• Published 4th Dec 2018
  • 450 Views, 2 Comments

Dearest Applejack - ShadowSprint

After vampire fruit bats create problems on the farm, Applejack moves away to make extra money for Sweet Apple Acres. Featured is a collection of letters Granny Smith wrote to Applejack, keeping her updated on all the happenings back home.

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Celestial Year 1088

Ponyville, Equestria
Celestial Year 1088

My Dearest Granddaughter Applejack;

I’m sorry for not responding to ya sooner. Think my age has finally been a catching up to me. The hooves get a little sorer now than they used to. Guess I’m no fresh lil filly anymore. It’s really true what they say Applejack. Don’t get old. Things stop working, and bruising comes easy. Don’t know how I managed it, but banged my knee on the table last week. Still got the shiner to prove it, all speckled up like I banged it yesterday.

Ya know Applejack, it’s been almost 30 years since ya up and left the farm to help out. Don’t quite seem that long when ya look at it. But then, time does chug on a lil faster as the years pass ya by. You been married now as long as ya have, and Big Mac, even he’s been married round 20 years. All seems to have happened in the blink of an eye.

Apple Bloom managed to find herself a colt too. Can ya believe it? Yer lil sister growing up into a fine mare. I can still remember her as a filly, causing all manner of ruckus with that newspaper club of hers. No need to fret though, the colt is a fine stallion. Made sure of that myself. Poor boy probably thought crazy granny was gonna knock him clear over to Manehattan. Anywho, those two lovebirds have flew the coop.

All this means I’s got the whole house to myself. It’s a bit quieter than I used to, and a tad sad if I’m honest. But Big Mac and his family are regulars, bringing up their kids. He’s got a few more now too. Family’s a growing. And Cheerilee is as sweet as ever. I think your brother’s got a real winner.

Otherwise I spend a lotta my time reading. Newspaper drops by and I go cover ta cover. Rarity drops by with some of her romance novels on occasion. The books are alright, but let me tell ya, those things get a bit too exciting for me sometimes. Don’t know how yer friend carries them round in public. But boy does she turn redder than an apple at harvest when I mention it to her.

And thank ya for that new family picture. All your youngins are growing nicely. I can tell ya haven’t changed a bit just from that picture. Still an honest, hardworking mare and I’m so excited to hear ya might be coming up ta visit! I told Apple Bloom and Big Mac soon as I heard. Gonna have to let us know when so we can be ready. Why, we’ll have the biggest lil party this side Equestria. I can’t rightly remember the last I saw you. We’ll buy some apples, make some pies, it’ll be just like you never left. Hoping to see you soon!

Your grandma,
Granny Smith