• Published 16th Dec 2018
  • 999 Views, 13 Comments

According to Plan! Vinyl and Octavia's Hearth's Wubing Eve - The Buck It Bros

A Hearth's Warming special for the story According to Plan!

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Vinyl and Octavia’s Hearth’s Wubing Eve

Vinyl and Octavia’s Hearth’s Wubing Eve

As the night was rearing to an end and Celestia was preparing to raise the sun, a white unicorn with an electric blue mane and purple shades slowly walked up to her home. She had been out all night DJing for a local club in Ponyville, the beat still stuck in her head as she made her way to the door bobbing her head to the invisible song. She was careful to open and close the door quietly, learning over time that waking up her roommate Octavia at this hour was a bad idea. Making her way inside, she removed her scarf with the blue aura of her magic and draped it over a chair in the kitchen.

“Another successful gig Vinyl” the unicorn thought to herself walking over to the fridge “Now I can get Octy something really nice for Hearth’s Warming.” She poured herself a small glass of orange juice and closed the fridge. “I wonder many days I have left to find her the perfect gift?” thought the DJ looking at the calendar as she took a drink. Octavia was always good at crossing off the days before bed so it didn’t take the DJ long to spot the current date.

Vinyl’s eyes widened as she almost choked on her drink. “Oh Buck.” She whisper-yelled still coughing from the orange juice. She did a double take, just to make sure. Today was Hearth’s Warming Eve and Octavia had left a note about making a special dinner later that night. Realizing that she had no time to waste, she quickly set her glass down on the counter and dawned her scarf. She dashed out of the house hoping that it wouldn’t be too late to find Octavia the perfect gift.


Sometime after Vinyl had left, Octavia finally woke up and yawned. Rubbing her eyes, the gray mare got out of bed and stretched each of her legs. Looking out her window she saw the sun rising in the distance bringing a smile to her face. “Ok Octavia, todays the day. I’ve got to make it up to Vinyl for last Hearth’s Warming.” She thought to herself as she went to make the bed. The grey mare was careful not to make too much noise knowing that Vinyl probably came home late from work and was resting. Last year’s Hearth’s Warming ended up being a disaster when her parents came over and did nothing but ridicule her house and roommate all day. Octavia thought that after that experience, Vinyl would run away like many others ponies had not wanting to deal with them but it made her happy that the DJ stayed.

The cellist walked down the stairs and noticed that not only was the DJ’s door was shut, but the room was quiet. “She has been working so hard recently... I hope she isn’t overworking herself.” She whispered to herself as she made her way to the kitchen, excited at the idea of having a Hearth’s Warming Eve without her parents. It wasn’t that she hated her parents, she just was happy to not have to deal with them and spend it with a friend instead. As she was walking to the fridge to make breakfast, she noticed a half-drunk glass of orange juice sitting on the counter. The Cellist sighed “Vinyl, if you’re going to waste food the lest you could do is clean up after yourself.”

She opened the cupboards to grab a plate and a glass but discovered that they were all empty. A closer inspection of the sink reviled where all the missing dishes went. Octavia groaned and facehoofed “Vinyl Scratch it was your turn to wash the dishes. You are going to get a talking too when you wake up.” She looked to the calendar and just sighed in defeat, “Relax Octavia, it is Hearth’s Warming Eve, I will do the dishes this time” said the cellist filling one of the sinks with water. “But by Celestia’s sun, you’ll be cleaning the dishes for the next week to make up for it. Maybe then you won't forget when it’s your turn dear roommate.” She said with a smile and starting cleaning the dishes.

Octavia finished cleaning the kitchen and making herself something to eat for breakfast. Walking back to the cupboards she pulled out a cookbook she had gotten from Bon Bon as a gift for her birthday and set it down on the table. The cellist opened the book to one of the marked pages that she was planning on making. Octavia chuckled a bit remembering Vinyl constantly pointing to one page titled “Pecan Pie” and bagging her to make it. She turned the page to the other book mark that she highlighted just for today, “Vegetable stew”. Octavia figured that is was the DJ’s favorite cold weather food considering how little was left for herself to eat whenever she’d make it.

