• Published 12th May 2020
  • 472 Views, 21 Comments

The War in Heaven - voroshilov

A failed space flight kickstarts a chain of events leading Twilight Sparkle and her friends to become embroiled in a war that will decide the fate of all of reality.

  • ...

IV. The Beginning

“When first I stood in the household of the Emperor, Nicholas, I was cowed by the mere sound of his breathing. Then, he turned to me, and spoke. I had expected his voice to terrify me, but it did not. He spoke sharply, with authority, but also a deep kindness, his language ancient and poetic. ‘I hath heard that thou hath writ many tomes on the workings of mine own government. Shall thee do the same with this event?’ On my affirmative, he continued. “Wonderful, thou shalt write favourably of myself, hmm?’ He gave a jovial laugh afterwards.”

- The Assembly at Arcadius by Remulcador Axis -

Iron Shield had not left Celestia's side since he had seen her, he had made several threatening moves at Luna but Kyhron's sword and Nicholas' soul burning stare had dissuaded him from acting on them. Fortunately, he always carried a medical pack with him, allowing Fluttershy to work her healing magic in the metaphorical sense whilst Twilight worked hers in the literal.

"Should I issue my call early?" Kyhron asked, as he, Luna and Nicholas surrounded the table at the far end of the room, with Rarity sat in an observation position.

"Yes," Nicholas responded, "we shall require soldiers to assist us here. I doubt Luna or yourself need the assistance, but many of the others do," he gestured to the ponies in the opposite corner, "I require them alive. They are important to the plan."

"The injured one as well?" Kyhron questioned, with a hint of malice in his tone.

"Even her. The first Act is yet to be completed, it has only just started, after all. Joining us, however, as our newest member, is Rarity here.” He gestured with open palm at the pony, who waved up at the titans around her, "she has displayed a remarkable aptitude to our cause and methods," his straining of the word led Kyhron to give as surprised a look as he could, "I am assured you will respect her, I know that I do. I can say that Luna does too."

Kyhron looked at the pony, whose cheeks had again flushed red, really standing out against her white coat. He regarded her fully for a moment, before nodding to himself and addressing her, "my Father trusts you," he said, leaning in close, "and Luna does too. I am inclined to believe they are correct. My own instincts also tell me to trust you. But, do not forget, no matter how close you may get, if you step out of line I will slaughter you."

"That is quite enough," Luna said, causing Rarity to look up at her with a certain admiration, "Nicholas, I should like to request something."

"Go ahead."

"I should like Rarity to be assigned as my personal attendant," she turned to Kyhron, "just as Kyhron has Neveron, I shall have Rarity."

Nicholas was silent for a moment in mock consideration, "very well," he said, "I suppose now you shall wish for Sovereignty? Might I interest you in Sagittarius? Or perhaps Perseus is more to your liking?"

Nicholas and Luna laughed together, before Kyhron turned to Rarity, "very well," he said, "it appears you now outrank most of the Empire. You are lucky to be a favourite, you know."

Luna swooned in mock outrage, "scandalous," she said, foreleg crossing her brow, "how ever will the press react to that?"

"Wouldn't be the first time," Nicholas mused, to the laughter of Luna and shock of Kyhron.

"The boy had earned my respect," he said, "even if his private affairs were a little unconventional, he was still an excellent warrior, a true terror on the battlefield."

"I'd heard he was one in the bedroom too," Luna giggled, causing Nicholas to wheeze and Kyhron to huff, before he too joined in with a bone chilling chuckle.

"Damn you," Nicholas spluttered as he choked on something, he waved a claw at Luna. He coughed, before clearing his throat, "good one," he said, to the laughter of his companions.

"Excuse me," Rarity's voice was a whisper in comparison to the others', "I'm not sure I understand."
Nicholas just managed to contain a laugh, "oh," he said, sneaking a glance to Luna, "it's nothing to worry yourself about."

"Well," came another voice, one Rarity didn't recognise, "I wouldn't say nothing."

Everyone on the table turned to behold the new arrival. They were about three metres tall, clad in white armour over a black bodysuit, with a large vertical square plate attached to the left shoulder. Their helmet was in their right hand, revealing a pale face with buzzcut blonde hair, a thin nose and grey eyes.

