• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 4,295 Views, 76 Comments

Bioshock: Equestria - BroSteve

And with the sweat of your brow, The Stable can become your city, as well.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: We're All Imperfect

Chapter Nine: We're All Imperfect
Come on Twilight! You can do this girl..

By: BroSteve (Steven Rodriquez)

The two ponies gaze was cut short as the dim lit entrance to the Intensive Care Unit made itself known to them. The waterlogged room was covered hoofdeep in water as it dripped down from cracks strewn throughout the room. The receptionists desk was caked in gore as pictures of ponies slashed to pieces and stitched together with mismatched limbs adorned the dark wooden wall behind it. Something was carved into it, welcoming those who entered.

"We're all imperfect, but I can fix us all."

Iron read out loud as a shiver worked its way down Twilight's spine. The images of ponies corpses mangled together made her sick. "This is.. horrible.." She turned to see around the wooden wall that separated them from the entry way. The next room over, was a common room where nurses would file their paperwork and deal with visitors. The nurses station was encircled by large rooms with glass doors, filled with medical equipment. It would have been quite the impressive medical marvel if it weren't for the disarray, blood, water stains, and the horrible stench of death. With apprehension the two began to tread forward through the water. A thought passed through Twilight's mind 'I could not use my electricity MANA in here..' The thought made her mind escape for a second, thinking about the feeling of using the MANA. The feeling of warmth and power that coursed through her with each tear of the needle.


Her hoof had struck a metal tray attached to a wheelchair. The resonating sound echoed through the damp hallways. She immediately froze as she received a glare from Iron. "Wh-whoops.." No more than a second later the screeching of a splicer could tore through the air as it popped into view from down the hallway. It leaped forward, somehow avoiding the two shots that rang out from Iron's pistol as it pounced on Twilight.

"YOU'RE SO UGLY! UGLY UGLY UGLY!" The splicer said as she stomped her hooves on the purple mare underneath her. It didn't take long for Iron to buck the pony off as it's head spun around from the force of the kick, snapping like a twig. With nothing more than a bruise on her foreleg, Iron helped her up out of the water.

"Well they know we're here now.." Twilight stood on her hooves and looked up as another one made himself present.

"Pretty or not we can still have some fun!" The splicer cried out as he began to charge. Before Iron could even shoot, a purple aura encased one of the glass doors, swinging it open with such force. The splicer collided and shattered the glass as it broke into sharp spears, making quick work of the crazy pony. Iron just looked over and smirked "Let's go."

The two made their way down the hallway and come across a large dilapidated double door. Iron went to push the door open and everything went white. A loud ringing followed by an immense pain shot through both of their bodies feeling themselves fall. The opening of the door had triggered an explosive that took out the floor beneath them, hurling them down another floor. Water from the ICU poured down onto them and into the new floor. Twilight reeled at the pain in her head and chest. She coughed violently at the smoke as she tried to adjust herself from the explosion. It took what felt like ages for her eyesight to finally return from the intense flash. The only sound around her now was running water, even that she could barely hear. As her wits came back to her she looked around her to see what had happened. She looked up and saw the hole way up in the ceiling where they had fallen from.


She shot her head around to find Iron only to find him thrown against a wall passed out. She managed to rise to her hooves, shakily, and make her way toward him. "I-Iron are you okay? Iron wake up!" She plopped down next to him as he was out cold. She used her magic and carried him into one of the rooms close to her, which turned out to be a janitorial closet. She laid him against the wall carefully and kept trying to grasp him from unconsciousness. Like clockwork it seemed, another splicer had began screaming and running to where they were. Twilight cursed. Something she never used to do. She popped out from the closet and spotted the splicer a good 20 feet from where she was. She took no time to aim her horn and release a flaming torrent, melting the splicer where it stood. The glow from the fire lit up the area which appeared to be a.. nursery. 'Celestia no..' As she realized her surroundings more she heard a fainy voice in the distance.

"Try Lightning today! Spark up a conversation!"

