• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 546 Views, 16 Comments

A city of a thousand bridges - DarkKnight_RUS

The story of three little bat ponies seeking to find their cutiemarks

  • ...

Chapter 5. The Moon Pirate

Author's Note:

Using the song "Lunar Pirate" - Carbon Maestro

The first things that interrupted the CMS’ tranquil dreams were sharp laughter, followed by rough hooves that grabbed and bound up their legs and wings. Low voices shattered last fragments of their dreams, as the fillies opened their eyes and saw the outlines of winged stallions dressed in black with silver trim.

Aria, naturally, tried to resist, but the little filly could not do much against two grown thestrals. Grey Mouse, on the other hoof, was completely paralysed by fear.

Loadstar wanted to say something, but her mouth was quickly plugged with a crumpled rug. Looking at her friends, she saw they all were now tied with ropes, gagged, and carried somewhere within the hull of the ship.

«They got us,» she thought, «Now they'll drop us off somewhere... if we are lucky.»

She imagined, that after hearing about all of this, master Blue Sage would uphold old traditions of the Academy, and would be forced to get his best student whipped.

Her rump itched from that thought. Not that Loadstar had any previous experience being whipped, but she had read a lot about Starspire’s history and thestral’s traditions, and was able to imagine how humiliating and painful a punishment could get.

Panicking thoughts started to fill her head.

The first whipping in more than a hundred years.

In front of the whole class, or even, the whole Academy.

Obviously, Luna will be there - the Academy's curator would want to attend such spectacle.

And her grades would be permanently reduced to 'F's.

Disappointment on her parents, teachers and even classmates faces, and they all thought so highly of her talents.

Her ears drooped, preparing for the pain.

Dragged through half empty cargo hold, they were finally dropped on the upper deck. Luckily, they were left with their goggles on, and in the bright daylight, they managed to see their captors. Strong thestrals and pegasi, mares and stallions, all in black suits trimmed with silver.

Under different circumstances, Loadstar would have enjoyed the view.

Blazing sun filled the deck with bright light, making the trimming of the ship shine. On both sides, large mounds of clouds passed by, and it felt like the ship was floating between large, blindingly-white islands, gliding on the surface of the calm sea.

But their excitement of the bright open sky was cut short, when three friends saw the Captain.

And that was, undoubtedly a Captain: naval uniform of thick black color was decorated with facings and epaulets, a cocked tricorn with an elegant feather, a sword, hanging on a sling.

And an adamant posture.

The Captain was a pegasus, dark-blue, almost black in colour, she felt like royalty. Her main was black with a few strands of silver, she was tall and moved in smooth but powerful leaps. Her uniform had special flaps for her wings, accurate, but visibly larger than any pegasi wings three fillies ever saw before.

Apparently, a few of Captain’s ancestors were *royal* unicorns: Tall, almost as big as an Alicorn or anyone from Camelu, and strong, both physically and magically.

Even though all discoveries in eugenics of evil Republic of R were for not after the appearance of Alicorns, you could still see the difference if someone was from the family of *Enchantress Genus* or *Forbidden Stallions*.

Whatever that meant.

Admitably, that part of history books Loadstar could not yet fully understand.

But the books never said that such difference could be found in pagasi.

«Oh, Princesses!» She thought, looking at the Captain moving to them.«She is gorgeous!»

Glancing at her friends, she realised they were thinking the same thing.

«I wonder, do I look as dumb-struck as they?» a thought flashed in her head.

"YARRGH!!" Captain boomed with bellowing voice. "Shiver me timbers! What we got here? Little stowaways? On MY ship?"

No one answered: her crew kept silent, and CMS's were gagged.

Followed by scared gazes, Captain walked around her prey, seizing up each one of them with her bottomless blue eyes.

Suddenly, she leaned down to Loadstar, moving a strand of her main from her face:

"And what am I to do with you...?" she asked rhetorically. "Tie you up and throw overboard, or maybe walk you down the plank?"

None of three could see it (or would not admit it), but all eyes looking at the Captain at this moment were pleading.

"Or maybe, we drop you off on an uncharted rock?" the pegasus continued aloud, "Hmm, no, we are still to far from the sea, and floating rocks - too far behind."

All three fillies were certain they were already doomed, and it was simply a matter of their execution to be decided. Their inability to object only made the fear and desperation worse.

"... Or maybe just hang you three?!" the Captain shouted, rising on her hind legs.

In reply, she could only hear muffled screams and cries. The pegasus, ignored that and raised her hoof to the sky:


Her voice sounded like thunder. Loadstar could swear - that voice could be heard miles away, just like a dragon’s roar.

Accompanied by muffled squeaks and grunts, all three were laid on their backs and stretched on the deck by grinning pirates.

All three were certain that these were real pirates: who else would try to hang a pony and shout *Yargh!*? And to top it of, Captain’s tricorn was adorned by stylised skull and bones.

A muscular grey pegasus with an eye patch brought a wooden box and presented it to the Captain.

She grabbed it with her hoof, and leaned to Aria Midnight, who was stretched next to Loadstar.

"Any last words, little hornswoggle?"

"Mhmhmh!" flight-lead answered.

"I knew you would say that!" The Captain laughed.

Loadstar was held on her back, and could not see what was done to her friend, but muffled grunts left no doubt: poor Aria was tortured!

Just from that thought, tears poured from her red eyes. Loadstar tried to use her magic, but her glowing horn was immediately noticed, and someone's heavy hoof softly touched her magic-filled horn. Her concentration was broken and someone whispered to her ear:

"Don’ try it, lil pon,"

Loadstar felt dizzy, and when she finally managed to focus her eyes, she was struck with fear: the Captain was standing above her, grinning, like she was about to eat her right there and now.

