• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 768 Views, 3 Comments

Pudding - Yumyums23

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Author's Note:

This whole story was edited with Grammarly.

These days everyone thought Sweetie Belle had become just like her sister, but crazier. She devoted the majority of her free time to sewing and painting because she loved making pieces of art to compliment the thing she loved so much.

Sweetie Belle loves pudding, it’s a fact everyone at Canterlot High knows by now. She talks about it all the time and she is seen with a cup of it every day at lunch. She usually sits in the corner all by herself on the floor. She dislikes the grossness of it, but her disgust always goes away after a single spoonful of her precious pudding.

You may ask, why isn’t Sweetie Belle sitting with her friends? Why isn’t her sister offering her a seat at her table? The answers to both of those questions are pretty simple. The girl’s obsession had just gotten so out of hand that everyone had cut ties with her to avoid having their reputations ruined just from being around her.

But Sweetie Belle is barely ever sad. The only time she was seen really being sad is when she dropped her spoon onto a hairy carpet at her house, and the spoon had a spoonful of pudding on it. The preteen isn't sad about her friends leaving her or her sister barely speaking to her, all because of her pudding.

But one day her parents stopped buying her pudding. They told her that her obsession was getting too extreme. Turns out they had asked Rarity why they weren't talking, and she had told them about her addiction. Sweetie Belle cried and pleaded with her parents. She would do anything to have more pudding. She would sweep the floors, bathe the cat, sell her hair for money. Anything you can think of, she would do it for another taste of that sweet, sweet pudding.

But no matter what she said, her parents kept giving her the same answer. Her mom ended up getting so frustrated that she told Sweetie Belle that she was gaining weight from eating all of that pudding. Only then, did everything begin to sink in.

Before she knew it, she was in her room staring at herself in her full-length mirror. She sat on her brown carpet and bit her lip as memories kept repeating themselves in her mind. People whispering about her behind her back, her sister leaving her, her friends abandoning her. Tears dripped down her face as she thought about all she had lost for her pudding. Anyone who saw her would know that she was really really sad.