• Published 3rd Jan 2019
  • 970 Views, 15 Comments

Empress Dragon - Mystic Sunrise

Cosmos and her first Exarchs show the new girls one of the perks that comes with their new station in life

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Ivy stretched as she watched Diamond give a satisfied smirk to Amber. "Guess it is not really fair to let those two have all of the fun. And it does look like fun. So I will go next. Maybe I will get a cool look or something. Is that too much to ask?"

Cosmos giggled. "That is the spirit. Just remember that if you start walking around, we are still down here. I would rather not be stepped on if it is all the same to you." The others nodded, as they backed up once more.

Ivy closed her eyes and concentrated, following what Cosmos had told the others. For a moment, nothing happened. And then she felt it. Something answered her call. A moment later, she felt something latch onto her with a lurch, before her body began to change and grow.

Once she was sure she was no longer growing, Ivy opened her eyes and looked around. Her smile grew as she saw the dragon snout in front of her, this one a bronze color. Looking down, she giggled as her dragon's eyes opened and looked up at her with love.

Cosmos smiled as she flew up to her eye level. Her pink coat stood out next to her dragon's scales. Her crimson red cutie mark, the infinity symbol, stood out next to the pink rather nicely. "It seems we are leaning toward the Metallic side of the dragon family tree. I have not had that happen in a long time. Not that I do not mind that is."

Ivy and her dragon shared a surprised look. "This has happened to you before?" The dragon asked, sounding much older than she looked.

Cosmos nodded. "Yes. My very first time doing all of this? Everyone was joined with a member of the Chromatic family. Except for me. I was joined to a Silver Dragon. It was rather odd, to say the least. Not that I ever cared."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "So I guess you have had one that has gone the other way as well? Hopefully, it does not change anything for us. This is weird enough as it is. How can it get worse?"

Cosmos chuckled as she tapped Ivy's snout. "Hardly. One will stick out next to the others I feel. But it does not matter in the end." She pointed at Diamond. "Because one of us joined with a boy, heat season will be much worse than usual because he will be surrounded by females. His natural instincts will go crazy. Being joined to Diamond does not change his urge to mate. Not just with. But with all of us." She tapped Ivy's snout once more. "And your breath slow gas if you are wondering."

Ivy snorted in annoyance. "That's it? Nothing cool or something? Go figure."

Her dragon giggled in her mind. "Oh, I don't know. It does come in handy if you want to slow an enemy down. Perhaps not the most powerful weapon a dragon can have. But it is better than nothing. My name is Wave Crest in the pony tongue. Pronouncing my proper name is another story."

"And I am Seaspray," Diamond's added in her own mind, picking up on the question that was going around her head.

Cosmos nodded, seeming to guess what had been said. "How we will explain all of this to the ponies of Dream Valley, however, is another story. And it can get much weirder from here on. Trust me. No matter how many times I have done this, it never gets easier. Perhaps starting earlier in the timeline will change that. But something tells me that it will not."

That stopped the group for a moment. They had not thought of that. How would they explain all of this to the rest of the world? Right now, only Megan and her friends knew about them at all. But that would not last much longer.

The Moochick himself had said it best when they had first met the diminutive creature. "You cannot hide who you are forever, my lady. You would not be here otherwise. That is your reasoning, is it not? You come to universes that need help in some way and gather the five that will help you achieve that goal. I foresee great things for all of you. And terrible tragedy for one."

Amber still did not know why he had looked at her when he had said that. She was not that much of a hothead. Was she? Probably just rambling is all.

"So how did you explain all of this in the end?" Twilight asked as Ivy paused in her story.

Amber giggled as she turned and bent down to talk to them. "That's getting ahead of the story though. No spoilers. Safe to say, there was a lot of freaking out. And as usual, the Moochick was right. Nopony knew just how right he was going to be though in the end. Not even him."

Twilight tried not to think about what she had heard, and what Amber had done in her rage and bloodlust. She could not imagine what that could have been like.

"Are you telling stories without us?" Emerald asked, as she and the others finally joined them. Seeing their merged form up close was even weirder than seeing it from a distance for Twilight. But Cosmos was even more beautiful this way in her opinion.

Moon was unapologetic as she shrugged. "What can we say? Twilight wanted to know how it went for us that first time. Diamond and Ivy just told their stories. So that means it's my turn."

Cosmos giggled. "Oh yes. I remember this one quite well. And it was all making sense up to you as well. Then came Ocean and then me. Sense has long stopped applying to us."

Moon stuck her tongue out at her, while Twilight could only wonder what that was supposed to mean. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Moon smiled sheepishly as the newest members settled their body down for the stories ahead. "Well... Safe to say that it got much weirder from then on." She looked over at Crystal. "I am assuming you heard of what it means to be joined with a boy dragon?"

Crystal rolled her eyes as she looked at Blaze. "Yeah. But I don't feel any different."

Blaze was a different story though. His instinct to mate had gone to ludicrous levels after merging with the others. How could they not? He was surrounded by beautiful dragonesses. Anyone of which he would've happily been a mate of, and being the youngest by a substantial margin compared to the others, he didn't mind being the small spoon.

Only his complete and utter loyalty and devotion to Crystal stopped him from doing something about his feelings.

Diamond smirked. "Trust me, Crystal. It will get way different when you enter heat. Especially your first one after this. I remember mine like it was yesterday."

Twilight scratched her head, trying not to think about any of this. "How can this get any weirder? I am still having trouble believing any of this as it is." She pointed up at Cosmos. "And why did you look so different then?"

Cosmos shrugged, while her dragon rolled her eyes. "That was a different life, Twilight. Before my reawakening, I was an earth pony. No different from anypony else, no matter what some said."

Everypony else shared an unconvinced look. They had trouble believing that. Cosmos, in any form, did not seem like just any other normal pony. Even those who had known her the longest still did not believe it.

Moon shrugged after a moment. "As for how it went for the rest of us? Including Cosmos up there? Well..."

Author's Note:

We're down to the final stretch. Two, maybe three, chapters to go. Probably won't show the first Empress Dragon form now. But I will do Cosmos in her first incarnation. Only fair I feel.