• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 2,981 Views, 46 Comments

P3 Unofficial: The Pony Playtime Project - Bookish Delight

Good little fillies and colts shouldn't read this!

  • ...

2: Second Time's The Charm

He was a perfect specimen of a stallion: chiseled up front, muscled everywhere else, with a shining white coat, eyes as blue as the sea, and hair as golden as his financial standing.

For Rarity, however, his most appealing feature was the fact that he was already wrapped securely between her legs.

They were in an expansive meadow, with greenery stretching as far as the eye could see. Butterflies flew about, and the sun shone over them without a cloud in the sky, with the temperature just right. The air was clean and crisp, easy to breathe, and prone to cool breezes every minute or so.

In short, the scene, too, was perfect. It ought to have been--Rarity had paid good money for it.

The stallion held Rarity close, with the unicorn mare snuggling into his chest, taking a huge sniff of his natural scent--an impeccable blend of wood and musk. She lifted and lolled her head back, a wide and dazed smile across her face. She briefly considered staying in his forelegs forever, but that would be getting in the way of her true plans.

"Mmmm... oh, Prince, what you do to me," Rarity crooned after the longest of exhales. She traced a hoof down his chest. "Especially after having been tamed..."

"But I haven't done anything to you yet, milady," said the white stallion in a corrective, yet apprehensive tone.

He was correct to be worried. Rarity's scowl was instant. "What did you just say?"

Prince Blueblood gasped, his teeth chattering as he attempted to answer. "I-I-I-I-I-"

"Quiet right now or I'll send you back to Canterlot so fast your head will spin," Rarity said, her voice the pinnacle of nonchalance. "Hmmm... or perhaps I'll ship you to Manehattan without a dime to your name. City life might teach you some manners. Either way, you were not invited to my harem..." With a giggling grin, she lightly tapped his snout with her right hoof. "...to talk. Is that understood?"

"I-I-I'm so sorry, Mistress Rarity!" Blueblood pleaded, bobbing his head up and down in several makeshift bows. "Please, forgive my insolence!"

"Hmph. Well, that's a better attitude, at least. But I did bring you here for a reason, and it's high time you fulfilled it." She flopped back, spread-eagled, onto the grass, her smile radiating up to her partner. "Ready and waiting, Oh Princely One. Service your mistress and service her now. And perhaps, based on your performance, you may earn forgiveness for past transgressions." She chuckled. "But likely not."

Without a word in reply, the stallion hovered over her. She closed her eyes and waited, her mouth slightly open, her legs far more so, for the bliss that was about to come. Anticipation consumed her, as hot as ice on her brow...

...wait. Ice? That wasn't right.

Rarity opened her eyes to see small white flakes falling on top of and around them. Greenery slowly turned white as well, and the temperature dropped by one degree every second. Her jaw dropped in horror. "Snow? In the midst of the balmy meadows?"

Blueblood shrugged.

Rarity jumped back to her hooves. "I... I don't believe this!" She gestured around the area. "I did not use my vast fashion empire's fortune to buy a secluded island, complete with a super-deluxe castle bigger than Canterlot's, in the middle of the Celestia-damned equator, just for it to fall prey to Hearth's-Warming-season weather!"

"I could keep you warm," Blueblood suggested.

She pushed him to the side, knocking him on his rear. "Oh, get away. The mood's gone, now. Be glad I don't blame you for that too. Seriously, how in the... brrrrrr!" Rarity sank to the ground once more as the cold overtook her...


...and she awoke to a crash of thunder.

She looked to her left, out the window. A storm was raging outside of a treehouse bedroom that wasn't hers.

It all came rushing back. Another downpour scheduled for the benefit of Sweet Apple Acres. Another crazy book-fueled scheme by Ponyville's resident librarian. Another night of pillowfights, another night of fruit-gorging, another night of makeovers...

...all culminating in another opportunity to put the "slumber" in "slumber party."

"N-Naw, seriously, everypony, I can buck this whole mess o' trees, lickety-split! Just y'all... mmmm... watch me..."

And another night with Applejack.

Ever the blanket hog, and ever the reason Rarity hated sharing beds on general principle. Tonight, it seemed, would be no better.

