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Year End Bash

Author's Note:

This is the basis for Sunset's outfit. Credit goes to Marty Scurll for the design

Songs Included:
Alter Bridge- Metalingus
MLP- Awesome As I Want To Be
MLP- So Much More To Me
MLP- Shake Your Tail
.38 Special- Caught Up In You

Months later; prom was quickly approaching with it being only a week away. Sunset and the others decided they had finished their set list consisting of four songs, before calling it a day.

“Girls; since we're so close to prom, I brought your dresses with me. If you don't mind; would you put them on in the bathroom? That way I know if there's anything that needs alterations,” Rarity asked

“The two of us will pack your instruments up in the meantime,” Vinyl said

“They will be safe. I promise,” Octavia added

“Thank you both for watching the instruments.”

“It's our pleasure,” Vinyl replied

Without argument; each took their dress and reported to the bathroom with Rarity in tow. The stalls would give them a little privacy while changing as Rarity made sure they wouldn't have unexpected visitors by standing guard by the door.

“It feels alright on mine. The bust is a tiny bit tight; but nothing too constricting,” Sunset commented

“Feels good,” Rainbow Dash added

“Definitely mighty fine work,” Applejack said

“Yes indeedie. Fits like a glove; although I don't know why someone would wear a glove as a dress,” Pinkie mused

“My bust is tight. Needs a size or two bigger,” Fluttershy added painfully

“Sorry Fluttershy. I had to guess with your cup size since your bigger than the rest of us,” Rarity replied apologetically

“I'd say biggest of the school,” Dash complimented

“Thanks. I think,” Fluttershy replied hesitantly

“Besides Shy’s alterations; everyone else is happy,” Rarity asked


“Yep,” Dash confirmed

“You got it sugarcube,” AJ added

“Yeperoonie,” Pinkie chimed in

“Very well. It should be done in a day's time; two at most. Thank you girls,” Rarity said

With sizing completed; each returned to their street clothes before retrieving the instruments. After doing so, their next stop would be home to officially relax.


At home, Sunset decided to show off the dress that was made for her and see what they thought of it.

“That's the dress Rarity made for you?”

“It's nice. What are you going to do for footwear,” Chrysalis asked

“I'd want something practical that isn't too restrictive. A pair of boots if possible as I don't care for high heels,” Sunset answered

“Well; normally I wouldn't support or suggest playing hooky, but tomorrow we'll go to the mall for shoes,” Chrysalis decided


Instead of lying; Luna was informed that Sunset wouldn't be there due to going shopping.

“That's taken care of. Luna and Celestia knows you're going to the store,” Chrysalis said

“That's good. At least I know it's an excused absence. I don't need to get in trouble for not being there.”

“Not entirely an approved absence. They are marking it down as ‘temporary sickness’. That way, you aren't in trouble,” Chrysalis replied

With that finished; the two headed over to the mall; which was quiet due to being a school day. Looking over at a nearby vehicle; Sunset was shocked at the sight of her friends.

“You've got to be kidding me!”

“Great minds think alike; huh,” Dash asked “Don't tell anyone we ditched school.”

“I've told Luna about Sunset going shoe shopping; but I will not vouch for anyone else. You should have chosen a different time; such as after school,” Chrysalis replied “What would your parents think about you playing hooky?”

“Most of the girls would be heading here after school. We just hoped to be done beforehand,” Rarity answered simply

“I've told my parents about missing a day. They don't mind,” Pinkie commented

With Chrysalis leading, the group headed to a shoe store before parting ways to make their own selections. Rainbow Dash found a pair of blue shoes that matched her dress, but wouldn't look too ‘girly’ for anyone to see. Luckily for her they had a small heel that looked and felt natural.

“Not bad, Dash,” Rarity mused

“I'm not exactly one for wearing this stuff,” Dash answered "Too girly for me."

“Well; they look good on you anyway,” Fluttershy added

Pinkie found a simple pair of heels that allowed her comfort; as Fluttershy chose a similar pair in yellow.

“I'm going to be practical and wear my boots with the dress. I can't see myself actually wearing something like that,” Applejack decided

“I'm not finding anything that I like.”