The tinny voice of the MANA machine made her smile. She trotted down the hallway to find the entrance to the nursery hoping to find the source of the MANA machine. Once she found the doorway the beautiful machine was in sight. Dedicated to delivering the silver liquid to the citizens of The Stable. She wasted no time bucking open the machine, grabbing the last two needles. She stored one for a later date and injected the other straight into her foreleg. The slight tinge of pain as the needle separated her skin and pierced her blood vessel faded away as the warm, numbing and powerful sensation overcame her. 'Why am I enjoying this so much? This can't be good.. but.. I need it.. to help us. It's the only way I can protect and fight with Iron. I need it to help.' She was torn from her inner monologue as she heard Iron say. "Twi.. wh-what happened?" He was now walking down the hallway, taking in the surroundings holding his head.

"A trap.. as soon as we opened the door it exploded and sent us a floor below. Are you okay?" She asked as she walked up to him and looked him over, not seeing any blood, just bruises and what looked to be a killer headache. He nodded "Oh, I've been through worse.. I'll be okay.. but he managed to set us back a bit.. son of a bitch." Twilight could only nod "I just want to get the hay out of here.. as soon as possible, I do not have a good feeling about this.. we're in the nursery." Not a second longer than her finished sentence they heard the sound of what seemed to be a foal crying. The two froze in fear, there was no way a foal could be in here.

Apprehensive to turn around, they both forced themselves to turn and see a foal across the hall from them. They couldn't make out any features in the dim lit hall.

"Hey there.. little one.. don't cry.. how did you get in here..?" Twilight said as she took a step closer toward the mysterious foal. If there was an off chance this was an actual foal that somehow got lost here, she was going to waste no time helping the poor thing. Iron voiced his caution bringing a hoof up to her tail, gently pulling her back. "Twi.. wait.." As he spoke the filly came into view.

Her eyes.. were black. With a hiss four flesh colored, spiny arms reached from it's back. Twilight's eyes grew at the horrific sight.


It launched itself onto her as the arms spun around to her side and stabbed into her back. She howled in pain as they pierced her flesh. Iron wasted no time in drawing his gun and careful to not hit Twilight, shot the parasite right off of her. It dropped limp to the floor as the arms that pierced her slid right out causing blood to swell up at the puncture wounds. She fell to her haunches at the sharp pain. Iron quick opened her saddle bags and pulled out some bandages and a healing potion, tending to the mare. "We don't have any luck do we? We've burned through just about all the health supplies we got from the first floor already.."

Twilight wincing as he wrapped her in bandages nodded in agreement. "We need to get to him now.."

After the two had trekked back up to the ICU they entered again, this time ready to take on the Doctor. They marched down the same isle they had before, carefully avoiding the now gaping hole in the ground. Once through they found and L shaped hallway with a sign pointing forward reading "observation room."

"Observation room.. for what?" Iron questioned as they started to walk down the hallway. It didn't take long for the observation room to come into sight. A beam of light illuminated a pedestal behind thick glass revealing an operation table. Strapped to the table was a splicer thrashing about trying to get free from the harnesses that held her down. Looming over was a rather large griffon dressed in a damp and bloodstained lab coat. Metal surrounded his claws as fresh blood dripped down, clearly from the splicer. The two stood their scared stiff. Finally the griffon looked up to see them and smiled.

Pop! Bzzt!

"Well well.. if it isn't my two favorite rebellious little ponies.. you've caused quite the mess for me you know?" He brought his claw down jabbing it into the splicers stomach as it howled in pain. Twilight couldn't help but almost feel bad.. it didn't even have a chance to fight back. "I just want to make us all perfect.. it's just so HARD when these DAMNED SPLICERS ARE ALL I HAVE TO WORK WITH!" As he shouted he ripped open the splicer with the metal claw. Blood and organs spilled out onto the table. The violent shaking from the pony had stopped abruptly now only followed by minor twitches. "These damned ponies wouldn't know true beauty if it SLAPPED THEM IN THE MUZZLE!" Spotlights sprung to life as he howled revealing tables hung from the ceilings with ponies still strapped down. Their faces torn off and mixed together, crudely sewn on. The skin stripped revealing soft muscle and fat dripping with blood. "YOU'RE ALL JUST SO FUCKING UGLY! LET ME SET YOU FREE INTO THE HEAVEN THAT IS BEAUTY!" He slashed more at the pony on the table, tearing her to pieces. Disgusted he did not get the results he wanted, he picked up and threw the table at the glass, shattering it.