The grey mare read the ingredients and walked to the fridge to start gathering them. Octavia had already went shopping for everything the recipes called for earlier and started laying them all out. “Already Octavia, let’s get started.” she said looking at the clock. “Oh yeah, I have plenty of time.”


“Oh, buck me I barely have enough time” said the DJ running around the streets of Ponyville looking around at the shops. Most of them were still closed at this time, causing the white unicorn to press her face to the windows looking for gift ideas that she might be able to get Octavia.

She was in a panic. “How could I have forgotten what today was? Octy will be so disappointed if I don’t get her a gift, especially if she got me a gift.” She thought to herself. “Come on Vinyl, focus. What would Octy like?” She pondered on that question while continuing to window shop but kept coming up blank.

“Maybe I should ask Lyra, she should know seeing how they are in the same orchestra.” The DJ reasoned and made haste to Lyra’s house without a second thought.

Upon making it to the house the white unicorn knocked hard on the door several times. She noticed the sun was rising in the distance and knew that the shops would be opening soon. She was shaking from the cold as she waited impatiently at the door. When nopony answered she knocked again, harder this time. Soon, a mint green pony opened the door and was immediately knocked over by the white unicorn. “Hey, what gives.” Said Lyra rubbing her flank.

“Who is it Lyra?” Came the tired voice from inside the house. Bon Bon turned the corner wearing a warm robe and saw Vinyl dusting the Mint green unicorn off. “Oh, hi Vinyl, what brings you here at this time?”

“I need to know what to get Octy for a gift. I... um... kinda forgot that today was Hearth’s Warming Eve.” Vinyl said looking down.

“How could you forget that today is Hearth’s Warming Eve? There has been singing and decorations and signs all town all week long.” Lyra said and shook her head.

“It slipped my mind but that’s not important right now, I need a gift for Octy right away.” replied the DJ.

“Ok...So why are you here? We don’t have anything here that Octavia would like.” commented Lyra.

“Well, I was hoping you might help me pick out a good gift for Octy. I have no idea what she might want, and I thought that you’d might be able to help. I was too busy getting the bits together that I didn’t have enough time to ask.” The DJ said looking desperate.

“Alright Vinyl, we’ll help you. Mind closing the door Lyra, it's getting cold in here. I’ll go make us all some coffee.” replied Bon Bon walking to the kitchen.

“I still don’t see how this is our problem, you were the one that forgot.” said Lyra closing the door, a bit annoyed at being woken up this early in the morning.

“As I recall, you forgot a certain pony’s birthday this year because you were busy.” said Bon Bon with wink.

The mint green unicorn froze for a second and looked back at her. “I thought you were over that.” She commented taking a seat next to Vinyl

“Oh Lyra, just because I forgave you for missing my Birthday doesn’t mean I won’t bring it back up.” She giggled and started the coffee.

The mint green unicorn sighed in defeat and looked back at vinyl “Ok, Look, if you want to get Octavia the perfect gift, it has to come from the heart. Do you understand?” Lyra asked.

“Everypony knows that Lyra, I just have no idea what I can get her on such short notice that won't make it seem like I forgot.” The white mare said looking down. “Octy is a very special friend to me. I never had a pony like her in my life before and I just wanted to show her how much she means to me.” She said poking a hoof at the ground.

“Have you thought about candy? Everypony loves candy.” Bon Bon said placing a coffee cup in front of everypony.

“Bon Bon, you think candy is the answer to everything.” Lyra commented and looked back at the DJ who was thinking about it. “Think harder Vinyl, what does Octavia like?”

“Well we both like music... maybe something to do with that?” Vinyl asked, seeing if she was going in the right direction

“Ok, like what?” questioned Lyra holding out her cup as Bon Bon began filling it.