“How's about these,” Chrysalis asked, handing a box over

Sunset opened the box to find thigh-length gold boots with a thick heel, similar to her usual boots. As she tried them on; they felt extremely comfortable and drew the attention of the others.

“Those certainly stick out,” AJ mused

“Looks good,” Dash commented

“If those are the ones you feel compliment your outfit darling,” Rarity added “Shoes are the worst part of an outfit.”

“They're perfect. They'll go with the surprise I've been working on.”

Once each of them had the chosen pair of shoes they wanted; they headed to the cash register and paid while Chrysalis paid for her daughter's. Following that; they returned to the parking lot to store their purchases.

“What now?”

“Technically speaking; we're not supposed to be here. Granny Smith had me accompany the others to get shoes and immediately head home,” Applejack answered

“Not only that; but this would be third period now. It's not worth skipping half a day; only to return later,” Rarity added, looking at her phone's screen

“Alright. I'll see you girls tomorrow at school. And I promise not to speak about this.”

After the girls left; Chrysalis led Sunset back inside and to the food court. They decided to enjoy the time off while Sunset could, before the rigors of school caught up with her.

“How's school doing,” Chrysalis asked

“Besides the band being finished and ready for prom; class isn't too bad. It's been easy so far. Prom is on Friday and our finals start next week.”

“Best of luck with your tests,” she added “Your dad and I will be chaperoning at prom. Luna asked us to be there.”

“That's fine. It's better to have someone there in case it gets out of hand.”

“I'd highly doubt anything even remotely illegal would ever be permitted,” Chrysalis commented “And don't even think about having a party at your friends’ houses with alcohol.”

“I don't plan on drinking anyway. Not worth it.”

“Glad to hear. Anything you want to do next,” Chrysalis asked

“Perhaps a movie. I don't know what's playing, though.”

“Let's just pick one once we get there.”

Looking down the list of movies; a simple family movie was chosen that looked to be the most interesting. Since they already had lunch, it wasn't necessary to buy any snacks and so they just headed into the room.

“That was a good movie. Thank you for everything today.”

“You're very welcome, sweetheart. Besides; you’ve been working so hard that you could use a break,” Chrysalis replied, hugging her

“I've been meaning to ask for a while; but where exactly do you work?”

“I actually run one of the law firms in town. On occasion; I've taken cases to court, but usually that's done by my team. Funny thing is; a few are military JAG lawyers. They knew of my service and joined me,” Chrysalis answered

“That's cool. I had to ask for curiosity as I never knew.”

“I have no problems answering most of your questions. The only thing I won't tell you about is exactly what happened in the service,” she added “Now; let's head home.”

The reminder of the week seemed to pass slowly until Friday when they were given a half day. Principal Celestia thought it would give everyone enough time to get ready before prom that evening.

“Trixie; do you have a moment to talk alone?”

“Of course Trixie does. What do you need,” Trixie commented, speaking in her usual third-person

“With all the smoke balls you have; do you happen to have any red ones?”

“I do. Here's a couple red and orange ones for you. I don't typically use any others,” Trixie said, handing over a few balls

“Thank you very much. This is certainly going to help tonight.”

“You're welcome. I hope you have fun,” Trixie added

“Sunset, darling; do you want to come over to my house as we get ready for tonight,” Rarity asked “I'll be helping the others with makeup.”

“Thank you for the offer, but I will see you tonight. I'm don't use makeup.”

“Very well. I'll see you later,” Rarity said


“Are you ready for tonight?”

“As ready as I can get. My guitar is packed up along with the outfit,” Sunset replied

“You look beautiful in your dress. Rarity made a good choice in design,” Chrysalis complimented “Let's get a picture together to remember this.”

“I was surprised that she created a choker with my cutie mark design on it. Thankfully, it does hide the scar as well,” Sunset added

“I've got the tripod set up so the three of us can be in the picture. Say ‘Phoenix’,” Discord said


“If there's nothing left, let's get to the school,” Sunset suggested


“I'm a bit nervous. This is our first show,” Fluttershy said

“We'll be fine. It's just the entire school we're playing for. It's not an arena of tens of thousands,” Pinkie mused, causing Fluttershy to shiver

“Not exactly helping; Pinkie. But remember, we've played in front of the school before against the Dazzlings,” Applejack replied

“We're going to be so awesome,” Dash commented

“And look fabulous while doing so,” Rarity added “Now, let's get ready.”


