• Published 6th Apr 2019
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Pinkie Goes To The Dentist - TPC-2k16

Pinkie goes to the dentist.

  • ...

Pinkie goes to the Dentist

It is a beautiful, sunny day in Ponyville.

Inside Sugarcube Corner, it was busy as always. Ponies stopping in to buy their favorite sweets, or just to chat with their friends.

Pinkie is at the counter, taking orders, telling both Mr. and Mrs. Cake the ponies’ order, then the two carrying out the food to the pony.

As soon as the entire place was less busy, alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, walks into the establishment, a smile on her face when she sees Pinkie at the counter.

“Hi there Miss Pie. How are you on this fine, beautiful sunny day?” Twilight joyfully asks to Pinkie after walking over to the counter.

“Absolutely fantastic! Especially when my friend comes and visit me,” Pinkie says happily, both ponies smiling bright, “So, what are you here for?”

“Why, I’m here for you?”

“Me!” Pinkie smile gets even more bigger. “And what you need me for?!”

“I uh... well," Twilight’s smile goes away as she puts on a more serious face, speaking more seriously, "It’s time to go to the dentist.”

Now Pinkie’s smile goes away too, turning , more into a horrified frown. “NO!!!” She yells loudly before ducking under the counter, holding herself as if she’d seen a scary ghost.

“Pinkie Pie," Twilight uses her horn to levitate Pinkie out from behind the counter, placing her by her side, “You specifically asked of me to take you. And to also forcibly hold your hooves down while the so-called ‘evil, most terrifying monster’ works with you.”

“Oh, did I?”

“Yes! You even told me five months in advance. If it wasn’t for me being such a great planner, I would’ve never remembered.” Twilight brings up a calendar with today's date marked ‘Pinkie Pie, Dentist, Early Morning’.

“Oh," Pinkie says sadly, “Well, we better get a move on then, if we’ll gonna make it, there.”

* * *

The two ponies are both walking on this fine, beautiful sunny day to, what Pinkie calls ‘the most horrifying, most evilest place in all of Equestria’.

“Say, I know this may be troubling for you but... why are you scared of the dentist? Exactly?” Twilight asked her friend, seeing as how she’s not her usual happy self, also by noticing how she's dragging her hooves.

“Oh. Well, since you are a good friend, I should tell you why.” The two ponies stop walking, going over to a bench to sit on while Pinkie tells her story.

“Once upon a time, when I was just a little, little filly, living on the rock farm, with both my parents and my siblings, still no cutie mark, I wasn’t the pony I am today. In fact, I felt so sad that I probably would’ve never even recognized me if I didn’t even know it was me.”

“Yeah I know. Before Rainbow’s 'sonic rainboom', you definitely weren’t the pony you are today.” Twilight interrupts Pinkie to tell her of what she already knew.

“Sorry. Continue on.” Twilight feels a slight embarrassed, blushing a light red.

“Ah yeah, true. I really was that type of pony, was I,” Pinkie says relieved, "Now where was I..., ah yes. As a filly, I didn’t really talk to anypony, especially my own family. Until one day, my mom, seeing as how I wasn’t the happiest bunch, took me to the dentist. But with the way she'd described it, it was the ‘most wonderful, happiest place in all of Equestria’. And you know what? I believed her. In fact, it was one of the first time I’ve ever actually, truly, smiled. I thought it was what I needed to be happy,” Pinkie gives a small smile, a sense of liquid pride flooding her eyes, "I believed this place was the best -est, most fun -est place in all of Equestria. Until I got there, that is. What I thought would’ve been fun wasn’t. I mean, what’s fun about some pony you’ve never met before forcibly opening your mouth and "supposedly" fixing your teeth?”

Twilight gives an uncertain strug, nervous smile.

“So from your story, I’ve got that your mother just wanted the best for you, so she says of how the dentist is the ‘most wonderful, fun -est place’ there is, just to make you smile and be happy?” Twiligh picks up from Pinkie’s tale.

“I guess so. Her heart was in the right place but..., it just felt so scary.”

Twilight gives her friend a hug, patting her on the back.

“Say, if you are so scared of the dentist, then... then why did you ask me to remind you and bring you there? If you're so scared of the place, then why did you even schedule an appointment in the first place?”

“Oh,” Pinkie breaks from the hug, “I guess I thought, finally, that I was gonna face my fear, and was gonna do so with your help. I guess I just forgot about the whole thing and instantly felt fear the moment you came to get me.”

