• Published 7th Mar 2019
  • 502 Views, 20 Comments

Rise of the Super Six - Nic Nerdy

Six mares with incredible powers must unite to save Equestria when an old foe of Celestia's makes her return to trap in eternal night.

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Chapter 2

"Absolutely standing still" are the words that best describe Wonder Mare's current actions as she watched the ponies with powers stand or fly toward the figure on the balcony in Ponyville Town Hall, Nightmare Eclipso, who still had the dark mist and flashing lightning accompanying her as she got ready for a fight.

"Seems you have lightning powers too and while that is really cool, you aren't being very nice with it." Mary Marvel said before generating and tossing lightning at Nightmare Eclipso who responded with a advance reflect spell.

"Being nice isn't what got me here, it was power with determination that allowed me to escape from the moon." Nightmare Eclipso said and she fired at Mary Marvel.

But Mary was swifter than the average pegasus and dodged the beam, the beam blowing a hole in the ceiling that sent large pieces of wood that were about to squish a group of three ponies if it weren't for the timely shoving of Supermare as she sent them to another area of the room. Another pony attempting to attack Nightmare Eclipso was Green Lantern as she used her ring to construct a big green train at it's target, who simply charged at the train and shattered it, still charging at Green Lantern and hitting her against a wall.

"Not on my watch!" Black Canary yelled before using her sonic screech at Nightmare Eclipso.

"You simply believe that screaming can stop me?" Nightmare Eclipso asked when she turned her head to meet Black Canary's.

"I was hoping it would, all things considered." Black Canary before she dodged another blast from Nightmare Eclipso. She jumped left and right to avoid the blasts that kept coming at her.

Nightmare Eclipso was repeatedly trying to hit Black Canary until something kicked her in the back. That something, or rather somepony was Batmare as she used her cape to glide towards Nightmare Eclipso again and sent a grappling hook at Nightmare Eclipso's back left leg.

Steve Trevor was watching and made a quick decision to Wonder Mare. "Diana, go help them!"

"Understood!" Wonder Mare said before she flew up to where the other heroes were attacking Nightmare Eclipso, who was being flanked at all sides.

Finally, Nightmare Eclipso was fed up with these nuisances. "Enough!" She yelled and generated a magic bubble that sent the heroes flying in all directions, some landing on the floor while the others were sent the ceiling.

"Diana!" Steve Trevor screamed as he found Wonder Mare was one of the ponies who landed on the floor and wasn't that hurt by the looks of it.

"Maybe this other princess of yours will learn some respect for another ruler." Nightmare Eclipso said as she began to vanish in the mist that looked the same as her mane and tail. "Remember this, my little ponies, as an example of what happens to disrupt my plans of bringing my beautiful nighttime forever!" She proclaimed to everypony before turning into mist entirely and made her way out through the holes in the ceiling created by the battle that had just occurred only moments before.

One pony that was almost able to get close to the mist was Supermare, who flew with great speeds at the pony she was chasing before she realized that the enemy was already. "She got away!" She yelled to no pony but herself as she was already outside the Town Hall.

"Where did she go?" Green Lantern asked when she caught up to Supermare.

"I don't know, she's probably faster than me." Supermare theorized before spotting Wonder Mare and Steve Trevor running out of the town hall towards somewhere else. "It's Wonder Mare, she could help us find her. Let's go get to the others and follow her."

After only a minute of running back to the Golden Oaks Library, Wonder Mare and Steve lit a few candles on as soon as they entered the building that was built into the tree, Wonder Mare finding the book on Princess Celestia's reign in its early years and doing a quick reread of the book's contents.

"Wonder Mare?" Batmare asked as she was with Supermare, Mary Marvel, Green Lantern, and Black Canary.

Using her magic to telekineticly bring her sword to her, Wonder Mare turned around and aimed her sword at them.

"Whoa! Calm down!" Supermare shouted. "Put the sword down, we just came to talk."

"You're Supermare, aren't you?" Wonder Mare asked the mare in the blue and red costume.

"Yes, I am." Supermare replied with a smile.

"We're sorry we interrupted you from your reading, but..." Green Lantern said but was interrupted by Mary Marvel.

"There is a crazy pony that promised that there is no more sunshine ever again!" Mary Marvel yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I'm sorry, I afraid I haven't heard of you." Wonder Mare asked. "Since you are a alicorn, are you also a princess?"

"I'm Mary Marvel, the chosen champion of Equestria. I can fly, shoot lightning, super strength, run and fly really fast, have great wisdom, can't be hurt that easily, and an all around good attitude." Mary explained herself.

"I guess she must've haven't read the papers about you." Steve said as he came back downstairs from looking out the window upstairs.