“I got it! I could get her some wubs!” answered the DJ causing the mint green unicorn to hit her head on the table.

“Vinyl, Sweetie, I don’t think Octavia likes wubs as much as you do. What about something to do with her cello?” said Bon Bon sitting at the table blowing at her cup to cool it down.

“There’s an idea, as I recall, her bow is looking like it has seen better days.” replied Lyra.

“A bow? That is perfect. Thanks.” Vinyl said standing up and downing her coffee in one gulp. “Hoooooot!” said the white unicorn waving a hoof at her tongue.

Bon Bon and Lyra laughed “Easy Vinyl, the shops don’t open for another hour. Why not stay here till then?” Suggested the yellow pony.

“Oh, yeah. Haha, I guess I could have another cup of coffee.” replied the DJ sitting back down with a sheepish grin on her face.

“Maybe wait for this one to cool down before you drink it” said Bon Bon with a smile refilling Vinyl’s cup.

Lyra looked to at the white unicorn and asked. “So why do you want the gift to be so special?”

“Oh... Um last year Octavia’s parents came over but they were being super annoying so I was kind of short with them. Long story short I wanted to make it up to her for acting the way I did.” Vinyl said not wanting anypony to know she had feelings for her roommate.

Lyra and Bon Bon turned to each other with the same look of suspicion on their face. Bon Bon grinned and looked back at Vinyl who was about to carefully take another drink of coffee “Or maybe she is in love with Octavia and doesn’t want to admit it.” Bon Bon said causing Vinyl to spit out her coffee in shock.

“W-what? Why would you think that? There’s no way that I. I mean, she’s all into classical and I'm about those wubs. I just feel bad for ruining last Hearth’s Warming is all.” The DJ said drinking her coffee quickly to hide her face. “I-I should probably go and try to find that bow. Thanks for the coffee. Bye.” She said setting down her cup and dashed out of the house.

“I think she is hiding something.” Lyra said and looked to Bon Bon who was giggling.

“Of course, she is dear. You just let her figure things out for herself. It took us a long time to admit it to ourselves after all.” The yellow mare said and kissed Lyra softly before nuzzled her. “Now how about we get have breakfast. Maybe we can stop by their place for dinner, assuming Octavia doesn’t mind have us over.”


Back at the house, Octavia had the vegetable stew going and the pie in the oven and started cleaning up the house. She looked at the clock as it was nearing midday and sighed “Just how long are you going to sleep Vinyl.”

As the stew simmered Octavia went to her room and pulled out a wrapped box with a bow that was addressed to Vinyl’s and put it under the tree. As the grey mare was stirring the stew, she heard the phone start to ring. She set the spoon down and walked over to the phone “Hello?” Answered the cellist.

“Hello Octavia, this is Bon Bon. Vinyl just stopped by gave us a thought. Would it be alright if we come over to celebrate Hearth’s Warming Eve with you two?” Bon Bon asked.

“Vinyl stopped over? How can that be, she’s been sleeping in her room since she came home last night.” Octavia said looking back at the DJ’s room.

“You didn’t notice? Oh, well, that’s not important, anyways would you mind us coming over then?” The cotton candy maned mare asked.

“Sure, the more the merrier.” Replied the cellist still looking at her roommate’s door before asking. “Are sure it was Vinyl?”

“Thanks Octavia, we’ll see you tonight.” said Bon Bon hanging up quickly.

“She isn’t here?” questioned Octavia walking over to the door. She opened it only to see the bed was empty. “Vinyl what in the name of Celestia are you up to?” She asked herself and shook her head as she made her way back in her room. She pulled the gift she got Lyra and Bon Bon and placed it under the tree next to Vinyl’s. “I hope everypony likes what I got them.” she said looking at the two gifts.

Octavia started walking back to the kitchen when she turned back to the tree to look at Vinyl’s gift. “Could she be avoiding me today because of last Hearth’s Warming?” Questioned Octavia before shaking her head and walking way. She didn’t want to think that was the cause so she just went about finishing their meal. Luckily, there was enough for everypony to eat.


