• Published 5th Jan 2019
  • 351 Views, 5 Comments

The Blackened Skies - gosha305

A strange dark haze covers the skies all around Equestria. Twilight and her friends set out to discover its nature. Will they find a way to stop it before it's too late?

  • ...

King Sombra

The train was slowly approaching the Crystal Empire. The swirly cloud of steam it produced in no way resembled the smoke that covered the skies several hours ago. Twilight was happily chatting with her sister-in-law, nearly forgetting the terrifying events that transpire just earlier. Deep inside her mind, she remembered that they were about to encounter one of the most dangerous villains Equestria ever knew, but she really didn't want to think about it for the moment. She enjoyed the ride and just wanted to finally lighten the mood after the encounter with the Entity.

The train finally arrived into the Crystal Empire. Soon, they would go into the depth of Sombra's secret cellar and find out what he was up to. Of course, it would be dangerous, if he actually controlled the Entity (or even was the Entity) confronting him wouldn't be an easy task and thus shouldn't be taken lightly. What if he captures them? What if this whole thing was just a trap to make them go see him? What if he just isn't here? All these questions plagued Twilight's mind as she followed Cadence towards the Crystal Castle.

As expected, Shining Armor was waiting for them. He was pacing in the throne room with a worried frown. When he saw Cadence and Twilight (Spike stayed outside, surrounded by a group of fans, telling them his prowess when he saved the Crystal Heart), he immediately asked about the decision of the council. Apparently, the horrifying laugh could even be heard in the Crystal Empire, so he was obviously anxious about what happened. After hearing an account of the events and the plan of actions, he proposed it would only be wise to cast a protective spell on the two alicorns before they descended into the depths of Sombra's secret room. It seemed to be a rational measure. After all, they didn't even know what was waiting them in the somber chamber.

Once the preparations finished, the descent could finally begin. Twilight used the dark spell required to open the secret entrance, and they stepped onto a gloomy stairway. They dove into the darkness like into a bottomless sea. A dim light was visible in the distance, it was presumably coming from Sombra's personal chamber. After advancing downstairs for several minutes, the light became clearer. It's source was now visible: a flickering candle rested upon an ancient desk. On the contrary, the sigh of the exit behind them has quickly faded into the surrounding darkness, only a faint halo reached their eyes. A strange feeling of dread and uneasiness was all over this place. It seemed to be coming from the very air the two visitors breathed. Suddenly, in the surrounding darkness, appeared another light... Or maybe two lights. They were of a surreal green. As these lights approached, their nature became an evidence: it was the King himself.

Sombra's wicked grin was now visible in the dimly lit room. His shadowy incarnation drifted towards his unexpected guests.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" he said sardonically "My substitute of the throne of the Crystal Empire accompanied by Celestia's own protégé." he paused before asking another question, this one in non-rhetorical "What brought such important guests into my domain?"

"It's us who have questions to ask." calmly responded Twilight.

"Ask if you wish, Twilight Sparkle."

Before the latter could react, Cadence snapped at their shadowy interlocutor. "You know all too well why we are here King Sombra!"

"But you are mistaken my dear, I do have no information on the motives of your impromptu visit." mockingly responded the grinning figure.

"So, you are trying to tell us that you weren't the one who covered the whole sky in shadowy clouds? Liar!" shouted Cadence, her voice filled with pure hatred towards their interlocutor.

"Let's stay polite, we are civilized ponies after all. Now, how am I supposed to do all that while my power is still too faint to even leave this gloomy place? And even if I lied in my last sentence, why would I stay here and be talking to you, while I have the possibility to easily reclaim my throne?" responded Sombra pointing out the flaw in Cadence's logic.

Sombra was right. Even though he remained a filthy liar, his current logic made sense. He would never spend his precious time talking to the two alicorns in his dirty prison when he could just conquer the Crystal Empire and all Equestria if he wanted. With the kind of magic-siphoning abilities the Entity showed, there was no way he wouldn't just kill them or drain them of their magic from the moment they arrived. Unless this was all a part of his plan...

While Twilight was lost in her thoughts, Cadence continued arguing with Sombra. She was still convinced that he was at the origin of the Entity and no words seemed to be able to change her mind. The King even started feeling frustrated and upset by her stubbornness as he gave more and more proof of his innocence to no avail. This continued for a while, until Twilight finally intervened. She somehow managed to convince Cadence that Sombra probably wasn't lying this time (Of course Cadence still had her doubts, but she at least agreed to stop her accusations for the moment). However, they could still obtain more information from the envoy of the Umbrum.

"If you weren't the cause of these events, do you at least have an idea of who or what else could have such terrifying powers?" Twilight quizzed hoping to finally get some information about the Entity's origin.

Sombra was no fool, even though he had no idea of what happened, the current situation could still be used to his advantage. "Oh, but your description was all too vague for me to understand. I would very much like to help you, but it would require me to at least see the current state of the sky." he said politely, hoping for his plan to work.

Of course, this attempt was far too obvious. "Sadly, the black smoke is gone for the moment, therefore, your majesty should be able to help us without having to leave his chambers." responded Twilight in a sarcastic tone.

Seeing that his brilliant plan has failed, the shadowy King decided to try another one "Perhaps, to identify this Entity, the best solution would be to master the dark magic it uses. As a great expert in the domain, I would very much like to help you in your studies."

Sombra's ignorance on the subject of the Entity was becoming obvious. Even though, studying dark magic could actually help in the current situation, his intentions were clear as glass. Staying in this dark place was a waste of time. Now, they only needed to leave in the same peaceful way, they entered.

"Your offer is indeed very lovely, but I fear we won't be able to accept it." declared Twilight in the most polite way she could. "I fear we won't be able to stay and chat any longer as we have important matters to attend. I'm sure you could understand if we left your chambers immediately thus ceasing bothering you any longer."

Finishing her sentence, Twilight bolted towards the exit, signaling to Cadence to replicate her move. They galloped at an impressive speed, using their wings to accelerate.

Once on the solid floor of the palace, they shut the entrance as fast as they could and could finally relax after this sudden departure.

Meanwhile, Sombra just stood in his darkness and watched his visitors escape. He couldn't stop them, not in his current weakened state. In addition, the tale about this strange Entity was starting to bother him too. This Entity was perhaps an even greater evil than himself...