• Published 12th Nov 2018
  • 1,378 Views, 17 Comments

Being Brave Part II - artman7391

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Finding Out

Coco and Twilight arrived at the gates of a huge mansion in the middle of a rather luxurious neighborhood. The building stood out among the palm trees and shrubbery as it was more decadent and erotic looking than the rest, like something that popped out of an intimate romance novel.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Twilight asked.

"I can never forget destinations." Coco replied.

After paying their bits to the driver, The two of them approached the gates.

"What do you want?" Asked a sharp, cold voice from a hidden camera.

"Uhh..." Twilight tried to think of the right words. She had only really planned for everything until this moment.

"She's the new chambermaid you called for." Pommell intervened, to which Twilight shoved her aside.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"Trust me." Pommell assured her. "The Agees are always looking for new servants, since no one really wants to work for them. Just play along."

"Oh, yes that little slut we found at the bar." The voice replied. "Do come in."

And with that, the gates opened. Both Twilight and Coco stepped inside to observe the enormous scope of the front yard. Not much was to look at. Just a huge, grassy knoll with an elegant fountain for a centerpiece. As they walked up the driveway and towards the giant front doors, Twilight took a deep breath and gave the golden handlebars a firm knock.

"Say Twilight?" Coco asked, "Would you mind if I had a look some of those documents you have?"

"Why? Twilight asked.

"Just cause they might be important later on."

Twilight shrugged and gave her a few of the library documents from her satchel. It was then the two large doors opened.

"Good luck." Said Coco with a thumbs up, to which Twilight gave a nervous nod back.

As she entered the mansion, Twilight took a moment to admire its decor. The theme was a cross between an erotic chic and upper class elegance. Above her was a huge chandelier that twinkled its luminescence around the rouge colored entrance hall, which itself was complemented by a marble floor and staircase that spiraled into infinity. But what most intrigued her (or in this case, disturbed her) were the pictures on the walls. Each had figures in a sexual position. Some were gagged and bound, others were spread out and chained to a bed, a few were just naked and making a pose, and there was even one that looked like a mass orgy in a linen room.

"Coco wasn't kidding about those favors." Twilight murmured to herself.

Suddenly, she heard an argument at the end of a long hallway to her left.

"What do you mean they couldn't give us cherry champagne?!!" Shouted a shrilling voice.

"I apologize Mrs. Agees." A timid voice replied. "We're all out."


It was then a small tray of glasses was thrown outside a door at the far end, followed by a weeping servant in a small suit and tie. As he wailed down the hallway and out the front door, Twilight looked at him with a look of guilt. She wanted so badly to run over and comfort him, but knew there was a more important task ahead of her now. So she walked down the hallway and towards the room.

When she approached the door, she realized she was face to face at what looked like a lavish office space with a glass desk to her right facing a set of windows that substituted for a wall. To the left was a large fireplace with a large portrait of the owners of the household. The floor was tied with a huge, fur rug which housed an easy chair, sofa, and coffee table with a large ming vase on top.

"There you are." Said a voice to her left. "Where have you been?"

From out of a pair of curtains emerged a beautiful looking woman with a perm to die for and a face that looked like she had been to the plastic surgeon one too many times. Her attire was an elegant magenta dress with a hole that exposed her leg.

"Maam." Twilight began as she mustered up the courage. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm here to..."

"Blueblood Darling! our new chambermaid is here!!" Suri called to the back curtains.

With that, a rather handsome, but emotionless looking man emerged from the curtains. His physique looked like the cover of one of those romance novels, only with a few nips and tucks. The attire he wore was a robe and ascot with silk pajama pants and slippers to compliment his lavish lifestyle.

"Well we can't be wasting time." Blueblood insisted as he went to a nearby closet. "Come in and we'll put you into your attire."

"I am not here for a job." Twilight insisted. "I am here to talk about..."

"What size do you prefer." Blueblood interrupted as he took out two uniforms. "Personally I recommend the extra small, since it exposes more of the body."

"Will you just listen to me please?" Twilight asked. At this point, she was growing irritated. "I have these documents here that prove..."

"We don't have time to talk about tax returns or IRA'S whatever your name is!!" Suri snapped at her. "Now, Blueblood will direct you to the dressing room and..."

"I don't want a job!!!" Twilight shouted. "I'm here to talk about your son."

