• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 4,296 Views, 30 Comments

Breaking Twilight - Shaelyn

Twilight has woken up locked in a small, dark room... her only company the Changeling Queen.

  • ...

Shattered to Perfection

Twilight was feeling sick again. She had enjoyed the pain, she was sure of that much now. But now that it was gone she felt somewhat empty. Like she'd lost something she wasn't sure she ever had to begin with. Why? Why did she feel like this? She tried to clear her mind of thoughts and focus but it was like her mind was clouded and murky. All she could think about was how she felt as the spell took hold of her. Everything else seemed like a storm, circling that one thought. That feeling. All the while she stared blankly at one of the lit gray walls, as if trying to read some secret information from them. She didn't really see the walls though, or the room. She was beyond that, in her own moment of time. Her own sanctuary of pain and pleasure.

"No..." she whispered softly, closing her eyes, "No, this isn't right. What's wrong with me?" Twilight looked around the room, actually expecting Chrysalis to appear with some sort of guiding advice about the love of pain, but she was utterly alone. It reminded her of the time she'd spent reading. Absolute quiet, a chance to be alone with her thoughts. But she didn't like her thoughts, and she didn't want to be alone this time. She just wanted someone to hold her close and tell her that everything would be alright. She'd never known that anyone could be so cruel, and worse yet she'd never realized she would enjoy it so much. It was only a matter of time before Chrysalis returned, she thought, and when that happened she would only have a handful of options.

It had been a while now, and Twilight hadn't slept since her last encounter with the Queen. She had spent most of her time thinking, some of it pacing, and a good portion of it beating her head on the wall to try and stop thinking. It was quickly becoming a vicious cycle, and Chrysalis appeared just as Twilight was starting to pace again.

"Are you ready for more, Twilight?" Chrysalis asked as she looked at Twi with a lusting gaze. Something had changed, and Twilight took note of the fact almost immediately. "It was so hard to stay away." she said, taking two steps forward, her horn glowing.

"I was wondering when you'd show up... I want to know," Twilight stopped and looked Chrysalis up and down. She knew what was wrong... the proportions were. The eyes were too small, the legs too long... the wings were shaped oddly and the horn didn't have holes in it. "I want to know where the real Chrysalis is."

"You're sharp, but she's away on business. You will address me as Chrysa-" the phony was cut short by a sharp kick to the legs, immediately followed by a second to the jaw as she fell forward. The impact knocked the changeling unconscious, and into it's true form. Just another small changeling, she'd fought plenty of them before.

But Twilight wasn't finished with it, not by a long shot. Standing over the creature she put one hoof to its back, and used the other to slap it a few times until it came to. "How did you get in here?"

"I won't tell you anything." it said in a low, raspy voice.

Twilight wasn't happy with this answer though, and she increased the pressure on its back, "That's not how this works, so I'm going to ask again. How did you get in here?" she questioned, not taking her eyes off of it. It had to be a spell of some sort, but then why could she not use magic and they could?

"Silly pony... you demand of me as though you have control here... you are not powerful. You are pitiful, and I wouldn't even have to get up to snap your neck." the changeling spat on Twilight's hoof, causing her to shake it clean without thinking. In an instant she was thrown off balance and then pinned down by the Changeling because she'd given up the tiniest bit of balance, "But the Queen wants you alive. And I want food."

"Well then you're out of luck, because I don't love you." Twilight said, bringing her hindhooves up between her and her attacker. "In fact... I don't like you at all." she finished, launching him up and away, straight into a wall.

"Well done... very well done." Chrysalis said, coming up behind Twilight. Twi wasn't even surprised now when it happened, she more or less just expected it to happen eventually.

"I'm tired Chrysalis. I don't know what to think anymore, I don't know what to do, I just want to go home and pretend none of this ever happened." Twilight said, her eyes never leaving the motionless body of the changeling.

"But it did and is happening, Twilight. You're realizing things you never thought possible, and what's more, you're learning to use them. If you'd had your magic then there's no secret that little changeling could have kept from you, is there? You would have had him begging to tell you everything. You've grown so much." Chrysalis draped a hoof across Twilight's shoulders, and in a flash of magic the body of the injured changeling vanished.

"I just wanted to know a way out..."

"You know the way out, Twilight, is magic. Something you don't have. Your abuse of my poor child was unwarranted if that's your excuse. I think, really, you were just happy to have a reason." Chrysalis chuckled and pulled Twilight closer, whispering in her ear, "But you don't need an excuse, my dear. You have all the reason in the world to do whatever you want to whoever you want."

"Then why can't I kill you?" Twilight said without having to think about it.

"A valid question, but one you'll have to answer for yourself. You had every opportunity before, and still do now. I think, if you really wanted to kill me, you would be trying to right now anyways." Chrysalis let go of Twilight and circled around slowly to look Twilight in the eye. "So, are you going to kill me then?"

Twilight lifted one hoof, stared at it for a long time, and then put it back down. "You're the one that did this to me. You took everything from me... and yet... I can't do it." she hung her head low.

"Yes, I took everything from you. I'm guilty of that, and some day you will surely get revenge for it," Chrysalis said, a wistful smile on her face, "but today is not that day." she said, turning as if to leave.

"Wait, you- you're not going to torture me?" Twilight said in surprise, causing Chrysalis to look over her shoulder in surprise.

"I actually hadn't planned on it. Not this time." Chrysalis replied, her grin growing ear to ear as she watched Twilight's mixed embarrassment and disappointment play out on her face. It had taken a lot of patience, but things were finally going according to plan.