• Published 23rd Oct 2018
  • 379 Views, 4 Comments

Experiments: Becoming Whole - TRIBOT 4000

Sometimes, there are changelings who simply want to live their own lives, away from their hive. Amare Cadare is one of those changelings.

  • ...

Caput Primum

~"If you have to keep a secret it's because you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."~

Steady Saunter trotted through the streets of Canterlot, happily whisteling a tune he'd heard somewhere. His grey coat was padded with sweat from the sun shining down on him, but it didn't seem to bother him. His cutie mark, a straightened horse shoe, glistened slightly. His mane and tail, a dullish sapphire blue, hung lower than usually and somewhat haphazardly, but even this did nothing to change his attitude.

Behind Steady, a much sweatier, less cheery stallion pulled a wagon filled with a small assortment of weapons. A few swords, lances, and clubs. Why he had these was anyone's guess but ponies still smiled at him even if they glanced strangely at the pony behind. Said stallion was green coated and had a yellow mane. His cutie, a golden apple glistened as well. With a grunt he spoke to Steady.

"Hey, Steady. I know I probably asked this already but..."

"Because..." Steady interrupted him, "I have a supplier here."

"No, I meant--"

"And you're the only pony that was available to pull the wagon." Steady turned his head slightly around, "Don't worry. You'll be well compensated."

The stallion behind Steady grunted once more, in frustration, "You could at least not act like I'm just some hired worker. I know you well enough."

Steady scoffed, "We've known each other for exactly one train ride. That's hardly a thick layer of a deep friendship growing, Jazz."

Another grunt, "Well...you know that my nickname is Jazz. That's something isn't it?"

Another scoff, "You literally introduced yourself like this: 'Howdy, my name is Ginger Apple, but you can just call me Jazz.' I doubt anyone who's met you doesn't call you Jazz."

"You don't."

Steady couldn't argue with that and chose to walk silently instead. the only sound heard were the hoofsteps on the ground and rattling of the wagon. Around the two of them, ponies went about their days normally. Why shouldn't they? Nothing abnormal was happening to them nor did they have any reason to expect something would. Ignorance is bliss, some say, and others say naivety is foalishness. Who knows, maybe they're both right.

Eventually they made it to their destination, a small wooden house with a few slightly rundown features, including but not limited to cobwebs, rotting wood, and inexplicable grime. In comparison to the tall and fancy buildings that made up the city of Canterlot, it was a trashbin. There was no sign, nor was there an address. In fact, it was probably only identified based on how it looked like some sadists poor drawing of a dream house.

Jazz frowned slightly, "You sure this is the right place? It doesn't look like the kind of place the best blacksmith in Equestria would live. Wouldn't they have like...I don't know, some large giant metal stronghold?"

Steady knocked on the door and huffed without turning around, "Blacksmiths have been in short supply lately. There hasn't been a war in centuries, at least none that Equestria has been a part of. It's no surprise that blacksmiths would start going out of business. It's considered a lost art. The only ones doing well are the ones working for the Royal Guard. They're practically the only ones who still use weapons besides travelers. Why do you think I set my place in the Everfree? Less competition, no property tax, and I can work in peace."

Jazz chuckled, "I thought it was 'cause you were a crazy hermit." Jazz's smile slowly morphed into impatience, "Hey, how long is this guy gonna ta--" the door suddenly opened. Before the two stallions stood a mare with a red coat and a blue mane and tail. Her face had signs of old age but she looked more tired than elderly. She wore a grey coat over her back, obscuring any view of possible wings and her cutie mark. After a few seconds the mare looked at Jazz with irritation.

"You didn't say you'd be bringing friends. I deal with you and no one else." In response, Steady waved a hoof calmly.

"Oh, believe me. We're not associated...that much. Ginger is just here to do the heavy lifting. Speaking of which..." Steady turned around and removed the harness from Jazz's back and floated a few bits from the wagon into his hoof to which the stallion gaped at. Steady smiled, "I no longer need your help. Head back to your farm. I've already payed for a ticket. Just tell them your name. Goodbye." with a pat on the back, Steady removed Ginger from the equation, the large earth stallion still gaped at the bits he was given as he trotted down the street. Steady then turned back to the mare, "Now, let us cut to the chase. You have materials I want, and I have information you want. Now, I do belimmf..."

The mare put a hoof on his snout and glared, "Too many ears out here you foal." she glanced around and slowly went to the wagon to pull it inside. As she began straining herself to lift the harness, Steady rolled his eyes and used his magic to move the wagon with minimal effort. A sullen look passed over the mares face as he did so, but it quickly passed and turned to indignation. Without a word they both went inside, wagon in tow. When the door shut, the only light was from a few well placed torches. Upon second glance he noticed that the wooden walls outside were just the outer shell of the building. the interior was completely made of stone and was heated only by a furnace in the far corner which appeared to have been recently doused due to the lingering bit of smoke coming from it.

"I must say..." Steady began, still in awe, "I wasn't expecting this. Quite the little fortress you've built for yourself here."

"The information." Steady turned to see the mare standing by the wagon. If he didn't know any better he'd think she just happened upon the spot closest to his weaponry, but after years of experience he could tell she was ready to get aggressive if neccessary, ready to pounce at a moments notice. Steady doubted she could actually hurt him with how frail she appeared, but appearances can be deceiving. He faked surprise.

"The information?" the mare was having none of it.

"Tell me now or I will split your skull and pry the information from your cold, lifeless corpse." Steady grinned.

