• Published 30th Jun 2019
  • 440 Views, 11 Comments

Power of Love! - Inactive Pone

Who knew A single Kidnapping was enough to spark off the biggest changeling invasion in Equestrian History?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Shapeshifter

*The next day.*

Ally looked outside her room- She could feel the arrival of the train. Changelings were on their way there for the final defense. She smiled, knowing that it’s the allies. She’ll be saved soon.

What’s happening outside?

“They’re here... They’re here to save me!”

Oh, good. I’d prefer you safe over... Yeah.


Ally looked at her pendant.

W-Well, I mean... You are the one bringing around the pendant, who is essentially me...

“*chuckles* I don’t have to be the one wearing it, but if you say so.”

She continued staring blankly out the window.


“Yep, Rafisol?”

Silence occurred.

How should I go about this...?

“About what?”

I-I... *sigh* There’s something that I’ve wanted to tell you, for a while. And this isn’t just because we started talking, okay?


Okay, so... I hate you but at the same time... I don’t understand why, but...

A pause.

Th-Thank you.

“Huh? Why all of a sudden?”

I don’t know, it’s just... The whole time after you defeated me, I was trapped in the pendant and... Well, you became the only one I could really talk to, I guess.

“So you feel lonely?”

I... I’m not sure. It felt as if I’ve spent so long alone in the pendant that when I did come out of it that one time and I got to know you, the one who’s been carrying me around... It feels rather... What’s the word?


Something like that. I don’t know why, or how, but whenever you feel happy, I seem to feel that happiness. When you’re sad, like the past few week or two, I could sense the pain you’re having. The surprising thing is that... I-I want to share that feeling, too.

“So you’re saying you could feel the same emotions I do?”

I think so. Some of those days, I wish... I honestly wish you could brighten up. I’m not used to seeing you being gloomy and hopeless.

“Really? Th-Thanks, I guess...?”

I mean it, Ally. I didn’t want to admit it to you because I thought you’d be so shocked and you wouldn’t know what to do about me, now that I’m trying to be... To be... Ugh, I can’t say it.

Ally knew what she was about to say, and all she did was nod.

“Why couldn’t you have told me this a few days back? Was really frustrated then.”

I was worried...


I thought you hated me, honestly. But now... I can see you never did. And... I’m really happy about that. I still can’t believe you gave us the chance to start over, really. I think... I think you’re much more kind than I thought you were. I just hope you can say the same for me and we can move on.

Hearing this, Ally cried a few tears. She put the pendant close to her heart.


I can feel that you know. Ugh, feels weird.

“*giggles* Thank you, Rafisol. You know what? You’re kind too. You just never knew that about yourself.”



Then... Ally?


I want to tell you something. I-I...


The door swung open. Chrysalis barged in.

“Gaaaah!” Ally cried, raising her hands up. Rafisol immediately stopped talking.

Without a word, the Queen motioned for her servants to come in. Rudely and harshly, they just grabbed the girl by all four limbs and walked out as she struggled.

“Hey! What are you doing!?” She cried. “Let me go!”

One of them hissed at her.

“I’m not falling for any more plans just because you’re scary!”

But they didn’t listen. They carried her right to the throne room of the castle before she was released. And she can’t even escape because the Queen had her in her magic grasp.

“You know why I brought you here...”


“Oooof!” Ally cried.

“Tell me. Who’s side are you on?”

“Y-Yours, your highness!”

“Then tell me why Twilight’s friends, who look SO similar to you AND seem to have a connection with you, came from a whole other world just to save you!”


Chrysalis tilted her head.

“It was you who did it, isn’t it. You called for help during that raid, didn’t you?”

“N-No! That’s not true! I-”

She was raised into the air.

“Stop lying!” Chrysalis demanded. “That Arle and her own allies would not have come into this world without your help! No one outside our world would ever know about us, and you’re the only person that does not belong here who could possibly have contacted them!”

Ally was thrown back onto the ground. She got up weakly.

“I knew I should have kept a closer watch on you whenever I had the chance to. You somehow managed to contact Princess Twilight without knowing her in person to give her the details to foil my plans!”

The girl had enough. She just spread her arms out angrily.

“Well if you think I’m the reason why your race will perish, then just kill me!”

She let out a tear without realizing it. She has never been this mad at anyone before. Rafisol, in the pendant worn around her neck, felt a sense of flame and heat, as well as pain.