"Commander Traal," Kyhron said, "you're here early."

"Imaginifier Neveron contacted us shortly after you set off, Lord Kyhron. The Fleet of Righteous Conversion and the Second Combined Fleet of Sanctified Charity are ready for orders, with the main force around four days away," Commander Traal saluted, slamming their fist across their chest.

Emperor Nicholas rose from his seat. “How many are you?"

"Seven and a half million, my Emperor, with seven hundred and fifty seven ships available."

"You command the force?"

"No, my Emperor, that would be Imperial Admiral Tauox, aboard the Sanctity of Truth."

Emperor Nicholas was silent for a moment, before he huffed, "begin landing your forces, Kyhron has provided you with co-ordinates, establish a defensible perimeter at eight hundred metres and bring the cruisers into low orbit."

"At once, my Emperor." The Commander saluted again, before removing a small pad from a box on their right hip. They stepped away to communicate, allowing Nicholas to sit down again.

"It is beginning," he said, "we shall make our way to the Gate. My ritual begins there. Luna, gather every pony who will follow you into battle. Kyhron, ensure this city is empty by the time the Gate opens. I will begin my ritual when I arrive, so be ready."

Both Kyhron and Luna nodded, the former rising and marching with speed to the Palace entrance, with the latter rising and turning to brief Rarity.

"How many of your friends will come with us?" She asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

"I can probably convince Rainbow," was the reply, followed by a pause for thought, "perhaps Applejack, and maybe Fluttershy. I don't think I could convince Twilight and I don't even know where Pinkie is."

Luna nodded gravely, "very well," she said, "Kyhron shall take care of Pinkie Pie, and I shall personally deal with Twilight. I need you to get everyone else you can to follow, it would be better if they didn't have me bearing down on them."

Rarity nodded, trotting over to her huddled friends with a rising but still unsure sense of urgency. From the corner of her eye, she caught Luna, who was looking out over Canterlot in silence. The distant sky was white with cloud, aside from a black mass moving slowly towards the city. She passed it off as a quirk of Equestria's weather and began her approach.

"Hello," she said, before falling silent when Rainbow launched herself at her.

The blue pegasus stopped within half an inch of Rarity's face, "what in Tartarus is wrong with you!" She half questioned, half exclaimed, "you sat laughing with them? After what she did to Celestia! I can't believe you!"

Rarity looked to Applejack, who had a sour look on her face and was mumbling what she assumed were curses under her breath. "Rainbow," Rarity began, in an attempt to appeal, "you don't understand."

"I don't understand? She nearly killed Celestia! Only that thing stopped her. Nightmare Moon, probably something far worse, is stood right over there and you were joking with her. What's happened to you?"

"Rainbow," Rarity said, far more forcefully, causing Rainbow to fall silent, "let me explain," she calmed herself for a moment, before speaking again, "That is Princess Luna, the real Princess Luna. Celestia betrayed her, she simply exacted vengeance. Whether you agree with it or not, that is what happened. Now, are you going to stay here, where we are all probably in harm's way due to circumstances beyond our control, or are you going to join us in moving to safety?"

Rainbow was silent, so Rarity continued, "Emperor Nicholas, the thing you spoke about before? He knows the way. He knows the right thing to do."

"But," Rainbow protested, "have you seen him?"

"Rainbow!" Rarity exclaimed in horror, "you are judging him on how he looks? I expected better from you! I believe Emperor Nicholas wants what is best for us, he's just like us in a way. Luna's actions don't matter, what is happening soon does.” She put her hooves on Rainbow's shoulders. "This is bigger than us, Rainbow. We have to be brave, all of us. Emperor Nicholas..." her voice trailed off, "he said Tartarus is opening," she kept her voice low, but still caused Rainbow to draw back.

"Opening?" She whispered, "as in, opening? Opening?"

Rarity nodded.

Rainbow hovered in silence for a moment, before landing slowly and turning to Applejack. She brought herself in close to her ear, whispering something that was covered by a hoof. Applejack's expression turned from sour to surprised, then to terrified.