Not saying a word, black pegasi showed panicking mentat... a bright red feather. And before little enchantress could even process what was about to happen, the Captain started to tickle her.

The frog of a pony’s hoof is very sensitive, especially for mares. True, the soft flesh was protected from outside by rugged soles, but, stepping on a sharp stone was still painful.

Also, that spot (just like the belly) - is very ticklish.

Loadstar did not even notice that she started to laugh through the gag, making grunts, just like she heard moment before. Tears ran from her eyes, and she started to flail in her hold.

Luckily, Captain knew when to stop and gave her victim a chance to breathe: trying to laugh while gagged could lead to asphyxiation.

Loadstar could not tell how long she was tortured, she felt it was hours. Although only a few minutes passed, for her, it felt like an eternity.

When it all ended, Loadstar could not gather herself. Breathing heavily through her nose, she was still sobbing and crying at the same time. Feeling of powerless made her want to curl into a tiny ball and prey to Luna, that she could make it back home to Starspire. Away from cruel pirates and other horrors of the world below.

"...I see that not all of you are softies!" she heard Captain’s voice.

Next moment, Loadstar felt that she was raised and placed on her legs again.

Looking around, mentat saw blubbered face of Aria Midnight, her ears were folded down to her head. Apparently, perky thestral had a fair share of ruthless tickles.

Grey Mouse, however, looked angrily at the Captain.

The Pegasus gave back the box and the feather to one of the sailors, stepping close to three friends.

"I bet, you already regret slipping aboard the Moon Pirates ship!"

All she got in reply were a series of nods. Loadstar thought that her guess was right, apparently their adventure to the surface will meet its tragical end sooner than expected.

Tears filled her eyes, as the Captain continued:

"And that you would do anything, to earn my forgiveness?"

They nodded again.

"And that you regret running away?"

Friends looked at each other. They could not reply, but this time, all three shook their heads in unison.

The tall Pegasusi raised an eyebrow, and started to laugh, her crew followed.

This laughter was different from what fillies heard before. It was sincere, honest laugh of ponies that would not harm anyone. Unlike the laughs of ruthless pirates before.

Loadstar raised her eyebrows in confusion, and Captain explained:

"Ho! I like these little rascals! You can let them go boys."

The fillies felt how ropes that were bounding them slipped loose, and gags removed.

Loadstar looked at the ship's crew. Evil grins magically turned into friendly smiles, and even vile Captain looked cheerful.

The young enchantress expected that Aria Midnight would jump onto her enemies, but something strange happened. The fearless flight-lead started to sniffle and shake, sitting on her rump and hiding her eyes from everyone.

Grey Mouse looked angrily at the crew, walked to her friend, hugged her and started to brush Aria’s mane. That sudden change left Loadstar speechless, normally, meek Mousy is the one that had to be taken care of.

Captain Shouted:

"What are you freebooters gawking at? Back to your posts or I'll have you!..."

"Have us tortured?Captain?..." the deep-purple pegasus asked meekly.

The Moon Pirate took a pause, looked at her crew, and explained:

"...Thrown overboard! Back to post, you land rats!"

The winged ponies, without saying a word, started to disperse. Some went to man the rigging, some to operate the weird looking machinery that apparently controlled the ship.

"And you, little fluffs, go to my quarters. We have a serious talk ahead."

"What, was all of that - not serious enough?!" Loadstar asked in surprise, "What the heck was all of that anyway?"

"That," Captain explained, slightly pushing fillies with her massive wing, "Was just a little lesson for three stowaways who dared to board my ship without permission."

Loadstar blushed and lowered her ears. She could not argue. All three CMS's were punished deservedly and got away unscathed. While they were ‘tortured,’ Loadstar imagined what could have happened if they were caught by less friendly pirates.

Captain’s quarters was a giant room, filled with light from a Starspire-made magical lantern hanging on a ceiling. It was a bit weird, considering that day ponies perceived light from such lantern as pale-green ghoulish glow. Aria's mom told them that, Loadstar had read about it in books and had a lively experience not that long ago.

The patter of their hooves was silenced by a thick (although, a bit worn) carpet. Low stationary was brimming with Equestrian maps and airflow charts, at the table next to it there was a kettle and two bowls: one with fruits and other with sweets. Apparently, Captain did not eat with the rest of the crew.

An unkempt bed could be seen behind a curtain in far corner of the room, various weapons hung on the walls next to the intricate paintings of princesses. Old, ragged pirate flags and heaps of maps were lying in the corner. There were also massive bookshelves filled with old parchments and scrolls, and a few sitting pillows thrown on the floor.

"Take a seat," Captain pointed to a pillow next to the table, "We have a long talk ahead."

Loadstar sighed, and looked at her friends. Aria was still sobbing, and Grey Mouse was holding her with a wing.

«I'll have to do the talking then,» She realised.

"So," said Captain settling behind her desk and throwing away her hat. "I want to know who are you, but more importantly, how and why have you sneaked aboard *Selena*".

Before Loadstar could say a word, Grey Mouse replied:

"That was very rude of you, Captain. Sure, we have not bought tickets and sneaked aboard, but we simply had no time and were in a rush! That does not give you any right to scare and humiliate us. Especially since you are an adult!"

Loadstar choked on her words, hearing her meek and shy friend go off like that.