His massive and dark wings spread as he howled, charging at the two ponies. Iron and Twi jumped toward the surrounding doors, avoiding the shattered glass. Both ponies kept their attention on him and stayed sharp. As Iron drew his gun, he swept down swatted the gun away, cutting Irons foreleg a bit.

"Oh, you're sOO UGLY LET ME FIX YOU PLEASE!" Skitz raised his metal claw to send a slash toward Iron's face. His balance thrown off by a strong force from behind. Twilight had leaped onto the griffons back and wrapped herself around his neck. She cried out "Get the gun!" Iron jumped over where the gun had landed.

"You diSGUSTING BITCH!" with an elbow Twilight flew back and hit a wall, dazing her. Skits rushed up to her and looked down, standing tall over the mare. "Don't wor-"

Shots echoed out through the room as blood trickled down Skits expanded wings. The pain only acted as an adrenaline boost for the griffon. He turned to throw a nearby table covered with medical equipment straight at the stallion and making contact. The attention was back to Twilight. She raised her horn and prepared to use the lightning spell. Before she could even begin to conjure it.. pain.

The most intense pain she has felt so far.

The talons had ripped their way through her stomach, leaving four larges gashes pooling with blood. She collapsed on the damp and cold ground. She couldn't move her body, at all. She could barely see. The pain tore through her, unbearable as she fought to keep consciousness. She felt the same cold and bloody talons now wrap themselves around her neck and begin squeeze. Skits picked up the mare and brought her to eye level with him.

"You don't even deserve to be beautiful.. to be gracious enough to be under my scalpel. You're nothing more than these abominable splicers running around ruining all MY HARD WORK!" He began to squeeze tighter. "I'll just tear your insides out and leave them for those disgusting creatures to feast on, not that you're worthy of even that." His other claw pushed against her stomach as he prepared to disembowel the mare.

"Darling, that is simply hideous! Let me make you some worthy of being the one and only Twilight Sparkle! You know you have to treat yourself like royalty sometimes dear. It does wonders for a mare!" Rarity beamed a smile, even after insulting the outfit Twilight had decided to wear. Twilight could only roll her eyes.

"But this is a replica of the same outfit that Starswirl the Bearded wore.. it's not meant to be fancy and pretty.." She looked over to see Spike sitting beside Rarity trying to cover his mouth with a claw and stifle a laugh.

"Not fancy OR pretty? Tell me again why this Strawberry the Bearded was so important?" She replied, a hint of playfulness in her voice as she immediately began work on a new dress for her friend.

Twilight sighed and plopped herself down on the closest chair to her and watched her friend begin to sew away. She couldn't help but find herself smiling at her friends attitude. She realized that Rarity had only cared for her 'well being' and that she always wanted Twilight to look breathtaking. 'You never know when a big strong stallion, or exquisitely beautiful mare is going to trot right up to you, darling!' she said to herself in a tone that mocked Rarity's, only playfully. Spike couldn't help but laugh that one which caused him to receive a dirty glare from Rarity.

"It would behoove you to watch what you laugh at HUBBY. You know the couch is always free to sleep on." This time Twilight got to laugh at Spike, something that happened a lot more now that these two were together. She sighed and sat their watching as Spike tried to sweet talk his way into being able to sleep in the bed tonight. Seeing her brother and best friend happy like this always made her happy to have her be a part of the.. family.


"Come on Twily! It's time for school!" a blue coated unicorn stallion called up the spiral staircase. He turned and took his seat at the table where fresh plates of fluffy and delicious pancakes resided. A blue aura surrounding ever more as the landed on the table by a beautiful white coated mare.

"Coming Dad!" a small purple filly called out as she looked herself in the mirror and gave herself a big smile. "Today.. I'm gonna learn so many new things! Mommy and Daddy will be super happy and I'll be super smart!"

