• Published 7th Aug 2012
  • 2,016 Views, 15 Comments

The Epiphany of Pinkamena - Vyven

Pinkie Pie comes face to face with a wanted criminal, but things go awry for the robber...

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I robbed the Ponyville Bank, running to avoid confrontation with the royal guards hot on my trail, running on a wounded hoof. I spot a shed not too far, and I hide in there with the rain beating heavily on the roof, in high hopes that the royal guards wouldn't check here to find me: I was a fugitive now, a wanted criminal, wanted for repeated charges of robbery, ponynapping, battery, and unfortunately...First Degree Murder. A murder that I wasn't intent on doing, I never killed anypony in my life. In the midst of my thoughts, I hear hoofsteps, and a pink face peers in at me. "Hiya! What'cha hiding in here for? Is there something exciting in here? All the excitement is eating cupcakes!"

I shush the mare and drag her behind the shed. "So, here's what's gonna happen: You're going to let me lay low here at your place, and you're gonna do what I say. Got it?" The pink pony smiles, "Is this a game? I love games! What's this game called?" Groaning over her playful nature, I go along with it, "This game is called Secret. You play the game by seeing how long you can keep the robber hidden. You be the innocent civilian, and I be the robber, sound good?" She nods, and I smile, "Good, now let me in your place!" Pinkie Pie unlocks the door, "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Agreeing, she pushes the door open, allowing me access. She follows, shutting the door behind her. As I look around, smelling the sugar-stained air, the pony can't help but notice my limping. "Uh oh...you're hurt, what did you do? How did you do that? Is it bad? Is it bleeding? Is it broken?" She pesters me with questions, "Oh no...I...sprained it."

"Well, I know what'll make you feel all 'batter'...cupcakes!" She giggles and snorts at the pun she made, "I'm Pinkie Pie, just so you know. I don't wanna play this game if we don't know each other's names!" I quickly think of a fake name, "Oh, uh, my name is.....uhhh...." I look at my tan coat, and instantly, I get an idea to fool the mare, "Brown Bark." Pinkie then laughs, "That means we're not strangers anymore! Yay!" Suddenly, knocking rattles on the door, Pinkie shoves me into the pantry and answers, eyeing two guards in clad gold armor, getting soaked in the rain, but remaining perfectly unbothered. "Good evening, Pinkie Pie. We're looking for a fugitive who was seen robbing the Ponyville Bank. He has a tan coat, brown mane and tail, about 4 feet tall, hazel eyes, have you seen anypony like that pass
by here?"

Pinkie Pie's mind accepts this event as part of the game, "Can't say I have, shiny sirs!" The guards look at each other, then return their stern stares at Pinkie, "Very well. If you see anypony like we described, we'll be out here patrolling the perimeter. If you see anything, you know what to do. Thank you for your time." The guards leave and Pinkie shuts the door, she opens the pantry, and pulls me out, "How'd I do? Huh huh huh? How many points do I get? Are those guards playing the game too?" I nod, "Yyyyyeah...they're playing too, and you get 10 points." Pinkie squees with joy, "Yay! 10 points! So since we're playing this game, and you're the bad pony, and I'm the pony that says 'I'll keep an eye out for him,' what are you wanted for in the game?"

Pinkie still thinks it's a game, and I use this to my advantage, I pretend to think about 'fake' charges, "Let's see....uh...robbing a bank, like that guard guy said, battery, um, ponynapping...yeah! And...uhm..." Pinkie eyes light up, "Whatwhatwhatwhatwhat? And what?" I once again pretend as if I came up with another one, "...murder. That's a good one!" Pinkie's smile suddenly transforms into a grim looking face, this worries me, I prepare to grab the knife concealed by my tail, "Did...you say...murder...?" Pinkie Pie's pupils shrink, but she shakes her head and rushes upstairs, she hurriedly opens a bottle of medicine and tosses a pill in her mouth, gulping it without any water. I quickly follow her to make sure she doesn't pull anything off that'll get me caught.