"Anyway, Supermare saw you leave the City Hall after Nightmare Eclipso got away and she believes you know more about her since you know her name." Black Canary explained their reason for being there.

Batmare stepped forward. "Even I haven't heard of her before now, and I'm supposed to know everything." Batmare stressed her concern. "I have the ability to remember almost everything."

Wonder Mare lifted the book from the desk she originally had it on and placed it on a table in the center of room.

"Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to move the sun at dawn, while the younger, brought out the moon to give it night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance between the kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. As time went on, the younger sister became resentful, the ponies relished and played in the day her sister brought, who slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger sister refused to lower the moon and awaken the dawn, the eldest tried to reason with her, but the jealousy in the younger sister's heart transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Eclipso. She vowed she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the eldest sister harnessed the most powerful of magic known to Equestria, the Elements of Justice. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated the younger sister and banished her to the moon, but knowing that she will one day find a way to break free and seek revenge. The eldest sister assumed responsibility of both the sun and the moon, and Equestria has known peace since." Wonder Mare read out loud to everypony, who looked in deep shock at what she had said to them.

"The princess had a sister all along?" Green Lantern asked.

"The princess "has had" a sister all along." Batmare corrected her.

"That would explain Princess Cadence." Black Canary thought over the information. "But Cadence is adopted, so it makes no sense."

"I think we should worry about what is our most important problem, which is Nightmare Eclipso." Supermare told everypony in the room. "What exactly did Princess Celestia use to banish her, Wonder Mare?"

Wonder Mare flipped a few pages and found a page featuring a description for the Elements. "It's says that there are six which make up the entire set. Five of them are known as willpower, hope, discipline, compassion, honor, and an unknown sixth element that can only be accessed by a spark."

"A spark?" Batmare asked.

"That's what it says." Wonder Mare explained to the pony in the bat costume.

"Does it say where they are?" Steve asked as they couldn't find the Elememts without knowing their location.

Wonder Mare looked down at the book again and started reading. "The Elements are said to be held in the Castle of the Two Sisters where Nightmare Eclipso was defeated, the castle in of itself is located what is now as the Everfree Forest."

Wonder Mare looked back up at the others and they looked like they wondered if she was serious about what she had read to them. Ever one of them seeming very familiar with the forest and what lies ahead.

"Diana, that's the place I mentioned where the Bug Bear came from." Steve reminded her. "Along with just about every other monster that attacks Ponyville."

"There is no other way to fight Nightmare Eclipso. We must journey into the Forest and find the castle." Wonder Mare said as she felt there weren't that many options.

Supermare stepped forward. "You definitely aren't going in there without any help from me." She proclaimed to Wonder Mare.

"Me too." Batmare added herself in.

"Me three." Black Canary raised her left hoof up.

"Count me in, I'll bring the lightning." Mary Marvel said as she extended her right hoof for a hoof bump.

"You have my ring to help you as well." Green Lantern said and made her ring glow for dramatic effect.

"I can't ask any of you to come with me. It might be too dangerous." Wonder Mare rejected the help at first. "But my mother has taught me that you can always count on a team to help."

"So why don't you honor your mother and let us help you?" Black Canary asked as she has experienced honoring legacy and is still doing it now.

Wonder Mare did a bit of thinking it all through her head and made her verdict. "Very well, you will journey with me through the Everfree Forest and help me find the Elements of Justice. Are you with me?" She questioned the others.

"Yeah!" That was the response of the other five heroes.

"Steve?" Wonder Mare turned to the stallion. "I want you to stay behind and help keep the civilians calm until we return."

"Promise you'll come back in one piece?" Steve asked as he cared for Wonder Mare.

"You have my word." Wonder Mare said.

"Then yes, ma'am." Steve said before he gave a salute.

Wonder Mare turned to the others. "Where shall we find the forest?"

Traveling with not a lot to take with them, the six traveled to the outskirts of Ponyville and found themselves looking at the edge of the dark forest. What they see isn't enough to frighten them, however, as they walked into the forest and didn't immediately encounter anything that would turn back many other ponies not so brave. The six were only in the forest for 23 minutes and they kept walking forward as the book told them where the castle was.

"What do you about this area, Supermare?" Wonder Mare asked as she felt Supermare would be the best one to answer.

"From what I've heard, the forest isn't like the rest of Equestria with the animals caring for themselves, the clouds moving all on their own, even the plants do the same thing." Supermare gave her best explanation.

"All in all, this place is all sorts of weird." Mary Marvel summarized.

Batmare felt like making a warning. "Let's just hope we don't fight the dangerous creatures here."

