• Published 7th Mar 2019
  • 236 Views, 0 Comments

A love Lost at Sea - Kastrinn

Robert has experienced something phenomenal and breath taking. Seeing his encounter as a once in a lifetime with a beautiful creature of the sea, it'll shock him more with the true meaning behind it.

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The Beginning Charter

The boat rocked in the waves, water splashing against the sides of the fishing boat in a white noise in the night. The equipment was stored in its proper places, the day’s awards place in the cooler ready for the reaping when back at land, and a overall cool night with the gentle breeze enjoyable for anyone. Inside the cabin, and within the sleeping quarters laid the captain of the vessel in bed. For a calm night, the night was not the same for him.

Tossing and turning with sweat forming across his forehead, a dream was haunting him for the past few days. The past coming back once again with a freight train weight of emotions, causing him to tear up in his slumber. Memories of fellow friends and family plagued his mind, eerily forming as a storm brewing out at sea, literal and figural waves of emotions rising and crashing upon the fishing boat of his mind. Soon, there was a wave as large as a tsunami on the horizon in the dreamscape, a thought filled with doubt of ever returning. Home. As soon as it hit, he awoke from his nightmare. Breathing heavily and wiping the tears from his eyes, he got out of bed and slowly stumbled out of the sleeping quarters.

“You’re alright… It was just a dream… Everything is okay, Robert.” He said to himself, brushing back his hair. Robert walked out onto the stern under the cloudless night sky while having grabbed a drink from the mini fridge from inside. Looking up at the stars, Robert couldn’t help but feel pain from his current situation, even after how long ago it was.

“5 years…” He said to himself in count of how long he’s been here in Equestria. Almost a nightmare in itself from being ripped away from the world and life he knew before, he considered how he’s managed to live this long without drowning himself to wake himself up from this dream on his own. Only to be saved from doing so by the help from the inhabitants of this world. God knows if it hadn’t been for Princess Celestia, someone he’d consider a friend at least, Robert wouldn’t have been in Equestria for five years.

As much as hates to say it, Celestia had been more help than he would’ve considered needing within the first year of his time here. Persuading her “little ponies” to be able to trust him, and to even be able to run his business. Taking ponies out on the water for deep sea fishing, and going out to catch fish to sell for exotic meals for the other races that had the taste for the fish he caught. It didn’t pay him millions, but it did help him get by with bits to spare outside of buying essentials for him to thrive.

And with Celestia’s help afterwards, she became a pen pal quite quickly after Robert set off to do his own thing in Equestria. Sharing tales about his time being required by the Princess as insurance policy that Robert wouldn’t do anything risky.

After finishing his drink, Robert went back inside the cabin, turning on a small lamp as he brought up a small portable writing desk, setting it up to begin writing a letter.

‘Dear Celestia,
Apologies about the lateness of the time writing of this letter. But I realize it’s been a while since I sent my last letter. Business has been a bit slow as of late, with the weather getting colder and the fishing season soon coming to a close. But it has been all the while enjoyable as it has lasted. I will be soon packing up as requested of you later tomorrow after I have dropped off my catch from today. Again, I feel as I must thank you for all you have done for me since my arrival, I don’t know where I would be if you haven’t done what you could for me. I wish you luck in your current endeavors, and I thank you for inviting me to the castle for the holidays. -’

Robert paused, considering about including the dreams he’s been having as of late. But he brushed the thought off, not wanting to bother her with something that trivial. Even after all Celestia has done for him, there are still things Robert couldn’t let others handle for him.

Signing off the letter, Robert rolled it up and wax sealed it with an enchanted stamp. The parchment suddenly lit to life in a green flame as it then flew out the window in a wisp of smoke. Walking back outside, Robert looked back upon the night sky once more. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes as the sound of the sea surrounded him. The waves hitting against the fishing boat, the creaking as it rocked in the water, the splashing of the water off in the distance.

Robert’s eyes snapped open, looking towards the sudden sound the best he could under the light of the moon. He could almost see something shimmering in the water, glowing something of a aqua hue mixed with the blue of the water slowly moving closer to the boat.

He peered closer into the water at the object, jumping back in shock and falling on his ass as a creature hopped out of the water and hang on the side of his boat. Looking at him, the creature studied Robert, obviously never seeing something like him before. Robert did just the same, being more scared to hell and back until both locked gazes. His green eyes staring up to the creature’s aqua colored eyes as it leaned over and inside the boat.

Time felt like it froze, as if there was something keeping him from fleeing and removing his gaze with this sea creature. In the moonlight and being considerably closer to him, Robert was able to get a better look at it. This creature looked like a pony mixed with a fish of some sort. Its scales glistened, beads water rolled down its toned silhouette and dripped onto the boat floors. A story was being told within their locked gazes, as if both his and the sea creature’s entire lives were being told to each other in that moment, and it felt like it would have lasted forever...

Until it was broken by a parchment bouncing off his head and landing in his lap. Fear came back into Robert as he then ran straight to the helm of the boat with the letter in his grasp, quickly starting the boat up. Robert’s sudden departure and the roaring of the engines of the boat spooked the sea creature back into the water. Whatever that was that happened, Robert wanted nothing to do with it. And so he drove off back to shore, fear in his heart for what had occured.

By the time he had gotten to shore, the sun had risen above the horizon. Slightly shaking from the experience, Robert tried his best to brush it off as he managed to dock the boat and tie it down by himself. In an attempt to distract himself, Robert began to unload his catch from the day before, loading it up in cold storage at the dock and filed papers about his catch for record sake.

Remembering about the letter, he went back to his boat to read it and soon actually noticed the royal seal on it. “Saved by the bell…” He chuckled slightly, thankful about the timing of the letter for when it arrived.

‘Dear Robert,
I am glad that you have agreed to come to Canterlot, it has been some time since we last met in person and will be nice to hold your company again. You have no need to thank me, my friend. Maybe if you feel like you must, you can take my sister and I for a fishing charter I’ve been hearing so much about! Word of your business has travelled far from the coast to Canterlot besides just hearing about it from your letters.

Looking forward to seeing you, you’ll know where to visit as always once you arrive. This time the coffee will be on me.

- Sincerely,


With a sigh of relief, Robert went onto parking his boat in the docks and packed a suitcase full of clothes and other necessities. With everything set, he headed off towards the train station, but stopping one last time to look out into the ocean before him. Shaking his head of the memory of the sea creature from before, Robert went back on track and boarded a train to Canterlot.

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