Meanwhile in town, Vinyl rushed to the only store that sold instruments and was happy to find it open. She walked inside and looked around at all the bows that were on display. However, none of them seem to cry out Octavia or seemed like a gift from the heart. As she continued to browse the selections, the white unicorn spotted something interesting. There was an old autographed poster of Octavia at her first concert hanging inside a display case. Looking closely at the bow in the picture, it was the exact same bow that she uses now.

“Can I help you miss... Oh DJ Pon-3 what brings you in today?” The salespony asked recognizing the mare as one of his regulars.

“I was looking for the perfect gift for my friend Octy and saw this poster here. You wouldn’t happen to have a bow like that one would ya?” Asked Vinyl pointing a hoof at the poster.

The salespony looked closely at it for a second and answered “No, I’m sorry. That kind of bow isn’t something that we keep in stock. You see that bow is specifically made just for earth ponies. As you can imagine, it’s not something that get requested very often but we do hoof make them here. If you have the original bow, I could get all the measurements I need and have it specially made. It would take a few weeks however.” The salespony said and the DJ smiled.

“Hold that thought, I’ll be right back.” The white unicorn said with a smile and ran out of the store. It would be tricky but she would have to sneak into the house, grab Octavia’s bow, and leave without being seen. The DJ slowly peaked her head in her bedroom window, checking that the coast was clear. Luckily, her bedroom door was open and she could see Octy making food in the kitchen.

Smiling she slowly slide open the window just enough for her to slip in and turn to close it. She crouched and stealthily made her way to her door. She peaked around the door and quickly hid back behind it, not paying attention to the fact that her horn was still out. Octavia turned around and walked in the living room, not noticing anything out of place. The DJ hear the sound of her sitting on the couch and decided to make a quite dash up the stairs to the cellist's room.

“Huh? I thought I heard... nevermind.” Octavia said looking around lying back down.

Vinyl sighed softly in relief as she opened the door and slipped inside. She made her way to the cello case the was sitting right next to the window and opened it. The white unicorn smiled as she levitated the worn-out bow from its home and shut the case. Feeling proud of her skills, she couldn’t help make the comment “Secret Agent Wubs did it again.” She muttered to herself and started making spy postures only to knock Octavia’s clock off of her nightstand. “OH BUCK!” Thought the DJ as she quickly put it back where it belonged.

Octavia hearing a noise from upstairs got up to investigate it. “Hello? Is somepony up there?” The grey mare called as she walked up the stairs. “Vinyl is that you? What are you doing in my room?” She asked getting on the top landing.

In a panic, the DJ quickly opened the window and dove out into the snow bank below. The window closed at the same time Octavia opened the door. She quickly rushed to the window and looked outside it but could only make out white snow. Not seeing anything she just shook her head “Must have been my imagination. Vinyl can be idiotic at times but she wouldn’t jump out of a second-floor window just to avoid you”.” Said the cellist walking back down stairs to have a well-deserved nap.

Once the grey mare left, DJ got up and brushed the snow off her white coat. “Ha, that was a close one. Secret Agent Wubs does it again.” She said and trotted back to the music shop.

Vinyl walked in and placed the bow on the counter in front of the salespony. He picked it up and looked it over. “I have to say, she must really like this bow.” Commented the salespony grabbing some of his measuring tools and a piece of parchment.

“You think so?” Asked the DJ, curious about what he was looking at.

“I’ve been repairing instruments for a long time and this is the first time I’ve seen one of these this worn out. It’s a good thing she getting a new one. I can’t imagine this one lasting another year.” Answered the stallion

“Ha ha, well, that’s Octy for ya, she loves playing her cello.” Said Vinyl, kind of proud for her roommate.

The stallion finished taking all his measurements and hoofed the bow back to the white unicorn.
“Thanks DJ-Pon3, I should have everything I need to make Octavia a new bow. Is there anything else I can do for you today?” Asked the salespony.

