• Published 2nd Mar 2019
  • 407 Views, 2 Comments

Mega Man I (1) - Emerldminer

Mega man was built by professor twilight to protect pony vill from doctor trixie.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Rainbow dash is gliding through the sky, occasionally flapping her wings. "ok, the sky is cleared and there is no random storm in sight... I guess I can go see what twilights up to," Dash thinks as she glides to the ground in front of the Golden Oak Library. She proceeds to knock on the door, then there is a loud thud.

"Shit,... um, the door is unlocked!" a voice calls from the inside.

"That didn't sound like twilight... it might be her helper Robot," Dash thinks opening the door to see Rock in a pile of books that fell on him. She chuckles to her self, he was always getting himself stuck in something.

"Hi, dash!" He tries to get up but the weight of the books are to grat and he slumps back down. "Um, a little help here?" He says chuckling awkwardly. Rainbow shakes her head.

"Seriously, you need to stop getting stuck in books, I don't even know how you can fight robots 3 times your size and still get stuck in the books," She says walking over and one by one pulls off the books.

"Ya, well there's a difference between books and Robots," He says, getting up and dusting himself off. Dash shakes her head again, still not getting how he is good at fighting but not good at sorting books.

"I hope you are done because there is another Robot master heading this way," Twilight says descending the stairs. Rock turns to Twilight and nodes.

"Let's go kick some Robot flank!" Dash yells flying out of the library and into the sky. She stops and hovers for a moment. "What... I don't even know where it is," She looks down to see Rock, now turned Mega Man, Running toward Fluttershy's cottage. "ok, now I know where to go," She thinks fallowing Mega Man.

"well... this is where twilight told me to go, so where is he?" Mega Man thinks looking around Fluttershy's cottage. Then a loud, high pitch scream goes off, instantly he recognizes who it belongs to. "Fluttershy! I'm coming!" He says running to the back of the house. Right there, standing in front of Fluttershy, was an orange robot with Scissor on his head. "Cutman," Mega Man says charging his Mega Blaster.

"O, so you remember me," Cut Man replays smiling at Mega Man.

"Fluttershy get behind me!" He says, Fluttershy runs and hides behind a nearby tree. "Just give up before I have to scrap you," Mega man says pointing his Mega blaster at Cutman.

"I will get Fluttershy even if I have to go through you!" He says taking 2 steps back. "Besides, I brought friends," Right then a loud thumping sound starts getting closer. Mega Man looks over Cutman's shoulder to see a Bigeye. It's a giant robot with one leg that his only attack is jumping on you.

"o! Shit," Mega Man wispers to himself. "ok, it's a Bigeye, no big deal right... rong! it takes 20 hits to kill and by then Cutman will have Fluttershy,"

"Need some help there Mega," Rainbow dash says speeding over to him.

"Maby a little, can you deal with Cutman?" He asks never looking away from the behemoth that is Bigeye.

"Hey, before you were built I had to deal with these guys, so don't worry about me just send that Bigeye to the scrap heap," Dash replays, Mega man nods and runs toward Bigeye. "OK, now to make sure Cutman doesn't get to... what were is he?" Dash looks around, but there was no Cutman nor Fluttershy. "Shit! where are they?!"

"DASH HHHEEELLLPP!!" Fluttershy yells from the front of the cottage.

"Hold on Fluttershy, I'm coming!" Dash says speeding to the front of the cottage. When she gets there, she sees Cuteman running with Fluttershy in his hands. "O no you don't you little shit," Rainbow whispers to her self. She speeds toward Cutman, and at the last second, turn around and buck him right on the back of the head sending him sprawling across the ground. Fluttershy slips out of his grasp and flies off into her cottage. "Good, she's saved... now to deal with metal head, no offense to Mega man of cores," Dash thinks.

"You little SHIT! you will pay for that!" Cutman yells, getting up from the blow.

"Then show me what you got Cute-man," Dash says emphasizing the "Cute".

"I. AM. NOT. CUTE!" Cutman says, grabbing the Scissors boomerang thing on his head and throwing towards Dash. She easily flies to the side, dodging the S-boomerang.

"HA! you missed!" She yells smiling like a filly, at that very moment, the S-boomerang was coming back for a returning blow.

"You shouldn't be gloating just yet little lady," He says extending his hand ready to catch the S-boomerang.

"What do you mean? You lost you..." But before she can finish the S-boomerang hits her on the head sending her face first to the ground. Cutman grabs the S-boomerang and smiles.

"Now whos the loser? o! ya! you!" He says walking toward the Cottage. "Now to get my prize,"

"Come at me Bigeye!" Megaman yells at the big green man jumping masheen. It tries to flatten him, but he slides out of the way. He then proceeds to shot it with one of his pellets and it finally explodes into scrap. "Finally done, now to see if dash kept Cut man occupied," He thinks running around to the front of the cottage. He sees dash sitting on the ground almost in tears.

"I failed you Fluttershy," She whispers not aware of Megaman.

"Dash! are you all right," He says squatting down.

"Cutman got away with flutters," She says as a tear rolls down her cheek. Megaman looks up to her head to see a cut into her skin.

"Dash! your bleeding!" He says scanning the cut.

"Ya, I got smacked by his stupid S-boomerang," She says placing a hoove on the cut. When she pulls it away it's covered in her blood.

"We need to get you back to twilights," Megaman says turning back into Rock. He then picks her up and starts to run back into town.

"Will she be ok?" Rock asks looking over to the sleeping rainbow dash.

