• Published 7th Apr 2019
  • 941 Views, 3 Comments

The CMC in the real world - DarkyBoode32

Declan Hunt returns home from a pre Christmas holiday, however as he is a fan of MLP FiM he gets a big surprise on his way home.

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The big surprise

I had woken up, in the guest bedroom that I’d slept in for the past couple of nights at my grandfather’s house. It was the last day afterall and we were about to head back up on a long 48 hour road trip to Duluth. However as soon as I woke up I’d just noticed that my dad started to pack our stuff and all of our personal belongings that we needed into our suitcases, it was about time we started to get going.

“Declan” my dad hissed, as I glanced at him out of the corner of my groggy eye “get up, we’ve gotta get going!” I sat up and looked at him.

“Okay dad” I said as I slowly lifted myself out of my bed.

“Okay” my dad spoke “you need to hurry up. We’re leaving in an hour, so get dressed go brush your teeth and go have your breakfast downstairs. It should be ready by the time you do all that.”

“Okay dad” I said as I found the clothes that I was gonna wear today sitting on the edge of my bed.

I did what had been insisted. I’d undressed myself out of my pyjamas and put on my clothes. Since we were still in Louisana and it was fairly warm, I wore some shorts and a t-shirt for the start of the day. Just like everyday I visit my grandfather. I then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then I headed on downstairs to have my breakfast. My grandfather usually cooks our breakfast before we get up, which I have to admit saves up a lot of time when it comes to our day. So I went downstairs, my grandpa had cooked some sausages and made some waffles covered in maple syrup for me to enjoy. It was my favourite breakfast afterall.

“Hey youngin” My grandpa greeted as I stepped into the kitchen.

“Hi grandpa” I said as I walked to a stool situated at the kitchen table. I sat down and began to eat away at my favourite breakfast that my grandpa had cooked. As older people usually need less sleep it was completely normal for my grandpa to be awake earlier than us and make our breakfast before we got up. I really did enjoy visiting my grandpa that most of the times we visited I did not want to go back home. However at least now I had enough time to start talking to him as we had an hour left before departing.

“So” he started as he sat on a stool opposite of me “ah heard taday is yer last day here. Ah really wish ah could come with ya up ta Minnesota and celebrate Christmas in the chilly cold.”

“Yeah” I said as I jabbed my sausage with my fork “It really does suck when I have to leave. Although my dad and I have one hour here before we depart, we can share what’s the same and what’s different about each other’s places.” There were a few differences and similarities about my grandpa’s place and my place. First of all, my grandfather’s house looks all scrubby. The carpets, the curtains and the overall look of the house looks way different to our modern suburban house back in Minnesota. As old people usually prefer the scrubby look to their houses, but after a while of staying you can get settled in quite easily. My grandfather’s house also has no internet or wifi, so the best use of using my electronics while visiting him is by playing offline games. Most of the time I usually surf the web, however offline games are fun nonetheless.

Some similarities about my grandfather’s house is that this place feels hospitable and like home. My grandfather and I usually do share a much bigger bond between my dad and I as he is able to tell secrets and hide things that only I can know about but my dad can never know about. This makes him a more trustworthy and greater person than my dad. My grandfather also barely drank alcoholic drinks unlike my dad. When he does drink alcohol, he usually drinks rum which is more alcoholic and intoxicating than my dad’s prefered alcoholic drink brandy.

We just sat there at the kitchen table the two of us. Discussing what both our homes were like and what similarities and differences there were. By the time my grandfather spoke up again however, we’d just finished our breakfast and I was on the verge of leaving. “Well ya had a great time ah guess didnt ya?” He asked as he carried his plate over to the kitchen sink.

“Yes” I said “I had a great time here in Louisiana with you, but I really think it’s time to go home.” My grandpa strolled to the other side of the kitchen table and was now standing right next to me. He rested his arm on my shoulder while also having a look on his face with bewilderment.

“Well ah thought ya liked it here” he stated “why do ya wanna go? Ya usually never want ta go home when ya visit me.”

It was true however. But my grandfather didn’t have any internet in house old scrubby home, and it didn’t usually snow in Louisiana. Once I got back up to Minnesota however it was yet to be blanked with white heavy snow. As I prefered the cold over the heat I wanted to go back to the frigid temperatures of Minnesota and start to move away from the nice warm weather of Louisiana. “I know grandpa” I responded “but it’s just that I miss the cold and wifi. And I do prefer winter over summer, and it doesn’t snow in Louisiana but Minnesota is a whole different story.”