The adamant Captain did not expect it either. Confidence disappeared from her face, replaced with surprise... and a hint of offence.

Loadstar expected the Captain would reply and resolve this situation, like any grown adult would.

But unlike any adult Loadstar knew, Captain jumped up from her seat, pouted her lips, stretched her wings and walked to the other table with maps. Demonstratively ignoring little fillies, she started to look at the charts, nervously flicking her tail.

That, threw Loadstar out of her comfort zone. She would expect her classmate to act like that, but not from an adult! especially not from a pirate captain!

That just made no sense.

Awkward silence filled the the room, broken only by quiet shuffle of maps, and occasional stomps, when captain moved.

Aria's sudden nervous sob reminded Loadstar that there was another issue she had to solve.

"Aria," mentat turned to the little thestral, "Why are you crying? Were you that scared by the captain?"

A resentful snort sounded at the table, but friends ignored it: This was more important.

"I'm not crying!" Thestral jumped up and threw open her wings, "And I'm not afraid! It's just... just ..."

Her determination faded, and Loadstar could tell that her friend did not wanted to continue this dialogue.

Grey Mouse hugged her tighter and Loadstar could see on her face that she was worried for her friend.

She suddenly understood. Brave, reckless Aria never felt weak. Especially in front of the others. Specifically, in front of those who depended on her.

Loadstar moved closer and hugged her friend.

"Don't be sad, it's not your fault"

"Yeah," Grey Mouse followed, "Everyone knows how brave you are. WE know!"

Aria raised her wet eyes. Her friends understood what she was going through right now: suffering powerlessly in front of others, when previously you’d posed as a brave and fearless flight-lead.

"And we know, that we can always rely on you," the mentat added.

She raised a handkerchief with her magic, and carefully cleaned the tears from Aria's face.

Aria finally found enough strength to stop sobbing and smile to her friends:

"Thanks, girls..."

She felt them hugging her even harder, she let out a sigh: when there are understanding and loving friends - sorrows don't matter.

"Please don't tell anyone," the thestral asked, "That will ruin my rep as a flight-lead."

"We won't," Loadstar promised.

"If you want, I can teach you how to ignore tickles," said Grey Mouse, "It's quite easy, actually."

"I would have never thought that you can do something that I can't," Aria smirked.

Mousy blushed and routinely lowered her eyes. Loadstar could swear that her shy friend was far more knowledgeable and capable than her commander knew. She just kept it to herself, trying not to boast. Or, in all honesty, was likely just too shy to show off her talents.

Loadstar peeked at the Captain, and was surprised to find that she was looking at them. Catching her eye, Captain immediately turned back to her maps. Loadstar though she saw that Captain was blushing, but could not be sure.

"Rep is a hard thing, you build it for years, but it can disappear in a single moment," said Captain, "I would like to apologise for my previous actions."

The trio of friends looked at each other, Loadstar raised an eyebrow.

The pegasus moved from the table to the glass cabinet, and started to pull out cups and saucers. Soon, a boiling kettle and a new bowl (this time with lollipops) were on the table.

Loadstar noticed that kettle was magic-powered, there was no apparent source for the heat. Probably a spell that allowed it to retain the temperature for some time.

Grey Mouse, still blushing, wanted to say something, but the Captain was faster:

"No-no, no excuses. We... I was wrong in my irritation. When I got a report about *little stowaways* hiding in the rear aft wing compartment..."

They all looked at Aria Midnight, and she, being quite embarrassed, grumbled:

"It's fine... whatever..."

Loadstar tried to help her friend:

"Apologies accepted, Captain... um, Captain?"

"Huh?... Oh! Silver Shade."

The tea was tasty, so were the cookies, and lollipops were unlike any of three ever tasted. It must have been one of those Rock Candies that earth ponies crafted with their unusual and subtle magic.

When silence settled over the table, the pegasus asked:

"So, girls, who are you really? I can tell that you are from the Spire, but, what are you doing here?"

Loadstar realised that there is no point in lying and started telling their story from the start, while Aria and Mouse burrowed their muzzles in their cups.

"I'm Loadstar, that's Aria Midnight and Grey Mouse, and tonight we...."

Captain listened attentively. Holding her cup with a hoof, she sipped very quietly from it.

"... and that's how we got here," Loadstar finished, "and we will be very grateful, ma’m, if we will be allowed to look at your passengers, and not just dropped of... somewhere."

The Dark-Blue pegasus sighed and lowered her cup:

"There are no other passengers on *Selena* except you. You got the wrong ship, girls."

"Oh no!" Squeaked Grey Mouse, still hugging Aria as the latter slurped her tea.

Loadstar helplessly closed her eyes. That was it. All for nothing: escape, chase, torture... She wanted to cry.

The Captain continued:

"Well, if it would make it any easier for you, cargo hauler that was departing from the other dock next to the *Selena* was the wrong ship too. The Circus have left a few minutes earlier."

Seeing three sorrow faces, pegasi smiled with the corners of her mouth and added:

"But I know where that ship went."

"Really?" Loadstar perked her ears.

"They went to Stalliongrad, on a cruise yacht called the *Aurora*."

Loadstar sighed. From her geography classes, she knew that the city far north was still *technically* a part of Equestria, but maintained a degree of freedom from the Equestrian rule and was self governed. And that the road to it - was long and dangerous.

"Why do they call you Moon Pirate?" Aria asked suddenly, looking at the pirate flag hanging on the wall.

And it was a pirate flag for sure: Pony skull and bone crossed below it, same pictogram as the one on the Captains tricorn.

