• Published 30th Dec 2018
  • 264 Views, 0 Comments

The last shadow of a man. - Black-wolf

When the world is a strange event. The arrival of the pony. They said they had good intentions, but now everyone is gone.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Explanation of conventional symbols:


(Action time changes)


(Transition in space.)


Dear Diary...


It seems to me that writing in a diary is very stupid, but in order to save sravomyslie I decided to write down my deducted in this diary.

It seems to me that the sobriety of my mind is already at its limit, and in fact there has not been a day.

I always felt lonely. Even when it was full of people. But this is a new level of loneliness.

My name is Yuri. No, I did not fly into space. I am an ordinary gamer from Russia. I have a regular job. Ordinary life in general is not accidental yet.

Now I'm completely alone. My only interlocutor is you my dear diary. And now I will tell you how I found myself alone.


I finished work and came home to enjoy my weekend. The news said about the appearance of a strange talking pony somewhere in America. But I did not give much attention. Again, these conspiracy theories. But I had something to do. We are with the men with turn to fishing.

I have already agreed with the 'Colonel' about the boat loan. I have to collect things and meet with the boys. The meeting place was chosen at the gas station on the outskirts of the city.

I will not talk about fishing in detail. It was fun ordinary fishing. The garbage began to happen at the very end. One of the dudes called to work on urgent issues, the other called either the girl or his wife. I am the only one who is not in a hurry.

Now I know what was needed.

I had to get a boat in the garden to the 'Colonel'.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that there is empty. Yes, the car also was not. He left. I was unworn and drove the boat into the garage.

Sitting down in my 2007 Chevrolet Silverado. I was driving along a country road. The road is very blurred by frequent rains. It has rained too often lately. Constantly slip I kept driving. Unsuccessful turn of the wheel and I'm already rolling down the hill.

The world has darkened. I did not feel pain just fainted.


Waking up in the wreckage of a car covered in blood. Looking back at the sun, it set, wait a minute. It was a fucking dawn! I spent the whole night in the car.

Use a first aid kit, fortunately I did not receive serious damage. Only shiniki and cuts. Taking everything you need, namely the phone bag that I collected for fishing and a bag with provisions.

Sitting in the wreckage of the car. I unlocked the phone. There were more than a hundred missed calls. Mom, Dad called almost every friend, even the Ministry of Emergency Situations. I was almost happy that everything was so worried about me. Dial a random number from the list. The number does not respond. Neither does not respond. Even the MES is not responding.

Throwing me into a light panic, I ran along the road. After five minutes I calmed down. Going out on the highway, I wanted to catch a ride. That's just on the once-busy highway was empty. Everything just died out.
Quietly walking along the highway. I have not met any attempts oncoming cars. Having reached the gas station where I met with my friends, I noticed that the gas station was also empty. She was wide open. Everything was abandoned. After inspecting carefully, I went into the back room. Nobody here either.

Just a little bit and I would say that I'm in a movie about a zombie apocalypse.

Looking carefully, I see a laptop. "No one will mind if I use?" I shouted. Silent means consent.

Including a laptop and viewing the latest news. Again the news about the pony. The report says that ponies take away all people.

My reaction was supposedly "What the fuck!".

Going to the main hall, I collect important supplies. All Equal to no one, they are no longer needed.

Going out into the street comes to me the best idea that can come to a person in my situation. I decide to steal a turning point truck. After a busy hour, sowing almost all energy bar with gas station. I finally started. Looking around management and grinning. How much harder can it be?


Carrying at full speed in the middle of the highway. I quickly got to the city. The first place I drove home to my mother. It's empty there.

The city itself was deserted. Cars thrown right on the street. Some right in the middle of the road. After the first unsuccessful attempt to knock down the car, I began to run around them.

And here I am back home.