"Listen bitch." Blueblood said to her. "We don't know what you're talking about. We hate children, and we've never been associated with children in our life."

"Well that doesn't seem to be the case from these documents." Twilight replied with a bit of anger as she reached into her satchel and waved out a folder. "You had a son by the name of Cory Agees? Do you remember?"

"Look!" Said Suri. "We told you we have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes, now either you fit into this outfit or get the hell out!!" Blueblood insisted.

"Cory Agees!!" Said Twilight as she began to read the documents. "Abused by parents for the majority of his childhood. Abandoned at airport the age of 10, taken to rundown orphanage, suffered immense amounts of cruelty from staff and peers, at the age of 15, he ran away where he was never seen again. During investigation, prosecutors say that his parents are to blame for..."

"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!" Suri shouted at her with a pair of grinding teeth. "Alright, it's true!! We did have a son!! We abandoned him, and we couldn't be more happy to be rid of him!!"

"Why?" Asked a shocked Twilight. "Why would you want to rid of him? Do you know how long his heart has been hurting?"

"Do you know how long THIS was hurting?!!" Blueblood snapped back as he pointed towards his crotch. "We were going to have it all Suri and I. We were going to be having an endless paradise of money, fun and sex! We had it all carefully planned out!! It was the dream for any couple!"

"But our childhood friends just begged us to be surrogate parents for their baby!!" A sarcastic Suri added. "I would've said no on the spot. But my friends puppy eyes just caught me in the lure. So we reluctantly said yes. Barf! That was the worst choice I had ever made in my entire life!"

"But, within Nine months it would be over!!" Blueblood added. "The child would be gone. Our couple would be back to their miserable lives, and our plans would remain untouched. Then just as cruel as fate can be, we turned on the news and saw that the two of them were killed in a car crash!!"

"I was going to have an abortion, but it was too late!" Suri added. "We had blow our cash for that shit of a boy, move into a crappy apartment, and spend our honeymoon looking at a billboard of a beach outside a factory!! On the day that little shit was born, I just looked at his face, and wanted to slap that chubby, stupid smile off his face. But being surrounded by nurses, I just had to hold him till we got home."

"Don't you see?!!" Said Blueblood. "We didn't hate him because he was stupid, scrawny or puny. That was just a symptom. We hated him because his coming into existence killed our chances of ever having a single moment of happiness ever again!! After that, it was another hungry mouth to feed. I had to sell all my belongings and work in a bunched up cubicle just to pay my rent. All our hopes and plans went down the drain because of him."

"My body was ruined, and my physique was all but demolished!!" Said Suri. "You don't know how many times we tried to bring an end to it all. Every meal I would force feed him till he was, hoping he would choke on the spoon!! Whenever it was time to give him a bath, or bring him to the pool, I would dunk his head in water till the bubbles stopped, hopefully for the last time!! We even left him home alone on many nights, praying to got that he would start a fire and burn with the rubble..."

"How dare you!!" Asked a Twilight, who was now shaking with anger. "How dare you try to kill your own child!! He is your responsibility. A piece of you that should be filled with love and desire!! And you have the nerve to obliterate it all? Let me ask you this. If you hated him that much, then why hold onto him for so long? Why?.......ANSWER!!"

"Because we wanted his college money alright?!!" Blueblood snapped back. "We knew that when he reached a certain age, about 10 or so, his money would be enough for us to start our dream all over again!!"

"So, on his 10th birthday," Suri added. "... we all pretended to go on a stinkin family vacation!! We dragged him to the airport store, and then, when the time was right, we turned our backs on him and headed for the next plane to Miami!! We both shouted, we're ditching our kids and never going back, to everyone's glee!!"

"We flew first class, rushed to a taxi, went to the nearest first hotel and made love for the first time in over 10 years..." Blueblood reminisced. "Now we have an amazing future, a life without children, filled with the sex and pleasure you could ask for. Do you understand now?!!"

"Yes I do." Twilight said coldly. "I understand that you are what's wrong with your species. You throw away a perfectly good human being, with so much promise, and so much talent, and you act as if you're the victims in this. Well, you're not! You are just as unlikeable, and uncaring as could ever be. Do you know what it's like to not be wanted? That no one seems to care if you're dead or alive? Everywhere you go, you have the feeling that your life is hopelessly meaningless? Do you even know that feeling?"