Her mind briefly wandered back to the signed contract currently lying on Carousel Boutique's office desk, for the largest dress design order she'd ever received in her career. She looked out the window again, and decided that getting sick was officially at the bottom of her list.

Rarity reached over, and spread the crumpled blanket back over Applejack and herself. She sighed in relief as warmth washed over her once more... only for it to disappear as the sleeping Applejack shuffled about on their shared bed.


Rarity grabbed and placed the blanket atop them both again. With a groan, Applejack grabbed the blanket and double-covered herself.

Rarity saw red. That did it. She reached over with a white hoof, and shook her bedmate with a harsh whisper. "Applejack."

"Wha..." The earth pony stirred slightly, but that was as far as it got.

Rarity shook harder, hissing. "Applejack."

"No... no!" Applejack fidgeted back and forth. "I done bucked all the apple trees! Y'all can't stop me from-"


"Gah!" Success! "Awwww. R-... Rarity ? That you who done mucked up my dream? Was havin' my best one in ages, too."

Rarity 'hmph'ed. "Merely paying you back in kind. You're hogging the blanket."

"Say what?" Applejack shook her head. "No I ain't."

"Yes, you are!"

"I'm tellin' you, I ain't."

"I... wha... how can you possibly presume to-" Rarity sensed herself twitching repeatedly, and took a deep breath to regain her composure. "Applejack. You do so in your sleep. I see you doing it, and worse yet, I feel you doing it! Every time I attempt to correct the situation, all I'm rewarded with is yet another draft two seconds later!'

"Well, fine then." With a grunt, Applejack spread the blanket back over the both of them. "There. Now can we get back to sleepin'?"

"Gladly. Good night."

Both ponies closed their eyes. Just as Rarity was drifting along the seas of semi-consciousness, she felt the cold, biting, draft again, this time accompanied by a few drops of rain. With a mental note to ask Twilight to look into insulation methods come morning, she reached over, and was horrified to discover that Applejack had managed to completely roll herself up in the comforter.

"Hnngh... Applejack! That is it!"

With an ivory glow of her horn, Rarity lifted the blanket--with Applejack still inside--a single inch above the mattress. She then unraveled it, sending Applejack landing back on the bed with a soft plop.

Applejack still noticed, however. "Hey! Dang it, Rarity, y'all's about to tick me-" She reached for the blanket herself, but when she got a hold of it, it abruptly disappeared and reappeared back over Rarity, gently fluttering onto the unicorn. She tried again, with the same results. "Wha... what's the meanin' of-"

"If you can't share it, then you can't have it. Simple as that." Rarity "hmph"ed with a smile, lying on her back and enjoying the warmth in the midst of the storm.

"Say what? T'ain't fair, Rarity!"

"Of course it's not! Now you know how it feels!"

"Why you... c'mon! Give it!" Rarity could do naught but giggle as she watched Applejack repeatedly grab--and lose--the enchanted blanket. "All right, if that's the way y'all wanna play it..." Applejack grabbed the blanket one more time, then rolled on top of Rarity as it disappeared. This time, the blanket appeared above, and draped over, them both.

Rarity's eyes widened as she became aware of the extra weight on top of her, and realized just what happened. "What?"

Applejack's grin was Cheshire. "Hah! There! Thought you was soooooo smart with your magical unicorn mumbo-jumbo, didn't ya'? Well, who's laughin' now?"

"Why you... oooooh!" Rarity twisted back and forth under the orange-coated mare. However, she was soon forced to admit that somepony whose life was dedicated to physical labor had a clear strength edge over a tailor and manedresser by trade. "You! Applejack! Remove yourself this instant! Are you not aware of the concept of personal space?"

"I know enough to tell when my personal space is freezin' its butt off." Applejack snickered. "G'night."

She relaxed her body and closed her eyes--and only then did Rarity realize that being trapped under her was a true possibility. "You, Applejack, are a brute. A terrible, uncouth, unfeeling brute!"

"Why, thank ya' kindly, girl. I do my best," Applejack murmured, but still didn't move.

