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Lightning and the Jet Engine

Rainbow ran along the line one day with the sun gleaming down on the ground. It was an excellent run, and the wind whistled round her smoke deflectors as she whooshed down the track.

She arrived in Canterlot on time, and the station-master came out to greet her. “You’ve boken the record again!” she said.

Rainbow laughed. “I am the fastest!”

Just then, a pair of 4-6-0s rolled into the platform. One of them was a high-pressure locomotive, the other looked...foreign.

“Hello,” the foreign one said, in an Austrneighnian accent. “I’m Rolling Thunder, and I think your Rainbow Dash.”

“That’s me!” she replied. “Who’s the high-pressure loco?”

“I’m Short Fuse!” he said.

“Why do they call you that?” Rainbow ventured.

He blasted steam all over the place. “ANGER MANAGEMENT ISSUES!”

“Whoa, steady on!” said Thunder. “You’ll blow a pipe if you’re not careful!”

Just then a certain V2 rolled into the platform.

The station-master walked over. “Ah, Lightning Dust!” she said. “I have been informed by Celestia you are to collect a jet engine and take it to Las Pegasus airfield.”

“What’s a get engine?” asked Rolling Thunder.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “It makes an object move forward by blowing hot air backward.”

“Just like when you blow up a balloon!” Lightning Dust puffed away.

Lightning was still a little annoyed over having lost her place in the Wonderbolts. And still, she dreamed of going faster than Rainbow Dash, even if it was just the once.

She arrived at the harbour and saw the jet engine being unloaded. It was shiny and modern, and Lightning couldn’t wait to start her journey. But Grogar the Crane was taking his time.

“Hurry up!” the impatient engine called. “This is an important load!”

Grogar did not like being bossed about by engines. His hook caught a switch on the jet engine. And the engine began to whine. It got louder, and louder!

Before anyone could say anything, the engine was rocketing Lighting along the track!

“Woohoo!” the V2 cried, as she sped along the rails.

A signalman called ahead. “Clear the line, there’s a runaway train!”

Lightning Dust had never gone so fast in her life. She flew by Soarin’, and rocketed past Spitfire! They were amazed.

Rainbow Dash was thundering along the track, and totally unaware of Lightning behind her. “I am the fastest!” she proclaimed.

Just then, Lightning Dust roared past. “RIVALS FOR LIFE!” she shouted. Rainbow could not believe what she had just seen!

But alas, the jet engine ran out of fuel, and Lightning was back under her own power. She rolled gently into Canterlot station.

Rainbow arrived a moment later. “Did you pass me back there?”

“Yes, I did!” Lightning exclaimed. “I am the fastest!”

Thunder laughed. “Rainbow may not need a jet engine, but she’s full of hot air!”

And Rainbow steamed away without a word.