“All you did was use me, taunt me, and lied to me about having a great life under your rule,” Ally cried, “I don’t want anything right now! I just want to see my friends alive and well, and go home! I don’t want to be here serving for you! You don’t understand what you’re doing, love is not meant to be stolen! It’s meant to be shared, and what you’re doing to me, taking all my magic and using it to obliterate everyone you hate, is the exact opposite of what love is about! When your tribe is so well-fed with love, others aren’t, and what is love when you can’t share it to make everyone happy? Do you have to see Equestria, all those who you have such grave hatred and vengeance on, perish under your own hooves to be satisfied?”

“Tell me! What do you think is love!?” She screamed.

This time, no one dared to step even near her. Now, it was a waiting game. Ally didn’t want to touch any one of them, and neither did the Changeling guards want to touch Ally. Chrysalis, absolutely shocked at how furious such a gentle and sweet-looking girl can get, couldn’t utter a word.

“See? You don’t even know,” She hmphed, bringing her arms down. “The very essence that keeps you all alive- You don’t even understand what it is. If so, I have no reason to support you all with something you don’t need. Go ahead- Kill me with your magic, because you don’t deserve the love you so desperately want- Not mine, not my friends, not anyone in this world, because you are devoid of love yourself.”

She was ready to make her exit.

Uhhhhh, how about no.

Chrysalis felt a weird tingling. She then proceeded to use her magic and grab onto Ally right before she could open the door. Ally struggled, but she couldn’t resist the strength of the pull.

“What a lovely speech you gave,” Chrysalis giggled. “And so naive, too. I’m not the one devoid of it, the ponies are who’s devoid of it. Ask them- They all shut me out. Where is that genuine love you’re talking about? I don’t see it.”

“If you can stop being so hostile to them, maybe they will learn to love you, too!”

“But they wouldn’t ever do that. The princesses will never allow it. They won’t ever give me a chance. So, you forced me to. And as for your request... How about I go about it the hard way?”

There was some kind of changeling larvae cage attached to the top of the ceiling, connected with strands of changeling goo along the ceiling that seemed to stretch outside the castle entirely. With magic, a struggling and frightened Ally was lifted towards the capsule. She was soon entrapped in it, sealed in, and seconds later she let out a deafening scream. She glowed a vibrant pink, her magic seeping away bit by bit.

Chrysalis let out one terrifying laugh when she saw her contraption had worked.

“The longer you stay there,” Chrysalis said, “The more magic you’ll heed to me... And once you run out of it to give... You will start to perish.”

“*grunts* No!!!”

Ally closed her eyes, and she went unconscious.


Chrysalis was done laughing to herself. “Now, I know just the perfect ones to transfer that first burst of magic to. Come on, Princess Twilight! Show me and what your friends can really do when I have all that power amassed right behind me!”

She and her servants left with a bang on the door. And there she was- Ally, trapped in a coma, the only way setting her free being to tear it open from the outside, it seems. In her pendant, knowing Ally’s fall, Rafisol gasped, then she went speechless, and then to her own surprise, tears dropped down her face, one by one. Someone so important to her, is about to fall, right here, and right now. She clenched her heart- Wishing as hard as she could that she could just burst out of the pendant like she did the first time and save her.

Please... Someone... Anyone, save her...

Rafisol started crying- A cry that no one would be able to hear.

The train made its stop at Ponyville station, bringing back the final member of the Puyo Crew. They were about to get up and make their exit when they saw that all their friends were already waiting. Twilight gave a wave and made a gesture from them to hop aboard.

“So everyone is here and accounted for?” Twilight questioned as they all took their seats.

Arle gave a nod. “Yep! We are totally ready! Right, everyone?”

Everyone let out a “Yeah!” In response, including some cheering. Then they went back to chatting with one another. Twilight, who has only just paid attention to how large the group had gotten, was brimming with pride and confidence. As if the seven of them ponies wasn’t enough, their joint force was doubled in numbers. Throughout all that has happened over the past few days, she’s just glad they finally stand a chance of taking back the kingdom. It has, so far, been quite a smooth ride, like every adventure that she had been on.

And she hoped that this would be the same.

The train left the station, and Twilight had her eyes on Canterlot- The capital of Equestria. In a few hours, the group would have to penetrate through the most grueling takeover of their mission thus far. As it is the heartland, the town must be heavily defended from the outer walls all the way into the castle interiors. However, Twilight had a plan- She knew the castle inside and out, and during the ride, she made her plan known to the masses. Everyone approved, and all there was left to do was wait.