"It's not like we want to become some monster's lunch, especially since they are usually more active at night." Black Canary stated.

"Sounds like you know a little about animal behaviors." Wonder Mare observed the pegasus in a mask's words.

"I happened to read a lot when coming up with my name for myself. I was trying to be my own separate pony from my mother." Black Canary told everypony. "She went with "Black Canary" as her code name when she was younger."

"That's very interesting." Mary said as she listened.

What was following the six was a lot more interesting for a familiar mist stalked the six until it moved faster than them, finding a creature that was simply minding it's own business until it felt a sharp pain in it's head. Said pain causing the creature to act violently.

Wonder Mare and the others continued walking until Supermare stopped them.

"You hear that?" Supermare asked as she honed in on where the sound came from.

"What?" Batmare asked the Mare of Steel.

What made the noise was a creature best known as a cyclops, a massive beast that stood on two legs, a loincloth on his lower areas that acted like pants, big hands, large feet that can squish ponies, and the significant detail that is it eye at the center of its head.

Mary Marvel was freaking out. "Cyclops!" She screamed before she started to charge a lightning blast.

"I'll only allow one to pass through the forest if only one of you can defeat me in battle." The cyclops said in a booming voice. "It is the law I have made."

"You made your own laws?" Wonder Mare asked.

"Yes, little pony. Only one is allowed to face me in a match that will decide if you may pass or I will destroy you." The cyclops explained.

Black Canary stepped forward. "I'll do it without having to fly."

"Canary, you won't be able to beat him." Green Lantern tried to turn Black Canary away.

"I've been training to fight nearly my whole life, this cyclops might be the big test of my abilities." Black Canary said as she walked forward. "Now stand back."

The others stepped back from the two fighters that are ready to fight. Black Canary made the second move as the cyclops tried to simply punch the mare, but Black Canary was able to evade the fist and the cyclops only hit the ground Black Canary was previously standing on. She then used her back legs to kick the cyclops's own legs and that made the one-eyed beast grunt in pain before it turned around and repeatedly tried to hit Black Canary, almost landing a blow on her head, but she jumped back. Growing a little frustrated, the cyclops grabbed a big rock that looked a like bo staff and hit the ground to shake Black Canary's balance, it succeeding and she landed on the ground.

"Come on, get up!" Supermare shouted.

Everypony watched the cyclops get closer to their friend, who continued to lay on the ground and moaned in what seemed like pain. But as the cyclops raised the rock and ready to strike, Black Canary got back up and opened her mouth to let out a sonic scream that shattered the rock into pieces and left the Cyclops stunned at what she did in shock. Seeing her opportunity, she jumped on the giant's back to kick it before she jumped even further into the air and let out another screech that sent the creature face first to the ground, finally defeating it.

The cyclops raised its head. "What do you call that pain to my ears?"

"The Canary Cry, like the said the bird makes." Black Canary explained with a smirk on Her masked face.

"Then you will finish me and proceed on your way."

"No." Black Canary said before she waved for Supermare to lift the cyclops back on its feet.

"But you have bested me and earned the right to pass and kill me." The cyclops was in absolute confusion.

"One of the things I learned in life is that there is no honor in the killing of someone who was doing their job." Black Canary replied as she straightened herself from the small amount of pain she felt in the fight.

Wonder Mare walked towards Black Canary and couldn't contain her shock. "Black Canary, that was incredible!"

"You really made his day come crashing down!" Mary Marvel exclaimed

"But where did you get your Canary Cry?" Batmare asked for she was rather curious.

"As far back as I can remember, I had it my whole life. My mom also had the same power when she was my age." Black Canary explained. "So I guess I inherited it."

"Then it is a one of a kind of a inheritance if you ask me." Green Lantern said.

"Thanks, you guys." Black Canary said before she started to move forward. "We should keep moving."

"Agreed." Wonder Mare said before she and the others went forward.

Back to the cyclops, the mist that had manipulated it's anger to its advantage was angry at its failure to stop the six in their tracks and followed the ponies as they continued going through the forest. It followed them to a river where a group of animals that consisted of a bear, a wolf, and a bunny that were drinking the crystal clear water. Thinking it as another opportunity, the mist shoved them into the river as the animals felt they were being pushed into the cold water in front of them and the water was too fast to swim out of.

About a mile away, Supermare heard the growls of the bear.

"Girls, I think I hear growling." Supermare said when the sounds entered her ears.

"The growling better not be from another monster." Green Lantern said.

"I think it's a bear." Supermare replied. "Almost like it wants help."

Mary Marvel jumped to Supermare. "Where do you hear it?"

Tracing the sound, Supermare pointed to her left. "That way, but are you sure you want to help the bear?" Supermare asked as she was certain Mary wanted to save the bear.

