• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 747 Views, 9 Comments

The Hero They Need - Bookpony579

Twilight Sparkle suddenly takes on the mantle of a hero and fights to defend her city....and the world.

  • ...

Origins: Part 1

On a hill outside the City of Canterlot stood two lone figures looking down at the city before them.

"It is almost time." One figure stated. "Once Mabon arrives she will be released from her prison."

The other figure sighed. "I know."

A second passed before the first woman spoke again. "Are you sure this is wise? She is still so young. And to be given so much power...."

"I know you wanted to wait until she was older, but time is working against us here. We've both been watching her, we both know she has a good heart."

"Yes, but-"

"-And I'll make sure she's ready to handle anything that comes her way."

"I know, and I'm eternally grateful for that, old friend." The first woman wiped away the tears forming at her eyes. "I've just been both awaiting and dreading seeing her again."

"Hey." The second woman grabbed the first one by the shoulders and faced her. "I know this is going to be tough but we'll find a way to get her back. From what you told me this one's a pretty smart kid."

"She is. Incredibly so."

"So there's not too much to worry about. All we have to do now, is wait for the right time..."

A moment passed before-

"Ugh! This is so boring!I hate waiting!"

The first woman giggled. "I know. But we've waited this long. What's a few more hours? After all, you're the one that taught me that patience is one of a warrior's greatest assets."

"I hate it when you throw my words back at me."

"Maybe I wouldn't have to if you actually took them to heart, you hypocrite."

"Whatever, let's just get ready."

The next morning, Twilight Sparkle was awoken not by the sound of her alarm, but by the tongue of her faithful canine companion.

"Mmm....alright Spike......I'm up..." Twilight groaned. Spike barked happily as she sat up just as her alarm clock sounded. She quickly put an end to the annoying buzzing before putting on her glasses.

Within minutes she was all dressed up and was just finishing packing her bag when her mother called out:

"Twilight! Breakfast is ready!"


Twilight reluctantly opened the door and before stepping out turned to her pooch.

"Well, here's one more day, can't be much worse than the others, right?"

Spike only turned his head, not understanding.

Twilight arrived at the breakfast table to find her mother and grandmother already seated and eating.

"Morning mom. Morning Grandma."

"Morning honey!" Twilight Velvet greeted her daughter cheerfully, as usual. "Sleep well?"

"Yes mom." Twilight replied automatically as she poured her usual cereal. "Hey....here's a crazy idea...what if I didn't go to school today?"

"What?! You don't want to miss school honey. These are the best years of your life!"

Twilight swirled her spoon in her cereal. "Um...have you actually, been to high school? Because it can be....judgey. Very judgey."

"Oh honey..." Velvet reached over and gave her daughter's hand a comforting squeeze. "You just need to give them a chance to see the real you."

Twilight rolled her eyes at that. "Please. The 'real' me is nothing more than an awkward, clumsy nerd. Who'd be interested in that?"

"Well I certainly would." Aurella stated. "But I think even you're not completely sure who the 'real' you is yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the person you are deep down inside, here," She poked Twilight's chest, right above her heart. "Where it matters most. And when you do, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised with what you find."

Twilight gave her grandmother a warm smile. "Thanks Grandma."

"Now that that's been taken care of." Velvet said, "Hurry up and finish up your breakfast before you're late. Oh, and don't forget, if a supervillain or criminals strike near the school just-"

"-take cover and wait for the police to arrive. I know mom."

With that she quickly finished eating, grabbed her lunch and backpack and was almost on her way out.

"Oh! And one more thing!" Her mother called.


Velvet gave her a warm, loving smile. "Have a great day honey."

"Thanks mom." She gave both her mother and grandmother goodbye kisses before heading out the door and beginning her walk to school.

Along the way she passed by the usual sights: stores opening up for the day, people walking to work, newspapers with headlines such as : Crime wave reaches new Heights, can anything be done? Monster sightings increase near villages and towns all over the world. Police useless against people with superpowers :Time to look into other means of protection?

Soon she came upon an old woman sitting on a bench feeding pigeons. The woman's coat was old and patched, but her face was bright and broke into a smile when Twilight sat next to her.

"Good morning Twilight."

"Good Morning Sunny. How are the birds this morning?" Twilight enjoyed talking to Sunny Skies, she was kind and a much better listener than most people at her school.

"They're a bit jittery. They sense a change in the wind."


"Yes. Animals have a keen sense for these things. Something big is heading our way."

"Good or bad?"

"Hmm.....both I have to say."

"Well, that's....interesting." Twilight reached into her bag and pulled out a tinfoil wrapped sandwich. "Here you go. It's PB and J today."

"Thank you my dear. You are such a kind girl. I'll be sure to repay you when I can."

"Please, don't worry about it."

Sunny took the sandwich. "I'm sure the other students would very much appreciate it."

Twilight sighed. "I doubt that. Most of them don't bother going out of their way for someone outside their group unless they have to or they benefit from it."

"Well, maybe you have to take the first step."

"I've tried! Most times usually got me nothing more than a few weird looks, slight insults and the occasional shove."

"Have you tried talking to your principal about it?"

"It wouldn't matter. Principal Potts is nice but she's retiring soon and so she's just putting up with us until they can find her a replacement."

Sunny put a comforting hand on her young friend's shoulder, her lilac eyes softening. "I'm sure things will change very soon. But right now you'd better be going."

"You're right. See you later." With that, Twilight got up and went on her way with Sunny wishing her a happy day before disappearing into an alley nearby.

Twilight entered the doors of Canterlot High and was greeted with the usual sight of teens hanging out with friends or just lazing about before class started.

As usual, she walked to her locker without anyone bothering to greet her or even glance her way. This was pretty much her life ever since she transferred here from Crystal Prep about a year ago, and even before then. The teachers weren't much better. They praised her intelligence in class and at parent-teacher conferences, but were mostly absent outside the sphere of learning.

"Out of the way! Soccer star coming through!" Cried a Rainbow haired girl as she pushed Twilight to the side while she kicked a soccer ball down the hall, quietly followed by a girl with light pink hair.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she finally reached her locker and got out her books for the day.

"Morning Twisight!" Taunted a familiar red and gold haired teen girl.

Twilight sighed and closed her locker door, revealing the form of Sunset Shimmer, followed close by her two freshman lackeys, Snips and Snails. Sunset Shimmer was the self proclaimed Queen Bee of Canterlot High, bullying and pushing her way to the top. It didn't hurt that she was also the top student in the class....at least until Twilight came along.

"Hello Sunset." Twilight said before swiftly turning and heading for her first class before a scene started.

Sunset, slightly angered quickly followed.

"So...off on another day of being a total nobody?"

"What do you want Sunset?"

"Just making sure you remember your place." With that, she quickly knocked the books from Twilight's hands and onto the floor.


Sunset ignored her and triumphantly walked away, kicking the books further down the hall as she did so.

Twilight quietly groaned and rushed to pick up her belongings before class started.

As usual, no one bothered to help her.

Author's Note:

Hey everybody! Merry Christmas! And my present to you is.....a new story concept I'm trying out!

This was mainly inspired by Wonder Woman and the recent Shazam and Captain Marvel trailers that came out. I'm not a hardcore Marvel or DC fan and I don't plan on seeing the movies, but the trailers were awesome and they got me thinking.

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