"Ah gotta get Big Mac, and Granny, and Applebloom!" Her voice was quick and worried, drawing the eyes of all the other ponies.

"Why?" Twilight asked, before Rainbow pulled her into their growing huddle.

When Rainbow had finished whispering, Twilight pulled back. "No," she said, "that's not possible. Tartarus doesn't work like that!"

"Twi," Applejack pulled her back, looking her dead in the eyes, "Rarity isn't lying."

Twilight's face fell, then the rest of her body did. She lay her head on her outstretched hooves, "how?" She asked no one in particular, "that shouldn't be possible. It isn't possible!"

"The impossible," came the thunderous voice of Emperor Nicholas, "is imaginary. Everything is possible, given the right amount of power," Twilight looked up at him, worry etched onto her face, "we have half a day, maybe a full day if we are lucky, before the Gate opens. When it does, daemons shall flood into this world. You must gather everyone you can, your loved ones especially, and keep them close. When help comes, it will be fleeting," with the cryptic final line, he flew off, wings beating slowly to glide him along.

"Twilight," Celestia said, voice quiet and still clearly full of pain, "he is right. Nicholas knows what he is talking about. I can feel the Gate breaking."

The information overload forced Twilight's head down again. Before it was forced up again as she heard footsteps approaching, silent save for the shrill crack of claws on the marble floor.

"Twilight," Luna said, "I have had your parents moved to the train station, your brother and his wife are on their way now. They will be with us, whether you are or not. Come with us, and we can face Tartarus together and protect your family, or don't, and you will die here. Beneath Canterlot, is a vast reserve of magical energy stored within crystals, this city is going to be swarming with daemons when the gate opens."

Twilight imagined for a moment what that would be like: twisted monstrosities swarming throughout Canterlot, the whole city ablaze. She knew she would rather be away from that, no matter the cost of doing so. She rose, slowly, looking at Luna the entire time, even stood tall; she was tiny in comparison. She nodded her affirmative, with Luna smiling and returning the nod.

"All of you," Luna said, "come with us, or do not. Your fate is in your hands if you refuse."

She set off walking, Rarity following by her side. Rainbow followed behind her, with Applejack tagging along with visible reluctance. Twilight lifted Celestia in her magic, she and Fluttershy followed behind them, with Iron Shield remaining by Celestia's side, voicing his opinion only through near silent curses to Luna.

Emerging from the Palace, they saw Canterlot next to empty. Kyhron's crown could be seen near the train station, likely herding the ponies onto the trains that would leave the city for Ponyville, where a series of what, from a distance, looked like metal boxes were stationed. Overhead, the shadow Rarity had seen earlier in the clouds was visible, though now hovering still and with much more detail visible. It was a clear symmetrical shape: a wide round end, which doubled in width about a quarter of the way along, which slowly and roundly tapered off to a slightly thinner round end, and it pretty much dwarfed the entire city. Rarity looked up as she walked and swore she saw a glowing circle at the centre of the widest point.

Luna stopped, causing the whole group to halt, and looked up at the shadow. A few moments after, an object: the cause of the shadow, began to move down through the clouds. It's upper was a dark purple, with its underbelly more black and grey. Its main feature was the glowing circle, which was a bright red, almost like the sun on a clear dawn. Rarity looked to Luna for any sort of message, becoming more relaxed on seeing her satisfied look.

Luna began trotting forwards again, down into the city proper. The group followed behind, with Rainbow staring in awe at the object above. It didn't take Rarity long to realise what it was: a ship.

They reached the train station after a scant few minutes of trotting through empty streets. Compared to the silence of the rest of the city, save the quiet, low drone of the ship above, the train station was deafening. Ponies shouted their concerns and questions in an attempt to be heard above the incomprehensible din of the crowd, though the people controlling the station, armoured identical to Commander Traal save they had their angular, featureless headgear on and were without their yellow cape, were ignoring them and directing them to carriages.

"Take only what you need," One of them shouted robotically through a megaphone-like instrument, voice processed by their helmet, "no more than one bag per person."

Luna stepped forwards, causing the pony crowds to instantly silence. They looked at her with horror, several trying to make their escape through a crowd that refused to move.