"Because I won't allow anypony or anything die on my watch!" Mary said before she took off and went flying towards the cry from the bear, finding it among the other animals going down the river towards a water fall.

The others followed her as they didn't want the red alicorn to get lost in these woods and saw Mary dive into the river and swam to catch the bunny that was gray in fur and lifted it out of the water to but it on the ground. She dived back in at a fast pace to watch up with the howling wolf and caught it like it was a small puppy with her super strength and pulled it to land next to the bunny. Finally, she went to get the bear that was almost to the waterfall and getting closer as Mary felt the rapids were getting stronger and the bear fell off the waterfall, Mary gasped and went as fast as Supermare to catch the bear on its back and lifted it to the others animals and the other ponies watched her accomplish this.

Black Canary put a hoove on Mary's shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." Mary said before she used to lightning to dry herself, but it her made her fur stick straight out as a result of her electricity.

Everypony laughed at Mary's fur and the animals gave her a hug, resulting in a shock being sent to them and more laughter. After that, Mary fixed her fur and gave the animals one more hug.

"I think you did something good for those animals." Wonder Mare complimented the other alicorn.

"Thanks, Wonder Mare." Mary blushed from what Wonder Mare said.

"You went to save those that couldn't save themselves, why?" Wonder Mare asked for she was curious.

"I always feel compassion for all living things, whether it's good or evil, big or small, or even scary." Mary Marvel said.

Wonder Mare thought on this as her and the others traveled further into an area the trees nearly cover the entire the area and made it a little dark to travel through, especially when it is nighttime. This made all the difficult for the six heroes as they kept bumping into each other.

"Watch it!" Black Canary yelled when Supermare stepped on her tail.

"Sorry!" Supermare replied.

"I don't see why you're having trouble to see, Supermare. Don't you have X-ray vision?" Mary Marvel asked before she bumped into a tree.

But when she did use her X-ray vision, she found herself looking through the trees and saw a horrifying sight that she has nightmares about. What she saw was a planet that she recognized all too well and watched as it exploded in a ball of flame that brought upon great destruction. Another haunting sight was the view of another rocket with a little colt as its sole occupant and crying for a reason that it couldn't explain.

Seeing this has made Supermare fall to the ground and cower in fear, screaming in loud volume that was heard by the others.

Wonder Mare ran to calm her down. "Supermare, what is wrong?" She asked before she saw a vision of her that absolutely terrified her. Her mother, her aunt, and every Amazon on her home island dying at the hooves of those that would bring suffering to the paradise that is her home. Seeing this vision also made the alicorn princess cower in fear.

When Mary Marvel looked around for what was causing this, a vision went through her head that showed two older ponies staring down at her like she was a filly to them.

"Even though you live with a nice family, Mary. You still want to find us." A earth pony stallion with black hair said to her.

"You know wanna the truth?" A mare that looked almost like Mary asked. "We sent you away because we didn't even want anything to do with you as soon as we got a look at you."

Hearing this made Mary fall to the floor with tears streaming down her face as she reacted to what the two ponies before her said.

Black Canary wasn't doing any better as she received visions of a entire classroom of little ponies were seated alongside her for a roll call from their teacher.

"Dinah Lance?" The teacher asked for the pegasus.

"HERE!" Black Canary's voice emitted her canary cry by accident and it made everypony's eardrums shatter.

"How dare you do this to us?" A filly had asked as she put her hooves to her ears.

But Batmare wasn't dealing with the visions just as bad as the others. She was sitting with her eyes closed and looked absolutely calm unlike the others. Green Lantern was curious about what she was doing.

"How are you not screaming?" Green Lantern asked the caped crusader.

"I'm maintaining discipline to resist the fear inside myself." Batmare replied. "You can do it too."

"You're... you're right, I can." Green Lantern proclaimed before she stepped forward and pointed her hoof where her ring is. "In brightest day, in blackest night. No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"

After she had yelled the oath, green light erupted from the ring and it brightened away the darkness. The dark mist fled from the trees as it didn't expect Green Lantern and Batmare to resist the fear it induced into the others. Those that were affected by the mist rose up and regained their senses.

"What I saw was so horrible and felt like a stab wound." Wonder Mare stated to the others.

"I felt like I didn't matter to anypony." Mary Marvel said with tears from her eyes.

Feeling pity for the red mare, Batmare went up to Mary and gave her a hug to comfort her.

"Thank you." Mary Marvel mumbled to Batmare.

"No problem." Batmare responded.

"So, GL..." Black Canary asked before she was interrupted.

"GL?" Green Lantern asked why her initials were used.