"What was that you just took?" Pinkie places the medicine back on the dresser, "These are my 'no-bad pony' pills." Not understanding, I inquire further, "What do you mean? You mean it's something for....ADHD or something?" Pinkie shakes her head, "No, it's to keep the bad pony from coming out." I take the medicine bottle up and read the label, "I'm still not following you..."

Prescription for: Pinkamena Diane Pie
Take 1 pill every 6 hours, increase dosage if needed.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

"Pinkamena Diane Pie? I thought you said your name was Pinkie Pie." She nods, "That's my full name, but I'd prefer to be called Pinkie Pie, it's easier to say and it's not a mouthful." I look over the label again, then back at Pinkie Pie, "What's Dissociative Identity Disorder?" Pinkie scratches her head, "No clue. I think the doctor said something like multiple personality disorder." It makes sense now: "To keep the bad pony from coming out" and No-Bad Pony Pills. DID is a serious
health issue, but that depends on what the other personality is like, and the fact that she said the pills are to keep the bad pony from coming out...I don't want to know what she means by bad pony...she almost flipped when I said Murder, which concerns me even more. I shake it off, it's probably nothing too serious, besides, everypony's definition of bad is different. But don't ponies with DID have triggers that make them flip? If that's true, then I need to be careful around this mare
not to set off any of her triggers, whatever they are.

"So...mind if I ask what triggers this 'bad-pony' to come out?" Pinkie Pie sits down on the floor and proceeds to explain, "Well, first off, I think you already know what one of them is, please don't say the word, I shouldn't even think about the word. Another one is when I'm emotionally being pushed, lack of sugar in the body, and the sight of sharp objects...that is the BIGGEST trigger." I nod, hanging onto every word she says, "So, when you say emotionally pushed, what do you mean?" Pinkie Pie smiles, "I mean when I start feeling intimidated, SHE comes out..." I look around the room as if it falls silent, then fix my gaze back on her, "Who comes out?" Pinkie Pie shudders, "Do I really have to say her name?"

"Well, gosh, if she's really that awful, you don't need to. I just wanted to know the triggers so I know what to avoid while I'm hanging around you." That explains why I didn't see ANY kitchen knives or scissors whatsoever, Pinkie Pie smiles, "Brown Bark? If she does somehow come out, then you've really really really gotta leave as soon as possible. You're nice, and I don't want you to get hurt..." I chuckle inwardly, a mare like her wouldn't stand a chance if she DID flip, I'm armed and she's
not, which makes hiding out in her home a whole lot easier. I press her on to tell me more about her other personality, however whenever the topic about it comes up, she becomes too shaken to talk about it.

A thunderclap causes the house to rumble, and the rain pelts the house adamantly. Looking out the window through the dribbling water, I see guards littering the street, they really want me captured, and they won't rest until I am. I bunk up with a blanket and a pillow on the floor, slipping my knife under the pillow in case of an emergency, and Pinkie Pie hops over me, plopping on her bed. I begin taking note of her personality for safety measures: Happy, cheerful, hyper, active, energetic, and playful. Memorizing those traits I close my eyes, "Nighty-night, Brown Barky-ite!" Pinkie falls asleep as well as I do.


The rain soundly beats on the window, it's been storming ever since last night. I cautiously peek out the window, and to my demise, the guards are still there. "Good morning!" I see Pinkie's reflection in the window, and as I draw my knife, I stop myself, remembering what triggers her to flip. "Why so jumpy? Are you hiding something? Is it a present?" I quickly put the knife away, "Uh, no." Pinkie Pie pouts, "Aw, poopie..." Her ears shoot up, and she fetches a cupcake from a plastic tray, giving it to me. "I made these myself! You'll like it!" I take a bite from the frosted pastry, my focus still fixed on her, "This is really good!" Pinkie's grin widens, "I'm glad you like it!" I can't stop thinking about her other personality, and I can't help but ask her, "Did you take your medicine?" Pinkie Pie nods, "You can have another cupcake if you want!" She takes one and begins eating it, thank Celestia, she's good about taking her medicine when she's supposed to, I have nothing to worry about, and I place my knife under my pillow. "Hey....can we just leave my blanket and pillow here on the floor? So we don't need to move it until I head my way?"