"Ponies," she shouted, "do not fear, I mean you no harm. We must leave Canterlot, you will not be safe here for long. Please, board the trains quickly and orderly, do not endanger your fellow pony."

The ponies all complied, silently shuffling forwards as the guards, and Kyhron himself, looked on in surprise. The previously heaving mass of ponies had reduced to a small, single file line within minutes, allowing Luna and her group to pass. The guards only had to give her a glance, before parting. Only one stopped her, "ma'am," they said, "two of the ponies you requested are in the station master's office, the other two have yet to arrive."

"Thank you, Captain," she said, the soldier stepping aside. Rarity admired the red cape on his shoulder for a moment, before quickly scuttling after Luna, with the Captain turning to continue moving the remaining ponies.

The station master's office was surprisingly large, covering the entire floor of the building. It was also surprisingly empty, with only a single wooden desk, chair and empty filing cabinet within. The soldiers who had taken over the station had more than likely cleaned the place out, or perhaps the station master was a generally tidy pony.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light were stood with two guards stood beside them. When they saw Luna, who had to duck to fit through the door, even as large as it was, their eyes widened and they tried to move away, though the statuesque look of the guards stopped them.

"Twilight Velvet, Night Light." Luna smiled and bowed, both as a courtesy and to save her head from the ceiling. "Do not worry, I mean you no harm. In fact, I mean you very much the opposite. Your daughter is outside, though I fear she may not be able to get in," with a chuckle, Luna reversed out, beckoning the two ponies outside. They followed, cautiously, the guards with them marching forwards, rifles held diagonal across themselves.

"Mum! Dad!" Twilight ran forwards and the three met with a tight embrace.

"Oh, Twilight," Velvet said, "I was so worried! I don't know what happened. We got a knock on the door, then we were told the whole city has to evacuate."

"It's alright," Twilight said, "Shining and Cadance are coming down soon. We're going to be safe."

"I took the liberty of having the guards collect your possessions," Luna said, as another eight guards brought boxes forwards, "I'm afraid you won't be returning to your home."

A soldier, wearing a purple cape on their left shoulder, jogged up to Luna as the last train left the station, "ma'am," they said, voice functionally identical to the others they had heard, "the last train will be arriving shortly, HIGHCOM has ordered we reach the village below within the hour. Is there anything you need collecting?"

"No, thank you, General," she answered, "gather your men together and we shall head down. Is the ship ready?"

"Yes ma'am, HIGHCOM has given them a countdown."

"Very good. Gather your men, ensure no one is left behind."

The General nodded, running off to gather the soldiers around the station to the platform. At the bottom of the hill, just past Ponyville coming to Canterlot, was a plume of steam and the black rectangles of a locomotive.

"Rarity," Luna said, kneeling to get closer to Rarity's ear, "take the train down to Ponyville, then ask for the Night Truth, they'll know what you mean."

"Why?" She asked, "are you not coming with us?"

Luna chuckled, "I can't fit on that train, neither can Kyhron. That's why he's already left."

Sure enough, Kyhron had vanished from his spot, without anyone noticing. All the more surprising considering his immense size. Rarity looked back to Luna, who gave her a tap on the horn with a claw and a smile, before she spread her wings and took flight. She hovered just beyond the station's roofed platform, shouting down to the guards around the pony group. "Ensure they reach Ponyville safely, I shall oversee further preparations."

"Yes ma'am," they all shouted in unison, moving to speak to the various ponies. Luna gave herself a short nod, before flying off to Ponyville, her massive wings barely needing to move to glide her down.

"Do you have any bags, ma'am?" One asked Rarity, who replied with a polite negative. The soldier nodded, rising to stand by her side.

It was twenty minutes before the train arrived, ample time for the soldiers in Canterlot to gather themselves in neat blocks, six abreast and eight in file. The moment it arrived, they advanced towards set carriages, boarding quickly. Only one carriage was left unfilled, with the reason why stepping out shortly afterwards.

