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Summoning the Christians

Neighsay warned Sandbar that if he tried to help his "friends", that he would be put in detention. Once he was out of sight, Sandbar shadowed Cozy Glow to an underground chamber. Starlight was not where Cozy had claimed she was. Instead, she was bound inside an orb of magic, over symbols and glyphs on the floor. Cozy was the one taking all of the magic, and she planned to create a vortex to put the magic in another dimension.

"Soon, Equestria will bow to me. The new Empress of Friendship.", Cozy yelled in an EVIL TONE. Then she laughed like a villain.


"What did you mean, when you said that you had a way to get us out?", Silverstream asked Ocellus in a puzzled tone.

"Thorax enchanted my horn to send a distress call to the Christians if we were in trouble.", she replied as she touched her horn three times to establish the distress frequency.

"Oh Yeah!", Smolder said excitedly.

Soon, Ocellus' horn was blinking slowly to establish contact.


Many miles away in space...

A transmission came in on the Lemurian Star, and was picked up by Captain Brandon. After an explanation of the situation, Brandon instructed his shipmates to take them to Equestria at full warp speed. The warp engines roared to life as they blasted the ship into motion.


In Tartarus, Twilight and the others had been interrogating Tirek about why he was siphoning Equestria's magic. Tirek laughed at them and revealed the truth to them.

"Cozy is the one behind this?", Twilight shrieked in disbelief.

"She and I are pen-pals. I told her everything she needed to know.", he said.