"Of course! This game is really fun! But shouldn't you be going home?" I rub my neck, "Well...I thought that to make the game more fun, we should make it more realistic. I 'hide out' here until those guards, that are playing this game too, leave, and I can make my escape." The pink mare giggles, "This is so much fun! I like this game!" I smile at her, she's so naive and easy to fool, she has no idea that I really am a wanted criminal. The money I took is as good as mine, and it's all thanks to her! I set my pouch down and I go over to take a cupcake, munching on it as Pinkie Pie inquires about the pouch, "What's in here? The 'fake loot'?" She giggles, and I peek at her over my shoulder, "Yep, it's the fake loot alright." I finish my cupcake, and limp as I turn around, "Is it okay to have another? I'm hooked!" Pinkie nods happily, she notices me limping as I turn back around, "Is your hoof still sprained? That must be one bad sprain if it's lasted this long!"

I nod, "Yeah, it's getting better though, so don't worry." I look down to see that my coat covers the wound up, making it hardly noticeable, no wonder she bought it. I see her poking at my money pouch and I quickly take it from her, she looks at me confused, then her expression straightens into her usual smile, "Oh, fake loot...got it!"

"Don't touch it, okay?" I say to her, shoving it onto the top shelf in her closet, it barely sits still on the little amount of room it has up there because of all the stuff. Just as it starts rolling off, I push it back up and adjust it until it sits still, then I close the closet door gently. "Don't touch." Pinkie Pie beckons, "Okie Dokie Lokie! No touchie!" She chortles and leaves her room, "Where are you going?" I ask as I ensue Pinkie Pie, "I'm going to go make another batch of cupcakes! You can help me if you wanna! Do you wanna? Do you wanna? Do you?" I smirk, "I'd like to, but I have no idea how to cook." Pinkie Pie's smile simpers, "Oh, it's easy! I'll show you!" I abnegate some more, "But I'm your guest, I'm afraid I'll ruin your perfect cupcakes by mistake somehow, and I don't want to take that risk." Pinkie snickers, "Oooookay! Suit yourself! You'll be missing out!"

I follow Pinkie Pie downstairs, and take a seat at the table, watching her. "Maybe if I watch you cook, I can help you next time." Pinkie Pie gasps as she sets a cupcake pan out, "Really?! That would be fantabulous!!!" I snicker at her happy, carefree nature, watching as she takes out a mixing bowl, a whisk, flour, sugar, and eggs. She pulls out these additional tin containers, and I can't help but question her, "Mind if I ask what's in those tins?" Pinkie Pie peers over her shoulder and hides each tin as they're opened individually, "The secret ingredients. I can't tell you what they are though..." After placing the ingredients into the bowl, she ensconces the tin containers until the lids are back on, and they're put away. Pinkie Pie then quickly covers the ingredients in the bowl with flour. After 45 minutes of watching her, she is now putting the frosting on the cupcakes, she takes two out, gives one to me, and we take a bite. "Mmmmmm! Delicious! Thank you!" Pinkie Pie agrees, smiling at me delightfully.

When I make the escape, I might nab a few cupcakes to take with me...lost in thought, Pinkie Pie announces that it's time for her to take her medicine, I trust her enough to let her go alone, but I still listen for her. Going up the stairs, Pinkie Pie trots along into her room, she looks for her medicine bottle, which she could've sworn she left on the dresser. She opens the closet, but spots the bottle on the floor behind the dresser, back there in a spot she can't reach, so she obtains a hanger, the money pouch falling and hitting the floor, money dispursing from it all over. Pinkie Pie quickly pulls the medicine bottle out with the hanger, opens the bottle, and can't help but look at the shimmering bit on the floor, she sets the bottle down to look at it closely, "Wow, that looks really-real realistic! But it's like Brown Bark said, it's fake loot! As part of the game!" She picks the bit off the floor, "I mean, if it wasn't real, I wouldn't be able to do this!" She puts the bit between her teeth and attempts to bend it, but the bit resists against the force she puts into bending it. "Huh, that's funny...this must be high-quality
fake loot." She takes a bit out of her piggy bank and does a comparison check...both exactly the same. Pinkie then reflects, remembering what the guards said, she quotes what they said, "...brown mane and tail like Brown Bark has, tan coat like Brown Bark has, Hazel eyes...robbed a bank..." She hyperventilates at the realization that there's a criminal in her home, she reaches for her pill bottle, but accidentally knocks it over, spilling the pills across the dresser and on the floor. She shakily reaches for a pill, but...