Cadance was practically dragging Shining Armour along, prying him away from the soldiers who had come with them. The Sparkle family, Cadance included, ran to each other and embraced, Twilight breaking down in near silent tears. One of the soldiers, with a red cape sporting a golden vertical bar on their shoulder, marched up to Rarity, snapping to attention before speaking, "ma'am," they said, "the train is ready. Have you got everything you need?"

Rarity nodded, not entirely sure why she was being treated as the leader. The soldier returned her nod, before taking a metal box from their hip and speaking into it, their voice amplified, "last boarding call. Repeat, last boarding call, departure in two minutes."

They began to walk towards the last remaining train carriage, beckoning for the others to follow. The carriage was surprisingly well furnished, with comfortable seats, leg room and veneer floors with red carpet down the aisle. The soldiers took seats at intervals of four, with two sat next to both doors. The Sparkle family sat in the very centre, with Shining Armour shooting constant glances at the soldiers just behind him. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat at the front, with the General from early joining Rarity. Fluttershy and Iron Shield lay Celestia down on one of the tables, with a soldier coming over to assist them, a red symbol on their shoulder plate likely being the denotation of a medic.

As the train thundered out of the station, the General brought a blue pad from their hip, they pressed a button on its edge and a display flashed up. It was a picture of a large gateway, which Rarity assumed was the Gate of Tartarus, there were tiny trenches and fortifications surrounding it, with the tiny specks of vehicles moving about it. He pressed the button again, a series of runes appearing in a language Rarity had never seen before, not even in one of Twilight's books. Seemingly satisfied with the information, the General pressed the button again, which switched the display from the Gate to Canterlot, the ship above and the train they were on both clearly visible.

"We have fifteen minutes, ma'am," the General said.

"Until what?" Rainbow interjected.

"Until glassing."

"What's glassing?" Applejack asked, Rarity remaining unable to get a word in.

"The cruiser will fire it's plasma lance," the General said, as though explaining it to a child, "the mountain will become mostly a glass-like substance."

Rarity felt a sinking feeling. “Plasma lance?"

"Its main weapon," the General said, pointing out the glowing circle on the model of the ship, "you'll see it soon."

The train sped down the mountain, far faster than any of the ponies was used to. Within the fifteen minutes the General had specified, they were far gone from Canterlot mountain and on the home stretch to Ponyville. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow all looked out of the windows towards Canterlot, waiting with rising concern to see what would happen.

The glowing circle steadily became brighter, until a deep, crimson red ball had formed. Beneath the din of the train, there was a buzzing sound, almost like an electric heater, which grew louder as the ball grew larger. The ball held in place for a moment, the low buzz continuing, until it suddenly sparked. With a deafening crash, the ball broke, a jet of red slamming into the surface of Canterlot. Within seconds, the highest towers of the Palace had melted, with the courtyard entirely shrouded in smoke and ash. What had been a low buzz was replaced by a roar as the ground physically shook below them. As the other ponies all turned their gazes towards Canterlot, their eyes widening and their jaws dropping in horror, the city, and much of its upper mountain, became entirely invisible through the expanding cloud of ash and debris.

Five minutes later, an explosion rocked the train, plumes of blue smoke rose from where Canterlot had been, shards of blue and pink light shot out from the ash cloud wherever they could. A few seconds afterwards, the bombardment ceased, the roar was gone and so was the plume of plasma. As the ponies looked on the cloud in horror, the ship hanging above, with a low hum, began to drift upwards, before a flash of orange from its rear propelled it forwards, causing the train to further rumble as it passed overhead and threw a shadow over it.

"By Faust," Night Light breathed, just audible over the noise of the train.

As the other ponies collected their thoughts and took in what had just happened, Twilight stared in what could only be described as rage. Her horn flashed, apparently without her noticing, before Shining grabbed her and pulled her to her seat.

"Calm down, Twiley," he said, "there's nothing you can do."

The General had risen and moved towards the soldiers behind Shining, "visuals?"

The soldier by the window had a half oval of metal in front of their face, likely a pair of binoculars, and was looking into the ash cloud, "can't see much," they said, "residue's clouding the sensors. Hold up. Yep. Confirm, target destroyed."

A second soldier, also holding binoculars, responded, "confirm, target destroyed."