“Well Okay, ah know ya like the cold weather a lot better than the warm” My grandpa started “but we both are meant for each other if ya know what ah mean.”

He was right, I knew it was too good to be true. “Yes, you tell me secrets that only I can know about but my dad can’t” I started as I began to reflect on what times I had with my grandfather and who he was. “Yesterday you told me a secret that meant a lot to me. You collected my mom’s breast milk before she died and a few days before I was born. You froze it in a password protected freezer for over 12 years, and then just yesterday you tell me about this.” I quickly glanced behind me to make sure my dad wasn’t around. Thank god he wasn’t, if he would’ve heard this conversation both my grandpa and I would be in deep trouble. I quickly finished what I was saying “And then you defrosted it and I drank half of it. And that was one of” I felt a tear begin to fall down the cheek, it was just too heartwarming “It was...one of the most meaningful things you and I have ever done.”

I then got up from my stool and held my grandfather in a tight embrace. “Thank you again grandpa” I said as I hugged him tight. I then kissed him on the cheek, showing how affectionate and heart melted I was towards my grandpa.

“Ya don’t need ta mention it youngin” he said as he gently stroked my back “Ah love ya more than anything else in the entire world.” We let go of each other, just soon enough that I heard some footsteps and clattering coming from the stairs. It was my dad carrying our luggage down the stairs. “Well Declan” My grandpa said “it was fun. But as ya said you like it cold better than hot.” My grandfather then turned to face the front door and finished “so get back home ta Minnesota and enjoy the freezin’ cold winter. Also...”

He turned back around to face me and said “have a great Christmas.” I nodded, but I also had to say something as well.

“Also grandpa, I think I should visit you more during the summer” I stated “I know I hate the heat and everything. But if we’re inside most of the time with the air-con on, I guess it will give us more time to get together as a family rather than just going out and doing the outdoor activities we usually do.”

My grandpa smiled “Okay then...” Before he could continue to speak, I interrupted.

“Plus Minnesota is boring in summer, whereas Louisiana is more thrilling during summer.”

“Alright youngin, it’s a deal then” My grandpa proudly said as he glanced at the window.

I decided to look away and focus my attention on what dad was doing. It turns out by now he’d only retrieved two suitcases and had loaded them into the car. He was about to get the last suitcase which was ungodly huge compared to the other two we brought with us. Before he made his way upstairs to retrieve it however he asked me “Hey Declan, do you want to help me carry the big suitcase down? It’s a bit too heavy and I kinda need some help.”

I nodded in reply “sure dad, I always help you carry the big suitcase down.”

“Okay” my dad said “Come on then.”

I followed my dad upstairs to our guest bedroom. He grabbed the edge of the big suitcase and pulled it out of the room. “Now I want you to lift the back of the suitcase up so that we can carry it down” my dad insisted. I nodded and did as was told as I lifted the other side of the suitcase up. I usually lift the back of the suitcase up as I am not quite strong enough to carry it down the stairs via the front, and for me it’s usually easier to push the suitcase forward rather then pulling it towards yourself. It makes it easier for me as I am still a young and fragile kid. We then smoothly carried the suitcase outside to the boot of the car, which was quite big as we own a Porsche Cheyenne. We then closed the boot and got in the car.

I checked the time, on my dad’s watch and saw that it was only 9 o’clock. We were about to leave any moment, but just before my dad could turn the keys I saw my grandfather run out of the house and towards our car. He seemed to be running towards me, so I opened my door. “Hey youngin” my grandfather said as he approached me, but suddenly surprised me with three kisses.

“I love you grandpa” I said as I hugged him back. I hadn’t even buckled up my seatbelt yet so now was a good time to say my goodbyes.

“Hey dad” my dad interrupted from the driver’s seat. My grandfather turned away from me to face my father and listen to whatever he was about to say. “It was pleasing coming back to visit you, as always. But we really need to get going now, we have a Christmas to enjoy.”

“Well it’s really no problem at all Sean” my grandfather replied, and yes that was my dad’s real name “but take care while ya can, ah love ya son.”

“I love you too dad” my dad spoke out to my grandpa.

My grandfather then made his way to the other side of our car and opened my dad’s car door. He surprised my dad with a kiss on the cheek and then said “Take care son.”

“I sure will” my dad said with a smile.