Meanwhile downstairs, I stand and approach the staircase, "Everything alright up there? What's taking so long?!" No response. I reach for my knife, but realize I left it under my pillow upstairs...where Pinkie is. The stairs creak with every step I take, I approach Pinkie Pie's room and cautiously peer in, trying my best to stay out of sight. I see Pinkie Pie, standing there looking into the closet, the pills scattered everywhere, a twitch from Pinkie catches my eye. I sigh and enter the room, "Pinkie, what's going on up here?" Pinkie's head jolts upward to the sound of my voice, "...and why are these pills all over--" I stop as I notice the stolen goods on the floor, "Don't tell me you disobeyed me and touched my fake loot pouch. I told you not to!" Pinkie stands there unresponsive like a statue, staring into the closet, "...liar...theif..." Pinkie says with a hoarse voice. Detecting something really wrong here, I notice my pillow between me and Pinkie. I nervously reach for the pillow, flip it over, and...the knife...it's gone! "...looking for this?" Pinkie finally turns to me, holding the knife up, her pupils shrunk, and her mane and tail deflated......is this the other personality that I should beware of? My heart is thumping against my chest, my only weapon of defense in the hooves of what I was trying to keep from coming out.

"Secret. It was a fun game...now I'd like to invite you to play mine..." She places the knife in her mouth and approaches me, I back out of the room slowly, holding up a hoof, "Now Pinkie Pie--" she twitches, raising her voice, "Pinkie Pie isn't here! Pinkamena at your service." I shake my head, "Whatever, Pinkamena, you don't want to do this. I bet you've never killed anypony before." Pinkamena lets out a disturbing laugh, "Oh, I've killed over a dozen ponies before, it's a real cinch once you get used to it." She swings the knife, cutting the hoof I'm holding up to her. I jerk my hoof away, and put my mouth over it, "Awwwwww, did that hurt? Cause I'm just getting warmed up!" She swings the knife at me over and over, I continue to dodge as she is right in front of me the whole time, no matter how quickly backwards I walk. The knife cuts one of my legs and my chest, she suddenly dives at me, I quickly stand on my hind legs to avoid getting stabbed, but just like that, she
leaves the knife sticking in the floor, shoves me backwards, and I tumble down the stairs. Pinkamena heads down the stairs after me, and I'm basically crawling away, she gets on top of me, and smiles a wicked grin, a grin I've never seen before in my life, "...let's play..." Pinkamena uses the handle of the knife to hit me directly in the center of my head, everything becomes blurry, my head hits the floor and I pass out...


I wake up in a dark room, can't see a thing. A large wooden shackle immobilizes my head and front hooves, I try moving, but I hear what sounds like chains every time I move. I jump when a hear a massive metal door screech along a pair of rails as it opens and the luminous moonlight vanishes as it closes back up, the lights flicker on: The place is as clean as clean can be, rusty metal buckets line the stone brick wall, I see a cart covered up with a tablecloth, then I see...Pinkamena,
sitting in front of me breathing heavily in excitement, staring at me. "Hi!!!" She says as her head tilts to one side. "Wha--where am I? Why am I in these shackles?" Pinkamena panting heavily once more, with a huge grin on her face, "It's all part of my game we're playing. I played your game, so now you play mine." She brandishes my knife, raises it above her head, and in one swift motion, she impales the knife into the wooden shackle, "This is yours. Thanks for leaving it under the pillow for me, but I no longer need it." She turns to go to the cart and wheels it beside me. "What is that? What is that?! What are you doing?!" She whips the tablecloth off, revealing a scalpel, scissors, chisels of three different sizes, a wood planer, a saw, a hammer, a dozen 6-inch nails, and a small box of empty syringes with a few vials, each filled with different fluids.

