• Published 17th Apr 2019
  • 454 Views, 10 Comments

A Snails Pace - Bee Propaganda

  • ...

Who I Am

It was nice and sunny. This was the ideal day for Diamond Tiara. Well it would have been better if she did not have to spend it cooped up in a carriage heading towards Canterlot with her father, Filthy Rich. Why she would like nothing more than to be sitting on the porch of the family manor reading a book from their library. It seems, however, that her father had other plans for her today.

Her father Filthy Rich, has aged well into his twilight years. His mane and tail have started showing signs of silver streaks that only he seems to be able to pull off. Even though he is getting older each day, he keeps getting more jovial and expressive with his friends and family. He has basically handed his whole business to his daughter except for a few dealings that he personally sees to, but in time he will pass on those to her as well. Teaching Tiara was hard at first, but she seemed to catch on rather quickly for a filly of her age. 'She was always great at learning' Filthy thought to himself while looking at his daughter admiring how much she looked like her mother. A tired sigh escaped his lips as he adjusted his gaze out of the side window of the carriage

She heard thes sigh and turned her head towards her father "Something on your mind, Dad?" Diamond asked

"Nothing important, princess" Filthy Rich responded rather quickly. It seemed he wanted to change the subject rather quickly. "Just thinking and enjoying the view." He averted his gaze from the field that was basking in the noon sunlight. He grabbed a zap apple from his personal basket of apples that he bought from the apples. He made a mental note to restock his supply for the next trip.

"Is there anything that I need to worry about?" Diamond asked her father looking quizzically.

He guffawed looking at her "It's just a business trip, Princess. You have nothing to worry about. You can unwind once we get to the Canterlot. Everything will be all apples" He chuckled at his little joke. Diamond rolled her eyes and resumed looking back outside. He eyed his daughter and a smile crept onto his lips once again. He started "You know, If you want we can stop by that store you like. It is along the way towards the hotel" he suggested.

She look back at him searching his face for any mischievous antics, but found none. It wasn't like him to just give her something. She always had to work for everything, that was their family motto, but she would be lying if she said she didn't want to look at the new up and coming fashion designs in Canterlot. It just felt fishy to Diamond somehow. She decided to try and do some digging. It would give her practice anyways for her future in business.

"So... what is the catch? Dad." Diamond Tiara deadpanned 'straight to the point, I guess' she thought.

Filthy stared back at his daughter smirking he took another bite "You know, I knew you would ask that question, glad to know you still remember one of the family mottoes" He was proud his daughter caught onto these little things that aid in everyday business ventures.

"yea yea, dad" Diamond Tiara said. She was glad that she was able to figure it out so fast, and by the look of it to her he was pretty satisfied with her understanding of the business world. "Anyways, What do you want from me in exchange for the clothes?" she asked getting straight to the point.

"A trip" he stated blatantly. The smirk on his face left as he continued "Diamond, my daughter, it is time for you to fully take over the family business. As you already know, I am beginning to enter into my twilight years. I feel that I have done all I can for you, to ensure your future is stable. Hence, why I brought you with me on this little business venture." Filthy Rich took a second to look at his daughter to make sure she was following along.

She nodded "O.K. I understand. You want me to do this business trip. Where am I going?" Diamond Tiara asked her father. To say Diamond Tiara was ecstatic was an understatement. She wanted to make her dad proud by showing him she could handle all of the things he could and then some. She already had plans to make bigger profits once she had full control over the business. She just needed to do this last "trial" as she put it.

Filthy Rich chuckled "heh.. heh.. Don't get too cocky, princess." he looked at her raised eyebrow and quickly explained. "Where you are going won't be in Equestria. It will be in Griffonia, The coastal city of Feathereach to be exact. We have trade dealings that need to be renewed with them. I decided that if you can handle this, you can handle the whole operation. Once, you have made it back, and I have received a letter that things went smoothly, then I will hand the whole business over to you." Again Filthy Rich took a moment to study his daughters face. 'She really has a good poker face' he thought.

Diamond Tiara played out the scenario in her head. On one hand she would be able to visit a foreign land and learn a new culture, even if it was for just a few days. On the other hand she didn't want to be gone that long. She still had things to do with the business. "What about..."

"The store and warehouse I will handle and take care of while you are gone" Filthy cut her off already answering her question. "I will not force you to go on the trip if you do not want too." he stated. "I just want you to be able to handle other species, and the way they do business. I wanted you to start with the griffons because they are the reason our business has flourished." he smiled and leaned over to his daughter to whisper "all our family motto's they are actually griffon mottos." He laughed. She deadpanned, but soon started to chuckle with her father.

"Are you... sure you aren't... aging backwards?" Diamond Tiara asked her father in between breaths. Her chuckling started to die down with her father's.

"I know I have been acting childish lately, but it is another thing I want you to learn. Not everything has to be about work. You need time to unwind and laugh for no reason." She agreed by nodding along "Anyways back to the topic. Think about it. We will be in Canterlot in a few hours. I want you to take that time to see if YOU..." he started pointing a hoof out at her "... want to do this. I do not want you to consider what I want. You need to decide if you want this. OK?" He asked confirming that he made his point clear.

Again Diamond Tiara nodded. Her mind was made up already, but she agreed with her father. She did want to think about this. "Ok father. I will give you my answer once we reach the city." She resumed looking back out to the field. She saw Canterlot in the background approaching slowly. It was still a few hours away just like her father said. She sighed and began going through more scenarios in her head for the pros and cons about this business venture.

Author's Note:

Bugga bugga