• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 3,656 Views, 98 Comments

Friendship Knight - Pegyunicorn

Every princess needs a trusty knight, who better to be Twilight's than Tempest.

  • ...

Take Up Arms

“How many libraries are in this castle?” Tempest said after walking into the tenth room filled with books.

“Well it is Twilight's castle so you shouldn't be surprised. Honestly I’m surprised she didn’t fill every room with books.” Starlight said.

“Thank you for giving me a tour Starlight but shouldn't you be helping with those children that ran out in the assembly?”

“I spoke with them and asked that they meet me tomorrow in my office. These things take time I may need to talk to them multiple times to get to the root of the issue.”

“Great I’ve not even been here for a day and some kids need therapy because of me.”

Starlight put her hoof on Tempest’s back “Hey don’t think like that. It takes time for ponies to change their opinions on somepony else.”

“How long did it take for Twilight friends forgive you?”

Starlight had to pause to think. “Honestly they forgave me pretty quick even the town I ruled over forgave me pretty fast. It was like some sort of poorly written redemption arc. Still everypony is different so just keep working for it and eventually you’ll get it.”

“Thanks Starlight I’ll keep working on it. Now where's next on stop on our tour?”

“Next is the heart of the castle the throne room.” Starlight lead them into the large room with a large map in the middle and the roots of a tree hanging above them. Around the table was the Elements of Harmony themselves.

“Welcome Fizzlepop. I wanted to sit everypony down and talk about the plan for our new guard.” Twilight greeted the mare.

Tempest looked at the group assembled a bit intimidated by being around so many ponies she had tried to capture not long ago. Still she took a seat at a small folding chair sat up beside Starlight and Rainbow Dash directly across from Twilight. “Ok Twilight what is on your mind?”

“Well I took the liberty for making a checklist for how to found a guard organization based on the information in this book.” the purple princess levitated a book onto the table titled ‘How to form a militant organization in one thousand easy steps’.

Tempest nodded her head. “Oh I read the sequel to that book before invading Canterlot. ‘How to defeat immortal princesses capable of manipulating heavenly bodies in one thousand easy steps’. It was a great read.”

“Who is writing all these extremely specific books, ya’ll keep pulling out of nowhere?” Applejack asked.

“When in doubt blame Discord.” Rainbow offered.

“It doesn't matter who wrote them but if Fizzlepop found the other book helpful that means the information should prove very helpful. Now first order of business. What should we call the new guard? Any ideals?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, oh how bout The Ponyville Defenders?” Pinkie squealed waving her forehoof around.

“That sounds more like a superhero team. I was thinkin’ we just call the the Ponyville Police.” Applejack said.

“Lame, besides A.J they’re guards not cops. It's different. Guards are like eleven percent cooler than cops.” Rainbow told the farmer. “They need to sound official thats why I came up with ‘Ponyville and Equestrian National Internal Security.”

“That’s not bad Dash. It needs a bit of work maybe we could come up with a acronym for it. Lets see P.E.N… It spells out penis doesn't it?” Twilight asked halfway through writing out the word in her notes.

Rainbow fell out of her chair laughing “Yeah I wanted to see if I could get you to write penis in your notes.”

Twilight groaned “Any other suggestions?” Pinkie and Rainbow raised their hooves. “Any serious suggestions?” She specified. Rainbow and Pinkie lowered their hooves.

“What about the Friendship Knights? The friendship part will remind the troops what we’re really protecting and is a nod to the Princess we work for. And calling ourselves Knights will give the organization prestige and make our troops feel like there a part of something special.” Tempest asked.

“Oh how elegant, I love it.” Rarity said.

“Yeah that's pretty cool. I was going to try to come up with some more sex puns but thats way cool Fizzle.” Rainbow told her.

“I think that's a good name. Spike mark it off the list.” Twilight told the dragon in the small throne next to her’s.

“Sure thing that only leaves nine-hundred-ninety-nine more things to go.” The dragon said unfurling a scroll that rolled across the table onto the floor across the room and into the hall.

“Ok next up is the purpose. You’ll main concern is the children both the kids at the school and across Ponyville. Then the other citizens of the town. Then keep property damage to a minimum.” Twilight said.

Tempest looked at the young alicorn across from her. “Um aren’t you forgetting something?”

Twilight stare at her for a bit before it clicked. “Oh yeah how could I forget. The books for the love of Celestia keep my books safe. Good thing you remembered Fizzlepop.”

Tempest smacked herself “You, Twilight you forgot we need to protect you.”

