• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 460 Views, 3 Comments

I Don’t Love You - Silver Shadows

Dash reveals her long term secret that she is in love with Fluttershy. Out of pressure, Fluttershy accepts to go on a date, even though she knows that she is not in love with Rainbow. A FlutterDash story

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Chapter 1- An Awkward Date

Fluttershy was tending to her animals on the Thursday morning. It was Hearts Warming and that meant that each animal would get a treat. Fluttershy loved Hearts Warming, it was a perfect day to sing and enjoy her time. She could see the love in the air and the happy feeling everypony had around. Some of her animals were hanging out in the backyard and all over the house to spend their time with their mates.

She poured herself a glass of water. There was a sudden knock on the door and Fluttershy hurried over to open the door. She didn’t want to disturb any of her animals from their dates. She would have to convince whoever it was to talk to her outside, in her front yard instead. Of course, only if the other pony agreed.

A bouquet of flowers was shoved under her nose, making her squeak and jump back a bit. She looked up to meet the magenta eyes.

The other pony chuckled nervously, “Uhhh... Sorry Fluttershy, I was kind of nervous.”

Fluttershy gave her friend a smile, “Hi Rainbow, it’s alright. If you’ve come to talk, I’m afraid that my animals are currently enjoying Hearts Warming so we’ll have to talk outside.” Rainbow gave a small nod, very unlike her, and the two ponies trotted outside, the door swinging behind them.

When they sat together in the front, Rainbow gulped, “So Flutters... I uhhh... I’m sure you’re wondering about the flowers.”

Fluttershy gave a nod and admitted, “Just a bit.”

“They’re for you! Pretty awesome right?”

“For me?”

“Yeah! And I uhhhh... I’m wondering if you would be my Hearts Warming pony.” Rainbow finished and gulped, averting her eyes for a moment. Fluttershy froze in shock at her best friend’s words, not sure about what to say. She didn’t like Rainbow, not in that way. But Rainbow was being pretty nice and Rainbow was her best friend. Oh no... Rainbows’ waiting for a reply. I can’t break her heart today. I just can’t bear it. I’ll... I’ll...

Rainbow nervously chuckled, “Uhhh... this is kinda awkward.”

Fluttershy replied, “Rainbow, I... I’m willing to give you a chance but I want you to know that-“

“YES! OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!” Rainbows’ wings flapped quickly without even lifting her body from the ground, “I PROMISE THAT YOU WON’T REGRET IT! I’ll bring you to lunch in ten!” Before Fluttershy could even finish her sentence, Rainbow bolted off. The only sign that she had ever been there was a fading trail of rainbow.

Fluttershy stopped talking, knowing that Rainbow wouldn’t hear her. I hope that everything will be alright.

The yellow pegasus gathered up the flowers and put them near a flowerbed. After ten minutes, Rainbow flew back. Fluttershy could spot a few beads of sweat on the other pony’s forehead.

“I just made a reservation at your favorite restaurant. The vegetables only place, right?”

Surprised that Rainbow had remembered, Fluttershy gave a nod, “Yes.”

As the two walked, Rainbow said, “Anyways, thanks for agreeing to be my special somepony. I liked you for years. I know right? The great Rainbow Dash can’t even ask anypony out...” Fluttershy opened her mouth in the middle of Rainbow’s sentence before closing it. She couldn’t break Rainbow’s heart when Rainbow felt low. It wasn’t right of her.

But when else could she do it?

Fluttershy opened her mouth once more, “R-Rainbow... I-I...”

“We’re here! Let’s go and grab the seats real quick.” Rainbow hovered in the air as Fluttershy trotted to the table.

Rainbow said, “I’ll grab some grub for both of us.”

Fluttershy replied, her voice low, “You don’t need to. Rainbow, I... I said that I was giving you a chance so if I...”

“Well, I better make the best of this, shouldn’t I? No low moods today. I’ll be right back.” Rainbow disappeared into the crowds before appearing ‘ten seconds flat’ back to the table. The rainbow maned pegasus gave Fluttershy her favorite foods stacked up before digging into her own plate of more of the unhealthy stuff they had, such as french fried dipped in a lot of ketchup.

Fluttershy winced as Rainbow looked back up with an empty plate, a burp, and ketchup all over her face.

“S’cuse me,” Rainbow said after the burp.

“Here,” Fluttershy gave Rainbow a few napkins. Rainbow wiped her face quickly and only taints of red remained on her face. Fluttershy slowly ate her food, not wanting to give herself a stomachache.

Rainbow commented, “I really like the French fries here.”

Fluttershy replied with an one word answer, “Me too.” Fluttershy actually didn’t really like the French fries but didn’t want to disagree with her friend either.

Rainbow complimented, “I really like your hair today.” Fluttershy quietly thanked her. The two fell into an awkward silence as the lunch continued.

After the lunch ended - with Rainbow paying -, the two trotted outside, both of them carefully not looking at each other.

Rainbow finally cleared her throat, “So... wanna see a Sonic Rainboom?”

Fluttershy winced, knowing that all her animals would panic without her if a large explosion occurred, “No, I rather not. Sorry.”

Rainbow kissed her quickly on the cheek and Fluttershy shrinked away, not wanting to go that fast. Now, Rainbow wasn’t the most observant pony of all times but she knew a thing or two about body language. Especially about flying. And Fluttershy of course.

Rainbow asked, “Is something wrong? Did I do something...?”

Fluttershy muttered, “Sorry.”

“So what’s wrong?”

“I...” Fluttershy started, knowing that this might be her only chance, “I don’t...”


Fluttershy finally shouted, “I don’t love you! I’m sorry! I just don’t!” Rainbow stood there gaping as Fluttershy had tears brimming in her eyes. The animal lover ran away, muttering and repeating, ‘I’m sorry’, as tears ran down her face.

Rainbow stood there for a little bit longer. Sniffing a bit but trying not to cry, she quickly flew at Rainboom speeds back to her cloud home.

Just as the Fluttershy managed to make it back to her house, Rainbow slammed the front door and dropped her facade, tearing up.