"Oh, that," Silver Shade waved her hoof, blushing a little, "That's from an age far gone. It used to be, that sighting *Selena* over the Sea of Eternity or in even further skyes, meant that captain *Black Mane* was on the hunt. *Moon Pirate roams the sky!* they would whisper in ports of Camelu, Zebrika and Grifus..."

Caching one scared, one surprised and one ecstatic look on her, the pegasus shook her head and hastily added:

"No-no-no, my friends, that's just a legend, it was long ago and times were different... My crew and I can only pretend to be real pirates, mostly due to my looks, and the colour of mane. Black, just like the legendary captain of the *Selena*. But we’ve got nothing to do with the original crew or what they did in those days..."

A quick flash of disappointment flew across Aria's face. She probably hoped that the legend was true, and that she indeed was aboard a real pirate ship.

"What are you going to do to us?" Asked Loadstar.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. So, you want to catch the Circus from the Starlite Square and get your homeworks back? Did I get that right?"

"Yes, we do," Loadstar nodded.

"We also looking for our cutie marks!" Aria bursted suddenly. "And we need to find some animal for Grey Mouse to befriend!"

Captain smiled faintly. Fillies will never change, always rushing to grow up. And cutie marks always felt like a proof of coming of age.

A common and harmless mistake amongst young fillies.

"Tell us Captain, where is *Selena* headed now?" Loadstar asked, fixing her glasses.

"We are headed for Canterlot. To my sister Ss... Sunny Skies"

Aria Midnight's eyes lit up:

"To Canterlot! Oh WOW!"

Loadstar smiled wistfully, remembering her time in city that grew around Princess’ Summer Palace. A city of a Sun Pony - the Equestrians called it.

Canterlot... The three month that she had spent in the School for Gifted Unicorns, established by Celestia herself, were filled with awe and wonder.

The summer exchange program, that the little mentat had agreed to without a second thought, had included a whole range of classes (Loadstar didn't miss a single one!), excursions to local landmarks like Princess’ Palace (A beautiful castle with a huge library!), and even a few meek attempts at making friends with the students from the surface. However, no one from her group got any good results with that last part. In the middle of the summer, almost all of the local students went home for the break, those who decide to stay were bright examples of arrogant young snoots, proud of their bloodline .

Loadstar had no trouble putting them in their place: just by reminding them that their own personal achievements were virtually nonexistent, and putting everyone to shame in any class competition.

Her trip was full of various feelings: from wonder and most fascinating studies to excitement and antics on the verge of hooliganism.

"But we do not need to go there," Loadstar added with a hint of sadness, looking at her friends.

A slightly condescending smile appeared on the Captain's face.

"I'll think about it. You are still stowaways on my ship."

"And I have not yet accepted your apologies, Captain," Grey Mouse parried, looking at the pegasus reproachfully.

The Captain just laughed:

"Oh my stars, this is adorable!" Her profoundly deep blue eyes gazed at the puffing thestral. "So be it. Here what we will do. You shall wait here, and I'll go talk it over with the crew, then we will decide if we are changing course."

"Really?!" CMS's shouted in unison, jumping from their seats.

"Really. But I promise nothing..."

Her mind slipped when she saw three pairs of ecstatic eyes looking at her. She stood up and walked towards the exit.

Perking her sensitive ears, Loadstar managed to catch her mumbling *Those darn eyes should be illegal...*

"What are we supposed to do?!" Aria shouted suddenly.

Captain turned back.

"Well, you could still catch a bit of sleep. But I doubt that you will be able to, so please stay put, and wait for our... my decision about your current status on the ship."

"Bo-o-oring!" Aria Midnight moaned in reply, rolling her eyes.

"...Or you could meet someone," Silver Shade added, and before anyone could reply, continued, "Who knows, you might find a cutie mark for your friend."

Winking, she exited her quarters and locked the door.

A quick search around the room showed that it was filled with a lot of interesting stuff. Weapons on the walls, shelves full of books, and a lot of other things.

Grey Mouse’s attention was caught by an oblong shape in the corner, it could not be anything other than a birdcage covered by a blanket. Pulling on the thin cloth embroidered with stars, Mousy revealed a caged parrot sleeping on the perch.

The little thestral was mesmerised by the bird’s exotic feathers. Even through thick goggles, they all could see that the parrot was as colorful as a rainbow, its bright red chest and neck contrasted against green and blue feathers on the wings and back.

"Cool!" Aria shouted, running closer to the cage. "That's a neat dummy!"

Mouse noticed that her friend was now wearing a red bandana on her head: apparently, she wanted to look more like a pirate now.

"Yer... a Dummy," the parrot hoarsely replied, opening one eye.

Loadstar turned back to look at the commotion. She was just about to reach for the tome of *Great Adventure of Marko Pone*. The heavy book, surrounded in the red glow of her magic, returned back to its original place.

"Oh! A talking parrot," Grey Mouse smiled, and was rewarded with a piercing gaze of round, scornful eyes.

"Oh! A talking horse," the parrot replied, mocking the thestral’s tone.

Mouse jumped back behind Aria, who in turn, aggressively threw open her wings.

"Oy! Don't bully my friend!"

"Or what?" Replied the feathered bully.

"...Or, I'll pluck your feather out!"

"Yer legs too short."

Aria was inhaling to reply, when a light punch from Loadstar stopped her short.

"Apologies," Said mentat, fixing her glasses, "I do believe that we were not yet properly introduced. I am Loadstar, That's Grey Mouse and Aria Midnight. We are the Cutie Mark Stalkers and we are looking for our cutie marks. We ended up on this ship by a mistake."