"If we ever work together again, I think we should use our initials in a quick situation." Black Canary said before she asked her question. "Would you care to explain where you got that ring from?"

"Alright, this ring came glowing and flying into my house when I was hiding from some thugs that were hurting some ponies I know. It said I have the power to overcome fear in the face of it and the ring chose me to join a group of warriors in space that use the rings to defend the universe from bad things. When I was trained by this pig faced alien, he said that our planet is part of something they refer to as sector 2814 and I'm it's assigned Lantern." Green Lantern exposited.

"You mean there are more like you across the universe?" Supermare asked.

"That's one way to put it, but yeah." Green Lantern said. "Batmare, can you tell us where that trick about resisting fear?"

"One of the ponies who taught me how to fight said there are moments where I need to hold my fear when I'm faced with it. So he taught me to put my emotions aside for a few minutes as a way to resist emotional attacks." Batmare explained a bit of her training.

"Your mentor was right to teach you that technique." Wonder Mare complimented Batmare.

"Maybe I can teach you it sometime." Batmare said. "Doesn't hurt to have discipline."

"Plus willpower is one way to overcome our fears." Green Lantern added in.

After the conversation, the six went further on the path before them until Supermare flew up and spotted the ruins of a castle that had fallen apart for what seemed like a thousand years and was still in the process of crumbling. The castle looked to be only a few feet away as it was separated by a deep chasm that stretched deep by the look of things.

"Girls, I see the castle!" Supermare shouted to the others as she flew back down to them.

"Thank, Celestia!" Wonder Mare said in relief. "We will reach the elements soon."

"But what if it all ends in nothing?" Batmare asked.

"What do you mean?" Black Canary questioned her.

"What if the elements don't even exist or are in the castle?" Batmare theorized. "They might not even be useful against Nightmare Eclipso."

"You make it sound like you lost hope." Supermare said to Batmare. "In the visions those trees put into my mind where of my home planet, Krypton. My real name is Kara Zor El."

"You're saying you're not from this world." Wonder Mare asked and looked over Supermare. "But you're a pony like the rest of us."

"Weirded me out too when I first met the family that found me in my escape pod." Supermare responded. "My planet was about to explode from its unstable core we mined from. My uncle's warnings were ignored by everypony except my aunt and my parents and they worked to work together on building ships big enough for only me and my cousin, Kal El, who was a baby. We were put into our ships as after both our parents gave me orders to watch over my cousin on this planet as they researched the sunlight will give us incredible powers. Our ships left the planet's atmosphere before it exploded and one large chunk of it flew at my cousin's ship and knocked it off course." After she spoke of her cousin, Supermare started to cry.

Batmare hugged the blonde mare to comfort her before the others joined in. This lasted for 30 seconds before Supermare spoke again.

"Long story short, I was put in suspended animation until my pod arrived in the woods behind the house of the ponies I'd later call my family and they helped with my powers as soon as they started to show." Supermare finished her backstory.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." Mary Marvel comforted Supermare. "I can't imagine how you felt back then. But know you have a family that loves you and friends who love you as much."

"Thanks, girls. The reason I'm telling all this is because the symbol you see on my chest is my family's crest, it means hope." Supermare explained. "I have hope for my cousin's survival and to one day find him. I also have hope that we will find the Elements and defeat Nightmare Eclipso."

"You're right, Supermare, we will succeed in our quest!" Wonder Mare declared and gave Supermare a strong hoofshake. "Your hope will help us traverse the end of the journey."

Finally, after they have overcame all the dangerous forest had to offer them, the group of superheroes arrived at the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters, finding nearly the entire ceiling was missing, almost like something was blasted into it. At the other side of the room, a structure had five orbs that sat on five branches for one of each.

"The Elements, there they're here." Wonder Mare pointed and exclaimed at the orbs. "I think we'll need them off those branches."

Her, Mary Marvel, Supermare, and Green Lantern picked up all the orbs and placed them in a circle on the stone floor.

"Hang on, you said that there is a sixth element too. So where is it?" Batmare pointed out that only orbs were missing a sixth.

"What kind of spark are we talking?" Green Lantern wondered as "a spark" could have many meanings to many ponies.

"How about a spark of electricity? My lightning might do the trick." Mary Marvel said as her horn and hooves started to spark by her command.

"Just be careful with where you strike that thing." Supermare said as she didn't want her sticking up.

Mary Marvel was about to strike the orbs when the blue mist that had been following them blew into the room and moved around the Elements like a tornado ready to rip buildings from the ground, the mist gaining further speed as everypony watched and struggled to resist the strong winds brought by the mist, all except one.

