• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2023


Why are you here? There is, like, literally nothing here. Go away. No longer applicable

Comments ( 9 )

... I can see their future children sleeping on her, rather than in beds.

Nice to read about these two again. They're such a lovely pair. :)
Keep up the good work!

Not to rain on your parade... well yes sorta.

1: There's no confirmation in cannon or story that says ponies and changelings are compatible.
2: Even if they were... her sheer size would sadly crush them in the womb.

A: There's nothing to say that they AREN'T compatible either.
B: we're talking about ponies, magical unicorns, pagasi and shape-shifting bug-horses. I am sure there's a place for you logic, but it's not here, otherwise the pegasi would never get off the ground, given the size of their wings.

There's a difference between "magic helping ponies with wings fly" and "magic keeping little baby ponies from being crushed after conception". One makes sense to be innate and natural, the other doesn't.

Plus, the child would probably be born overweight due to the copious amount of food the mother intakes.

I wouldn't mind adopted babies tho. Still cute to see foals with a mattress for a mother

Most of her weight gain is a result of being fed a semi-tangible form of love.
Stop attempting to apply logic to any form of physics within their universe, because it's fundamentally inapplicable.

As for the obesity, that's not something that should matter.
A pudgy little baby half-bug-pone would be absolutely adorable.

There's a line in there about the love being turned into something her body could use, namely pure fat.

By the time the foal comes out, it'll be as much a blob as it's mother :P

Why are you getting so heated about this? I fully understand how silly this entire concept is. To be brutally honest she'd be dead by diabetes and clogged arteries long before she got to that size. Mainly because she is eating a lot on a daily basis, and a lot of sugary foods as well. Her breakfast alone should've been enough to put her into diabetic shock several times over.

I just like being stupid and over analyzing things when I'm not horny. I'm honestly sorry if I've insulted you in any way but I doubt me saying "Babies are almost impossible" ruined your life or enjoyment of this fic. If they have babies? Fine, author can do whatever they want. I'll be a bit weirded out since I read these two for the smut and babies are like, the most innocent things ever. Just... Don't try to defend your stance on "Oh hell yeah babies are totally possible and should be in the next fic".

Yes, there's nothing to say they aren't compatible. Yes, there's nothing to say magic doesn't exist to make them compatible if they aren't. Yes, there's nothing to say they don't have magic immunity to human bodily deficiencies. Yes, there's nothing to say their wombs act differently and keep the baby completely healthy and happy within the womb. Yes, they could just teleport the child out instead of risking them being crushed upon birth. But me being me, I assume if something isn't expressly stated, then it relies on the logic of the world the author lives in. Namely our world.

Edit: i think our world at least... Shit I assumed where the author comes from! OH WOE IS ME.

I like the idea of they will have kids. And I assume this is possible. But there one thing why they will no have their own - how?

Logic aside, good work with this story.

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