• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 407 Views, 9 Comments

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink - Summer Daze

Mayor Mare finds herself in a slump, one only Pinkie can help fix and it involves the color pink.

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The town of Ponyville was indeed in lovely hooves, the large crystalline castle of friendship towering over the small town much like a mountain. The cool caress of the wind brushing over the much more tiny 'Town Hall' , a vast dimming shadow swallowing it whole like a rising tide from the sea.

The stone building vastly more quiet than in previous years, the hustle and bustle gone replaced more by an eerie silence. The hallways empty and the offices no longer echoing with the chime of typewriters, a somber chill taking hold in the heart of the town threatening to never let go.

Mayor Mare inside her modest office simply sat in a oversized chair, dark ocean blue eyes gazing to the changing world around her. No longer a town of quiet retreat and relaxation, but a travel destination for those in search of adventure.

The mare quick to bite down softly upon her lower lip, did she fail her ponies or were they happy to see change come to the town? Whatever the answer she could feel a sickly truth sinking into her soul, this town was swiftly no longer needing a pony like her.

They had a princess now to guide them with knowledge and grace, they would never desire the advice of an old stuffy mare.

“Mayor! The horror, the horror!” Daisy began screaming as she came pouncing through the double doors of the office.

“Daisy, is everything alright!?” Mare was quick to rise from her seat, silver mane bouncing in place with growing excitement.

“I wouldn’t be here if it was!” Her lime mane frazzling out beyond repair, the frantic magenta mare performing a odd type of nervous dance in place.

“Just take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong?” Mare gave a calming smile, her eyes full of compassion and tenderness.

“THERE’S NO TIME!” Daisy gave a mighty leap into the air, the earth pony vanishing out the open window to the left.

Mare wasn’t sure what was happening, but thought it best to probably check it out. It would be nice to escape the silence of the office, the sun was shimmering brightly in the pale blue sky above.

Surely it was something important, that direly needed her attention.

“‘Turned out to be that Roseluck, got her hoof stuck in a thorn bush.” Mare gave a annoyed sigh aloud, sitting in the dimly lit corner of the ‘Cider Crawl Tavern’ just outside of town.

“A thorn bush?” Derpy slowly began to scrunch her muzzle in place, her wild blonde mane a total mess from a hard day at work.

“Mmhmm, that and when she jumped out my window, both of her back legs snapped like twigs.” Mare slowly drank from her glass of hard cider, nursing it carefully with a steady hoof.

“At least it sounded like an exciting day?” Derpy gave a soft giggle to her friend, gazing down to her half drunk glass of ale.

“Exciting? It happened on my premises, so I have to pay her medical bill as well as get rid of my window…” Mare winced at the mere mention of it.

“Your window?! Didn’t you tell Twilight it’s like…” The grey pegasus began to speak, only to be cut off mid sentence.

“Really dark in my office because of the whole castle thing? Yes, but she said it’s a self harm hazard.” Mare felt her ears drooping, quickly scooting the glass in her hoof away from her.

“It’ll be like a cave!” Derpy blankly gave a large sip from her glass.

“Indeed, I’ll bring candles from home for light but just a matter of time before that’s a fire hazard.” The sound of a mare plopping against the bar table filling the air.

“Again more exciting than sorting mail.” Derpy gave a sheepish grin from across the table, Mare never knew how she could always be so upbeat.

“They moved you off deliveries again?” Mare began to nip at the apple slice she asked to be placed on the rim of her glass.

“Yeah, I lost a package again.” Derpy gave huff as if deflating like a balloon.

“It can be replaced.” Mare flaunted her hoof.

“Had a puppy in it…” Derpy gave a smack of her lips.

“Like a toy puppy?” The older mare gave a questioning head tilt.

“No a real one…” Derpy slowly locked eyes with her friend.

“Maybe it’s for the best then.” Mare gave a slow eye roll.

“You need to cheer up Mare, the world is in need of advice and guidance only you can offer!” Derpy gave a loud squee in her seat, tail swishing side to side in joy.

“Perhaps at a time, but besides being a hazard hotspot I’m useless.” She snorted.

Derpy let a frown slowly cross her muzzle, quickly downing the last bit of ale from her glass before standing to her hooves. Those golden eyes of hers still clinging to some strand of hope, her slender hoof gently tapping her friend’s shoulder.

“I’d love to wallow with you, but Dinky has a ‘Talent Show’ tomorrow I need to help her practice for.” A soft giggle escaping her lips.

“Talent Show for the school?” She asked silver hair falling over her face.

“Yep!” The pegasus gave a joyous nod.

“Yet I wasn’t even asked to judge, what a sight am I?!” Mare let a muffled moan escape her lips, diving face first into the wooden table.

“Oops, sorry. But you should tag along with me, forget all the lack of windows in your world!” Derpy tried to flash a chipper smile.

“Might as well, children are our past or something…” Mare let her hoof bat at her glass in defeat, Derpy giving a sigh before galloping out of the bar in a bit of a hurry.

“Have you had enough miss?” A strong tall stallion bartender spoke walking over, his coat a dark bronze color and mane a sleek umbra hue.

“Nah, get me a drink that can erase a Monday.” Mare blew a soft pink raspberry between her lips, the bartender giving a hearty chuckle before walking off once more.

She was never good at Monday's, it was a weakness she suffered from for all her life. Though always able to turn it around before the weekend, yet tonight just felt as if it were sucking the life from her.

Her ocean hues gazing across the hazy smoke covered bar to a handsome stallion in the right corner, she sweetly flashing him a tender smile and a delicate wave of the hoof. His own eyes narrowing in disgust, the male quick to spin around locking out the mare in the cold.

“I hate Monday.” Mare gave a scoff, this day proving itself a bummer.