• Published 8th Feb 2019
  • 231 Views, 1 Comments

Welcome To canine Crossroads - Yosh-E-O

Dark Light discovers a newborn dragon while on the run from The Equestrian Princesses and seeks sanctuary in a town beyond Equestria.

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Chapter 4 - Employment Tactics

Larimar enjoyed the taste of his ‘hoof’ as Isabelle brought Dark Light to the newly built employment center.

“Here we are!” she cheered while opening the front door. “Ms. Miece can help you get an application started.”

“Ms. Miece?” wondered the stallion.

Isabelle giggled.
“Sorry,” she replied bashfully. “I’m so used to everyone knowing everyone else in this town. Ms. Miece is the mouse over at the front desk.”

“Thanks,” deadpanned Dark Light upon seeing all the different creatures moving about inside.

“No problem!” cheered the shih tzu assistant. “We look forward to officially becoming a part of Canine Crossroads!”


Isabelle departed as Dark Light and Larimar entered into the employment center.
“This isn’t what I wanted to happen,” he mumbled to himself.

“Bwa-ba!” Larimar shouted.

The faux Pegasus tensed as he realized many eyes were now upon him.

“Welcome, newcomer,” a dog off in the corner strumming a guitar greeted. “Welcome to Canine Crossroads.”

“…,” flinched Dark Light.

Larimar gurgled.

“What a cutie!” a salamander cooed. “Love the hat!”

“Hat?” gasped Dark Light as he saw that the eggshell that was stuck on the hatchling’s head became visible.

More people started to look towards the Unicorn-in-disguise and his ‘foal’.

“Not good,” he thought. “What now…?”

Larimar noticed he had attracted a lot of attention and started to wiggle and wail to gather even more.

“Larimar…,” groaned Dark Light as creatures started to get up from their job applications to see the jovial tyke.

“Come on!” cried a diamond dog. “I can’t think straight with all that noise that pony is making!”

Looks now turned to the diamond dog.

“Perfect,” thought Dark Light as he bolted towards the job board, viewed the available openings, and learned he needed to get an application from the receptionist.


“Yes?” the mouse at the desk asked while looking to face the ‘foal’ with the eggshell hat instead of Dark Light as he tapped his hoof upon her desk.

“Ms. Miece?” panicked the stallion. “I need an application for the Canine Crossroads Library

“Cute foal!” she cooed. “What’s his name?”

Dark Light felt himself surge with anger. However he managed to release it in a quick snort.
“Larimar,” he said directly. “Can I please have an application for work at the library?”

Ms. Miece felt taken aback by how her pleasant conversation was quickly shot down.
“One moment,” she pouted while opening up a drawer and pulling out a stapled collection of documents. “Here you go.”

Dark Light took hold of the documents.
“Thank you,” he said while turning towards the front door. “And, uh, sorry for being a jerk. It’s his naptime and I need to get back to work on these before he starts to fuss.”

The mouse nodded but had no time to reply beyond waving goodbye to the eggshell-wearing ‘foal’ as Dark Light charged out of the building.


Larimar had nearly turned back into a baby dragon by the time Dark Light had gotten back into their hotel room.

“How,” the young stallion gasped. “Why is my magic failing me now?”

Larimar rolled off of Dark Light and landed in a pile of comforters.

Dark Light sat on the bed and watched as the foal disguise spell finished wearing off. Larimar seemed very excited and squeeled as he became his true self.
“Keeping up a ruse is like second nature to me…?” the fugitive Unicorn pondered aloud. “Maybe I need to do something to adjust for a dragon?”

There was a short pause as Larimar grunted to reach for his toes and had a little accident at the same time.

“Bleh,” Dark Light thought aloud as he opted to ensure all the business had been done. “You’re such a pain but I just, what’s the word, like having you around so much…?”


Dark Light took the time to clean the teal-colored hatchling and put him into a new diaper before sitting the chirping tyke by his side on the bed.
“The feelings you give me are ones I never thought could be felt,” he stated while looking into Larimar’s purple eyes. “I think we can learn a lot from each other.”

“Bwuk-uk,” the hatchling spittled while reaching for the eggshell on top of his head.


“Huh?” the Unicorn wondered as he felt something rub against his side. “Huh?”

“Fwoo!” blew Larimar as a little jet of fire erupted from his mouth. In his hand he supported the eggshell piece that Dark Light could not remove. This revealed a phoenix feather glowing atop his head.

“Interesting…,” considered Dark Light. “Could this have endowed you with magic?”

Da-dadad-da!” the baby gleefully cooed as he wiggled about.

“I wonder if…?” thought Dark Light as he powered up his horn.


Dark Light was stunned as his magic was completely canceled out when he attempted to take the phoenix feather from Larimar’s head.
“Very interesting…,” he thought as he put the eggshell back on the hatchling’s head and scooped him up into a cradling position. “It’s like It’s like the phoenixes are protecting you in some way.”

Larimar yawned as he rolled into the Unicorn’s fur.

“You rest,” soothed Dark Light as he rocked the baby dragon and patted on his crinkly bottom. “We’ve got so much to learn about each other and I think Canine Crossroads is a great place to do it.”

Author's Note:

I never got to play much Animal Crossing and, as such, don't know more than a handful of the townsfolk. So, I do apologize for how extremely loose the Crossover is.