• Published 4th Apr 2019
  • 546 Views, 4 Comments

Equestria Girls: Just the Tip - Whirlybird

You're Anonymous Tip, a member of the Canterlot High Journalism Club that may be in over her head.

  • ...

Brain Fog

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank everyone who's read my story and gotten through it. I know a single chapter story that mostly just sets the stage can be a bit of a dull read. I considered waiting till I had a few more chapters out, but I feel like I'd just keep putting it off if I did that.

Sunset Shimmer, the Queen Bitch of the school I mentioned, both typical and atypical at the same time. I usually expected some pretty fashionista or drama girl to be the ruler of the school, but Sunset Shimmer fit in with the rockers with her guitar and leather accessories. but at the time she didn't know how to play and she wasn't the queen of the school just yet, she was just another nervous girl who wasn't sure what to do with herself.

It was the end of first period and I felt so much better now that I had someone to talk to. Sunset and I compared our schedules and we had a few shared classes. First period Math, homeroom English at third period, a free period for fifth period, lunch for 6th period, and sharing out lass class, Gym at 9th period.

"Free Period...?" Sunset asked as the other students started filing out after the bell rang.

"It's just filler so the schedules fit I guess? We don't have a class after fourth period, so I guess we can hang out in the cafeteria or the library room."

"Library sounds good... yeah." The... huh, I wonder if you would call Sunset a redhead or a blonde? Either way she gives an awkward wave and heads off to her history class, while I got to biology on the first floor.

I started to feel anxious as we broke off and I was back to traveling through the river of of far too much perfume and body spray. The walk to my science class was fast enough, but once I'm there I stand in the open doorway, gawking at the scene as the loudest hair I've seen being restrained by the teacher. There was another girl with very long pink hair sitting on the floor crying and some male student on the floor, blood on his face as well as on restrained girl's sneaker.

When I mean loud, the girl trying to get a second kick in had hair that went way beyond Sunset's two-toned style, tripling up on it with six bright colors going through her hair. It couldn't be a dye job, because that would take way too long for someone so... aggressive and, well, the type of person that seems to be going for a first-day suspension. And who wore suspenders on rolled up jeans?

I just take a seat and keep my head low while everyone else is focused on the chaos. This was a science classroom so it didn't have normal desks and chairs, instead there were this large cabinet tables built into the floor and walls of the classroom, with sinks and faucets built into them, and everyone was sitting on stools instead of the regular plastic chairs.

I was so focused on the scene that I jumped when the girl next to me whispered in a conspiratory manner.

"That brute of a boy asked out that rather timid dear over there. Didn't take a 'No' very well, and well... the other girl didn't take that very well." She told me with a hand covering half of her mouth while she leaned in close.

Good lord how did I not notice this girl? Okay, a bloody curb-stomping is super distracting, but while the blue girl getting dragged out of class by the Science Dean had the loudest hair I've ever seen, this girl had the most glamorous hair I've seen in real life. The meticulous curls of her long hair, the way the colors faded from a lighter shade to a darker one, definitely a dye job, but a very good one.

I started to feel anxious, this girl was way too pretty for me to sit next to her. The long lashes, makeup, the ivory skin, the pale blue dress with a brighter baby blue ribbon on the front and purple trim and sleeves that fit her perfectly... this girl was one of those fashionable, popular girls. I feel like I need to hate her just on the principal of the matter.

"Are you alright darling? You seem a tad... pale. And..." She makes a face. The girl looks like she wanted to say more, but bit her tongue.

"Oh! Uh... n-no, I'm fine...! Just... surprised by that whole thing." I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. I really should have expected something like this, everyone else seems to fit in with a group and look that part, even if it's the first day and all of us are just freshmen.

Guess this is what happens when you miss middle school.

"My, um... my name's Tip. Anonymous Tip." I introduced myself as best I could, since it seemed like class was going to be delayed for at least a few minutes, and I may end up spending the rest of the semester next to the girl. I lead with Tip because it's a lot easier to say than 'Anonymous' in casual conversation.

"Rarity, darling-" She said, planing a hand on her petite chest and flashed a charming smile as if she'd practiced it a hundred times. "-truly a pleasure to meet you, Tippy dear."


Well if I didn't feel small already, that would have done it. I haven't been called 'Tippy' since I was 12.

"Uh... nice to meet you, Rarity. So, um... what do you know about those two girls?" I asked sheepishly, letting my own curiosity guide the conversation.

This seemed to be the right conversation, as Rarity's eyes lit up at the opportunity for idle gossip. We spent the next few minutes talking about the two girls and their potential relationship with each other. The girls were apparently named Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Guess which one is which.

"-Rainbow and that boy will both no doubt be suspended. That's the usual rule for any sort of fight in schools. That Fluttershy girl probably won't though..." Rarity added shortly before the teacher returned and told us to grab a textbook from the shelves. I offer to get Rarity's as well when I get up from my stool and head over there with the other students.

Rarity was surprisingly easy to talk to, but perhaps it was due to the fact that we both had a very interesting subject matter to talk about? I doubt it would have gone so well if Rarity had shifted the topic to fashion of hair-care. Thankfully that bullet was dodged, but not for long given the look of the fashionable girl, so my only hope is that she'll take pity on me and know enough not to ask for my opinion on clothes.

I grab two textbooks from the shelves and hurry back to my seat, setting Rarity's and taking a seat before actually giving the cover a good look at it.

Confusion takes hold of me and I look over at Rarity's book to double check.

Then I look at the books everyone else is holding.

"This is our textbook?" I ask, feeling that awkward sensation taking hold as Rarity looks at me with a raised brow, then looking around at everyone else's textbooks.

"Of course it is dear... why wouldn't it be?"

This was the exact same textbook I had been provided when my mom started home-schooling me. I open the book up and go to a random chapter. Yup, it's the same. Were all my textbooks like that? I didn't get an Algebra textbook in first period, but a paperback book, certain pages of problems would be our homework when assigned.

"I... think I've already read this book? Like... all of it." I mumble quietly as the teacher tells us to turn to page 394.

Rarity gives me a funny look, eyes narrowing briefly as we both turn to the page. I stay quiet as the class continues.

I did my best to focus on the pages in front of me during class, but my mind kept straying to the idea of all of my textbooks being high school level. Soon enough the bell rang and I gave Rarity a wave before hurrying off to my homeroom class, English. I breath a sigh of relief when I see Sunset Shimmer sitting down, and even better there was an empty seat next to her. It was a little awkward at first, but I was two for two on school social situations, so the morning was looking good!

I also spy that I'm not the only girl with going with the sweater, jeans and sneakers look, we even had the same green skin, we almost looked like sis-

-The bell rings and I put away my copy of the book 'A Midsummer's Nightmare' in my bag. The class as surprisingly awkward at first but at least Sunset was there and the time passed fast enough. I suppose that's how it goes when you're with an... acquaintance? Was friend too soon? Rarity already seemed weirded out and I didn't want to push too hard with Sunset.

Huh? Why did you want me to stop?
'What about the other girl?'

What other girl?