"So I’ve heard," The parrot replied, scratching his leg. "What a polite pony, although, none of you called me *sir*, and I am certainly not your friend."

He peered at Aria Midnight, who suddenly blushed.

"Could you please help us?" Loadstar asked, "You see, Grey Mouse wants to get her cutie mark by tending to some animal, and..."

The parrot’s heavy gaze now moved to shivering Grey Mouse

"Is that so? And what do you think should happen for it to appear? "

"Well I'm not sure..." Mouse replied embarrassedly.

The parrot adjusted himself on his perch and continued the interrogation:

"Why do you think that your talent is somehow connected to animals?"

Mouse, unable to raise her eyes, mumbled in reply:

"My parents... well, I myself... very shy with others, except friends... And they... well, I..."

The parrot interrupted.

"What animals have you tended to before?"

"I didn't really had a chance to..." she replied, almost whispering, "like... at all..."

"But which one's do you like most?"

Grey Mouse squeaked and vanished behind Aria. The darker thestral looked back at her friend, who was shivering like a leaf in the wind.

The parrot shook his head and ruthlessly concluded:

"Get yer feelings in order first, before you take responsibility for someone else," he croaked.

Now all three filles looked embarrassed. None of them thought about it like that before.

The parrot, feeling triumphant, delivered his final blow:

"*Cutie Mark Stalkers*, oh boy. Who came up with that dumb name, huh? Was it you four eyes? "

"That does it," Aria Midnight jumped up, "You're getting plucked!"

...Captain Silver Shade was slightly confused when she returned and saw little filles rattling the birdcage.

The parrot, who was still inside, was flapping his wings and screaming, muffling the CMS's angry hisses and shouts.

"What's going on?" Captain asked, stepping closer.

The fillies released the cage and looked at the captain.

"He's being rude!" Aria Midnight blurted in reply.

"And calling names," Loadstar added, who was never bullied for her glasses (most of her classmates wore them too!).

Grey Mouse kept silent, she just drearily looked at her flank, that was still empty.

"Oh, I see you have met Mute," the pegasus smiled.

"How can he be Mute?!" Aria wondered, and Captain explained:

"That's the common wish of the whole crew, for him to finally shut up."

"Don't bet on it, horse." The parrot muttered.

Captain sighed, and fixed the birdcage in its place while Aria grumbled something threatening about the colourful bird’s well being

"Who's idea was it to call him Mute anyway?" Loadstar asked, "That name does not fit him at all."

"Well, he will keep all of your secrets, and never tell them to anyone", Captain replied.

"You got it, Cap." Mute perked up, "No'ne get's a word out’a me!"

"Thank you, old friend", Pegasi smiled cryptically, then turned back to little filles. "Girls, I made up my mind. We are turning for Stalliongrad!"

Her voice was filled with grandiosity. Next moment, CMS's cheerful roar shook the whole deck, and Mute grumbled from his cage:

"Uncivilised. Came to our home, and instead of being polite and quite, bringing all the ruckus."

"Don't mind him," Silver Shade added hastily. "But do not expect, that you'll be able to hide in my quarters for the trip . There are no freeloaders on my ship!"

Fillies looked at each other. Aria's eyes were filled with joy and excitement, and before any of her friends could say a word, she shouted:


"Henceforth, little ones, until we arrive at Stalliongrad , you will serve as cabin fillies onboard *Selena*, under the guide of Captain Silver Shade!..." Pegasi proclaimed.

"YAY!" Aria screamed and flew to the ceiling in excitement. "CMS's are now pirates!"

"Hold on," stopped her Loadstar, "Weren't you supposed to get a flyoneer cutie mark?!"

"If it would help," noted Captain, "Famous pirate Feathernando Cortez, among other things, discovered new lands. And Marco Pone, notorious explorer, was known to do some questionable stuff too, when he was surrounded by vile tribes and savages. And Anabasis Drake, fearless Kirin..."

"The who?" the curious mentat perked her ears.

"Kirin. His father was a dragon, and mother was an earth pony. Long story, I'll tell you some other time. But before them all, there was notorious captain Black Mane. Her original map is still onboard *Selena* till this day."

Red eyes, looking imploringly at the Captain, were louder than words. Even Aria stopped circling the ceiling lamp and raised an eyebrow.

"It's on the wall," Said pegasi, pointing at the covered frame. "But be careful. It's very, very old."

Grey Mouse was intrigued too, she stepped closer and sat next to Loadstar.

Aria grabbed one side of the curtain that was covering the frame, mentats magic - grabbed the other side, and soon enough, an ancient map of the world was presented to bewildered ponies.

That, was not a map of Equestria that you would find in any school.

That, was a map of lands that little filles from Starspire did not even knew existed.

"But,... where's Equestria?" Aria asked quietly.

"Here," Said Loadstar, and circled a small patch of land with her hoof. "That's all of Equestria."

"What? that's it?!" little thestral was surprised.

Captains laughter filled the room.

"Oh little one," She said smiling. "Equestria - is massive."

Sudden realisation struck Loadstar like... she could not even describe that feeling.

She looked at the map. She found Starspire and Canterlot. Then she looked outside of the borders of pony country. Griffon Empire, Cervideria, Camelu, Zebrika. Lands, that apparently, had long connections to Equestria's history. Then there were lands she never saw before. Far Boardoar and Saddle Arabia. Unknown lands with pictures of dragons and monsters, mystical notes written on the map like *Burned land* , *Leviathan's Resting Grounds* and *Eternal Storm*. Endless seas and immobile clouds and even... The Edge of the World.