A few minutes later, Sunset was at school helping to set up the stage in the gym. To her surprise; Snips and Snails were joining in.

“Alright; we're done setting up the instruments. Let's get the curtain closed and head out.”

“Of course, Sunset,” Snips said

“This should be fun,” Snails added

“That's your guitar? It's bitchin’,” Dash said

“It was a Christmas gift from my parents. This is the first time its left the safety of the house.”

“We have about half an hour before it starts. Let's get the instruments tuned up,” Applejack suggested

“You're right. Afterwards, we'll leave them here and head out. That way we can make an awesome entrance,” Dash mused

With the quick sound check, both guitars and bass were properly tuned and placed on the rack on stage. Sunset had hers facing backwards not to spoil the design.

“Everything is ready,” Principal Celestia inquired

“Yes ma'am. It's as good as it gets.”

“Very well. Head outside and join your friends,” Luna directed “Sunset; a moment alone before you depart?”

“We'll see you out there,” Fluttershy said as they departed

● LUNA ●

“Your parents mentioned you have a special outfit created for this evening. It's waiting in the locker room so you can change in private. Wait behind the stage for the proper moment.”

“Thank you Vice-principal Luna. I have let no one see it in order to be a surprise. Have one of the girls take this and hold onto it temporarily,” Sunset replied, passing off a smokeball


“Where's Sunset? I thought she was going to join us,” Fluttershy asked, looking around

“Bathroom break? Or something else that came up,” Pinkie guesses

“Whatever the case, she'll join us on stage. That's all we need to focus on,” Applejack said, dropping the subject

“Even though they've realized their mistake; Scootaloo and the others still aren't together,” Dash commented sadly

“Sweetie Belle actually said she wasn't going to attend this evening unless my parents drove her. Something about ‘not wanting to see two screw-ups’. Her words; not mine,” Rarity answered

“It's probably best we don't push the issue. They made mistakes just like us; and want time to fix it. Bloom was forced to come by Granny Smith as my brother was going,” Applejack mused

“Miss Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, with a hint of disgust in her voice “How quaint to see you here.”

“I wasn't exactly planning to be here and I certainly ain't going to ditch to head home,” Apple Bloom replied

Scootaloo didn't bother to make eye contact with either of the two, and instead headed to see Dash instead. After giving her a hug, Scootaloo walked away before trying to blend in the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen; my sister and I would like to welcome to prom this evening. Have fun and enjoy yourselves,” Principal Celestia said, before opening the gym doors

“Dash; Sunset asked me to give you this,” Luna said, handing over the smokeball

“Thank you ma'am. No idea what she was planning,” Dash replied in confusion

“Flash. What's going on and why are you here,” Rarity asked

“One; I was to introduce the Rainbooms to everyone before you played a couple songs. And two; our group would take over for a few songs,” Flash answered

“It's a tad bit unusual; but can be done. Mr. Sentry agreed to play backup,” Celestia said

“Where's Sunset? I thought she was with you,” Flash inquired

“Stepped away. As for what; we don't know. Just carry on with introductions and I'm sure she'll get here,” Dash mused

Inside the girls’ locker room; Sunset had heard the commotion as students started entering the gym as she made final preparations. Once finished; she tried to leave quickly and quietly before taking her spot behind the curtain and slipped on the mask.

“Psst; Dash. Use the ball after you introduce me,” Sunset hissed from behind them

“Let’s give a round of applause for Canterlot High School's own Rainbooms,” Flash said with a flourish towards the stage

With the introduction out of the way, each of the girls headed onstage with Rainbow Dash leading. She took over the mic as the others readied their instruments.

“And now our lead singer. You know her as ‘Canterlot’s Phoenix’. Give it up for Sunset Shimmer,” Dash introduced before throwing down the smokeball

Using the distraction, Sunset quietly stepped on stage with the jacket’s wings spread open. As the smoke dissipated; a thunderous round of applause broke out as a few whistled in support.