“Enjoy the cold back in Minnesota, Declan says that he loves it” my dad chuckled at my grandfather’s words.

“Okay” my dad responded “Even though I prefer it warm.” Before we were about to leave however, I wanted to say a quick farewell to my grandpa before we drove off.

“Goodbye grandpa!” I called from my seat, which quickly got my grandpa’s attention.

“Bye youngin” My grandpa greeted back “take care the both of you, have a great Christmas.”

“Sure will” my dad said as he closed his car door. I shut my car door after my dad and quickly buckled up my seat.

We drove off and while we were at it I waved back to my grandfather as we drove out of his driveway and onto the road. Another successful vacation with visiting my grandfather, as always most of our vacations with my grandpa were successful as they’re usually more family oriented than activity oriented. It sure was gonna be a long trip home after all, as we were gonna be driving for 48 hours. Just yesterday my dad refuelled the car so that we don’t have to stop quickly at a gas station on the way back. We were also driving all the way back up to Minnesota, so it wasn’t surprising that we were gonna have many stops on our way up. We also had plenty of food that would help last me the whole trip, and all was good for the 2 day road trip.

My thoughts at the moment were focussed on MLP FiM, the show I grew to love and had a strong relationship with, now that I was a brony. I couldn’t wait to get back up and start watching it again. I hadn’t even caught up with all the latest episodes so that was one of my jobs once I got back home. If my memory serves me correctly I believe that I was up to Season 6, and from then on there is Season 7 and 8 which I need to check out as well.

On our way up, we passed through various towns that I couldn’t recall all the names of. My dad didn’t stop yet to refuel the car as it was halfway empty just as we’d passed through Louisiana and I’d eaten enough snacks to keep me going. Our first stop though was Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas. Which meant it had only been 7 hours in the car. I had drank so much beverages that I myself needed to go for a number 1 in the bathroom by the time we’d arrived at a local gas station. “Okay” my dad said as he pulled over next to one of the gas pumps “We’re just gonna take a short bathroom break and refuel here. If you want to buy something also please let me know, Declan.”

I nodded and replied “yeah I want something. I think I will have some Gatorade as I hadn’t drank that in a while. But I don’t want anything to eat yet, I’m not that hungry.”

“Okay” my dad said as he got out of the car “I will buy it after I go to the bathroom and refuel.” I slowly got to my feet after spending 7 hours straight in my dad’s car and boy were they weak. Usually after you don’t use your legs for a while they usually become weak and feel disfigured and that’s what I was experiencing at this very moment.

My dad and I stumbled all the way towards the men’s public bathroom. The women’s and special needs bathroom were both located on the inside of the gas station, however the men’s bathroom was on the outside! However I thought it was a good thing so that I didn’t have to stumble all the way into the gas station with these weak legs of mine. Surprisingly my dad was getting across fine on those strong legs of his. However I was young and couldn’t walk very well after not using my legs for a while. There had also been a slight change in temperature as soon as I’d gotten out of the car, since we were in Arkansas now. The temperature slightly dropped by about 50 degrees, and boy did it start to feel chilly.

I managed to stumble all the way to the bathroom though, and once I got to the door I pushed it open and collapsed on the ground below me. The struggle was real, I hadn’t used my legs in a while and it felt like I was walking on crotches. However as I collapsed I thought I saw a blue blur out of the corner of my eye on a nature strip. To me it looked like a portal of some sort, however I thought that I’d check it out later as now I had to pee. I got up off the floor and slowly stumbled towards the urinal and went for it. Once I had finished doing what I was doing I went outside and stumbled back to the car. However I thought I’d noticed three colourful blurs out of the corner of my eye while doing so. I looked again and, no. It could not be! How? What? Why? Was I dreaming or going insane? Was my DID getting worse? What was going on?

I was suddenly interrupted by my dad as he approached me from behind. “Okay Declan, be good” he insisted as he approached me “I’m gonna go refuel the car then I’m gonna go buy what we need okay.” I tried not to smile or look euphoric in front of my dad, as I was in shock of what I’d just seen.

“Okay dad” I said trying to sound as confident as I could.

“Right” my dad said as he went over to our car to refuel it. I looked again, towards those three colourful blurs I’d just seen. I quickly glanced at my dad to make sure he wasn’t watching though, and thank god he wasn’t. He was too distracted refuelling our car, and I’d suspect he’d then go inside to buy my Gatorade and whatever snacks he needed.