Desperate times, Rarity told herself. If she wanted her blanket and her sanity back, then it was time to get assertive. Her horn glowed as she concentrated... then glowed brighter as she concentrated harder. Nothing happened. She looked up, puzzled. "What the..." More concentration, more glow, same lack of results. "...why won't you move?"

Applejack looked at Rarity straight on. "Whoops! Looks like you just hit upon the family secret, sugarcube," she said with a wink. "Can't nopony short of Twilight or the Princesses magic me when or where I don't want. And Twi's fast asleep."

Rarity's eyes widened, then narrowed in challenge. "Oh, we'll see about that! Loath as I am to sink to your level, but if I must..." Her hooves glowed as she reared her forelegs back. By the time Applejack realized what Rarity was about to do, it was too late for her to mount a defense. All she could do was gasp-

-when, a sudden, super-loud thunderclap and bright flash of lightning stopped the two of them in their tracks. They nearly let out shrieks in stereo, but managed to hoof each others' mouths shut just in time. When it was over, they regained their wits, and simply looked at each other.


"Applejack, I..."

"...Twilight!" they both exclaimed.

They looked over to the other bed. The violet unicorn stirred somewhat, but in the end did little besides wiggle her legs back and forth while babbling. "Mmmm... Princess Celestia... don't need friends... can eat whole pie by my-... mmmm..." She rolled over and was fast asleep once more.

Rarity sighed in relief. "Applejack, look. Like you said, Twilight's asleep right across from us. If we wake her up and nearly ruin her slumber party again? In the exact same fashion, no less? Well, I don't know about you, but it'd break my heart."

Applejack gave an earnest nod. "Same here, sugarcube. I... I'm sorry. This here is all my fault. Gettin' you all mad 'cause of this dumb thing here I keep doin'..."

Rarity ran an emphatic right hoof along Applejack's left cheek. "Oh, don't beat yourself up about it. Blanket hogging is a... perfectly understandable sleep habit. You brave the elements every day, do you not? It's only natural for a lady to desire extra comfort at night, but I can't begin to imagine just how much more that might apply to you."

"Y-yeah. Got it in one." Applejack nestled back against her friend's warm white appendage, allowing a soft, thin layer of coat to caress the same. "That's... that's downright understandin' of you, Rarity."

"I can be when I try." Rarity looked away with a sigh. "Sweetie Belle says that I snore. I happen to think she's an evil, terrible liar, but she insists." She looked back at Applejack, directly into bright green eyes which expertly complemented her color scheme. Perhaps a dress could be designed to bring them out even more? Rarity made a mental note to experiment with fabrics later, preferably with Applejack herself as consultant. "Either way, I can't get too mad at you. I suppose."

"I sure do appreciate that." A happy, determined smile spread across Applejack's muzzle. "I'll do my absolute best to be better about this. Even if it means not goin' to sleep the whole way, just to keep track of what I'm doin'. You'll see." Applejack pushed against the mattress, ready to remove herself from Rarity and reclaim her place on her side of the bed.

That was when she felt her left foreleg being grabbed by Rarity's hoof. "Wait."


Applejack returned to her position atop Rarity, those same green eyes now full of curiosity. Rarity answered them with a coy, inviting smile, and they widened further, causing Rarity to inwardly giggle.

"First off, don't trouble yourself so much on my account. Secondly... we creative types are problem solvers by nature. Now, I originally wanted the blanket for its warmth and softness. However, after experiencing an alternate source of both for the past few minutes..." Her coy expression remaining constant, Rarity ran an exploratory hoof over Applejack's mane. "Surprisingly soft, in fact, given what said source does for a living. I barely feel a thing... oh! Might I check one more thing while I'm busy marveling at your mane?"

Applejack's whole head heated as she blushed. "S-Sure thing. Wow. Ain't... ain't nopony really done complimented me on that sorta stuff before..."

"Merely stating fact. I am a professional, dear." Rarity reached up, gently pulled Applejack down to her level, and took a deep breath. "Oh, my. Perpetually carrying the scent of fresh fruit doesn't hurt either."

"Mmmm..." This close, Applejack couldn't help but inhale the aroma of garden-scented conditioner from along Rarity's neck before raising her head back up. "Careful, now, sugarcube," she said, barely noticing a newfound heaviness in her breaths. "That... that kinda talk might make a gal think y'all were comin' on to her. If y'get my meaning."