Vinyl thought about it for a second and got an idea that made her blush a bit. “Yes...um... c-could you put an inscription on it?” The unicorn asked.

“Sure, what would you like?” The stallion asked pulling back out his notes.

“Thanks for being the best roommate I could ever wish for, Vinyl Scratch.” She said causing the salespony to chuckle a bit while writing it down. “Oh, and can you put a small picture of a double note inside a treble clef on there as well?” She asked.

“Of course, I hope she likes it Miss Scratch.” said the sales pony finishing his notes.

“Yeah, me too” replied Vinyl

“Ok, your total comes out to hundred bits.” The stallion said. Vinyl pulled out her bits and gave them to the salespony. As he was counting the bits, he was interrupted by the white unicorn placing a piece of candy on the counter.

“Oh, and can I have this too?” She asked with foal-like smile.

“Right, one hundred and two bits than.” The stallion said and finished counting the bits, he returned the bit bag back to Vinyl with her change inside and hoofed her a receipt with the day that her order would be ready.

“Thanks.” Vinyl said waving good bye to the stallion and started walking back to the house with the receipt in her bag and Octavia’s old bow levitating in front of her. “Time for Secret Agent Wubs again.” Vinyl said to herself as she looking to sneak back into her window and up the stairs like last time. Seeing that Octavia was napping on the couch she smiled and said “Too easy” as she opened her window and stepped inside. Closing her window, she turned to return Octavia’s bow back where it belonged only to see its owner standing right in front of her door.

“And what were you up too all day?” Octavia asked looking at the DJ.

“Oh, n-nothing.” She said trying to hide her bow. “I, uh, need to um use the bathroom.” She said and rushed up the stairs fast before Octavia could see what she was hiding.

The grey mare looked at the stairs watching the DJ run up them. “Why do I not believe you?” asked the cellist still standing in front of Vinyl’s room.

“Beats me.” replied the white unicorn quickly throwing everything on Octavia's bed

The gray mare sighed before saying “Tell me the truth or no pie for you.”

“Okay, okay... You know I hate when you use pie against me.” The white mare pouted as she walked back down the stairs. “I was just out and about doing nothing special.”

“Oh, so you going to Bon Bon’s house in the morning was you doing nothing huh?” The cellist asked looked over to her friend.

“She ratted me out? How could you Bon Bon...Okay you caught me. I was out looking for your Hearth’s Warming gift.” Vinyl said sheepishly.

“On Hearth’s Warming Eve?” Octavia asked.

“Look how was I supposed to know that Hearth’s Warming Eve was the day before Hearth’s Warming.” The DJ said just trying to defend herself.

“Vinyl, dear sweet silly Vinyl. If you had just told me you had forgot the day I would have completely understood. You have been working so hard lately and it had worried me a bit.” Octavia said with a frown. “Besides I don’t need some perfect gift, all I need is some good friends, some hot chocolate and music to have a great Hearth’s Warming. It’s an added bonus that my parents aren’t coming to ruin it like last year.”

“Wait so you didn’t think it was me that ruined last year’s Hearth’s Warming?” Vinyl asked. Octavia shook her head causing the white unicorn to smile and hug the cellist “You're the best Octy.”

“I know Vinyl and you are as well.” The grey mare replied. “Now, how about you put on some music and wash up, our guests should be arriving shorty.” She said walking back to the living room.

The DJ walked over to her turntable and shuffled through her records pulling out one she rarely used. Spinning it in the air she lay the record on the turntable and let it play. It was a nice Hearth Warming remix though the unicorn forgot that she had left the volume on its last setting.

Octavia’s ears instantly pinned down on her head trying to quiet the songs. “Vinyl please turn down your wubs.” She said pleadingly.

“Sorry Octy.” She said turning down the volume before taking a quick shower. When she was dried off there was a knock at the door. The DJ opened it seeing Lyra and Bon Bon had arrived. “Fancy seeing you again.” She said to them cheekily, as the two walked inside.