Loadstar whispered ecstatically:

"Oh Luna... Is this really our world?" She looked back at the Captain, who nodded. "I could have never imagined that it is so... vast!"

A soft wing hugged little filly, and Captain’s voice sounded in her tasseled ear:

"Indeed, our world is vast and full of wonders, as well as dangers. But remember: All is possible, if you follow your dreams."

Loadstar nodded thankfully, but could only sigh: her duty as a mentat - studying hard, and after that working for the betterment of Starspire. Adventure had no place in her future.

«Unless, you meet Aria Midnight,» she smiled mirthlessly. «Then, all your planing goes to waste...».

Captain released the filly and turned to the CMS's.

"So, if you all agree, let's get you acquainted with *Selena*. Then we will decide on your tasks."

Loadstar sighed, looking at an excited Aria and a meekly smiling Mouse.

After all, even if they would be punished in the end, no force in the world could take away the adventure ahead…

* * *

...Loadstar could have not imagined, that a sky ship - could be so complex.

Until recently she thought that it was just a hull hanging below the balloons.

As it turned out, even a small ship like *Selena* packed a lot of magical and technological gizmos, whose nature and purpose was a mystery to even a smart filly like herself.

Grey Mouse, on the contrary, when found herself down in the the mechanical belly of the ship, felt like she was at home.

The little thestral immediately caught the attention of the silver colored unicorn: the ship's chief engineer. A silent mare with purple mane and three cogs on her flank tried to wave away the annoying little filly. But Mouse persisted, and soon enough, they both were discussing the internal mechanics of the ship. Their dialogue was soon filled with technomagical terms like *Levitation coefficient*, *Horizontal flux*, *regulation of magical fields with mechanical devices*, and other words about gears, pulleys, loads, leavers, and other mechanical jargon, Loadstar suddenly and painfully understood how Aria and Grey must have felt when she started to ramble about the intricacy of magical spells.

It was quite obvious that Grey Mouse would want to stay down below. Chief Engineer Gy Ro ultimately demanded that *Smart Mouse* would be assigned as her personal aid, informing the Captain, that little thestral was more knowledgeable than all of her previous assistants combined.

Captain Silver Shade led remaining CMS's further, through the galley, the lower ground overwatch post, and other compartments, Loadstar mind was still filled with the image of the map. A vast open world beckoned. And the little mentat knew, that as soon as *Selena* docked at Stalliongrad, this adventure will be over. She would get her homework back, and return to Starspire. Back to the inevitable punishment, and the monotonous grind of the Academy.

Aria Midnight, (who apparently was not burdened with such thoughts), stayed with the crewmen that were relaxing in the sleeping hall. The little filly was itching for combat and refused to accept the fact that *Selena* simply had no boarding party. Long gone were the days, when you could really meet real sky pirates. Although, there were some exceptions, but usually far from the lands of Equestria.

Loadstar, who was accustomed to the silence of the library and quietness of her classes, was a bit frightened to stay with the loud and rowdy crew.

Especially with the Boatswain: He was a huge earth pony with the shortly shaven black mane. His fierce and angry visage was ruined only by the freckles on his face, making him look a bit silly.

Boatswain's rank could not be any further from his name: Granite Candy, and judging by his cutie mark, he was the inventor of those delicious candies from the Captain's quarters.

"We'll keep an eye on her, Cap'n" He boomed, grabbing giggling Aria and rustling her mane. "I like ‘er spirit!"

Silver Shade smiled and nodded.

After that, she walked Loadstar through the remaining sections of the ship, medbay, workshop, and then back to the top deck.

As soon as they emerged, Mute landed on the Captain's back (it looked like someone had let him out of his cage). The only detail Captain was missing at this point, was an eye patch, to make her look like a pirate from a book.

She smiled and patted the bird. Contrary to Loadstar’s expectation, he did not quip back, but gratefully rubbed against her wing.

Apparently, this two were far more than an owner and a pet.

The sun was leaning towards the horizon, and Loadstar squinted happily feeling the warmth on her face. Starspire's sun was always cold, even in the middle of the summer, and if it was not for the endemicity and Princes Luna's spells, no plant would be able to grow at such heights.

The little mentat loved the warmth: she always felt uncomfortable trading the heated halls of her dorm for the chilling winds on her back.

"Well, little one, anything caught your eye?" The Captain asked.

Loadstar sighed and looked at the door to the Captain’s quarters. Black Mane's map was still inside, marked with trade routes and Ley Lines of magical channels.

It was unfair. Any mentat in the Starspire worked either in Administration, Research, or Teaching at the Academy. In the long history of the Spire, there were only a few renegades who decided to go their own way, but, their story always ended with a final reprimand at the Star Bridge's gates.

And Loadstar did not wanted to end up like that.

"I do not know, Captain," The little enchantress sighed and raised her red eyes, "I am still enthralled by the Black Mane's map, and would like to study it in more detail... Although, I remember your words, that no one is a freeloader on your ship... and that's probably not what you have expected of me..."

Mute hoarsely chuckled, but kept quiet, pretending to gaze at the sunset.

Silver Shade smiled and was about to reply when the doors leading to the lower decks were flung open.

The little filly that appeared at the doorstep attracted everyone's attention.

Stomping in her oversized boots, dressed in skivvies, with at least five daggers strapped to her chest and a loaded crossbow on her back, Aria Midnight entered the scene. Completing her transformation, she had three golden earrings hanging on her right ear (apparently, piercing them through ears was too scary for her), and a black eye patch that was covering the left side of her head.