Despite going on what’s probably their toughest challenge to date, the Puyo Crew did not let that stop themselves from having fun with the Ponies. Pinkie, being a confectioner, was talking with Lemres. Ringo kinda opened up to Applejack as a start. Fluttershy was talking with Harpy on singing. Raffina and Draco got along with fashion designer Rarity. Rainbow tried to get along with Schezo, interested by his might and strength. Being associated with magic, Amitie and Feli chatted with Starlight, but Feli was kinda awkward for that one.

Arle, seeing all her friends preoccupied, hung out with Twilight instead. She saw Twilight, looking off into the distance out the window as the train whooshed past.


Carby tugged at Twilight’s hoof. The princess looked at Arle for a translation.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. Just admiring the view.”

Twilight continued staring. Arle sat next to her.

“Hey, Twilight?”


“When we had the fight with Chrysalis... She told me something.”


“She... Well, she only wanted her own people to be happy. It is you all who lashed out at them for invading your nation in desperation for what they strived for. All she wanted was to let the Changeling tribe flourish and live well with no problems. What you all did... Apparently clouded her vision.”

“What?” Twilight asked, “Please, don’t be silly now, Arle.”

“I’m not! Listen, her defeats made her hungry for revenge. I’m sure she was forced to invade upon you all out of desperation to care for her subjects as a ruler. She loved and cherished her people, it’s a fact. No matter how bitter you think she is, in her heart, she knows what love is. But before she could show that love towards her subjects... That must’ve been when the invasion was.”

“And we kicked her horde out.”

“Exactly. It only got worse when Starlight destroyed their hive. By then, her thirst for revenge must’ve overpowered her true reason for all of this. If she knew what her goal was, why didn’t she stop after she took Ally?”

Twilight contemplated her words.

“We gave her chances. But... I’m not sure if it will work any longer.”

Arle thought for a bit. “Why did Chrysalis and her horde have to take all the love from you all anyway? Why couldn’t they get love between themselves, if love existed everywhere?”

That made Twilight go numb. Arle smiled.

“See, as I said, Chrysalis loved her subjects. She didn’t want to leave her hanging. But when she knew their hunger of love couldn’t be satisfied, they came to you all in search of it. However... Some changelings must’ve misunderstood how powerful love can be when you share it with one another. They take it away- But they never share it. If they knew... Maybe they wouldn’t have to be so hostile? Maybe... You all can co-exist? Like how you said the former King once made happen?”

“It’s possible to purify the changelings, but not her, as far as I know. She’s kind of stubborn.”


Arle patted her friend as she carried on. “She had a sense of love for her subjects and she had her intentions of coming to your land. However, you treated them as a threat and kicked them out. Since then, she did not care- Helping her subjects reign on was only a side project, while all she wanted was revenge on what you’ve done to her. She is devoid of love. If we keep going at her with this attitude, we won’t win. Like how Ally once told me before- Love can be the solution to everything. Why not?”

Twilight listened carefully. She’s right- When did they ever consider Chrysalis’ intentions of invading Equestria? If they knew that might have been the key to persuading the upstart villain back then from switching her plans, why didn’t they make the chance count? Chrysalis had attacked the ponies time and time again, and the destruction of the hive and reformation of changelings was nothing but a pure message to her that she had no right to be here- Not with the ponies, and not even her own people.

They’re the elements of harmony, banishing every force against it. But does it mean they have to be their enemy? Is there no other way? Is harmony fought by hatred between the two sides truly harmony?

“You’re right- In a way.”

“Mhmm, to an extent. Oh, how I wish Ally is here to hear this. I’m anxious about how she’ll feel about this, though.”

“Don’t worry. Rescuing her would mean our decisive victory.”

“I hope we do, and fast. I’m so worried...”


Twilight was about to respond when they suddenly stopped. The train was still a bit away from the station, so they hopped off on the mountainside to investigate. They saw a large, green bubble forcefield that stretched across the entirety of Canterlot. The train was stopped for Exactly this reason- It cannot progress with that in place.

“Changeling Magic?” Starlight questioned.

“No, this can’t possibly be,” Twilight replied. “Though, they might have found the remains of Chrysalis’ throne that we have kept, which has the ability to restrain anyone from using magic inside its field. But now they’ve made it into a legitimate forcefield.”

“This must be Ally’s Power,” Ringo said, “Chrysalis must’ve taken all her love away for herself and strengthened her spells!”

Rainbow Dash can only moan. “Oh come on! It’s going to take us forever to get through this! We are locked out of our own capital!”

”Not if I could offer you all a hand. But I can’t.”

“Who’s there?” Schezo was ready for a fight.