“Encore,” someone said

“Wicked entrance,” another added

Sunset’s completed attire consisted of a red mask with beak, designed to look like a simplified face. A red thigh-length jacket followed that was covered with feathers dyed red and orange. Resting on the upper portion of the jacket around the shoulders was a padded area with smaller feathers leading to the wings connected to the back. With one fluid motion; the jacket was opened to reveal her prom dress as the attire was carefully taken away by Snips and Snails.

● LUNA ●

“Nice work. Who came up with the idea?”

“She did. Once we saw everything, we set to work,” Discord answered in a whispered

“He created the wings; while I was in charge of the rest,” Chrysalis added quietly

“That was certainly an unexpected entrance. I'd guess miss Lulamoon assisted with the smoke,” Celestia commented


“Thank you for your support. This first song certainly sums up everything that has happened to me.”


As Sunset finished the song, the applause that emerged was louder than moments previously as they began chanting.



“In honor of this momentous occasion; we are proud to announce that the Rainbooms will be officially renamed as ‘Phoenix’! Now; I'd like to turn things over to Rainbow Dash for our next song.”

“Thank you for that. Now; I've always called myself awesome; but I'm as ‘Awesome As I Want To Be’,” Dash said, introducing the next song


Following that; Fluttershy decided to sing something that she had written the day before prom. Although none of the group knew about it, the students were surprised by her lyrical ability.


Sunset and Dash led the encore song, ‘Shake Your Tail’ and were actually surprised to find out they had ponied up while playing.


“We actually did it,” Pinkie commented

“And I did say we'd look fabulous,” Rarity added

“How is it even possible,” Dash asked

“Just accept it. It's better we don't know.”

As the girls took their final bow and headed offstage; Flash and company replaced them on the instruments. Sunset’s guitar sat front and center untouched out of respect.

“This first song goes out to a special girl. Sunset Shimmer; this is for you,” Flash said, as Sunset blushed in response


A few more songs were played with each feeling like ‘traditional’ music. Afterwards; Sunset led in applause as Flash and company left the stage.

“You're lucky you have someone serenading you,” Rarity said

“I don't know what to say.”

“How's about asking me to a dance,” Flash asked, from behind

“I'll leave you two alone,” Rarity said, before finding a dance partner

“You know I can't dance.”

“How's about just taking it easy? Besides; I really do want a second chance,” he mused

“I guess we can try again. Sorry for everything.”

“It was years ago. We're older now and realized our mistakes. Let's just enjoy the time we have,” He added, as they slow-danced

Most of the dance floor cleared out leaving just Flash and Sunset. To her surprise, even her adopted parents joined in dancing.

“Thank you for coming this evening and we hope you had fun. Just remember; final exams will start on Monday and for seniors; graduation will be held the following Friday,” Celestia said before everyone started departing

“This was the best prom CHS has had in years. Thank you everyone for supplying the music,” Luna added

“Actually; we should be thanking both of you for giving us the chance to perform; Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna. Sunset; you made this band better than it was originally and deserve credit as well,” Dash replied

“I just wanted to make sure everyone in the band had equal opportunities to express their opinions.”

“Hopefully everyone has been studying hard for your finals,” Celestia mused

“I haven't studied; but it's never stopped me before.”

“Just be careful. Your tests shouldn't be determined by luck,” Luna warned

“It was never luck that got me through school. Back in Equestria; I always had a photographic memory. Even when I entered this world; I spent countless days in the library studying everything I could.”

“Well; it's getting late and all of you need to start heading home. Best of luck on your tests,” Discord mused

“Sunset; perhaps we could get together sometime,” Flash asked

“We'll see; but I wouldn't rule anything out.”

“I'll take it. Besides; I'm looking forward to the Gears of War tournament during summer,” he replied

“You play,” Dash asked

“Every so often. I doubt I could be one of the best,” he replied modestly

“Perhaps we'll go to the tournament together.”

“As in; a date,” he inquired

“It could be. We'll see,” Sunset replied with a shrug

Throughout the following week; Sunset seemed to head into her final exams without any worries while her friends questioned themselves. Everyone hoped the time spent studying would be enough; while some decided on other methods. Rainbow Dash had just finished her exams when she was called into the principal's office.