“Pinkie Pie. If you look at it, you’d never told anypony, especially your friends, about your fear. Yet you still scheduled an appointment despite it. I’m guessing so you could face it head on.”

“Wha... I’ve never thought of it that way before,” Pinkie thinks for a second, “I guess I did. And I asked of you to come for support, I guess.”

“It’s never easy for just one pony to face their fears sometimes, I know, but with the help of a friend, I know you have it in you.”

“Aw thanks Twilight," Both ponies exchange smiles, “With your support, I’m sure to overcome this.” Pinkie says with a newfound confidence.

“And remember what you, yes you, once taught me.”

“To giggle at the ghosties. To laugh in the face of what you fear.” Pinkie said, now back to her usual, happy self.


“Well, then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

Pinkie and Twilight both start walking towards the direction of the dentist's office.

Pinkie knowing she had it in her. To overcome her fear.

* * *

After about five good minutes of walking, the two ponies made it to ‘Dr. Clydespony's Dentistry, DDS, PLLC’.

“Here we are. You nervous?” Twilight asked Pinkie.

“Nervous?” Pinkie thinks to herself. “Honestly, no. Not at all. But scared? Yes. Still a little scared.”

“You’ve got this.” Twilight says comforting to her as they both head on inside.

The inside of the dentist office looks exactly like what you would think.

The waiting lounge area having two couches, a few standalone chairs, a fish tank, and lots of magazines scattered on the coffee table in front of the couches.

“You wanna go check in yourself, or you want me to come with you?” Twilight asked Pinkie, her looking to be taking it good so far.

“Oh... come with me. For now. At least.”

The two ponies walk over to the check-in/out desk, the caramel colored pegasus (light brown mane and tail, toothbrush as cutie mark) soon getting to them.

“Why, hello there. I believe it’s been a while since we’ve seen you last, Miss Pie.” The receptionist greets them happily, sounding with a more southern accent.

“Uh huh. Been a long while.” Pinkie said back to her nervously.

“Now, you’re here ‘cause you have an appointment with...," The pony looks through a spreadsheet on her desk, "Dr. Clydespony himself," She looks through a calendar on her desk also, “Ah yes. Just a simple teeth cleaning,” The pony gets up from her desk, “I’ll be sure to tell the doctor that you're here and ready. Have a seat while you wait.” The pony opens up a door to walk into another room.

“Oh yeah, I’m definitely ready.” Pinkie said, still nervous.

“It’s okay. If you want, I can come in and be with you. For emotional support.”

“No Twilight. I have to face my fear all on my own. You're a good friend for helping me make it this far but, I have to do it alone.”

Pinkie smiles at her friend, Twilight giving one back.

“I’m proud of you.”

Soon enough, the same door opens to reveal a unicorn mare coming in. “Um, excuse me miss. But the doctor is all ready to see you.” The pony dressed in proper dentist assistant attire says. Saying this, of course, real happy, with smile and all.

“I got this.” Pinkie tells herself as she goes over to the pony, following her through the door to where she’ll finally face her fear.

Twilight on the other hoof, just walks over to sit on one of the couches, levitating over one of the magazines provided.

She knew her friend had it in her.

* * *

Pinkie followed the dental assistant over to a small room, consisting of the usual dentist chair with overhead light, a rolling chair besides it, and a counter in the corner with shelves attached overhead.

Walking in, the air smells dry, with a little dental toothpaste with it.

“Now, you go have a seat there while I get the doctor," The assistant tells Pinkie to do, pointing to the dentist chair, bright smile and happy sounding, “He should be with you very shortly.”

“Uh huh. Sure...” Pinkie says still real nervously, sweat beading down her face.

She goes over and takes a seat in the chair, thinking of happy thoughts.

“You can do this. You can do this. You can-“ Pinkie looks over to see on the counter a bunch of sharp, pointy and shiny dental supplies, getting scared a little more, “I can do this! I can do this! I can-“

Pinkie gets interrupted when she hears the door open, walking into the room being the one and only Dr. Clydespony himself.

He greets the pink pony with a smile, going to sit down on the rolling chair besides her.

“Now dear, it’s certainly been a long while since I’ve seen you last," Doctor Clydespony says to her sounding happy like, “Now, I know how you get when around dentists like me, but you can trust me. Right, friend?”

“Uh huh. Friend.”

The dental assistant goes over to her, levitating up the supplies needed to work on her. Pinkie noticing this, her expression going from 'alright' to 'nono, NO!'.