Suddenly, a navy, eerie gel was attracted into mid-air, forming a blob-like creature, like a giant Puyo. Then it started to take shape, into a figure that the Puyo crew recognized. The figure looked like it was made of some kind of dark space matter, with dark navy skin with cyan highlighted on its hands and feet. His head has a wispy tail, he had big cyan eyes with a question mark that looked like a third eye on the forehead. His chest had a spirally, Star-shaped cyan marking.

The figure floated in mid-air as he opened his eyes.

“Ecolo!” Ringo exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “Why not? I can traverse between space and time and dimensions.”

“No! What we mean is you seem like you’re not on our side right now!” Draco shouted, “What is it this time!?”

“Ah, well...” Ecolo grinned. “I was just chilling when all of a sudden I felt a huge surge of power coming from Primp Town. I was sucked into a portal and-“

“We all know already,” Feli moaned, “Can you cut to what actually happened?”

“Fine. So this weird Queen tried to put me under hostage and wanted me to work for her, but I proved way too hard for her to convince. Yet, when I found you all were in this plan, too, I was interested. Besides, I needed to meet up with you all somehow anyway.”

“So you’re the one that made this barrier?” Applejack questioned.

“No, I can’t do that, it was she that made it. Buuuuuuuuut she did tell me to be on guard to stop your advance, so I’m doing exactly that.”

“We have no time to bicker with you!” Arle said, pointing a finger. “If it’s a Puyo Battle you’re looking for, you’re going to get it!”

“Wait, Wait,” Ecolo halted them. “This place ain’t big enough. I’ll do you one better.”

He snapped his fingers, and everyone was blinded by a bright light.

Twilight woke up in a vast space of nothingness.

She wasn't on her own- She had her pony friends. But the Puyo crew were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are we?" Fluttershy asked.

"Where are our other friends?" Rarity added.

"I don't know," Twilight replied, "But this can't be a good thing."

"Oh, why of course it isn't."

The group turned, to find Ecolo hovering in mid-air. Twilight stood around 10 feet before him.

"Ecolo, right?"

He nodded. "You all are with the Puyo crew and I suppose you all are on their side. Well, truth is, I'm on their side too. I just needed to make sure you all can take her down. Don't want my friends going with some people I don't know about."

"Oh, please, we've beaten tons of threats to Equestria before!" Rainbow said.

"Rainbow," Twilight reminded, "This may be different. They have all of Ally's power, they can do anything."

"Speaking of her, I know what happened to the poor girl. If you win, I'll spill the beans. If you don't, you'll just have to hope I'm in a good mood and let you move on."

"Eh, I'm sure we got this, I'll just call in-" Pinkie stopped when she realized the Puyo crew wasn't there. "*gasp* They're gone!"

Everyone gasped.

Oh, what the heck. Of course you're alone on this fight.

Ecolo made a curious face for just a second, then turned back to the group. "Since you're going to use your powers against me, I've brought a little power from mine. This- Is a virtual reality. You all are trapped with me until one side loses this Puyo battle. And to make it fair, I've purposefully split the group so you all have to deal with me."

"So where are they, then?" Starlight asked.

"Oh, don't worry. They're fighting against a clone of themselves- Her Majesty's most hard-hit Changelings that morphed to become just like them, but in a dark form."

"Now then..."

Ecolo brought up his board, with a determined face.

"Ready to play?"

Twilight stepped to the front, ready to attack. Everypony set up their boards as well. If this was going to be against such a powerful foe, she needed all the magic she can get.

"Born ready."

**Game Start!**

The puyos travel their way down to the bottom of the Puyo boards. Ecolo was playing like an absolute professional. He was setting up for some long chains to blast out one huge attack against the allies. Of course, they knew sabotage is needed somehow in order to protect themselves from being overwhelmed by Puyo. And they got a plan- They’ll overwhelm him back with numbers.

The mane seven had the player number advantage in this round, enabling them to deal several attacks at the same time. Due to their inexperience and difficulty in making larger chains, they used the tactic Arle called “Harassment”. They would make chains of three, send the magic to Twilight, and let her attack. It also made sure Ecolo was constantly dealing with garbage puyos, delaying his attacks.

Before the battle, Twilight already realized her normal magic was disabled. However, even by only relying on the magic from the Puyos, she made a notable attempt of attacking.

Keyword- Notable.

Twilight blasted magic at him. Yet, his entity seemed to absorb it.