On the cart's bottom shelf: Three or four rather large batteries with jumper cables laying on top. "Wait, you're not gonna--! That's a crime!" Pinkamena answers with a laugh, taking the scalpel, "Here's how you play my game, I'm the surgeon, and you're the patient." She vanishes out of my sight behind me, and I feel the scalpel cut through my skin and makes an incision around my cutie mark, I scream helplessly in pain, "One for me..." Pinkamena says as she cuts the flesh holding my skin in place. I pant from yelling, Pinkamena appears to my right, I see a dozen cutie marks tacked to the wall. She adds mine to her collection, and approaches my rear right side, out of view, "...and one for...well...me!" The scalpel once again carves into my skin, just like the other cutie mark, my shouting continues, a tear escaping my eye. Pinkamena appears in front of me, laying a bloody scalpel on the cart, and flapping my own cutie mark in front of me. She suddenly
stops, a look of interest strikes her face and she begins rubbing my face as a mother would to her child, rubbing along my cheek in a slow up and down motion, working her way under my chin, then down my neck, stopping where the shackle is, then moves back up. "So...so silky smooth..." Intrigued by my coat, she puts her cheek against mine, and begins caressing my face as her cheek rubs against it, "Something you don't find...on a pillow...a blanket...a sweater...a dress. So many

Leaving me at a loss for words due to fear, she strongly presses her muzzle against my cheek, inhaling the scent of my coat, she shudders orgasmically as she exhales near my ear. Her tongue suddenly travels inch by inch along my cheek, then licks her lips, clicking her tongue, "Doesn't taste as good as it smells..." she vanishes behind me, and I can feel her rub her cheek against my side, "Mmmm, your coat...is so beautiful, so soft, smooth...it's something I wanna feel every day..." My panting becomes more frequent, "What are you talking about?! Let me go!" I suddenly feel Pinkamena's warm breath on my side, she's kissing my skin, and giggles, "...I want it. I want it now..."

She suddenly grabs the scissors and the scalpel stained with my blood, she violently slices along my back with the scalpel, my bellowing even more louder, shredding my throat as the pink mare then peels the skin up and begins cutting with the scissors, as she pulls the skin upwards to continue cutting, aside from the enormous amount of pain, I hear what sounds like fat being pulled apart from meat, my screeches very easily drown it out. I kick my legs furiously and try to move away from the mare simultaneously, but as I pull away, the shackle gets stopped, a chain protruding from the floor is also holding it in place, but I attempt to fight against it, entertaining Pinkamena as she draws near, I twist myself and the shackle around, Pinkamena giggles as she chases my unprotected body around with a knife, I keep going until the chains can twist no more.

As the pink pony catches up, I quickly try to jerk past her, kicking her away as I'm now pivoting the chains the other way,
doing my best to keep my body from being tortured anymore, but it doesn't last long. Pinkamena grabs my head and holds it, looking me in the eyes with a sadistic smile, "Silly Brown Bark...that's not how we play my game!" She holds me in place as I try revolving again to no avail, "...sing for me..." She slaps my red flesh, pushing more screams out of my throat. She pulls her hoof up with my now dry flesh sticking to it, it rebounds back into it's place, Pinkamena giggles and slaps it again. Once she's done playing with it, she grabs the scissors and finally separates the strip of skin from my body. Pinkamena holds it up to me, blood dripping from it, "Y-You...just cut...just cut...my skin...off...!" Pinkamena rubs the strip against her cheek, closing her eyes and indulging in it's feel against her face, making cooing sounds as she becomes captivated.

"Why? Why would you do this to me?!" Pinkamena's eyes shoot open and get fixed on me, "You
wanna feel?" She says, she begins rubbing the strip against my face, blood dripping from it onto my cheek. Making her way to the shelf beside her collection of cutie marks, she takes a blue bottle, and turns to me, "The Prince Blueblood Collection...this is perfect for you..."