Rarity's voice was cool and casual. "I see your point." After a beat of silence, she added, "And what if somepony who talked like this truly were? What might a 'gal' think then?"

Applejack's heart jumped. Twice. Fortunately she was able to stifle her reaction outwardly. "Well, then, she might have to test to see if they were serious. Maybe start goin' out with 'em, see what comes of it..."

Rarity smiled. "...before they ended up in the same bed together, you mean?"

Appkejack gulped. "I... yeah, I see your point."

Rarity simply shrugged. "New plan, then."


Rarity's eyes shone in the reflection of the sparse moonlight. "We work backwards."

She pulled Applejack down, and guided her face until their mouths pressed together. Savoring the taste of the fruit she smelled earlier, she licked around Applejack's soft lips before swishing her tongue between them. On reflex, Applejack opened her mouth slightly, which Rarity took as a cue to gently slip her tongue in, beginning slow, ticklish massages wherever she could.

Applejack stiffened in surprise, her eyes opening wide--only to see Rarity's looking right back at her, blinking once, twice, communicating trust and acceptance. In reply, she followed her friend's lead, her own tongue merely poking at first, but soon swirling against Rarity's outright. She relaxed, exhaled, and the storm was forgotten as heat rose between the both of them.

They kissed for minutes, exploring, enjoying, letting forth slow, simultaneous moans, Rarity's hooves rubbing against Applejack's haunches slowly but firmly, causing Applejack's hind legs to twitch, sending them both into a haze of sensations.

Only when they started running out of breath did they both decide to slow down. Their mouths separated, leaving a tiny trail of saliva between them which quickly disappeared as they licked their lips, smiling at each other.

"W-Wha..." stammered a stunned Applejack. "Y-Y'all just... I just... we-" Applejack stopped when she saw Rarity looking genuinely pensive.

"Was it that bad?" said Rarity with wide eyes, and a pout Applejack was only used to seeing on Winona looking for dinner scraps.

"...n-naw, no it wasn't," Applejack said a little too quickly. "Shoot, you oughtta know that much. Just give a gal some warning before you go tryin' something like that!"

Rarity reached up to caress Applejack's cheek again. "Applejack, dear. You don't prepare for romance, ever. It finds you, when it wants to--and usually when you least expect it. Therefore, the best way to enjoy it is to allow it to sweep you up, like a raging tide, and see where it carries you. True, sometimes it leads to sadness." She pulled Applejack's head closer, until their foreheads touched. "But most times, far from it."

"F-fast learnin' that," Applejack softly replied. "You sure you wanna go so far with such a... well, 'brute?'"

Rarity shifted under the orange mare, wrapping her forelegs around her and moving her thighs in a slow, practiced, and deliberate manner. While Applejack's reaction was once again well-stifled, miniscule beads of sweat appeared on the farmpony's brow in under a minute, and Rarity knew the mood was right for her next words. "I'll admit there are certain benefits to having such a strong, dependable pony in my general vicinity."

Applejack chuckled under rapidly quickening breaths. "Y-you... ever-lovin' silver-tongued... Celestia, they were right about you!"

Rarity stopped. "Who was right about me?"

"Every colt whose heart you've broken just by existin'! Walk round the side roads o' Ponyville, you'll see what I'm talkin' 'bout. Trust me."

"Well, then, wait'll they see us together, hmmm?"

"There'll be open weepin' in the streets, I reckon." Applejack relaxed into Rarity, draping herself over the fashionista, and took a deep breath. "For the record, you... smell an' feel real nice, too. Like... one o' them fancy bubble baths you're always takin'..."

"A lady must be ever refined. But thank you nonetheless. So if we're still working backwards, then... do you want to go to Cloverleaf Cafe tomorrow? I shall pay for us."

"Whoa. Y'mean the fancy shindig on the other side of town?"

Rarity nodded. "That's the one."

Applejack thought about it for all of two seconds. "It's a date, sugar."

Rarity furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't you mean 'sugarcube?'"

"Nah." Applejack entwined Rarity's tail around hers and leaned in for another kiss. "I'd say you've graduated."