"The Elements! No!" Wonder Mare shouted before she leaped into the dark tornado and it seemed to teleport her and the Elements from the room.

Everypony shouted and searched for the Amazon princess without much success.

"Wonder Mare, where are you?" Black Canary yelled for her friend.

"Look!" Green Lantern screamed and pointed at a tower where lights flashed through holes in it, alerting the others to head for there.

Inside the tower, Wonder Mare gasped at the sight of the Elements being set in front of Nightmare Eclipso as she stands at a high area it looked like thrones sat upon. Whereas now, a dark force stands upon it and ready to destroy all hope.

"So you're the daughter of the Amazon queen Celestia and Luna helped build the island for? You do look a lot like her, young princess." Nightmare Eclipso said as she stood on behind the Elements.

"A little odd that you refer to yourself in the third person, Princess Luna." Wonder Mare spoke the enemy's real name.

"Oh please, whom you are speaking to now isn't Luna, she's just trapped in her mind while I use her body to fulfill my destiny that Celestia robbed me a thousand years ago." Nightmare Eclipso said as she smiled evilly.

"Then who are you?" Wonder Mare asked.

"I've grown attached to Nightmare Eclipso, but you just need to take the "Nightmare" part of my name and you can call me "Eclipso"." Nightmare Eclipso revealed. "Luna only started to become possessed by me after she found the diamond you see upon my neck."

"Then the Elements shall free her and destroy you after I use them!" Wonder Mared exclaimed before she ran with her magic holding her sword and shield to fight.

A fight it was as Wonder Mare ran forward to slash Nightmare Eclipso, but the evil entity dodged the attack with simple teleportation that allowed her to move to another section of the room. Seeing what had occurred, Wonder Mare turned around and attacked Nightmare Eclipso, landing only the smallest amount of hits. But all Nightmare Eclipso felt out of it was barely considered painful.

"Once I'm finished with you, I will travel to your home and make the Amazons bow before me." Nightmare Eclipso told Wonder Mare.

But Wonder Mare wasn't giving up. "Even if I were to die today, my sisters will carry on the fight against you." She said before flying up and down to kick Nightmare Eclipso in the face.

That only served to tick off Nightmare Eclipso even further as she stared at Wonder Mare with murder in her eyes, which seemed to be the case as she blasted a large beam at Wonder Mare from her horn, which it was unable to harm her as she raised her shield up to resist the beam. Deciding to not waste anymore time, however, Wonder Mare flew back to the Elements and believed that maybe scratching her sword against her shield would provide the spark needed to bring upon the sixth Element to activate their power.

"No!" Nightmare Eclipso yelled as she watched a spark of fire come from Wonder Mare's weapons and it fell between the Elements. Each orb seemed to glow from that spark until they suddenly died down, the spark didn't even meant fire. This turn of events caused Nightmare Eclipso to cackle evilly at the Amazon's failure and she teleported back to where the Elements stood and in front of Wonder Mare.

"It's impossible, that spark should have worked!" Wonder Mare said to herself as she didn't believe what had occurred.

Nightmare Moon continued her cackle, even she raised her front hooves in the air and stomped them the ground, doing so caused the orbs to shatter into pieces that littered the floor. Wonder Mare stared in disbelief at what had just occurred, all hope seems lost.

"You little fool, did you really think you could defeat me. Now you'll never see your princess or your sun, the night shall last forever!" Nightmare Eclipso proclaimed as her mist-like tail and mane started to form a dark cloud that looked like it could devour Wonder Mare.

"Don't worry, Wonder Mare, we're here!" Mary Marvel shouted as her and the others ran up the stairs to the tower.

Hearing the voices of the ponies Wonder Mare had grown to care about has made her have a revelation that sparked something in her mind. As she did so, the fragmented remains of the Elements glowed and started to float from where they were shattered. Said fragments not entirely noticed by Nightmare Eclipso.

"You think you can destroy the Elements of Justice just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of the Elements of Justice are right here." Wonder Mare said and was joined by the other five.

The fragments rose even further from the floor and Nightmare Eclipso noticed them.

"What?" She questioned after a gasp.

"Black Canary, who had maintained honor in her fight against the cyclops, represents the Element of Honor. Mary Marvel, who despite knowing it might distract us from our goal, chose the compassionate choice to rescue the animals from drowning, represents the Element of Compassion. Batmare and Green Lantern, both had the discipline and willpower to resist the fear that struck the rest of us, represent both discipline and willpower. Finally, there is Supermare, who had retained all hope in herself and us to brave this terrible force, represents the Element of Hope." Wonder Mare recounted and explained.

As she recounted each of the ponies' moments of what they represent, each group of fragments circled each of the five in bright colors, Colors that matched their cutie marks.