"What the hell does cologne have anything to do with the fact that you're butchering me?!" I shout out angrily at her, but she's completely unmoved, "Oh, this is no cologne...I shaved you, so this needs to go on..." Pinkamena lets out a devilish laugh as she uncaps the bottle, I try twisting the chain again, but she catches my tail in her mouth, "Uh uh uh! Not how you play, Brown Bark...I won't be allowing any of that anymore..." She remembers my knife sticking out of the shackel,
so she works her way around me to the knife while holding me in place, "Mind if I borrow this? Thank you! You're too kind!" She takes the knife in her mouth and begins edging around me back to my rear end. Wrapping a foreleg around my hind leg, she uses the knife to slash the tendons in my legs, weakening them before letting them free.

Moaning in pain, I try to take a step, but all they do is twitch, making them mostly unresponsive, I can no longer move them. "There you go! That's how you play!" She tosses the knife, adding it to her own roster of tools, she picks the blue bottle back up, takes my tail into her mouth, and pours the after shave onto my flesh. A scream, almost ear-splitting, escapes my mouth, "What's that? Too much? I'd say so! You used the whole bottle silly-bean!" She tosses the bottle behind her, picks up the skin she cut off and adores it, rubs it against her cheek like a teddy bear, "Now I can feel you forever, Brown Bark..."

The pink pony places it down, then jumps in surprise. "Oh dear! We need to perform surgery!" Pinkamena exclaims, she obtains a large block of 4x4 wood and rope and vanishes behind me once more. I hear the hollow thunk of the wood as she sets it on the concrete floor, I feel her position something cold and hard under my stomach, followed by the sound of cranking, my hind haunches get lifted into the air as the metal hoists me up, and my frail hind legs dangle. She approaches the tools on the cart, taking a syringe and a clear fluid, "Mares and Gentlecolts...this is going to be SO MUCH FUN..." She sets the vial down, and a drop of the clear fluid runs down the needle, the fluid squirts out, she flicks the needle, then turns to me.

"You might wanna hold still, otherwise, it'll only be more painful for you..." Pinkamena holds my eye open and aims the needle at the pink flesh at the base, the needle penetrates my eye, and I close them, moaning in pain, my hind legs twitching in mid-air, I feel the fluid rush into my system, and the needle retracts. Pinkamena discards the syringe, "That's so you don't pass out..." Pinkamena returns to my rear, the block scrapes the concrete as she lifts it, securing my legs in place as she ties the block to them with the rope, she makes sure the rope is snug, I hear thick, heavy metal get dragged along the floor, "What is that?! What are you doing?!" Pinkamena smiles, "...what I like to call...demolition a la Sledgehammer." The bones in my hoof snap noisily as the metal object impacts it, screams of anguish leave my mouth, filling the room. I hear her rear up for another swing, the hoof of my hind left leg snaps just as loud as my other one.

Tears streaming down my cheeks like waterfalls as I tear my throat apart from screaming and crying. "PLEASE!!!!!! Please please please please...!!! Please let me go!!!" I utter words through my sobbing. Pinkamena shushs my pleas by hitting and breaking the bone in my leg above the block of wood. "One more!!!" Pinkamena breaks the other leg
in the same spot, teardrops hitting the floor, beginning to form a puddle, the rope securing the block of wood in place loosens, the block clunking as it hits the floor, Pinkamena plays with my broken hoof, the agonizing waves of pain shooting through my body as the broken part of my bone rubs against where it was once attached within my leg, "Yep, it's broken alright! You were really hungry, Brown Hoof! Four servings of the Demolition a la Sledgehammer, nopony would EVER order
that many!"

The wound in my front hoof begins bleeding from my heart beating so fast. The pink mare notices, and attempts to light a fire in the nearby fireplace. Once lit, she places large Firewood Tongs in the open flame. She returns to me and unlocks the wood shackle binding me in place, and I crumple to the floor. She tosses a rope over a rafter in the ceiling, makes a lasso loop which is then placed around me under my front legs. As the rope gets pulled over the robust rafter, the loop tightens around me with the rope grinding against my exposed flesh on my back, I weakly let out a scream of agony as I'm lifted into the air and the rope spins me around, allowing me to circumspect the entire room. As I spin, I dangle near the wall, meat hooks lining the wall catch my eye, then Pinkamena stops me from spinning with her free hoof by one of my crippled hind hooves, the hoof twists around, making a sound similar to crumpling paper as I feel bones grind in my hoof, exploring the flesh around it, I utter a scream despite the rope keeping most of the air out of my lungs, Pinkamena giggles, "You don't have a bone to pick with anypony, do you?"