I then brought my focus back to whatever I’d just witnessed, I decided to make it quick and I quickly stumbled towards three colourful small figures. One of the figures was a light yellow, another was white and the last one was orange. As I had approached them though it came clear to me. They were fillies, but not just any ordinary fillies. Right in front of me stood Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, those three filly characters from the show MLP FiM. I didn’t know if I was mentally unstable or what, but I tried to approach them as best as I could without letting out any euphoric squeals as I was actually seeing them. I decided to speak...“Hi” the three fillies flinched as they heard me speak.

“Ah” Apple Bloom yelped as she stepped back “what are ya?”

“Not only that, but where are we anyway?” Scootaloo asked as she lept next to Apple Bloom.

“Girls, calm down” I said as I tried to look as innocent as possible.

“Calm down?” Apple Bloom spoke out as shuddered upon seeing me “what even are ya? A witch?” I almost laughed, however I was more concerned for her safety rather than my humor.

“Are ya gonna hurt us? Please don’t, please don’t!” Apple Bloom panicked, I really started to feel bad at seeing her reaction to me, really. As much as I love the CMC and watching the show MLP FiM I really hated it to see the three fillies scared of me.

“Hurt you?” I said in bewilderment.

“I don’t think he’s gonna hurt us Apple Bloom” Sweetie Belle spoke out as she eyed on me “he looks really nice.”

“Nice? Nice?!” Scootaloo barked “You judge a book by its cover don’t you Sweetie Belle?”

“No, really” I said “I really am a nice person. I don’t want to hurt you or anything. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Well...” Scootaloo started as she tried to find the right words “Okay then, just what are you and what is this place?”

As much as I felt the need to ask if I was mentally insane or not, I decided to introduce myself. “Well hello” I said as I kneeled down and shook Scootaloo’s hoof. “My name is Declan” I introduced “I am a human, and I was just on a holiday with my grandpa. But I’m just coming back.”

Scootaloo looked up at me with slight uncertainty on her face. “Okay then” she was still unsure about me as she backed up a little. “Well Declan” said Scootaloo “Do you know where we are right now? Do you live here?” I was extremely flustered by Scootaloo’s response, surely I couldn’t give the exact details of where we were located but I had to give her something as the orange filly was waiting for an answer.

“Well” I said “you’re in the human world, this is earth.” If I wasn’t hallucinating all of this though and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were actually there standing in front of me, I had to ask them something nerve racking. “Okay, well I have one question” I said “you did you three get here?”

Sweetie Belle was surprisingly the first to reply and she spoke up. “Well we were sent here by mistake when Twilight was trying to teleport us somewhere” the white unicorn filly started “and she got distracted and messed the spell up, then sent us here.” Teleport? I wondered myself what Twilight was trying to do. However I thought that it wouldn’t be important at the moment, as I eyed the unicorn filly with content. Was she there though? Was I mentally unstable? I don’t know what was going on, but I tried to stop my nerve racking thoughts and talk to the three fillies to assist them.

“Well” I said “that’s such a shame. But could Twilight teleport you back?” I was wondering if Twilight being the princess of friendship had the courage to be able to locate the CMC and teleport them back to Equestria where they belonged.

“Well sadly, no” Sweetie Belle stated as she stared at the ground “so I’m afraid that we’re stuck here, and I don’t even know the spells that Twilight knows.”

After being in complete shock after encountering me, I was surprised to see Apple Bloom approach me with ease. “But while we’re at it, why don’t we intraduce ourselves?” Apple Bloom asked as she held out her hoof. “Ahm Apple Bloom” she said as I shook her hoof “and these are mah two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We’re from Equestria, and we’re part of a group called the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Pretending I didn’t know her, I spoke up.

“Okay, I see” I said as I let go of her hoof “Well, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m a nice person really, but while I’m at it why don’t I bring you all home with me?”

“Well that would be very nice” Sweetie Belle commented with a beaming smile of hers. She really is the cutest character in the show, and there is no doubt about it. “You are a very nice person then Declan” she said as she approached me.

“Well alright” Scootaloo said, accepting my offer “If it gets us home faster.”