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us." Wonder Mare said to the dark figure that looked almost terrified of the Elements.

"You still don't have the sixth Element, the spark didn't work!" Nightmare Eclipso shouted as she believed she still had a chance.

"But it did, a different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I was happy to see you, hear you, how much I cared about you, the spark that ignited inside me when I realized that you all are my sisters in hooves, my friends." Wonder Mare said to the ponies and they were warmed by what she had said about each of them.

Suddenly, another orb did appear above them and it had what looked like Wonder Mare's symbol that was also her cutie mark floated down to the six, everypony staring at it.

"Look, it's the sixth Element!" Supermare pointed out.

"You see, Nightmare Eclipso, when those elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all, the sixth shall appear and it's known as the Element of Truth." Wonder Mare stated and it was all the Elements needed to hear as each group of fragments formed around the necks of they pony that represents them into a necklace, while Wonder Mare's element formed into a tiara much like her and was put on top of her head.

Doing this made white energy beams that combined to form a rainbow that sent a massive beam down at Nightmare Eclipso, who screamed "no" at this action. During the beam firing process, another voice came from the mouth of Nightmare Eclipso.

"Now pull me out with your lasso!" The voice shouted and Wonder Mare responded by using her Lasso of Truth to pull a figure from Nightmare Eclipso's body, the entity itself still screaming in fear and pain as the diamond on her neck shattered like the orbs containing the Elements had previously.

When that was done, there was a bright light that sent everypony to the ground and they moaned like they had a massive hangover that would put normal ponies to slouching for days.

"Ow, my head." Batmare said as she didn't exactly felt a lot of discipline in head.

"Everypony okay?" Black Canary asked.

"Look what's on our necks." Mary Marvel called attention to herself and everypony looked at she was talking about.

Mary had a necklace that was shaped and colored in gold like the lightning bolt that's on her chest and flank, Black Canary had a yellow bird that looked like the animal her friends at the gym called her in the boxing ring, Batmare's was shaped like a pUrple bat, Green Lantern's necklace had the symbol of the Corps she is a member of, Supermare's had her family crest, and Wonder Mare's was a tiara that had the symbol on her chest.

"It looks like you were right, Wonder Mare." Supermare said to the Amazon.

"The Elements of Justice are real after all, I figured they were something in a bedtime story my dad would tell me when I was a filly." Batmare confessed. "That's where my doubts from earlier came from."

"Then consider it not a bedtime story, we are the spirits of the Elements of Justice." Mary Marvel said.

"Indeed you are." A voice said and the six looked out to see that the sun rising into the sky, confirming that Nightmare Eclipso had lost.

Along with the sunrise came a figure that everypony was happy to see return. Princess Celestia herself had returned and teleported into the chamber they were in, everypony bowing before her. Also alongside her was another alicorn that looked a lot like Wonder Mare.

"Princess Celestia." Wonder Mare exclaimed. "Mother!" She ran to her mother and gave her a hug that was needed for they haven't seen each other in weeks.

"I'm so proud of you, my daughter." Queen Hippoltya lovingly said to Wonder Mare.

After a few more seconds of hugging, the two let go of each other.

"Mother, I'd like to introduce you to the friends I have made today." Wonder Mare pointed out her friends to her mother.

"Hmm. Have all five of you watched over my daughter?" Hippolyta asked the five ponies.

"We have, your highness." Supermare replied.

"I like them." Hippolyta said to Wonder Mare.

"I do as well." Princess Celestia agreed. "I knew that each of you represented the Elements of Justives before I even sent Wonder Mare to Ponyville because I have observed all of you through your acts of heroism."

"We got a stalker." Mary Marvel whispered to Green Lantern, who lightly hit her for being rude

"But I know the Elements would never work if you hadn't found friendship between each other. Now, there is something else to attend to, a friendship that must rebuild." Princess Celestia said before she walked a pony that was a younger alicorn in the same color tone as Nightmare Eclipso, just not at threatening, especially without the armor and the moon tattoo on her face. She layed on the floor and started to wake up.

"Luna." Princess Celestia said to the younger alicorn.

The younger mare looked up. "Celestia?" She asked as she stared with her own two eyes.

"It has been a thousand years since we have last seen each other. Time to put our differences behind us, little sister." Princess Celestia proposed. "Will you accept my friendship?"

"We... aren't friends." Princess Luna replied and everypony gasped until she continued. "We are sisters. Of course, I accept it, my sister. I missed you so much!"

Celestia and Luna gave the greatest of sisterly hugs that the others in the room have ever witnessed, some members even having tears of joy for this reunion.