I beg the DID patient to let me go, she lowers me down some more, "But you like Pinkie Pie's cupcakes...remember?" Suddenly, I feel something poke my back, and the pink mare approaches my side, I squirm as Pinkamena steadies a meat hook, thrusting the point into my back, I yelp, and Pinkamena continues with her dialoging, "...you said you liked them, that you were......hooked..." She lets go of the rope and the meat hook sinks into my back, with one of my ribs supporting my weight on the hook near my spine, I screech loudly, my sobbing takes my anguished scream's place as I dangle from the hook, and the rope around me slides off after being cut.

Pinkamena trots over to obtain a few metal buckets, placing them on the floor beside her. "Now....the fun REALLY begins..." She takes the wood planer, and positions it above my stomach, with one quick motion, I watch as strips of my skin eject from the blade of the wood planer, I scream, but not as loudly as last time, my throat muscles are too weak, Pinkamena is enjoying watching blood dribble down my stomach and my legs, I panic as more and more of my red flesh is exposed, I can't even begin to fathom what's happening. I wish I was arrested instead. "Are you having fun, Brown Bark?!" The blade suddenly gets caught on bunched up skin, she hits the rear of the planer, and causes it to soar through. I howl in pain, and Pinkamena imitates a howling wolf, laughing the whole time, "SOMEPONY HELP ME!!!!!!! HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!"

"No-one can hear you, sweetie..." Pinkamena continues, "...so we can keep playing. Don't you just love the Everfree Forest? Where nopony dares to come in?" Pinkamena takes a cupcake, and shoves it in my mouth, "You like the flavor, don't you?" She rubs my throat, causing me to swallow, Pinkamena covers her hoof in my blood, and licks it clean. "These cupcakes are to DIE for, aren't they?" She tosses the wood planer back onto the cart, takes two of the 6-inch nails, places one of them aside while the other is aimed at my front right hoof, I struggle, and in result, the nail misses and cuts my skin. She aims it again, this time, she gets closer to her mark, however it isn't where she wants it: The nail digs under my skin, prying some of it off as the nail pierces back through the skin. Revolted, I shriek, "Hold still..." Pinkamena holds my hoof in place and impales my hoof directly in the center, she then takes the hammer, and hits the nail, forcing it through until the point pops out the other side of my hoof.

Suddenly, I faint from the amount of sheer pain. Pinkamena once again prepares another syringe, injects me with
adrenaline, and I gasp out of my sleep, back into reality that I wish was a dream. I hang there in torment, large portions of my coat gone, my hind legs each broken in two spots as well as the tendons slashed, and a nail in my hoof, oh Celestia, how I wish I took the chance to turn myself in...

"Alrighty then..." Pinkamena takes the other nail and goes around to my other side, she proceeds with piercing the nail into my other hoof, she spots my wound, peels the coat back from it, then tilts her head, "...this isn't my handiwork. I will not accept handiwork from somepony else other than me!" Pinkamena then angrily takes the Firewood Tongs out of the fireplace, the claw part glowing bright orange. My eyes widen as she opens the tongs and positions them so they close on my hoof wound. The blood dripping out of it sizzles, my wound getting seared shut, I scream in pain once more, tears flowing down my cheek still. "Now to get down to business..." She takes another syringe, but this time, fills it with Pancuronium, staring at me with a twisted smile, "Relax, Brown bark, it's time to relax..." She injects fluid in my neck, and my muscles begin failing, my ability to breathe begins slipping away, and my head droops.