“What were you thinking!?”

“Cheating on your final exams? Actually writing the answers on your wristbands,” Luna added, before muttering quietly, ‘Regardless of how creative it was.’

“My parents wanted me to get into the best college. It put me in a bind,” Dash answered “I thought cheating was the best idea.”

“I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself. Each of your final exams will be taken under the watchful eye of all your teachers; along with my sister and I. Since graduation is tomorrow; Saturday will be your redo.”

“Yes ma'am. I am sorry for my actions,” Dash said apologetically


“Really; Dash? Was it worth it?”

“I fucked up and got caught cheating,” Dash answered

“We're going to watch you as well,” AJ stated

“On another topic; have you contacted Twilight lately,” Fluttershy asked

“No. I'll do so now.”

Sorry this is last minute; but would you like to come to my graduation tomorrow?

As much as I'd like to; I'm currently unable to do so. I have been called away and won't make it back in time. I'm sorry about not letting you know sooner. In fact; I just found out moments ago

“No can do. She's busy right now.”

“Sorry; Sunset. We didn't know,” Pinkie replied

“It's fine. Shit happens.”



“Are you ready?”

“It's high school graduation. I am somewhat looking forward to it; but still unsure as what to do afterwards,” Sunset answered

“What exactly are you thinking about doing,” Chrysalis inquired

“Since I haven't put in a college application yet; I might wait a year or return home to Equestria after summer ends,” came the reply

“If you do leave; just know that we'll always love you and would gladly await your return.”

“Your father's right. If we were permitted; we'd enjoy visiting your home for a bit,” Chrysalis added

“I'm not sure about that. The versions of you are completely different and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen.”

“In the meantime; let's get going to school.”


“This is so exciting! We're graduating,” Pinkie yelled

“Relax a bit; Pinks. We know what's happening,” Dash said, laying a hand on her friend's shoulder

“Indeed. This is our final day as children before entering into adulthood,” Rarity mused

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen; and congratulations to all of you. We mark this occasion by introducing our valedictorian; Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia introduced

“I honestly don't have a speech prepared,” Sunset started, which resulted in a few chuckles from the audience “So I guess I'll speak from the heart.”

“While we leave high school and look forward to the future; don't be afraid to look back. You may form new friendships; but your older friends will still be there. Don't be afraid to fail if you try something new. It only results in learning something new. And remember this as you graduate: Wondercolts Forever; Forever Wondercolts!”

As soon as she finished; the audience erupted in thunderous applause at the impromptu speech. Many knew that Sunset was speaking from experience and wanted to pass along the advice.

Following the speech; everyone headed onstage one by one to receive their diplomas before Sunset led them in the traditional turning of the tassels. The event ended with everyone throwing the caps in the air.

“Congrats Sunset,” Fluttershy said

“I knew you'd be great,” Applejack added

“So; what are you going to do next,” Rarity asked

“I don't know. All of you are heading off to Canterlot University; but I never registered. I might just head home for a while. If I do; I'd like you girls to take the book. That way we can keep in touch.”

“You're sure about heading home? Isn't there something to major in,” Dash added

“I don't know. I draw for fun and don't really want someone telling me what to do. Chemistry is not like home where I was actually taught alchemy.”

“So you could actually make gold,” Rarity asked in awe

“I did once; but it doesn't mean anything, nor do gems. Diamonds and other stones are commonly used as part of dresses by the Equestrian Rarity.”

“Really? That’s surprising. Why is that,” Fluttershy asked

“Honestly; I never knew. Ponies don't care for them. Some are actually millionaires in our terms; but still choose to work in their talent.”

“What was your talent,” Pinkie inquired

“I was good at pyrokinetic magic. Unfortunately; it doesn't work in this world.”

“You're heading home? We'll certainly welcome you,” a voice said from behind

“Mom? I didn't think you'd be here.”

“It was to be a surprise. It's up to you to come back to Equestria,” Princess Celestia answered

“I'll keep that in mind. I'm not sure what to do right now.”

“Well; whatever you choose, we'll accept,” Discord commented

“Thank you everyone. I look forward to what happens in the future.”