• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 636 Views, 14 Comments

Lulamoon's Legacy - Crowborn

Trixie had always been different from other unicorns. Her skills, her interests, her dreams... She's always had this feeling that she was meant for Greatness, even when she was but a filly, before she could speak or walk. Like it was Fate.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Meeting

While Trixie was normally a mare all for publicity, especially if concerning royalty (Twilight still doesn't count), something about this felt off. Why address a letter to House Lulamoon when Trixie was the only member left?

"That is odd....I wonder what she wants?" Lula pondered.

Trixie gave an irritated swish of her tail, annoyed that 'Lula' was still reading her thoughts. "Would you stop that?!" She protested. The guard escorting them stopped and gave her a confused look.

Trixie blushed, "U-Uh, N-Not you! Heh heh, uh.....Trixie was just...talking...to a pony...over there. They'regonenow,solet'sgo,Okay?" She gave a sheepish smile, speaking faster and urging that they just simply continue on.

The guard gave a questioning glance before shrugging and continuing on escorting them to the palace.

Trixie gave a sigh of relief as he turned his back to her. She gave a scolding glare to Lula, "You're going to make Everypony think I'm crazy!!" she whispered as quietly as she could, hoping the guard wouldn't hear.

He didn't seem to notice. Lula chuckled, hugging her, "I told you, we are connected. And if any pony laughs at us, we will just show them how Grrrreaat and Powerful we are."

Trixie wanted refute her hug, but couldn't bring herself to do it, as it did feel comforting.

Suddenly, a ferocious scowl then appeared on Lula's face. "And if any pony ever tries to hurt you, I'll tear them limb from limb..."

Trixie recoiled in shock from that statement, but Lula didn't seem to notice, instead she continued to hug her snugly.

Trixie glanced around with a frown, "Could you maybe go elsewhere for a little bit?" she whispered, "I'd like to be alone with my thoughts for a bit."

Lula smiled brightly, "Sure!" She then hovered in front of Trixie and put a hoof to her chest. That same magenta light appeared from Trixie's chest, and Lula dived into it. Trixie yelped in surprise, which got her a few stares from some nearby ponies, but other than that, everything seem normal. If any of what had just occurred could be considered normal...

She sighed with relief, she still wasn't ready for all this craziness just yet.
The possibility that this 'Guardian' or whatever might attack or kill other ponies was a bit frightening to Trixie. However, before she could think on it further, the guard escorting her cleared his throat, signalling they had arrived.

Trixie had seen the castle from a distance many times in her past, and even visited once with her family, but she was too young at the time to remember any of it. However, the sight of the Castle up close still took her breath away. How many time had she dreamed and fantasized of being here, performing her Great and Powerful show in front of the Princess? Perhaps becoming a Princess herself?

But....those were still just dreams. She wasn't here to perform. She had been summoned to a meeting. And she was no Princess.

Twilight Sparkle was.

Before she could wallow in her despair, the Guard escorting her was approached by another Guard. This one was a thestral, and thus one of Luna's Night Guard. He stood proud and strong, bit his gaze and teeth were what intimidated Trixie the most.

"You are dismissed, Lieutenant. I will take it from here," he ordered. The other guard gave a small nod and saluted before turning and walking away.

"You are one of the ponies of House Lulamoon, correct? I am Corporal Wicked Fang. Don't let the name fool you, I assure you I don't bite." He gave a little wink.

Trixie gave a nervous smile as she pulled the note from her mane. "I'm Trixie Lulamoon, and I got this letter from--"

"Right this way, Miss," he said, turning around a signalling her to follow. It took her a moment to collect herself, but she didn't keep him waiting long.

He led her through the maze of castle corridors until he came to a stop In front of two large golden doors that bore the symbols of the sun and moon.

Wicked Fang held out a wing to halt her. "Halt for a moment."

Trixie paused and watched as he gave a brief, loud knock before opening the door, "Your Highnesses? Pardon the intrusion but Beatrix Eleganza Luminia Lulamoon of House Lulamoon has arrived."

Trixie shuddered at the use of her full name. How did he know it? She even had it changed in the public records to just Trixie Lulamoon, to save herself the embarrassment of others finding out what her middle names were. However, she had little time to think on that as she was pushed into the room with the doors closing behind her.

There was a moment of awkward silence as she gawked at the princesses.

Princess Celestia was the first to speak, "Oh! It's Trixie!" She gave a small chuckle, "I should have realized that was your name announced. I see now why your Mother called you her little Bell..."

Trixie's face flushed in embarrassment as memories of her time in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns resurfaced.

Quickly wanting to change topic, Trixie stammered, "U-Um, t-the letter said that Princess Luna wished to speak to me? H-How may the Great and Powerful Trixie be of service?"

Trixie lowered her head so that her hat covered her blush as Celestia gave a soft chuckle to her performance. Thankfully, Princess Luna was more straight laced than that, "Worry not, all will be made clear as soon as the rest of House Lulamoon arrives. It is urgent that all be here first. This matter concerns your House as a whole, not just you."

Trixie frowned, Does she really not know?

"Well, Trixie will hate to break it to you, but Trixie is all of House Lulamoon. The others are.....gone. Trixie has nopony else remaining in her....House."

Lula emerged again and gave Trixie another hug, and that ever persistent feeling swelled in her chest once more, comforting her.

"What?! Surely, this cannot be?! Has House Lulamoon truly fallen so low?" Luna asked, worry spreading across her face.