“Yeah Lyra was more interested in seeing Octavia’s reaction to her gift than the actual dinner.” Bon Bon said hanging up her scarf causing Lyra to smiled sheepishly.
“W-what? That not true. But while we are on the subject, could we exchange gifts before dinner?” Lyra asked causing everypony to laugh.

“Well, I suppose I don’t mind. The tree is right over here.” Pointed Octavia leading the way.

As they made their way to the living room Lyra waved a hoof to get Vinyl’s attention. “So what bow did you get her?” whispered Lyra

“You’ll see.” answered the DJ smile remembering that she left the receipt upstairs. She rushed to get it from Octy’s bed and returned to the living room.

The cellist walked over to the tree and grabbed a small box wrapped in mint and yellow wrapping paper and hoofed it to Lyra. “This gift is for both of you.” said Octavia.

They opened their gift to reveal a matching pair of hats and scarfs. “Thank you, Octavia these are lovely.” Bon Bon said putting one of the scarfs around Lyra’s neck.

“You’re welcome ladies.” The grey mare said and looked to Vinyl. “Did you forget to get them something too?”

“Ha ha...oops. I’m sorry guys, I completely forgot.” Vinyl said rubbing the back of her head.

“It’s okay the dinner and show will be gift enough Vinyl.” Lyra said and she passed a gift to Vinyl and Octavia. The two mares opened up their gifts with excitement, Octavia got some tickets to a rather famous pianist and Vinyl got a new set of wireless headphones.

“Thank you.” Octavia said before hugging her friends.

“Yeah these are awesome gifts.” Vinyl said and looked at the box on the floor with her name on it.

“This is for you Vinyl.” Octavia pushed it carefully over toward the DJ.

The white unicorn unwrapped her gift using magic and opened the box. Her mouth dropped as she lifted the item up revealing it to the other ponies. It was a rare first edition record from Mystery Skulls that she had been trying to find for the longest time. “Octy, how did you find this?”

“I have my ways, and it helps that a certain somepony from that studio owed me a favor.” The cellist smiled as she smirked at her roommate. “So, you like it?”

“No Octy, I love it.” The DJ said and hugged her friend. “I just feel bad that I didn’t get you a gift in time.” She said pulling away and she held out the receipt and parchment for her gift in her blue magic.

“Oh, parchment, a piece of candy and a receipt. Thank you Vinyl I always wanted that.” Octavia said with a weak smile not understanding the gift.

“No, Octy the paper isn’t your gift, well, it is but it’s not what you think. You see, I borrowed your old bow and took it to the instrument shop in town. The pony there is making you a new bow to be an exact copy of that one. I thought it would be something useful and would make up for last year’s Hearth’s Warming.” Vinyl said looked at her sheepishly.

Octavia grinned and hugged the DJ as it was a very thoughtful gift. Lyra and Bon Bon winked at each other watching the scene unfold. “I told you everypony loves candy.” Bon Bon whispered to Lyra causing the mint green mare to roll her eyes.

After they broke from the hug the cellist stepped away from the DJ. “This is a very nice gift. Thank you, Vinyl. I hope it doesn’t take too long to be finished.” She said.

“That was a perfect gift Vinyl, and here you were worried about it.” Lyra teased as she laughed a bit.

“Don’t be rude Lyra, or I will tell Octavia and Vinyl more details about what you had to do to make up for missing my birthday.” Bon Bon said.

“Okay, Okay, I’ll stop. Please don’t share that with anypony” Replied Lyra in a pleading tone.

“Well let’s eat before the food gets cold.” Octavia said walking over to the table.

The other three mares followed Octavia as they all sat down at the table. The music playing in the background was nice and didn’t overshadow the conversations that they were having. After dinner they sang along with some Hearth’s Warming song, played some party games and there was plenty of hot chocolate, cider and alcohol to go around. As the party started to come to its end, and the fire was burning out, Lyra and Bon Bon said their goodbyes and with hugs left to go home. Octavia started to clean up the area of bottles and cups so that there wasn’t much to do in the morning.