"I'd expect that kind of behavior from someone as needle minded as you!" Suri scoffed. "Why, your parents would've had a ball if didn't make the same mistake of..."

"ENOUGH!!!!!!!" Shouted Twilight. It was at that moment her eyes glowed a blinding light and grew a pair of wings. Her body lifted off the ground, with the very force causing the room to shake like an earthquake.

"YOU HAD YOUR TIME TO SPEAK!!" Twilight commanded in a booming voice. "NOW IT'S MY TURN!!!"

"Who are you?" Asked a perplexed Blueblood.


The very vibration of her tone caused the ming vase on the coffee table to shatter to pieces.

"You just love to whip at people who can't fight back." She continued to deliberate. "You have no understand of what it means to have a true soul. All this time I was listening to you, I learned that there are some people in this world that are just too stubborn to learn from their own mistakes.

I thought I was able to take it, because I know of someone who used to tear everyone apart and step on other people's necks! However, she changed and has the best friends to help her along the way. But you, not only did you step on your former son's neck, you bruised it for life!!! You made him wonder every day why he was still alive, up to the point where he just wanted to end it all!!

Thankfully, he ran into me and my friends and now has a better future than ever, and lives somewhere where you can't hurt him ever again. You may not be able to see anything in that boy. But I see so much more than just a boy! I see a caring, talented, creative and SMART human being who will amount to so much more than you ever will!! He has been taught things including courage, perseverance, and above all, the will to live!!

And as for your clients, should get more treatment than this, if you were giving them any treatment for them at all. That includes the servant you just trashed at..."

"How dare you question our.." Suri Tried to intervene.

"NO! I'M TALKING!!!" Twilight barked back, to which she caused the windows to vibrate and nearly shatter.

"I have one of your former clients waiting right out the front door!! We got to know each other on the flight here to Miami, And I heard her harrowing story all the way through. I'm pretty sure you said things to her like 'You'll never amount to anything' and 'Why even try in the first place.' But despite everything, she persevered, and finally realized that this job here was a waste of her time and energy. Now she owns her own store AND clothing line!! I'm not going to brag or anything! I'm just telling you like it is!!

"And just like her, your son is going to achieve great things. His friends back where I live are so proud of him, as you should've been for his efforts!! He is one of the bravest students I have ever met! Even more than some of the classmates I had in my old school!"

You need to love your own son, love him as your own, because one day, he's not going to be here, and you will wonder how and why you weren't there to cheer him on. All the best things a child has comes from their parents. They can serve as window into their world. What you showed him was a world of sorrow and hopelessness. A move like that scars a child for life. I can only imagine why he came to my hometown all tattered and broken up on the outside and the inside.

My parents didn't ask for me or my big brother, but they loved us all the same. They supported us every step of the way, scrambled whatever money they could and guided us when we needed them the most. Your son needed you, and you were never there! You were just selfishly scheming about your own primal instincts and wants, not realizing that there was another human being living in your apartment!!

If you gave him the chance to shine, if you gave him the wings to fly, maybe he would have lifted your spirits up, and put you all in what could've been the right direction. Because not only should parents teach kids. Kids should teach parents as well. Maybe he was trying to teach you something. But you didn't notice a damn thing!! Well I do notice. I notice that some of the most beautiful things can come from the most unlikely of places. Cory is a fine example of them. He is a sweet, adorable and intelligent man who only wants to be loved, and that's what I'm going to give to him! That's what all of my friends are going to give him!! Love!!

It's people like you that make this world dark and cruel!! Cory's wasn't the problem! In fact, I just realized you were his problem!! You got in the way with what really mattered to him!! Friends, Family, Trust, Love, Creativity, Imagination, Support and above all Courage. And from what I've seen in him, he is the most courageous boy I've eve met.

You are thoughtless, cruel, unsympathetic, and no one deserves you're kind of attitude. Everyone is sick of it, including your employees!! Now, if I were you, I would contact your son, go onto your knees and apologize for what you did to him, What you did to his confidence and what you did to his will to carry on. Because frankly, I wouldn't give two bits for you right now."

With a deep breath, Twilight de-levitated towards the ground, as her wings disappeared and her eyes turned to normal, yet her face was still riled with anger.

"That was a rather amusing speech Twi-Twi." Said an uninterested Blueblood. "But we need to get back to work. Please leave."

The couple strutted to the desk at their window and started to write some paperwork, as if nothing happened. It was then Twilight marched up to them and slammed her hand on the paper, covering them from her view.