"I missed you too, Luna." Princess Celestia said and turned her towards the six. "Thank you for getting her back, my little ponies."

"I guess it is what they say, "the truth will set you free". Ain't that right, Wonder Mare?" Black Canary asked.

"You are allowed to call "Diana" when we are alone. I assume there aren't that many ponies who know you all of you really are." Wonder Mare said as she figured the identities aren't their real ones.

"Kara Danvers." Supermare said.

"Jessica Cruz." Green Lantern said her name.

"Barbara Gordon." Batmare revealed.

"Dinah Lance, but you knew that already." Black Canary replied.

Everypony looked to Mary to give an answer.

"I don't think I'm ready for me to tell you girls." Mary Marvel said.

"I think we can accept that." Wonder Mare said. "Let's go back to Ponyville."

When everypony arrived back at Ponyville, there was a large crowd of ponies waiting for the heroes to return. Among all the ponies were the loved ones to each of the six like Steve Trevor, Supermare's family, Batmare's father, and plent of other ponies that weren't even related as far as anypony was concerned. But what really got everypony's attention was the addition of two more alicorns besides Princess Celestia and Wonder Mare, that was the thing that got them curious. Princess Celestia stepped forward on a stage to explain.

"The alicorn that looks similar to Wonder Mare is her mother, Queen Hippoltya of the Amazons, also a dear old friend of mine." Princess Celestia explained the Amazon Queen and turned to Princess Luna. "This is my younger sister, Princess Luna."

"Wait, that's Nightmare Eclipso!" One pony shouted and that started murmurs of panic.

"Nightmare Eclipso was merely the name that a cursed diamond that possessed my sister, until these six mares used their heroic abilities to restore her to normal. At this very, will you welcome my sister with open hooves?" Princess Celestia asked her citizens.

After much thought being put in, everypony replied with cheers towards Princess Luna. Said princess looked up at her older sister and smiled. Celestia smiled back and looked towards the six heroes.

"Wonder Mare, what do you on doing now?" Princess Celestia asked the Amazon princess.

"What do you mean?" Wonder Mare questioned.

"I believe what she is asking is do you want to return home now that you're mission is complete?" Hippolyta explained to her daughter in more detail. "Everypony including your aunt have been waiting your return."

Wonder Mare was very confused on what she wanted to do. She had been wanting to return home, but she didn't want to leave her new friends forever.

"Mother, I have been wanting to return to the island and be with you, but I want to stay with my friends." Wonder Mare explained to her mother.

"There is a way you can keep in touch with each other." Princess Celestia said and conjured what looked like two mirrors into existence.

"Mirrors, your highness?" Wonder Mare as Celestia used her magic to levitate one mirror to Wonder Mare and the other one towards Hippolyta.

"These mirrors have the power to act as visual letters from one mirror to the other, which provides you both to communicate with each other." Princess Celestia explained.

Hippolyta and Wonder Mare smiled and shaked hooves with Princess Celestia.

"Thank you, my friend." Hippolyta thanked her oldest friend.

"Girls, did you hear what the Princess has said?" Wonder Mare asked her friends that stood on her right.

"Yeah, we heard!" Supermare said and got into a group hug that the entire crowd of ponies saw.

"So what name is this group of yours going to have? I assumed that since all of you are going to have code names, this group might need a name." Princess Celestia wondered.

"I was thinking about something like "Super Six", how does that sound?" Mary Marvel asked the others on the name.

"I kinda like it, it's simple and short, and it's easy to remember." Green Lantern said as she seemed to be the one to come up with names.

"All of us together, no evil can stop us." Wonder Mare proclaimed to the others and they gave each other another hug.

Author's Note:

Wow, I'm so happy I was able to finish this story because I had a blast with one. Don't worry, I got plans for more stories featuring the Super Six that I hope to release soon.

Please leave a like, follow me, and leave whatever comments you want to help me.

Comments ( 7 )

Really good job on the conclusion to the story. The characterizations, exchanges, action, general wrap-up and future story set-up are all well done in all the right places. I especially liked your spin on the trials.

Yeah, I wanted to make the trails a bit more unique to each of the characters as I didn't want to make them carbon copies of the Mane Six

Completely understandable.

Any particular moments you like in the story?

Pretty much ALL of them. But highlights include Black Canary defeating that cyclops even though she doesn't have the super-strength of literally half her teammates, Batmare and Green Lantern beating the fear illusions as well as the heroes figuring out the villainess's identity on their own and the end scenes with Celestia and Hippolyta.

For the scene showcasing how Batmare and Green Lantern, I decided to combine their scenes because I felt the two work well with each other during that scene would better benefit them.

Indeed so. That was a quite excellent bit of inspiration.

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