Ecolo backfired the attack with ease, hitting Twilight. Now the Ponies’ attack was delayed with garbage puyos. And that was really bad timing because Ecolo dug himself out of the mess they’ve made for him and set off one, giant chain of twelve.


Ecolo summoned changelings, who have turned into clones of the mane seven.

“What in the-!?” Twilight gasped.


The clones charged at their counterparts. Their focus on the Puyo game had to halt- They had enemies to deal with and they’ve got nothing but their wits against them now that their only way of magic is Puyos. But they were not backing down and showed no fear. Not only did they successfully fend off the clones, but they stood their ground for offense even in exhaustion.

They continued with their strategy and were faster than when they started the fight. Twilight continued firing away until she hit a specific spot on Ecolo’s body.

“Ouch!” He said, “That was bad!”

Twilight gasped. “It’s that rift-like symbol on the front! That’s it!”

She continued her next few shots, focussed on that spot. It was the only spot where she could damage and weaken him. That seemed to impact his gameplay, too- He seemed unfocused and was making a lot of misplaced drops. On the other hand, the group got the hang of it and in this confusion, we’re ready to deal the decisive blow.


Ecolo fired a big projectile. Twilight got magic and defended. Surprisingly, even against a chain of six, she successfully holds her ground.

“Now lay it on him!” Pinkie yelled.

Everypony got at least a chain of four, Starlight even pulling off the first chain of seven. With that kind of damage, Ecolo’s board was filled and he dropped to the floor.

“How did yo-“

Twilight silenced him by firing away. She concentrated her attack on one spot. Around ten seconds later, she was out of magic, but it did its work. Twilight fluttered back on the ground.

“Wow... We did it!” Twilight said joyfully.

“But... What about him? He looks...” Fluttershy pointed out.

On a side, Ecolo was shrunken down to look only like the symbol on his heart. Soon after, he regained his form. The ponies steadied themselves for another fight, but he just shook his head no.

“Good,” He shrugged. “That was fun, actually.”

“So are we through now?” Twilight asked.

“Yep, you all can take quite a good beating- I’m sure you’re only gonna be stronger with the Puyo crew at this rate.”

“Great!” Rainbow celebrated. “Now let’s go and kick Chrysalis’ butt!”

Ecolo snapped his fingers to return them to where they left off.

"You all are okay!"

Twilight was relieved to see the rest of the crew safe and sound. They were all accounted for and back in the real world.

"Oh please," Raffina chimed in, "They were no match for us at all!"

"They may look like us and can perform the same spells, but in fact, they cannot play Puyo! At all!" Amitie added.

"Perhaps this has something to do with your ability to do so in your world, that they could not replicate."

Pinkie nodded. "You did that once when we found Ringo!"

In the midst of the conversation, Ecolo appeared in front of them. The Puyo crew was ready, but the ponies halt their attack as they have already proven him they're worthy.

"Sometimes I really underestimate you all," Ecolo beamed. "Alrighty, I'll open up the town for you all to pass. However, your pony magic will still be disabled."

"Why so?" Twilight asked.

"The Queen explained to me that this barrier can only be truly destroyed by deactivating her throne's magic from the inside. And since you've won, I can tell you more about what she is planning to tinker with Ally's magic."

"Ally!" Arle said, "What happened to her?"

"She's completely controlled by Chrysalis. I’ve heard that her power will be drained away to power up the throne and her magic, as well as the strength of the changelings. Ally is in the throne room of the palace."

"Well, that's simple!" Draco exclaimed, "Let's just storm right up there and-"

"Not quite," Ecolo hasn't finished. "I've seen how hectic the town's defenses are. You all are gonna need to throw in everything you've got. And for that reason, including for you all to get back home safely after all this is done, I'm in."

"*gasp* That's wonderful!" Twilight replied.

"I just feel kinda guilty for throwing you all into fighting me as an ally. Don't wanna be killing people that I know are good people."

She nodded and gave him her thanks. Everyone returned quickly into the train as Ecolo stayed outside. After channeling a chain of fifteen, he had enough power to manipulate the barrier into creating a hole just big enough for the train to pass through. With that, the allies push on forward to their rightful capital as Ecolo swooped in right before the hole closed. They don't know how tough this fight will be, but if this was going to be anything like the Storm King Invasion then the ponies knew they could deal with any threat if they successfully did the former.

The Puyo crew, anxious about their friend for every passing second, knew all they need to do is fight their way up to the palace, and save the source of the nation-wide invasion. Once done, all this will be over.

The liberation had begun.

Puyo Whiz Ecolo has joined the Party