"YARGH!" Hoarsely squeaked little thestral, stretching her wings. "Fear me! Aria Midnight! The Mighty Thunderstorm!"

Before anyone could say anything, she took a few steps forward and (predictably) crashed onto the deck.

With that, crossbow clicked, and an arrow flew past Captains head, missing her hat by less than a hoof.

The crew, not saying a word, amicably burst out laughing. Captain smiled too, despite being one step away from her grave.

"A thunderstorm you are - for sure."

Loadstar thought that such recklessness - was too much, even for Aria. Someone is bound to get hurt.

The hapless "Thunderstorm" gathered herself, looking back at the laughing crew, she flew up above the deck.

"Don't you dare laugh at me!" She proclaimed.

It was so adorable, that even Loadstar giggled in her hoof, although she felt ashamed for laughing at her friend.

"Looks like someone needs a lesson" Smiled Silver Shade, and glanced at Mute.

The parrot flew off her back and landed on the nearby turnbuckle and croaked:


After that Loadstar could not hold herself, and joined the crew's laughter. She was profoundly ashamed of herself, but could not do anything about it: that one picture-book she found in the library would never be the same for her ever again after Mute's remark.

For Aria, amiable laughter was worse than torture, and that was the last straw. Thestral lowered her ears and hovered next to the parrot.

"Don't mock me with weird words I do not know!" She hissed "I have Curly for that!"

"Your ignorance does not excuse you," Mute calmly replied.

"I'm gonna..." Aria choked in anger, "I'm gonna... eat you!"

"Keep hoping, kid" The parrot snorted.

"You'll see!"

"Many tried before, none succeeded."

Aria planted her forelegs in her sides.

"Like who?"

"Like great pegasus pirate Feathernando Cortez, for one"

"A pegasus vowed to eat you? You must've really got on his nerves."

"I might have."

While those two continued to bicker, Loadstar suddenly remembered that Feathernando Cortez lived over two hundred years ago. And if that was true - Mute was far older than he looked.

Which means, he witnessed the Dark Ages, or, even the Age of Discord!

Loadstar gasped when she realized how ancient and wise this creature might be.

If only that parrot wasn't such a barnacle...

"I think, I found a task for you," Said Silver Shade.

Loadstar emerged from her daydreaming and stared quizzically at the pegasus above her.

"You're a smart girl, I can tell. You'll sort my maps and paperwork, I never get enough time for that."


"And Mute will help," Captain concluded, and was rewarded with ecstatic bright red eyes staring back at her...

...The rest of the evening went in a blink of an eye.

Captain Silver Shade (as it turned out), was not too keen for the routine, managerial tasks. She kept all of her paperwork on a single desk in a huge stack, that (probably) had some sort of order, but Loadstar still had to spend the whole evening categorizing and separating.

Loadstar approached her new task with due diligence. She had previous experience working with massive amounts of documents, like, when it came to the reports and calculations.

It was pretty much the same process. Checks, that were obviously signed in haste and never delivered to the bank, mail form the Royal Chancellery, rough calculations on the motion of celestial bodies and their influence on air currents, Map sketches, Invoices for the supplies and resources.

Sometimes, especially when it came to financial documents, she had to seek advice from the Mute. Contrary to her expectations, he did not tease the little mentat, and willingly gave out information. He expressed himself, however, in quite technical and confusing terms, but Loadstar kept her cool. And when she never asked the parrot to repeat his answers, something akin to respect flickered in the bird's deep eyes.

Loadstar, biting biting her tongue in concentration, spent some time circling a whole wad of documents above her head, holding them in her magic. At first glance it appeared to be in a completely random order, but in fact, was sorted according to her personally developed technique of magical sorting.

Soon enough, instead of the huge stack of papers on Captain's desk, there now were neat folds of parchments and scrolls. Quills were sharpened, ink - replenished, dust - dusted.

Loadstar took another look at her accomplishment, and went to present her work to the surprised Silver Shade.

And then...

As a token of appreciation, Captain allowed her to take the Black Mane's map from under the glass.

With caution and even awe, Loadstar spread the map on a now vacant table. Vast world literally leapt forward, and Loadstar thought it would be smart to take a few notes.

When she started to copy the names and sketch the outlines of most interesting places, Mute started talking to himself.

Seeing what part of the map little filly was interested in, the parrot, as if by chance, he recollected his adventures in land afar, locals he met, and their history.

Loadstar struggled to keep up with him, her quill moving swiftly as she tried to write it all down. .

The Parrot, however did not dwell on details, it felt like he guided the mentat on the route of the ancient pirate, leaving it up to her to gather the information later on. He even pointed to the books of old explorers that might help her.

This enchanting spectacle of knowledge continued until the young sorceress began to yawn and nod off right at the table.

Naturally, that did not escape the Captain’s attention, while sending the mentat to the deck for a "walk before bedtime", she laid out a bed for the fillies. Obviously, only Aria objected, her excuse was accepted, but only as an exception...

* * *

...The day had ended and sky filled with night coolness. In a castle far away, Luna raised the moon and sprinkled the darkened sky with stars.

*Selena* continued its swift flight, her riggings creaking in the wind. In the pale moonlight, the ship’s metallic parts glowed light blue, and Loudstar noted that it was probably due to the stardust. This magical material, when added to the metal, greatly enhanced its magical conductivity, although, only while under moon or starlight.

Loadstar wasn't sure, but it felt that with the rise of the moon *Selena* started to accelerate. Well, it could have been the night wind.

