• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 1,320 Views, 38 Comments

Of Vampires and Werewolves - Tekkonair

Vinyl is pulled head-first into her marefriend's, Octavia's, dangerous, secretive life

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Chapter 2

Ok, so the next chapter of 'Of Vampires and Werewolves' is up. If you have not already, please read the revised first chapter, as the story has changed severely, and this chapter will not make sense if you haven't read the new version

“Could you at least eat like a civilised pony?” Asked Octavia, grimacing at Vinyl as she messily ate her pizza.

“Wha?” Asked Vinyl through a pizza-clogged mouth. Octavia didn’t have the advantage of magic, and yet was making far less mess than her partner, whose muzzle was caked in tomato sauce and cheese. Vinyl swallowed and tried again. “What? Pizza is too good to take care whilst eating.” She replied with a grin, licking the debris from around her face. Octavia rolled her eyes.

“Fine, just try not to get any on me.” Said Octavia, brushing a small piece of Vinyl’s pizza off her foreleg with a grimace.

“Yes sir!” Exclaimed Vinyl with a mock salute, swinging her hoof into the side of her head with more force than intended. “Oww…” She muttered, rubbing her face. Octavia chuckled.

“Hey, I don’t even need to hit you anymore.” She joked, grinning. Vinyl stuck her tongue out at Octavia before taking another bite of her pizza.

“Yea, yea. Hey, are you coming to the club tonight? I’m going to doing that song we worked on together.” She said, smiling.

“Hmm. Tempting.” Mused Octavia, tapping her chin with her hoof. “I’ll need something to sweeten the deal.”

“Aww come on Octy.” Pleaded Vinyl.

“Tell you what, you get me a bottle of Jura and I’ll come.” Said Octavia, smirking.

“Deal.” Said Vinyl, grinning. “Same club as usual, ten pm start.”

“I’ll be there. Anyone I should watch out for?” Asked Octavia, remembering all too well the first time Vinyl had convinced her to go to that club…

Octavia’s hind hoof unconsciously tapped the floor as she watched the white mare play her set. She smirked as she sipped at the cocktail next to her at the bar. ‘Alright, this isn’t too bad’ she thought, casting a wary glance about her. ‘Company could be a little better, but no one’s done anything untoward so far’ she took another sip of the cocktail. ‘Drinks aren’t half bad as well. Still, I wish they had a good whisky.’ Octavia smiled, relaxing and focusing on the stage. She became so engrossed with the performance that she didn’t notice the earth pony stallion moving up behind her until he was tipping a powder into her drink. Octavia whipped round. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Aw shit boys, looks like I got caught.” He said with a smirk, glancing back at the other two stallions with him, two unicorns. “Looks like we’ll have to call our plans for tonight off.”

“What plans?” Octavia asked carefully, getting off the stool and bracing herself for a fight.

“Well, you of course.” Said one of the unicorns with a sneer, as the other one levitated a butterfly knife out of one of the pockets of the coat he was wearing, spinning it dangerously.

“Grab her.” Said the earth pony, the three stallions moving forwards. Octavia reared up and was about to swing a hoof at the unicorn with the knife, when a white blur sailed past her and knocked the unicorn to the ground.

“Buck off!” Shouted Vinyl, landing on the unicorn’s chest and spinning to face the earth pony, snarling. The earth pony chuckled.

“Make me.” He challenged with a grin. Vinyl grinned right back at him, picking up the knife with her magic, the blade flashing towards the earth pony’s leg. He jumped back, and Vinyl redirected the blade at the other unicorn who was charging a spell. The unicorn cried out and lost the spell as the knife sunk into the back of his knee, falling to the ground. The earth pony prepared to charge Vinyl, but was sent face first into the ground by a buck from Octavia. Vinyl turned to look at Octavia.

“You alright?” She asked, concern visible on her face despite the shades she wore.

“I’m fine. Thanks for that.” Said Octavia with a smile.

“Good, and no problem.” Replied Vinyl with a smirk, going back to the stage as bouncers dragged the three stallions away. Vinyl grinned down into the crowd, spinning another record on her hoof before placing it onto one of the turntables. “Sorry for the interruption folks, now let’s get back to dancing.”

“Umm, Octy?” Asked Vinyl, waving a hoof in Octavia’s face. “Earth to Octy, come in Octy.”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking.”

“Ah, well, there shouldn’t be anyone who’d give you trouble, and I’ll tell the bouncers to keep an eye on you.”

“Thanks Vinyl.” Said Octavia, smiling and briefly nuzzling her marefriend, making Vinyl shrink back slightly, casting glances about her. “So, where now?”

“Umm. Home? I need to fix that speaker, and I’d like to see if I can finish off a track I’ve been working on before tonight.” Vinyl suggested with a smile.

“Sure, and I want to make sure there’s nothing wrong with this bow.” Agreed Octavia, nodding to the bag next to her. Vinyl nodded, finishing her final slice of pizza as messily as the rest of her meal, and waited patiently for Octavia to finish her pizza. Once Octavia was finished, Vinyl got the bill and paid for it, despite Octavia’s protests.

“It’s fine Octy, I got this. You made me pancakes after all.” Said Vinyl with a smirk. Octavia chuckled.

“Alright, I’ll let you have this one.” She replied with a smirk. “Now come on, let’s get home.” She said, standing up and putting her saddlebag back on her back. Vinyl nodded, grinning, and followed Octavia back to their apartment building. “We need to get a place of our own one day. A proper house, not an apartment.” Mused Octavia.

“It’ll happen one day Octavia.” Promised Vinyl, smiling. Bits weren’t the problem, they’d saved enough between them for a modestly sized house, the issues were location and public image. Both of them were aware how damaging it could be to Octavia’s career, Vinyl’s less so, and Vinyl still had her apparent phobia of public displays of affection. Whilst few questions were asked at the moment, it was hardly uncommon for two mares to live in an apartment together, moving into a house together would quickly gather interest. As for location, it was difficult to find a balance between the privacy the pair desired, and opportunities for the pair of them to perform. And of course the issue of tolerance. Octavia sighed.

“I hope so Vinyl, I hope so.” Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment ‘Octy’ the voice in her head sneered. Remember what happened last time you hoped… Octavia shook her head to clear those thoughts from her head, and smiled at her confused marefriend. “Come on, maybe we can finally think of somewhere to settle down.”