“Vinyl, tomorrow you are doing the dishes.” Octavia said as the clock changed to midnight, she chuckled a bit. “Okay, make that later today.” She said.

“Octy, we really need to get a dishwasher.” Vinyl whined a bit and looked at the pile of dishes.

“That isn’t going to stop you from having to do the dishes.” The cellist said.

“I know but it would be faster.” The DJ said.

“That can be the next investment in the house then. But I am going to bed. Thank you again Vinyl. Your gift was special and the best one I have had on Hearth’s Warming for a while.” The grey mare said walking up the stairs.

“The gift you gave was awesome too. I will make sure to take good care of it.” Vinyl said sighing softly as Octavia was out of ear shot. “I love you Octy.” She whispered not having the guts to say it to her in pony. “One day you will tell her. I just hope that she doesn’t find somepony else before then.” Vinyl thought to herself. She smiled as she put the record on the turntable and used her new headphones to listen to the record, she got from the mare she secretly loves. “Happy Hearth’s Warming Octy” she said laying down on the couch.

Octavia sat on her bed looking at the old bow that she had used since she became fully grown. It was old the finish had been rubbed away, the strings replaced more times than she could count. There was a feeling that she couldn’t place. Vinyl was a messy, loud and annoying pony at times but she could be sweet. The new bow was proof that, Vinyl wasn’t a complete lost cause. She put the bow away and pondered. “I didn’t mind her wubs that much tonight. I wonder why. Oh well, tomorrow it will be just Vinyl and I. Maybe we can watch a movie or something. I think I will invite her to the concert that Lyra got me tickets for. That is what I will do, oh I hope she likes it.” Octavia thought and smiled to herself looking out the window over the snow-covered ground with a unicorn shaped hole in the snowbank below. “Happy Hearth’s Wubing Eve Vinyl.” She chuckled to herself and went to bed.

Author's Note:

We hope that you enjoyed this Hearth's Warming special for According to Plan!, we had fun putting it together for everypony and thank you for your support and comments. Have a wonderful Hearth's Warming and a great new year.

-Coco the Bearded :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 13 )

An extra bit to the According to plan series, I'll take that.

Would another story like this interest you? We also hope that you enjoyed this. :twilightsmile:

Truth be told it probably wasn't quite my thing, It's very similar and same as what others have written. I don't mind these occasional one shots and will read them anyway, I mean there were some funny moments in this and I understand the significance of the present, but I'd rather see how their relationship will progress in the future. Please though just write what you want, I love how your story and world is slowly developing and really am looking forward to the next chapter or tale.

Thanks for your honesty. This was just a fun side project that I wanted to do and had fun doing it. Thanks again for reading it. :twilightsmile:

The was heartwarming

Thank you that is what we were going for. I am glad you liked it.

-Coco the Bearded :twilightsmile:

dawww this was so cute!!

Lyra x Bonbon spin off would be cool

That may or may not already be a plan or in the works. Just saying keep an eye out okay.

-Coco the Bearded :twilightsmile:

I'm sorry I'm late on this, but I wanted to say that this story was down right BEAUTIFUL.

Its stories like these is why Ilove romance stories and why Vinyl and Octavia will always be my number 1 mlp couple.

Epic work:yay::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::twilightsheepish::ajsmug::raritywink:

Late? what are you talking about it's right on time for this year. I haven't really had time this year with everything to get something out but I wanted to. Maybe I'll do one without Rosa's help.

-Coco the Bearded:twilightsmile:

“A bow? That is perfect. Thanks.” Vinyl said standing up and downing her coffee in one gulp. “Hoooooot!” said the white unicorn waving a hoof at her tongue.

At first I thought she was making an owl noise.

No just the recurring joke about Vinyl burning herself. But that would be funny to hear her hoot.

-Coco the Bearded:twilightsmile:

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