Sleepless CMS's ,yawning and nodding their heads, were sent to bed. Just in time, for when Gy Ro brought Grey Mouse, the little thestral was curled up and sound asleep in the unicorn’s telekinetic hold .

Aria proclaimed that she would sleep *among the real swashbucklers* and went down to the crew’s sleeping quarters. Mouse and Loadstar stayed with the Captain. Apparently, the old mare wanted to babysit the little ones.

Otherwise, why would she spend so much time with the stowaways?

Loadstar was thinking about it, while lying on Captain’s massive bed and listening Mouse's snuffles.

She almost fell asleep, but a sudden thunderclap woke her up.

It was still dark outside, and it appeared that the weather turned for the worst. Grey Mouse was asleep, and only curled up harder, hiding her head under the blanket.

According to the clock on the wall, only half an hour has passed.

Loadstar sighed and got up from the bed. Insomnia was not normal for her, it just happened when something would wake her up and completely ruin her sleep.

The ship now was rocking noticeably. Loadstar walked closer to the map on the wall and looked at the outlines of continents and floating islands. In the pale, flickering light of a magical lamp, the map sprung to life: waves moved in the seas, clouds and forests rustled in the wind, icecaps gleamed on top of the mountains...

Loadstar smiled remembering what happened today, but a new thunderclap brought her back to reality.

It seemed that while CMS's were asleep, *Selena* cruised into a storm. Loadstar could see flashes of light outside of the windows. The floor was swaying, and the magical lamp that was swinging on the ceiling was now flickered from the magical disturbance outside.

A quiet melody reached her ears, and she could barely hear someone singing:

Daytime sleeps and dreams of night

while beauty flanks your bed.

White-Blue stars soar skyward yearning

love your heart misread.

Night burns bright and blends with shadow,

fills your heart with gloom.

Princess Luna, roamer of dreams,

steal my heart and bloom. . .

Calmness of the song did not fit the storm outside.

Poking her curious head outside of the captain’s quarters, the little mentat followed a short corridor and opened the door to the main deck.

Top deck looked empty.

The Stormy sky deepened around the black clouds that began to look like impassable mountains. Quick flashes of lightning lit the ship, which now felt so very fragile as she bravely flew against the winds. Gold, violet, dazzling white lightning cast a glow on the shiny parts of "Selena". Fully extended lighting rods swung heavily in the wind. The ruckus, no longer muffled by the walls of the cabin, deafened Loadstar ears.

A strong gust of wind threw the doors open and doused little mentat in cold water, waking her up momentarily.

Loadstar was awestruck when she saw Silver Shade standing on the ship’s bow.

With her wings wide open, the tall pegasus was looking forward into the storm. It seemed like she was ignoring the heavy rain, howling winds, violent flashes, and the overall cacophony.

Just like in a tale about the Thunder Pegasus, *Selena* was now aiming straight for the eye of the storm.

And in the deafening howl and blinding flares, Loadstar realised, who was singing.

At that very moment, the music changed. The quiet melody was replaced with a passionate strum of invisible strings. And the dance of lightning and wind was now heard in this magical melody, beckoning and dragging to itself, there, forward, where the brave captain stood:

Dance with me,

Sing with me,

Play with me,

Fly with me,

Run with me,

Trot with me,

Laugh with me,

Steal from me. . .

Sudden wave of wind rocked the ship, almost making Loadstar tumble back into the sleeping quarters. But Captain simply laughed, not even changing her stance.

An array of lightings suddenly struck *Selena*, making lighting rods glow bright red in the darkness, while little mentat had to to cover her eyes from the blinding flashes: she left her goggles back in the bed.

The captain seemed none the worse for wear: *Selena* rushed forward and up, and in the more accelerated song sounded courage and a challenge:

All deckhands on deck!

Swasher and blackjack!

Peel off to port tack!

Hearties go find me gold!

All deckhands on deck!

Swasher and blackjack!

Peel off to port tack!

Blimey, you got me sold!

The sky ship, rocked by water and winds, was leaving a trail of powerlessly flickering lightnings, and rushed even higher. Loadstar could not see who was manning the helm, but Captain trusted that pony with her life.

And, apparently enjoyed the ride.

The little enchantress could relate to that: standing above the world, challenging the nature. In weather like this, when no sensible pegasus or thestral would even dare to fly: storm warning, red flag!

Moonlight poured through the break between the clouds.

Loadstar stood breathless when she saw the gigantic moon.

Sudden absence of rain and a gust of cold high altitude air shook little thestral to the bone, all of her feelings got mixed in an instant: excitement and fear, delight and curiosity, coldness and vigor.

She could see captain’s silhouette against the moon, and in a moment, could hear her singing again.

Pirate Luna, come steal my heart made of gold.

Live in my dream, we'll fight scallywags and the mold.

Scream out ahoy! Lift up our spirits!

Live on the vessel of the Lunar Pirate.

With her final words, *Selena* broke through the clouds and hovered above the storm. Loadstar could see lightning below them, deep in the clouds, but it was nothing compared to what they just went through.

Loadstar stepped onto the deck and wanted to call the captain when she turned back, little mentat could see that pegasus’ eyes glowed with bright silver light, reflecting the moon.

In the calmed music surrounding her, she heard a chorus of voices chanting:

"Regina noctis pro nobis,"

"Regina noctis pro nobis,"

"Lunae Lumen."

Captain said something, but little filly could not hear what it was.

She only felt her consciousness lifted by dark-blue wings, and flown far, somewhere, where dreams are born...