Twilight shook her head. “No the Friendship Knights need to focus on others. Me and my friends are usually the first to charge into the danger. You can’t protect us if we actively put ourselves in harm’s way. Keep our friends and families safe and let us focus on stopping whatever rampaging monster or ancient evil that's attacking. If you get the ponies to safety a few Knights can come help us.”

Tempest took Twilight’s hoof between her two hooves. “I don’t know if I can let you fight alone. I’ll get the everypony to safety then I’m coming back to help you not as your knight but as your friend.”

Twilight felt Tempest tenderly caressing her hoof, the soft feel of the scared unicorn’s fur on her own. The young princess looked into the former villains eyes seeing the affection past the scar on her cheek. She felt her cheeks warm as her heartbeat quickened.

Tempest realized she was being far too affectionate with the Princess pulled away a blush peeking out from her mulberry fur. “I mean if you would allow me to aid you Princess.” She managed to stammer out.

“Of-of course Fizzle and please just stick to Twilight. I would love to have you on top of- I MEAN… I mean I’d love to have you standing beside me. Um I should get us something to drink.” The Princess walked backwards bumping into the wall by the door before galloping out the room. “Be right back.”

“I should go to the restroom.” Tempest disappeared though the door herself.

The other ponies plus bady dragon sat in silence for a few moments before Starlight broke the awkward silence. “Soooo. Who wants to start a betting pool for how long it takes for them to get together?”

“Starlight that is rude.” Rarity chastised. “That being said I got one thousand bits on a month from now.”

Spike pulled out a calendar and wrote Rarity down. “How are we doing this Starlight? Day by day?”

“No that’d get too complicated let's get a week each. Also put me down for four weeks from now.” The counselor said.

“I got two weeks.”Pinkie said.

“You saw how horny Twi’s been I bet she’ll hop Fizzlepop’s bones in a week.” Rainbow bet.

“I got five weeks” A.J threw her hat in the ring. Metaphorically, she’d never bet her stetson.

“I’ve known Twilight my whole life. It’ll take two months so I’ll round it to six weeks.” Spike said.

“Um can I bet seven weeks. If nopony minds that is.” Fluttershy requested.

“A thousand each?” Spike asked finishing up the calendar. Everypony nodded. “Ok everyone swear you’ll pay up.”

In unison they chanted. “Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Spike put the calendar away just as Twilight returned with eight cups of tea on a tray. “Where’s Fizzle?”

“Right here. I figured I’d use the restroom while you were gone.” Tempest replied walking through the door. Hoping nopony would notice that her face was damp from splashing cold water on her face.

“Next up uniforms.” Spike said looking over the scroll.

Rarity squealed reaching into her saddle bags. “I have been working on some designs for you armour.” She placed some drawings on the table.

“I didn’t know you have experience with armor design Rarity.” Tempest said sitting down.

“I made a few costumes but I learnt most of what I used to design these from this book called. ‘How to design armour for a newly formed guard organization in one thousand easy steps’”. Rarity held the book in the air for all to see.

“Are you bucking kiding me?” Applejack exclaimed “How is there a market for these super niche ‘how to books’?”

“These are really well designed Rarity. The armor seems to be functional no obvious weak points or gaps but you still have overlapping plates on the joints for mobility.” Tempest said looking over multiple sketches.

“Thank you darling. This one here is colored so you can get a ideal of what they’d look like. Purple to match Twilight’s coat and gold accents to show you work for royalty.” Ratiy said pointing to bits and pieces of the armor.

“Ok looks like Rarity has the designs down. Next up the most exciting part.” Twilight announced happily “We need study Equestrian Military laws and regulations.” Twilight dropped a massive pile of books and papers all written in verberse legalese.

The other ponies groaned.


“I don’t understand how this is suppose to help us escape.” Tirek said looking at the tiny filly next sitting in front of him.

“It’s not but I need to understand how you’re powers work before I can get us out of here.” Cozy Glow said looking up from her notebook.

“Why do you need to know?” Lord Tirek demanded.

“Golly mister. It should be obvious, when we escape I won’t have anyway to keep you from betraying me.” There was a cruel grin on the young pony’s face. “Right now you need me and you’ll tell me everything I want to know or I’ll leave you to rot down here.”

Tirek was shocked that so much evil could be locked inside such a small pony. “You truly are one of the most evil beings I’ve ever seen. I’m impressed.”

Cozy hugged Tirek’s leg “Geez thinks Mister Tirek, just remember. You’re gonna want to be my friend, or else I’ll destroy you.”