• Published 23rd Oct 2019
  • 1,449 Views, 6 Comments

The new guy in town - Lance Darkwater

  • ...

First Meeting

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfic, I hope you all enjoy!

The students of Canterlot High School were slowly walking down the hallways, talking to each other as they mentally prepared for their classes. Unfortunately, one particular boy was struggling to find his own class. He had ash grey skin, and was wearing a navy blue vest, black shorts and what appeared to be combat boots. The only odd things about his clothing was a symbol of what appeared to be a pink heart with an omega symbol in the centre. He had black hair with a crimson streak running through it, which had been tied up into a ponytail.

Wondering what to say when he finally got to his class, the boy failed to take notice of his surroundings, and tripped over someone's foot and crashed face-first into a locker...

"Ouuuuughhhhhhhh, What a way to start your first day at CHS, dumbass!" he thought to himself, slowly starting to pick himself up off the floor. Then, just as he was getting to his feet, he was immediately whacked in the face and knocked back onto the floor by a large, grey hand...

The boy groaned as his sight returned to him, and was greeted with a trio of boys wearing what appeared to be dog collars. All with malicious smirks on their faces. "Well, boys. What do we have here?" the green-eyed one asked his comrades.

"Dunno, but I wanna' know what he's got in his pockets. Hehehehehe..." The ginger-haired brute said, while holding him by the neck. "Hey, why don't ya' let me be, that way, none of you get a bollockin' from the principal" the boy threatened.

"Haha, look guys, the weenie's tryin' to act all tough, ain't that cute." He said, mocking his captive, provoking a blush to form on his face. "I'm serious!" he warned, with a very pug-like expression on his face. This only provoked the boys to laugh, turning his face into a scowl.

"Very well!"

The only sounds that were heard were a crunch, followed by a loud, girly scream that could be heard from across the hallway.

Something tells me it's gonna' be one of those days...

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were sitting next to one another in Ms. Harshwhinny's Classroom, trying not to fall asleep in another one of her lessons on Greek mythology. There was supposed to be a new student arriving here today, but he seemed to be running late. Pinkie was honestly more curious about what this new person would be like.

"Hey, Dashie?" she whispered. "Do you think the newbie will be a boy, or a girl?"

Rainbow raised her head in confusion. "Why does it matter to you?" she whispered back.

"Well, if 'it' is a guy, you might really start feelin' hot and steamy around him..."

Rainbow just blinked. She had never needed the company of a boy to feel happy, why would it be any different when the new guy showed up? But before she could say anything, Ms. Harshwhinny spoke first.

"Now, who can tell me the name of the titan who devoured his children to try and keep his position as master of the universe?"

Everyone just stared blankly, causing Ms. Harshwhinny to growl in frustration. Some of the more intellectual students were too busy banging their heads against the desk at their fellow classmates' apparent stupidity...

"Honestly, didn't any of you study for this last night?!"

All of a sudden, there was a a loud thud!

The new boy had ran into the door while trying to escape the bullies, and slipped on the wet floor.

A girl with green hair and a red beret quickly rushed over to the door, pulled the handle to open it, and was greeted with the student lying on his back.

"Goodness!" she yelled, shocked to see him in such a state. "Are you alright?"

The boy looked up to see her with her hands over her mouth. "Yeah, never better..." he replied. "Either I need to look where I'm going more often, or you clearly need a sign for wet floors."

The surprising thing was that he seemed to be perfectly fine. Whoever this new guy was, he seemed to have rather high pain tolerance.

"Oh, sorry. My name's Lance. Lance Darkwater." He said, getting to his feet. The girl couldn't help but smile. 'What a fascinating and aristocratic name' she thought.

"Tis' very nice to meet thee, Sir Darkwater." she greeted. "Oh, and who might you be, fair maiden?" Lance asked politely.

"My name is Watermelody, but my friends gave me the nickname of Drama Letter." she replied. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Watermelody. I hope to meet many more lovely people like you at this school."

Lance was about to talk to the other students, but he noticed Ms. Harshwhinny's impatient glare. "Oh, am I interrupting the lesson? Oh goodness, I do apologise."

"God, he's easily been the most polite person to ever talk to me..." Ms. Harshwhinny thought.

"Oh, and for the record, I believe that titan's name was Kronos." He said while sitting down.

The duration of the lesson was spent listening to Ms. Harshwhinny explaining what had happened after Kronos had swallowed his children.

She explained that in place of his last child; Zeus, he had actually ingested a rock wrapped in a cloth. This was a cunning plan concocted by none other than his wife; Rhea, who spirited Zeus away to an island, where he would spend most of his life in a cave, before returning to free his brethren from his father; Kronos!

No sooner than the bell rang, every single one of the students made their way into the hallway.

Lance himself was the last one out, as he had been properly introducing himself to Ms. Harshwhinny. After no more than two minutes, he waved goodbye and entered the hallway.

'Right then, Darky-boy. You fancy chasin' some butterflies?' he thought to himself.

In case some of you are wondering, he's got women on his mind.

A blue-skinned girl with spectrum-coloured hair sprinted past him, and stopped at a group of six others. When Lance saw her face, only one thing passed his lips.

"Woah! Hello there beautiful. Where have you been all my life?"