"Blueblood, Suri." She stated with the sternest face she could. "If you walk out of Cory's life right now, don't you ever come back for him."

"Fair enough." The two said together.

With a look of disgust, Twilight turned and around and slammed the door behind them. It was at that moment their phone rang with a voice that read 'Urgent message'

"What is it Janice?" asked an exasperated Suri.

"Maam," Janice replied. "There is a lady and gentleman who wish to see you outside."

"Probably a few investors for our new sex club."

"These are gentlemen from the law maam, it is out of my hands."

"What are you talking about?" Asked a worried Blueblood.

"Well, apparently one of your former clients is suing your for unjust pay and unfair treatment, which I have to agree on this end. She has reported multiple accounts of work abuse and unsanitary working conditions."

"That's preposterous!" Shouted Suri. "You know we followed the strict guidelines of the labor manual."

"Not to these documents it wasn't." Said On top of their recent allegations have come into light that you emotionally and physically abused your own son and deliberately abandoned him at an airport several years ago, taking his college money with you."

"Tell them that that's utter nonsense." Said blueblood. "We'll hire the best lawyers in town and that will be the end of it."

"I'm afraid that is beyond your lawyers power Mr. and Mrs. Agees." Janice replied. "Under the state laws, you will need to pay a hefty fine of over $3,000,000 in damages or face 10 years jail time."

"You don't expect us to have that kind of money up and center!" Suri shouted on the phone.

"By the way, because of my involvement in your affairs, I will say that I need to be looking for another job myself. It was nice working with you!!"

"NO, NO!! Don't you dare leave.." But before Blueblood could finish, the receptionist hung up on them.

"What are we going to do!!" Blueblood panicked as he pulled out his hair. "I wont survive in prison. I don't even know what they do in there."

"I am not going to..." But before Suri could finish her sentence, she felt a slight pain in her face. With that, she opened a cabinet drawer in the desk and muscled out a small hand mirror, to which she saw the left side of her face drooping like a bag of mold.

"Oh no." She shuttered. "My facelift is wearing off. I can't go outside looking like a hag. What do we do!!?"

Blueblood thought for a moment. "Twilight."

They both panically nodded as they rushed out the door, down the hallway and towards the entrance hall. It was there they saw Twilight about to open the door.

"Help us please!!" Shouted Blueblood as the couple went down on their knees and grabbed her skirt. "Tell them it was all a joke. We don't have a son. We have all the money in our account squared away for some...charity of some sort. Just tell them that and we'll give you anything you want."

Twilight calmly took their hands off of her and brushed off any residue.

"Take back what you said about your son." Twilight commanded calmly.

"NEVER!" Suri replied in a demonic whisper.

"Then you are on your own. Goodbye."

And with that, she went outside and shut the door behind her, giving the police the ok to raid the house. As she walked back down the drive way and through the gates, she saw Coco talking to a few former employees about business ethics and adequate working environments.

"Hello Twilight." Said Coco. "How did it go."

"As you can see." Twilight replied with a sigh. "Not well."

"Well at least we can know that the law can handle this from here."

"I guess so."

The two of them looked on as Suri and Blueblood were dragged out of the house by police, screaming hysterically and moving erratically, so much to a point that they had to cuff them by both their wrists and ankles. As they were pushed into the police car, Twilight gave a very sad look and turned away with her head bowed down. Though she was a little glad Cory didn't see this unfold. She and Coco hailed for the next cab and hopped inside.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Asked Coco as they drove off.

"I just..." Twilight tried to think. "I just don't know what to tell Cory."

As they arrived at the airport and hopped on the next plane to Canterlot, the two of them chatted for awhile and talked about a few things to get their mind of the drama that had just unfolded. When the plane landed, they both wished each other the best of luck and parted their separate ways. Twilight hopped on a bus, paid her last bits and gave the driver directions to the shack. When it arrived, Twilight gave her thanks, hopped off, re-entered the shack and stepped back into the portal.

When she came out the other side, she looked at herself to make sure she was back in her pony form. As she looked up at the sky, she noticed it was still daytime. She thought for a moment and got an idea.

"I need to send a letter to Cadence and Shining Armor." She said to herself. "Tell them that it's a family emergency."

And with that, she rushed back to her castle, after which she would tell the Apple Family the news.