“Okay. Just give one big ‘ah’ and-“

“No!” Pinkie interrupts her, trying not to stare directly at the two, shielding her eyes with a hoof.

“This may take a while.” The doctor whispers over to his assistant.

“Need me to get the gas?” She whispers back.

Pinkie turns her head back to them only to have to turn her head away again.

“Not yet. But be prepared to when ready.”

(25 minutes later)

Twilight is still in the waiting room, sitting on one of the couches, busy boringly reading a magazine article explaining about the science of wooden stools.

Though coming out from one of the side doors is Minuette herself.

Twilight looks up from the magazine to see her old friend again, surprised for sure.

Walking over, she greets her warmly, asking: “Minuette? What are you doing here in Ponyville?”

“Oh you know. The usual.”

“And that would be...?”

“Uh, you know. The usual.”

“Yes, but don’t you have a shop in Canterlot to be at?”

“Yes. I’m just here to quick study up more on my dentistry skills.”

“Dentistry skills?” Twilight looks worryingly. “But I thought you were a timekeeper? From what your cutie mark says at least.”

“Oh Twilight. Just because my cutie mark means that, doesn’t mean I have to only do it for the rest of my life. Geez, even I thought the 'Princess of Friendship' would know that.”

Twilight looks at Minuette’s flak, then her own’s, then giving an awkward smile. “Um, yeah.”

Minuette smiles back right as the dental assistant from before walks back into the room.

Twilight, happening to look for an end to her and Minuette's conversation, gladly walks over to her.

“So, how’d she do?” Twilight asked.

“Well, your friend did, your friend was still a little too scared for the dentist, so we had to go to extreme measures, and use laughing gas on her.” The pony smiles right after.

“Laughing gas?” Twilight asks right before Pinkie walks into the room, still looking all loopy from the gas.

“Pinkie Pie. Are you alright?” Twilight goes over to help her friend, her walking a bit unbalanced and trembling.

“Alright? Why wouldn’t I be.” Pinkie said loopy like, smiling. Then laughing like how a crazy pony would laugh.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine,” The dental assistant said, “We only gave her a small dose. She should be back to normal... this coming Tuesday.”

“You do know that’s like seven days from now, right?” Twilight asks.

“Ah well... yes,” The pony points towards the check-in/out desk, "You should head there next. The pony there will explain everything. Maybe.”

Okay.” Twilight looks at Pinkie, her looking though like she should be getting ready for bed. “I’ve got it covered.” Twilight saying comfortably to her friend.

Twilight walks over to the check-in/out desk, the pony from before being there, busy looking through paperwork while eating a sandwich.

“Why, hello again, Princess. Are you here to help pay for your friend's bill?”

“Oh well, I guess I am.”

The pony starts going through her files, finding a folder with all of Pinkie’s dental records in it.

“Let me see here... ah yes,” She looks through it once before placing it down, giving a big smile towards Twilight, "That’ll be two hundred and forty five bits please.”

Twilight’s mouth opens wide, both surprised and shocked.


“Well let’s see. First, there’s that pesky tax requirement. Plus the doctor isn’t cheap.” The Pony says happily.

Okay. But why still so much?”

Hmm,” She puts a hoof to her chin, “Probably the laughing gas. You know how expensive that can get, am I right?”

Twilight just blows a raspberry at the whole thing. “Please tell me at least that Pinkie has insurance to pay for it, aye?”

“Insurance?” The pony starts laughing hysterically (loudly if you must know).

Twilight gives her usual sigh before bringing out a small bag of bits, filled with exactly two hundred and fifty bits.

“I was gonna buy Spike’s birthday present with these but, since I’m a good friend.” Twilight levitates over the bag to the pony, she immediately stops her hysterical laughter right as the bag is transferred over to her.

“Now this will do. Let me write you a receipt for your records.” The pony randomly slides under her desk.

“Well, today was a weird day.” Twilight looks back over to Pinkie, her still not looking too good.

After getting the receipt from the pony, Twilight walks back over to Pinkie.

“So, Pinkie, this may be a dumb question but, how you think you did? Do you still fear the dentist?”

“Fear him?’ Pinkie answers her question, still loopy. “Why, I believe I can do anything.” She says right as she loses her balance, collapsing on the floor, Twilight having to pick her back up.

“Hmm. I may have to ask later.”

* * *

“So Pinkie Pie. What do you think of the dentist?” Twilight asks her friend ten days later.