A white hoof came out from the door way and rubbed her mane, messing it up. "Talking to yourself again Twily?" A deeper voice said while only cracking once. Twilight turned to her older brother and pushed him away with her hooves. "Stop it! You're gonna mess up my maaaane! Moooom!" She cried out in a whiny tone.

"Get down here for breakfast you two, or you're gonna be late! You know what happens when you're late, no snacks for a WEEK." the mother scolded the two unicorns. They both replied in unison "Yes Mom." The two ran downstairs to meet their parents and start their day.

Iron shakily rose from the ground as he looked up hearing Twilight scream. His eyes grew wide and adrenaline filled his body, heart racing. He turned his head side to side to try and find someway to stop him, not sure where his gun had landed. He could hear Twilight whimper as he frantically looked through the water. Then it hit him, the table Skitz had thrown held a host of sharp objects. He found the carts contents and grabbed an already bloody knife with his teeth.

"Goodnight little ugly du-" Doctor Skitz words cut off by a scream.


He tried to finish his sentence but couldn't speak. A wet gurgling sound was all that came out, along with a now steady trail of blood. Iron had plunged the knife deep into the side of Skitz neck, blood pouring out as he immediately dropped Twilight. Gasping for air but getting nothing but blood he collapsed to his knees trying to figure out what was happening. Iron pulled the knife out as a shower of blood poured out followed by one last, wet and horrific sounding gurgle as the griffon went down. Blood pooled around him, draining onto the floor of the room he used to take so many lives, splicers or not. Iron tried to brush off some of the blood that leaked onto him, to no avail. He turned to Twilight and put a hoof under her head and neck lifting her gently. Bruises and slight cuts were around her neck from where the griffon held her. Her stomach still bleeding way more than was safe.

"Tw-Twilight! Hold on! Please stay with me!" Fear overcame him. Absolute fear that he may lose her. Twilight opened one eye, only half way and slowly as she looked up at him. She couldn't talk, and tried to raise a hoof to touch his muzzle, but couldn't even manage.


This was the first time Iron had remembered crying in a long time. He opened their saddlebags and pulled out what little bandages remained. He managed to cover her stomach wounds, but they wouldn't last long. He needed something more for this. Time was running out.. fast. He carefully laid her head down on the now half empty saddlebag and dashed into some of the rooms to try and find some medical supplies. He came across two medical potions and a few more bandages.. not a lot, but it would have to do. He dashed back to her.

"Twilight, stay with me now, please. Wake up!" His words caused her to stir and open an eye again. "Drink this.. please." He brought the vial up to her mouth and slowly poured it down her throat. He wrapped her up with the other bandages, not getting the entire cut and wrapping them tight. She let out a whimper as he pulled them tight around her. Finally he turned back to her with the second vial and began to give it to her much like the first, only a little spilling out of her mouth. He looked around the sickening room and knew they should leave. He went down the hallway and cleared some debris making way for one of the hospital beds that was only partly intact, but it was enough. He pushed it over and lowered it, carefully lifting her on. This proved to be quite the struggle. His heart was racing, he was sweating, and ignoring his own injuries he hadn't even realized. Scrapes and cuts from the cart and the sharp instruments on it, an extra sharp scalpel had even embedded itself into one of his legs. That didn't matter though, Twilight was the only thing that mattered.

Hours later Iron had not only managed to push her into a less waterlogged area but managed to protect her from roaming splicers as well. Exhaustion was taking hold of him at this point. Desperation was making him slip up, earning him a few more slashes. He found a room intact enough, and barricaded the two inside, bringing furniture in just to pile against the locked door. With the hospital bed low to the ground, he carefully laid in the bed next to her. Beaten and bruised he looked over at the pathetic looking mare. He didn't know what else to do.. he couldn't even think straight. His eyes grew dangerously heavy as he watched her sleep. He needed to. He had.. stay... awake.

And just like that.. darkness.

Author's Note:

This one was a doozy! A lot of action and fighting recently, but don't worry. Things are going to calm down just a tiny bit. Next Chapter should be in a week or so! I just wanna say thanks for the comments, likes, and all the positive things!

If their are any issues with the grammar or spelling that I missed, don't be afraid to let me know!