Drool seeping from my mouth, the pink pony then takes the scalpel and begins cutting the flesh in my chest open, squishing wet sounds accompany the blade as the flesh is pulled apart, and my internal organs are revealed. I moan like a zombie in pain, all I can do is hang there paralyzed as my organs are removed one by one. "Let's do a little grocery shopping...shall we? Let's see..." Pinkamena tears my kidneys out and tosses them into a bucket, she then takes my pancreas and thinks to herself, "I don't need a pancreas--ah!!!" Tossing the pancreas into a bucket, she pulls my liver out, "I just LOVE liver!!! This is a keeper, I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!" She tosses it onto a platter, blood splats
everywhere as it lands, she reaches in again and pulls my spleen out, "I guess I could experiment with this on the stew I'm making tonight...use it to make the marinade...mmmmmmmm....your liver will serve as a wonderful side dish..." She places it next to my liver on the platter, and rips my stomach out, "Gee, Brown Bark, you don't have to lose your stomach over this!" She giggles and twitches at her joke, then tosses it into the bucket.

The small intestine gets pulled out along with my large intestine, Pinkamena separates them by cutting the small intestine away and tossing the large intestine into the bucket, "This makes wonderful jerky, you know! Fry it in seasoning, dehydrate it, and you're good for a whole season!" She bundles it up and puts it aside, reaching in yet again, she catches me passed out again, using more adrenaline on me, I wake up and notice most of my organs inside the tin bucket, I panic as Pinkamena's hoof reaches in my chest cavity, pulling a pancreas and a gallbladder out, "You know, I'm doing this because I don't need organs, not for what I'm making for dinner tonight...that succulent meat is what I'm going for..." I grimace, I try to throw up, but my stomach is in the bucket. She takes my bladder out, "Hmmmmm.....nah." She says, tossing the bladder into the bucket, she stares at me after realizing the remaining organs, "Well, Brown Bark, I had fun. I'm so glad you could play my game! It's been nice knowing you." She fetches a ladder and sets it up beside me, grabbing the scalpel and working her way up to the top until she's over my head. With her scalpel, she begins slicing my scalp off, revealing my skull, she hops off the ladder, returns with a chisel and hammer, and starts breaking through the skull, the chisel hits my brain, causing my body to twitch violently, she throws the tools onto the floor, grabs the brain with her bare hoofs and tears it out, my eyes darken as my life drains away from my body.............Brown Bark is dead.

"Did you have fun, Brown Bark?" She plays with the brain, and impersonates Brown Barks voice, "Of course I did, Pinkamena! You really know how to host a good game! I had fun!" She laughs as she tosses the brain into the bucket, climbs down the ladder and puts it away, she then reaches in for the lungs and the heart, she discards the lungs and smiles at the heart, placing it gently into the bucket. "Well, it's time to get what I mainly need..." She takes Brown Bark's body off the
meat hook, picks up the saw, and begins dissecting Brown Bark's body on the floor, blood oozing out into a puddle. She cuts the head off, then the legs, cuts the abdomen into pieces, then she gets a giant tin container and squeezes the blood out of every single piece, she gets well over a gallon, including the blood she cleaned up with a sponge. She dips her hoof in, and licks it clean, "I just love drinking a good 'Bloody' Mary..." She cackles, nudging the head next to her, "Get it? Bloody?"

She faces the disembodied head and begins cutting and peeling the skin and the flesh off, gouging the eyes out with a rusty soup spoon...all that's left of Brown Bark is his skull, she collects up the body parts after cleaning the skull off, and begins peeling the skin off of each piece, she turns Brown Bark's skull around to face her and continues peeling, deboneing each piece and placing them in their separate pouch sitting beside the pouch of organs. She stares at the skull as if it's giving her an odd look, "What? I gotta have my protein." She continues her work, gathers up the pouch filled with a cut up body, she places the skull on the shelf with the other ones and pets it before she seals up the room, and prepares to head home...

A few hours later, the guards standing outside are greeted by Pinkie Pie, who is holding a batch of cupcakes. "Goooooood afternoon, shiny sirs! Can I interest you in some cupcakes?" The guards smile and agree, they eat the cupcakes, leaving them in awe at the taste, "Magnificent! The best cupcake I've ever had so far! Thank you!" Pinkie bows to them, turns and leaves. Bringing the platter back into her house, she tosses it aside like a frisbee, pulls a pan out of the oven filled with browned meat, potatoes, carrots, and celery soaking in broth. "My, my...you smell delicious Brown Bark...my friends will enjoy you..."