was the delivery, but this was about to get tedious.

She just wanted some action! But right now she felt more like a dog, which was running after thrown sticks. Not quite the job for a mare awesome as her...

Rainbow slammed the door open, walked up to her friend and hoofed the site to her.

This time in readable condition and the mare studied it right away, while the pegasus kept tapping her hoof impatient on the floor, till Twilight had finished the article... giggling?

“Well, it wasn't what I had expected, but it sure is funny, thank you Rainbow.”


The site quickly changed hooves. It just looked like before, except for one thing:

her articlehad been replaced with a new one, which the pegasus hasty read.

- Luna in charge! -

“Earlier this morning, a seemingly minor argument got out of hoof, after which Princess Celestia was banished to the sun. Princess Luna stated “Thus cake was mine and she knew it!”. The banishment it expected to last a thousand years, but may will be reduced based on attitude.”

What is this!?” Rainbow shouted in disbelieve.

“Don't you worry, it's just a duck” the alicorn stated amused.

“Hu!? A what?”

Twilight's hoof tapped onto the newspaper “A duck”.

“Why you are talking about ducks!?” it came hysteric.

Twilight sighed “it's a common word for made up articles... jokes... fakes.”

Rainbow still didn't get it “... but, that's not my article!”

The alicorn took another short glance onto the site.

“I can't find anything about a robbery, you sure it wasn't something else?”

“... but I.....i seen it...” she said thoughtfully, but began to doubt her own words.

“Maybe it was a miss-print?”

“... but...”

The alicorn shrugged “Those happen once in a while, that's why I assume they replaced it with...” she giggled once more “...this”.

“So... there is no robbery...?”

“If there was one, I had been informed, don't you think?”

“Uhm... I guess.”

The pegasus felt depressed right now... all the excitement for nothing.

“If you would be so kind and let me finish my book now...” Twilight hinted.

On which Rainbow dragged herself back to the door, but turned around the last time.

“... and you sure that'sa joke?”

With that the crumpled-up paper flew across the room and hit the pegasus on the nose, while Twilight already had her much weightier book in magic grip.

“Okay, okay... i'm going...” she sulked and left the Castle, but as soon she was outside, a bunch of pegasus stormed at her “Woah!”

They were talking wildly through one another and way to fast at that, so she could barely understand a word - let alone silent them for just a minute! They just kept going!

“We need help!”

- Cut it out!

“Where is – Hurry! - she - princess!?”

- Stop it!

“-ergency! Please!”

- I can't understand anything!

“-horri-le -train! - all gone!”

They gabbled in an unintelligible manner, which forced Rainbow to cover her ears, when she finally lost her temper.

EVERYPONY - SHUT - UP!” Rainbow shouted, silencing them at once.

“Gee... finally...!”

Rainbow gave all of them a sharp glance to make sure it would not start again.

“Okay... and now one more time, what's going on?”

An orange stallion was the one to answer “The train -the one to Baltimare, it got attacked!”

“Attacked!? By who?”

“I...i don't know.” he admitted when a mare on his side tried to help out “I seen him! It was um.... an earth pony, a stallion! A big one...” she stumbled together.

“Yes a brown one!” it shouted from behind “A big brown one!”

“Got it!” Rainbow stated and braced herself for a quick start “You guys tell Twilight, I fly ahead!” - and the pegasus shot towards the sky and vanished into the blue.

She might could still catch that guy, if she was quick enough!

Since Twilight had become a Alicorn, she also had gained wings, but despite her great progress, she never would be as fast as Rainbow and therefore - slow her down.

It was for the best if she would go first, since there was no time to lose since the other pegasus sure had taken care of that... and then explaining everything to Twilight and might even gather the others... oh by the time they were done, it would be midnight!

It wasn't the time for words, it was the time for action!

The blue mare made her way quickly towards Baltimare.

The flight would take her just a matter of minutes since she pulled as much speed she could gather – only a Sonic-Rainboom could increase her speed right now, but if she would do so, she might overshot whatever she was looking for.

Watching the ground beneath passing by, looked like a blur painting...

...hills, rivers and trees became one, when a gray railway cut in, kept winding itself over the land, till there was suddenly a collection of derailed compartments standing in the middle of nowhere.

“Hu!?” the pegasus pulled into a sharp turn and began to hover over the area, giving it a closer look.

“What happened?” she wondered, observing the pony groups, which were gathered all around the spot and partial began to wander off towards Baltimare, when her sight followed the tracks further and her question was answered.

A rampaging dragon must have passed by! - the place beneath was wrecked!

The railroad was torn out of place – redirected towards a long furrow, which made it's way down a slope, through a group of knocked over trees and after an obliterated wall, straight into what looked like the remaining of a building – in which she finally spotted the locomotive itself; buried deep within, still blowing a smoke flag towards the sky.

Rainbow didn't waste any time and got into a dive, landing on the property, next to the train-wreck. At least what was left of it... parts were scattered everywhere over the property and looking around it, she pretty much could see from this side of the building - all across to the other side... and it didn't quite look like it was meant to be like this. Of course not! Hack! This place lacked at least three walls and some of it's floors!

No, scratch that. They all were here, but turned to powder like dust!

The pegasus was just starring all around, before noticing a bunch of stallions running up to her, all wearing black vests with a stitched emerald on its side.

“YOU! FREEZE! ”one of them shouted, pointing hoof.

“Maybe this wasn't that good an idea!” it occurred Rainbow rather quickly.

Blue wings began to flap in order to gain height and get out of there, but the stallion above foiled this attempt - jumping off the wreck and tackling her right in the back. They rolled once over the ground and a good tight grip got hold of the mare, which couldn't fight back. “Inform our boss, we got an accomplice!”

Author's Note:

It's been about 4 years when i started this story... and for one reason or the other i just never came around to finish it.
I think... i just kept the last chapter always open, so it wouldn't have to end... and now, there are so many things coming to an end and i start to realize... hey- perhaps that's not a bad thing!(?)

Yes, it can be sad and difficult if things end, but... it doesn't mean we couldn't have a great time until then and... it leaves us open to exploring new and different things, or not? At least i hope so XD Guess only one way to find out!

Hope you enjoy and i manage to write more than MLP Roleplays^^" (admittedly, would make for a nice and long story to be told)