"She should be, she might not remember the incident but she should be ok nonetheless," Twilight says raping a new roll of gauze around dash's head. Rock yawns and stretches.

"I'm going to charge ok," Rock says walking up the stairs. Twilight looks back at Rainbow with a worried expression.

"I hope you don't forget us,"

In SIde Megaman's Head

The inside of Rock's head is full of bookshelves of memories since he was made. In the center of the endless room is a table with a touch screen computer embedded into it.

"Why does it take so long for my processing system to proses the day... I think I should ask Twi for a new processing system..." Right at that moment, a book appears in the Center of the table. "Finlly," Rock whispers under his breath.

He grabs the book and places it into one of the many bookshelves. "I wonder, what if dash wakes up and does not remember us. I think that can happen... maybe," Rock whispers to himself as the world around him melts away.

Rock opens his eyes as the glass casing opens up to let him out. He sits up and looks over to Twilight. She is fast asleep, Rock quickly and quietly walks down stars past the gest room dash is sleeping in. When he gets down to the library he lights a candle and brings it over to the desk. He takes books off the shelves, they are all about the pony brain. He places the stake on the desk and starts to read.

After a few hours later a sound comes from the stairs. Rock looks behind him to see Spike coming down the stairs with a newly lite candle. "Need a hand?" Spike asks walking over to Rock. Rock smiles in response, Spike sets down the candle on the desk and grabs a book.

"So, what are you looking for?" Spike asks sitting down next to Rock.

"I'm worried if dash wakes up and doesn't remember a thing, so I'm seeing if there is anything I could do," Rock replays not taking his eyes off his book.

"I'm pretty sure that won't happen, but I'll help just in case," Spake replays opening his book and starts to read. After a few hours of reading and lots of candles, they both agree to retire for the night and go to bed. (or charge in rocks case.)

In the morning Twilight wakes up to see Rock sprawled out onto his charging station. She shakes her head "Did he really stay up reading again?" Sighing to her self she walks over and wakes him up.

"w-wWhat twi?" He says opening his eyes lazaly.

"I think you need to get some fresh air," Twilight replays flatly in a "matter of fact" tone

"Fine, I'll go see what AJ is up to," Rock says pushing himself off the table and walking down the stairs.

"When you get back I will tell you how Dash is doing ok!" Twilight yells down the stairs.

"OK!" Rock yells from the doorway. Then he exits closing the door behind him.

"and that's why I'm here," Rock finishes his explanation to the little group of three.

"I have one minor question," Scootalo pips up raising a hoove. "Is Dash going to be ok?"

"She'll be just fine," Rock says messing up her main. Scootalo swats Rock's hand away.

"So ya not wired?" Applebloom asks as they walk under the sign that welcomes you to Sweet apple acres.

"Ok, maybe a little bit, but I bet you she'll be kicking again in 10 seconds flat," Rock says smirking at his own pun.

"Hey, Y'all!" Apple Jack yells from the barn waving them down.

"Hay AJ!" The CMC says at the same time. Rock shakes his head, "how they do that will always stun me," he thinks as they walk over to AJ.

"How are ya doing," AJ asks more directed to Rock then anypony else.

"Good," They all replay at the same time.

"How's Rainbow?" She asks Rock.

"I don't know, but Twi hasn't come for us, so probably good," Rock says getting a confused look from AJ.

"Well good, I need all the help I can get," Aj says tuning towed the orchard. "I think we will start with the east one and..." before she can finish the CMC run away.

"I guess it's just me," Rock says shrugging.

Back in the great oak library, Dash was just waking up. She sits up in bed rubbing her head.

"ow, guess I got hit harder then I thought," Dash says to no pony in particular. Twilight then steps into the room with a tray of food on her back.

"Good, you're awake. I need to ask you some questions," Twilight says floating the tray of food and placing it in front of Dash.

"Like what?" Dash asks as she picks up the toast and shoves it down her mouth. "I didn't realize who hungry I am," Dash thinks as Twilight gives Dash a concerning look.

"Well for one, do you remember Rock?" Twilight asks as Rainbow gulps down the orange juice.

"Who could forget that hunk of a guy?" Dash asks taking a bite out of the scrambled eggs. Twilight gives her a curious look.

"So.. you like Rock?" Twilight asks as her friend takes another gulp of orange juice.

"Well ya, he's a cool friend plus a mean pean fighting masheen, and I might like him a little," Dash says completely oblivious to what she just said.

"So.. you could say you... love him?" Twilight asks getting more intrigued by the moment. Before answering Dash eats the last piece of bacon.

"What gives you that idea?" Dash asks pushing the tray to the side.

"Well, you talk about him like he's the pony for you, and you just said you like him," Twilight says trying to suppress a smile.

"I did?... I DID!" Dash yells, her face starting to heat up from embarrassed.

"It's ok, I will keep your secret," Twilight says whispering into Dash's ear.

"It's just... he's not even a living thing!" Dash says flustered.

"Well, he is living, just not in the way we think living is," Twilight replays.

"But what If he doesn't like me like that? and he doesn't want to be friends anymore!" Dash says standing up.

"First, sit down..." Dash does what she is told. "... and two, you guys have been friends for a long time, you really think even if he doesn't like you like that he still will not be friends with you," Dash thinks on this, but before she can replay Twilight starts to walk out of the room with the tray. "and you would be surprised at what he likes... or who he likes," She says walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. Dash sits there still thinks over what Twilight had said.

Author's Note:

Hi, I finally got the first chapter done and I hoped you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or concerns please put them in the comments below. See you next time.:scootangel: