• Published 4th Aug 2012
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Twilight and Loki - cornholio4

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Chapter 4

I woke up to see Spike holding a letter. “Princess Celestia sent this reply when you were sleeping; I decided to wait until morning to give it to you!”

Back in Asgard a messenger could have been flogged for waiting so long to deliver a message (especially one from a royal), but nevertheless I took the letter, opened it and read it:

To my kingdom’s visitor Loki Odinson,

I’m sure the residents of Ponyville are not that bad. You just need time to adjust to this place, that’s all.

Hope to hear from you again soon!

Princess Celestia

I shook my head as I put the letter in a nearby bin, I also saw Twilight already awake and with a smile on her face.

“Ready for the start of a brand new day Loki?” she asked me walking up to me.

“I guess so” I muttered, then we heard a knock on the door. I answered it and looked down to see three small ponies (fillies I believed their called).

One was an orange Pegasus with a purple mane, a white unicorn with a purple and pink mane (who looked kind of like Rarity) and a yellow pony with a red mane and bow on her head.

“There he is” the orange one said excitedly, I raised an eyebrow.

“May I ask who are you three?” I asked wondering who these fillies are.

“I’m Scootaloo” said the orange pony.

“I’m Sweetie Belle” said the white pony.

“I’m Applebloom!” said the yellow pony.

“And we are the...............CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!! YAY!!!!!” they shouted in unison. My ears stung a little, the volume of their voice could Thor shouting at one of the servants for a drink.........no scratch that, it was much louder compared to that!

“Cutie Mark what?” I asked bewildered, sure I had broken my ear drums.

“We formed the group to help us get our Cutie Marks” explained Applebloom, after I looked closely enough none of them had Cutie Marks.

“You know these three Twilight?” I whispered to Twilight who had walked beside me.

“Applebloom is Applejack’s sister and Sweetie Belle is Rarity’s sister” Twilight explained.

Then I turned to them again and asked “okay so can I ask why are you here?”

“We wanted to see you” said Applebloom excitedly.

“We heard how you took down the manticore yesterday” said Sweetie Belle just as excited.

“You think you can hang out with us sometime?” asked Scootaloo, I nodded thinking why not.

As they scampered away closed the door and sat down. I spent the rest of the day with Twilight looking through the many books she had trying to soak in as much information as possible of Equestria.

Afternoon came and Spike came up to us saying “Twilight, Loki I got a message from the Princess!”

Taking the letter from him, I opened it up and read it out loud:

Dear Loki and my faithful student Twilight

I am inviting you both other to Canterlot tomorrow, I want to know more about Loki and where he comes from.

Hope to see you both soon

Princess Celestia

I had been in Equestria for two days and already I was being invited to meet the monarch, not bad is it?

The next day after Twilight let HER friends (still having trouble seeing them more than acquaintances) know, we went to the train station (I had only seen a train in an illustration in a book before). I was wearing the cloak I had transformed into on my first day in Equestria.

As we got off it was hard not to notice the looks of the various ponies looking at me. “What are you all looking at?” I shouted at them though I had a good idea already.

Soon we came to a giant castle which I guessed was the palace. Outside there were many guards. One of them (apparently their leader) had purple on his armour while the other guards had all gold armour. He came up to us and said “Twiley stay away from that........that.........creature!!!!”

“May I ask who you are?” I asked not used to being talked that way by a guard, since I grew up the king’s youngest son and for a short time I was the King of Asgard. Twilight had slapped her face with her hoof over what the guard had said.

“Shining Armour captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard.........” he responded, I couldn’t help myself and bursted out laughing. I was getting used to these ponies having ridiculous names but ‘Shining Armour’ was the worst yet.

“What’s so funny?” he asked darkly. I managed to stop laughing enough to answer him.

“Shining Armour really? With a name like that you are pretty much destined you become some sort of warrior, aren’t you?” I said to him “I mean how would they treat someone with that name if they were a cleaner?”

‘Shining Armour’ looked like he was about to attack me when Twilight stood in front and stopped him. She faced me and said “sorry Loki but Shining Armour’s my older brother!”

He’s her brother, I saw no family resemblance but what do I know since I wasn’t able to figure out I was adopted from the fact I didn’t like anyone else in the family. “Shining he’s with me to see the Princess!”

Shining Armour and the guards let us through but form the glare he was still giving me I could tell he wasn’t very happy about having to do it. Something told me I didn’t face the last of his wrath.

Following Twilight we ended up in some sort of throne room and sitting on the throne was Princess Celestia. We both bowed and I said “pleasure to meet you again your majesty!”

“None of that ‘your majesty’ nonsense Loki please just call me Princess Celestia” the Princess responded “may I ask about where you come from Loki?”

I was thinking about what to tell the princess.