The General nodded, before returning to their seat. They turned to Rarity, who was still in shock, "ma'am," when there was no response, they waved their hand in front of Rarity's face, who shook herself into a state of relative consciousness. "Glassing successful, ma'am. We will be in Ponyville in five minutes."

Rarity's only answer was a nod. When she did so, she received a furious look from Rainbow, who then grabbed her by the shoulders. "What was that?" She yelled, "they just destroyed all of Canterlot!"

"Rainbow," was all Rarity could muster.

"Don't Rainbow me!" She yelled back, "your friends just destroyed Canterlot, who knows what they'll do next! You're saying that was the 'right thing to do'?"

Rarity admitted she had a point, but she knew Nicholas wouldn't order something like that without good reason for it. She remembered back to what Luna had said to Twilight, about the crystals beneath Canterlot. It would explain the explosion, perhaps they were simply denying the daemons access?

"The crystals," she said, meekly, "beneath the city."

"What about them?"

"That's why they did it. The explosion before," her voice returned, becoming far more authoritative, "it was to deny the daemons access to the magical energy reserves. Who knows how powerful they could have become with access to them."

Rainbow thought for a moment, before slowly and reluctantly relinquishing her friend. She caught a white movement from the corner of her eye, turning quickly to see a soldier lowering his rifle from aiming at her. She turned to Applejack, whose expression softened from worried yet determined to more relaxed. Their hooves instinctively shifted between them, combining as the two looked out towards the slowly fading ash cloud that had been Canterlot.

When the train arrived in Ponyville, it was met with a mostly empty town, save a force of soldiers and the Apple family. Big Mac traipsed up to the carriage, totally undaunted by the armed guards who were significantly taller than he. He stood patiently as the first eight soldiers exited, then steadily trotted forwards to his sister and snatched her up in a hug. He was quickly followed by Granny Mac and Applebloom, who joined in the hug.

Four soldiers stepped up to them. "We need you to come this way, there's a shuttle waiting for you."

Reluctantly, the hug broke and the ponies followed towards a series of craft landed around the Ponyville area. Their purpose was quickly revealed as one gently lifted off, before speeding away towards the horizon, becoming invisible in seconds.

Rarity stepped up to a soldier with a green shoulder cape. "Excuse me," she said, drawing their attention, "I was told to ask for the 'Night Truth', by Princess Luna? I don't know if that would ring any bells?"

The soldier was silent for a moment, before snapping to attention, "right this way ma'am," they said, gesturing with an open palm towards a series of tables and devices that apparently functioned as a command post.

A number of soldiers manned the tables and devices, with one standing out by the golden cape they wore. They saw the two approaching, stepping away from a screen to speak, "yes, sergeant?"

"Legate," the Sergeant said, "this is Lady Rarity, Princess Luna's personal attendant."

The Legate nodded. "Thank you, sergeant, leave her with me," the Sergeant saluted and stepped away to continue coordinating movement, with the Legate leading Rarity towards Ponyville's village centre.

"Transfer to the Night Truth is currently unavailable, ma'am," they said as the two walked, "so Princess Luna has ordered you to be transferred to the command post at the Gate.” They reached a craft similar to the ones her friends were boarding, though painted night black instead of dark grey. "Major-General Avor will take you from there," they shouted as the craft's engines spooled up, the side bay doors opening to reveal four soldiers in black armour waiting, Rarity was helped aboard by a pair of them, with the Legate shouting from outside the craft, "once evacuation commences, you'll be taken to the Night Truth. Best of luck, ma'am." He saluted as the craft rose into the air, causing Rarity somewhat of a fright. The bay doors slid down, closing, with one of the soldiers leading Rarity to a seat and strapping her in.

"Combat hasn't started yet," they said, "though it's probably best to stay strapped in, might be some turbulence."

Rarity nodded, before noticing something on their shoulder plate, "excuse me," she said, "may I see the plate on your shoulder?"

The soldier nodded and turned, allowing her a view of the plate. The emblem on it was unmistakably a stylised version of Luna's cutie mark. These must be some of Luna's personal guards? Or soldiers, perhaps?

"Where are we going?"

The soldier looked at her for a moment, before answering, "the Gate of Tartarus."