• Published 24th Nov 2018
  • 355 Views, 6 Comments

Lucid Dreaming - WriterWings

What if your reality was a dream, and your dreams your reality?

  • ...

Chapter 11

It’s my fault.

It’s my fault I was never there for her enough.

It’s my fault she is suffering; it’s my fault she is the way she is.

It’s all my fault.


I am floating, floating in the darkness.

I am floating in the darkness, and there is no sound. No sound at all, save for my quiet heartbeat and my steady breathing.

Inhale, exhale. Inhale again.

I hear something.

The silent clip-clopping of hoofsteps, coming closer, closer and closer to me.

I hear a voice.

“Do not fear, Night Ember, for it is only a dream.”

I turn around. There is a pony there, navy blue with a dark splotch on her flank. Her sparkling, dark blue mane seemed to have a life of its own, glowing and flowing in the darkness around me.

As she comes closer, I see she is…

“Princess Luna?”

“Greetings, Night Ember,” she says to me, smiling. Her voice is gentle, soothing, calm… yet authoritative, like that of a mother.

“Why are you here? I thought you guarded the realm of dreams, not simulations.”

“Ah, but this is a dream. You are simply dreaming about your simulation.”

“I am?”

“Indeed,” she nods. “You are scared of what would happen to your daughter?”

“Well, yes…” I sigh. “Is it true? Will Sweet really end up like how I saw?”

“As you said, Night, I guard the realm of dreams, not simulations. I, too, do not know what will happen to Sweet. But I have come to tell you something else, something very important.”

“What is it?”

“First, I need you to promise me two things,” the princess insisted. “Firstly, you must not, under any conditions, tell any of your friends about it before the time comes.”

“What? But why can’t I —”

“Secondly, you must remember to trust no one. Can you promise me these two things?”

A billion thoughts race through my head in confusion. What could she mean? Why can’t I trust anypony?

Still, I am forced to nod, and she continues.

“Good. I had to know you were ready, before I reveal what you need to know.”

She comes closer, so close I can even smell her; she smells of lavender in the spring.

“Listen closely, Night Ember. King Sombra is coming. He will arrive at the facility tomorrow at midnight.”

“What?! But why?”

“Pay attention, Night. I do not have much time. King Sombra is coming tomorrow at midnight, to take her away.”

“Take… who away?”

“Jasmine Skies. King Sombra is coming to take Jasmine Skies.”

“So what’s the plan for today?” Bolt asked, swinging his hind legs back and forth as he sat perched atop his bunk bed.

“We rescue the last Lucid Dreamer from her tank,” Jasmine replied, packing supplies into her saddlebags whilst having breakfast at the same time. Taking a bite out of a microwaved pizza slice, she pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper and tossed it to Bolt, who caught it in mid-air.

“The list of all the Lucid Dreamers,” Bolt nodded, opening the sheet and studying it carefully.

They heard a yawn from the top bunk, and, looking up, saw Night Ember stretching out his hooves as he released the weariness in his aching muscles. “Morning guys,” he greeted groggily, rubbing his eyes.

“Morning!” Bolt replied cheerily. “Breakfast is ready; there’s a mushroom pizza and some paper cups on the table over there, so feel free to help yourself!”

“Thanks,” Night mumbled, clambering down the ladder and heading for the table. He reached for a paper cup and tipped the contents of a nearby kettle into it, but…

“Uh… Bolt? Why are we drinking… whatever this weird yellow liquid is???”

“That’s my signature honey lemon tea, silly! What did you think it was?”

“Oh.” Night sighed in relief and took a small sip. It really was very delicious.

Tearing a slice of pizza from the box, he went back to join the others.

“Hey, where’s Sid?” He asked, noticing the lack of one member of their team.

“Uh… I’m not exactly sure,” Bolt shrugged. “Before he left this morning, he mentioned something about having to deal with some… business? I figured he probably meant —” He leaned in close and dropped his voice to a loud whisper. “— you know… toilet business.” He covered his mouth, holding in a little giggle.

Night and Jasmine exchanged a look of concern. Somehow, they weren’t very convinced Sid was dealing with that kind of business.

“Oh, well,” Jasmine replied. “We’ll catch up with him later. Every minute we waste is another minute the last Lucid Dreamer spends being caught up in Dr. Hawk’s evil plan.” Pocketing a small vial into her utility belt, Night realised it was filled with the same glowing, bright liquid that she had injected into him during the previous day — only this time, it glowed a bright orange colour.

“Floor 17 should be crawling with guards now,” Bolt reminded. “Are you sure it’s safe to go back there?”

Night nodded in agreement. “Bolt’s right. Forget Floor 17 — the entire research facility will be crawling with guards!”

Jasmine groaned in exasperation. “Relax… we’ve handled a few guards before! Besides, it’s not like we won’t be armed or anything.”

“True, but Jasmine, you could be —” Night began, but quickly cut himself short, remembering his promise. In danger, he muttered to himself inside his head. Ugh, why doesn’t Princess Luna want me to tell anypony???

Jasmine ignored him. “No buts — we’re going. Go grab a weapon or two each from the racks, and get yourselves in some bulletproof vests. We leave in fifteen minutes.”

“But —”

“I said, no buts!”

She turned to continue packing her saddlebags, leaving Night and Bolt to get ready.

“Well, somepony is definitely moody today,” Bolt remarked as they headed to the weapon racks.

“I can’t blame her,” Night replied, heaving a machine gun into his hooves. “We all miss our lives in Equestria 2.0… she must just miss hers even more.”

“But that’s the thing. Jasmine wasn’t a product of Floor 17… she was one of the test subjects on Floor 18.”

“Wait… there’s a Floor 18?”


“How do you know?”

“Sid mentioned it to me once. Turns out, the test subjects on Floor 18 have a completely different type of simulation programmed for them… and judging by what it did to Jasmine…”

“Her simulated life must have been terrible,” Night realised in horror. “Does she know that you know about this?”

“No, of course not,” replied Bolt. “I’m still alive, aren’t I?”

The three of them met again at the secret entrance a few minutes later, with their weapons and supplies at the ready.

“Everypony ready to go?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Bolt grinned, giving Jasmine a salute. She rolled her eyes and continued.

“Good. Night, this is your first Floor 17 rescue, so try your best to keep up.”

Night chuckled. “I think you’re forgetting that I spent five years in Princess Celestia’s army. I’ll be fine.”

“… right. Anyway, instead of going the normal route to Floor 17 — going up the stairwell and through the corridor — I’ve devised a new route, one that goes round the other side of the facility instead. There’ll be less guards around there, since most of them will likely be patrolling the area we used to escape yesterday.”

She turned to Bolt. “Check the list. We’re going to need to know the name of the Lucid Dreamer before we get there.”

Bolt rapidly scanned the list she gave him, muttering out random names, until…

He reached the bottom of the page, his eyes growing wide.

“No… how? That’s impossible… that doesn’t make any sense…”

“Who is it?” Night urged, reaching for the sheet of paper.

“It’s… it’s…”

Night Ember froze, sharing the same expression of shock as Bolt. “It’s… Honey Maple???