Just as I was about to lead the CMC to my dad’s car however, I had to quickly check if my dad was still refuelling the car. And boy he wasn’t, he was probably inside buying my Gatorade and some other snacks that he was gonna eat. I also didn’t feel mentally stable after seeing 3 small fillies from a land called Equestria. Shut up Declan a voice from inside my head said they’re real, this isn’t a dream. You only have mild DID so there’s no way you’re gonna hallucinate anything. I followed my mind’s orders, it was true however. DID wasn’t even a hallucinating mental disability like schizophrenia, so it was obvious to me.

“Alright Declan” Apple Bloom spoke “Ya gonna take us in?” I quickly checked the gas station window, my dad was purchasing something from the refrigerator. It was either now or never that I was gonna take the three fillies home with me. But what would my dad say? What would he do? He wasn’t gonna allow me to raise three talking ponies from some magical land called Equestria.

Before I could make my command however Sweetie Belle spoke up “What’s that metal thing with wheels over there?” She was obviously talking about the car. As far as I know they don’t have cars in Equestria, but instead they have carriages used as taxis in Manehattan. However this wasn’t a time for questions this was a time for making my move.

I peeked into the gas station window again, my dad was moving towards the cash register. “Okay Crusaders” I said “I’m gonna put you in the boot okay. Nobody can see you, it’s dangerous for you out here. Even if my dad sees you he’s gonna forbid me from keeping you in my house.”

“Okay” Scootaloo whispered “then let’s go already.” I raced out from the nature strip and towards my dad’s Porsche Cheyenne. The Crusaders followed me from behind while being cautious of their surroundings. By sheer luck I made it to the boot. And quickly shifted two of our suitcases to the backseat. With only the big suitcase being in the back it was big enough to fit all three fillies in.

“Quick guys” I spoke “Get in the boot, hurry.” The three fillies did as they were told and lept up into the boot.

“Eh” Scootaloo complained “It’s a bit cramped in here.”

I replied quickly “When I get the chance, I will move the big suitcase for you. Try not to make noise also otherwise my dad will hear.”

“Okay” Sweetie Belle said “I will try to be as quiet as I can, I promise.” Once all three Crusaders were in the boot, I shut it quickly.

“Declan!” Apple Bloom moaned “that scared me.” I quickly got back in the back seat and replied to her.

“Sorry Apple Bloom” I said “My dad is gonna be out of there any second, now is your time to be quiet.”

“Will do” Apple Bloom replied, while doing the gestures of a pinkie promise.

I had done it. I had taken in three fillies from Equestria and they were all tucked into the back seat of my dad’s car. There was no doubt that this was all in my head, and today couldn’t be a dream. Just before I had realized my dad had walked out of the gas station with two bottles of Gatorade in his hands as well as a couple Hershey’s bars and a couple cheeseburgers and fries to keep us going for the trip. He got into the car and spoke up. “Well Declan” he said “I got two Gatorade bottles, since you know you really love Gatorade and you were very good on the holiday. I decided to get you two.”

“Okay dad” I replied “Thanks, for giving me some special treatment.”

“Also” my dad said “This here is dinner, two cheeseburgers and some large fries for us to share. And also these chocolate bars are for dessert.” I was actually surprised that dad went through all that trouble, just to get us dinner and dessert for us on our road trip.

“Well thanks” I said “but first I’d like some Gatorade.”

By the time my dad backed out of the gas station I checked the time on the dashboard. It was 5:30 PM, and dad was gonna be driving all night long without sleeping. I also couldn’t believe that I had the Cutie Mark Crusaders from the show MLP FiM at the back in the boot with me. It was like I was dreaming or something, but I knew it was too good to be real. I also tried not to let out a squeak in fanboy shock, which I was honestly very hard to do. Considering the fact that I had 3 cartoon ponies from a magical land known as Equestria in the boot behind me.

However as we’d journeyed further north on our road trip I’d finished my burger and fries that dad had purchased as my dinner. However I decided to sneak a few bits of my burger behind to the Crusaders without my dad even noticing. He was too busy paying attention to the road and had the radio on loud in the front seat to be worrying about what I was doing. I had also eaten half the chips my dad had offered me, and I left the rest to the three fillies. It sure was gonna be a long trip home afterall, and a rough one as well now that I have the Cutie Mark Crusaders actually there, in the boot of my car. I just had to keep it cool though and not get noticed by my dad, and the trip would be a safe one.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Now I was originally not meant to have this chapter seperate from the first one. This and the first chapter was all meant to be all 1 chapter, but I thought that it would be too long so I decided to split them both. Also I hope the CMC weren’t too out of character, and I will see you in the next one.