"......I'm afraid so, Princess," Trixie replied with a sigh.

"Then it is as I feared, Luna...." Princess Celestia said with a look of worry.

Trixie gave a confused look. How did the Princesses not know the state of House Lulamoon? Were they really not that important?

Lula huffed, "Of course we are important! One does not become a noble house unless you are important!"

That made Trixie feel better. Somewhat.


Trixie snapped her head quickly to face Princess Luna, unsure if she was answering Celestia or Lula. However, Luna's attention still seemed to be focused on her sister.

"First House Im'mer and now this? How did we not notice sooner, sister?" Luna inquired worriedly.

Celestia shook her head, "I do not know. And with my former student having fled through Starswirl's mirror, it's almost as if Fate itself has been set against us...."

Trixie frowned, "Pardon me, but Trixie is confused. What is going on? Why was Trixie summoned here? What is it that you want of House Lulamoon?"

When the two Princesses turned their scrutinizing gazes towards Trixie, she almost yelped, fearful that she had spoken out of turned. Only when their faces relaxed did she relax.

"Oh! I just noticed! These ones have wings and a horn! How cute!" Lula exclaimed, floating closer for a closer examination.

Trixie was mortified that Lula might try and boop the Princesses as she had done the other ponies. But then remembered that nopony but her could even see Lula. That still didn't make her feel much better though.

"Halt, Guardian. We are not thy play things!" Luna suddenly commanded.

Trixie's jaw fell as she gawked in surprise.

"You can see her?!"
"You can see me?!" Lula and Trixie asked at the same time.

Luna nodded while Celestia took a sip of her tea, "Indeed we can. Now, I think it wise for you to respect your Princesses' orders, do you not?"

Lula blinked for a moment before bowing with a nod and drifting back behind Trixie. "Ooh, I like her!" Lula whispered giddily.

"I see that you at least have been made aware of your heritage as an Archmage of House Lulamoon. That should make things easier," said Princess Celestia with a sigh of relief.

"Heritage? What do you mean heritage? I literally just woke up this morning to find this thing floating around in my wagon! It claims to be Trixie's 'Guardian' and won't leave her alone despite her protests! And you two are the first ponies besides Trixie that's been able to see her all day! Trixie thought she was going crazy!"

Celestia and Luna both frowned.

Luna spoke first, "Rest assured, you have not 'gone crazy' and that is indeed your Guardian, signifying you as an Archmage, just as the rest of House Lulamoon is--were."

"What? No! That's impossible! Trixie would remember if she saw floating wolf ponies and weird star shaped staves before! And she hasn't, so that is impossible!" Trixie protested, such a thing was impossible, wasn't it?

Lula put a hoof on her shoulder, "They speak the truth. Remember what I told you? Archmages aren't born at random. It a part of your Lineage. That means this a part of our family. It has always been a part of our family."

Lula then frowned, "I am still not sure how I know that, but I do."

Celestia then spoke, "That makes sense, Guardians are bounded by ancient magics, and as a result, a few of them can sometimes gleam knowledge from your ancestors, and your ancestors' ancestors. It is not common, but it isn't unheard of."

Trixie frowned in confusion. Her parents were Archmages? Her grandparents were Archmages? Wait did that mean her Aunt had been one as well?!

"Wha....b-but.....how? Why? Trixie is so confused!" Every explanation so far was only giving her more and more questions.

Luna got up from her throne and put a wing around Trixie, comforting her. "Do not worry, you deserve an explanation, and an explanation you shall have, however this story is a bit of a long one. And while things are urgent, it seems you are our only hope."

"Only hope? What do you mean only hope? If there is something bad happening, can't you just send Twilight and her friends like you always do?"

It was Celestia's turn to speak, "It isn't that simple I'm afraid. Massacre, the Spirit of Carnage may soon return."

"And you can't just send Twilight and her friends because...?"

Celestia sighed, "The Elements of Harmony have little effect on it."

Trixie took a moment to process that. Nope still didn't make any sense.

"What?!" Trixie exclaimed, "What do you mean the Elements of Harmony have little effect on it? If they can't do anything, what do you want me for?! I'm just a Showmare! I didn't defeat that Ursa Minor, Twilight did!"

She stomped her hoof for emphasis, but yelped when the floor cracked as a result.

"Calm yourself, we have much to explain, it seems," Luna ordered, returning to her seat beside Celestia.

"I didn't mean to do that! I don't know how that happened! Trixie was only--" Trixie tried to explain frantically, but was cut off when Celestia spoke.

"Beatrix. Relax. You are safe, my little pony. We know you have a lot of questions, and that there some things you simply don't understand at the moment, but you need to relax."

Trixie hung her head down low, "Yes, Princess." She felt like a foal again, back at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

Lula pulled her into another hug. Trixie didn't protest despite how silly she must have looked being held like a foal by a floating wolf-pony-thing. This day was simply too weird for her to even worry about such things.

"Now, let us start from the beginning, feel free to take a seat, there is much for us to tell you," Luna said, shifting in her own seat while Celestia ordered more tea, for all of them.

What have I gotten myself into this time? Trixie pondered as she listened to their tale....

Author's Note:

Next Chapter will be a lot of lore drop as well as exposition, but it will be nice to finally have some answers down, eh? As well as stir up a few new questions, of course! :raritywink:

Anyways, see you in the next chapter! Crowborn out!