"Right to the point. I like it." He used his magic and pulled a parchment carefully out of the wagon, carefully making sure not to seem like he might be trying to attack her. Once he gave the parchment to her he noticed her eyes scanning the entire paper. She looked up, doubt drawn across her features.

"These are accurate?" she asked. Steady scoffed and grinned again.

"When it comes to a matter of national security, I like to think I am a little careful with who and what I trust. In fact, I only trust you because I know your ancestory…" he paused before continuing, "...Shaper."

The name took effect immediately. The mare's face turned into utter horror. Before she could speak again, Steady held up a hoof, "No worries. If I wanted anyone to know who you were, I would have said something a long time ago. I am however a fan of the one who you call an ancestor and whose name has been passed down to what I can only assume is her great, great, great granddaughter. Funny, you have no foals, so the lineage will end with you. Shame. I would have liked her gifts to continue through her bloodline. Oh well. All good things must come to an end." his smile had faltered as he had spoken, but it returned quickly, "Now, I do believe you have something for me?"

The mare, now over her stupor, wrapped up the parchment and made her way to the furnace. Just to the left of it she pulled a large fake wall of stone. It revealed a small room that had a chest filling its space. She pulled it out, opened it and pulled out a piece of silvery metal. For it's gelatos appearance, it was incredibly clean and reflective. He used his magic and put the metal into his wagon. As soon as he did, the wagon glowed a bright blue before disappearing in flash. He nodded to the mare and began to exit before stopping and glancing back.

"By the way, who is this Yin the parchment speaks of?" Steady asked. The mare simply shook her head. Steady shrugged and left the building.


Steady looked at the large selection of tuxedos in a clothing store. Feeling the fabric he hummed and smiled as he went to the next suit. As he did he noticed another stallion looking at the same suits next to him. Deciding not to let the silence become awkward, Steady offered his hoof.

"Steady, Steady Saunter, Owner of Everlasting Creations. Nice to meet you." he said. The stallion he addressed was slightly taken back from the sudden introduction but recovered easily and shook Steady's hoof.

"Heavy Step, lawyer."

Steady didn't show it, but internally he was freaking out. This was the Heavy Step, lawyer of the Princess Celestia herself. Steady was probably one of the very few ponies who could actually associate the name with the pony. The average pony would have no idea who Heavy Step was. Steady, however, was not the average pony. Instead of saying anything he nodded towards a suit that was on display.

"Find anything you like so far? I've heard this store sells more suits than a accountant sees bits."

"I wouldn't know." Heavy responded, "I don't know any accountants."

Steady smiled inwardly, if that wasn't him avoiding the question, I don't know what is. He probably has over hundreds of ways just to escape talking about annoying inlaws, that is, if he had any. A pony like Heavy Step, lawyer to the Sovereign Leader of Equestria, doesn't get, for lack of a better term, hitched.

"Daddy! Can I get a new dress!?" a voice shouts from behind the two stallions. As it gets closer, both Steady and Heavy turn their heads to the sound. A green coated filly with a purple mane and tail comes running into her fathers arms. this wouldn't be so strange for Steady had the father not been Heavy Step.

"Haha. Don't you think you have enough dresses Viridian?" Heavy says to his daughter as she crawls from his hooves to his back. She giggles at her fathers response as if he should know better.

"That's silly. You can never have too many dresses. Just like you can't have enough dollies." Suddenly the fillies attention is drawn to Steady, "Hey! Who are you!?" she demands.

Steady is somewhat surprised by the sudden order but smiles anyway, and responds before her father reprimands her about yelling at ponies, "Steady, Steady Saunter."

The little filly scowled at Steady menacingly, "You're not trying to swindle my daddy are you?"

Heavy reprimanded his daughter, "Now Viridian, that is no way to speak."

The filly raised an eyebrow, "You want to get swindled?"

Steady chuckled and waved a hoof dismissively, "It's fine, no harm done." he looked at the filly, "To answer your question Viridian, no, I am not swindling your father."

"Absolutely, positively, beyond the shadow of a doubt?" she asked, still suspicious. Steady nodded his head with another chuckle. This seemed to satisfy the little unicorn as she smiled.

"I'm Viridian Comic." The little ball of joy says happily. Steady bowed slightly and grinned.

"Nice to meet you young lady." he said. Viridian giggled and bowed slightly from her fathers back. With that over with, Steady nodded and began to make his exit before Heavy stopped him.

"Where you heading off to?" he asked. Steady said the train station and Heavy smiled wider, "Well then, safe journeys."


Steady walked in silence alone. Inwardly, he was having a mental breakdown. Married and with a foal? How have I not heard of this? I should have information on practically everypony important. How this was somehow left out of his profile is nearly impossible. I've been lied to by one of my own informants or Heavy Step has payed heavy bits to keep any information on him kept inside Canterlot. Whatever the case, at least I know now.

Steady's thoughts were interrupted by a tugging at his mental scape. He pauses for only a few seconds before walking again. The tugging occurs again, stronger. he sighs and opens his mind.

"Hello Anty." he projects his voice into his own mind and outward. A very irritated voice responds.

"It's Antenna you piece of sh..."

"I know very well what your name is Anty. I just don't care."

"You don't care about anything important really, do you Amare?"

"Tell me something important and we'll see." Steady learned that 'grunting with rage' was possible.

"Look, that isn't what I'm contacting you for."

"Oh? Then what?"

"The Queen demands your presence. Now." this time, Steady, or Amare as we was truly named, stopped dead in his tracks. After a few seconds of silence, laughter resounded through his head.

"That important enough for you?" Amare huffed and started walking again.

"Just barely." he grunted in annoyance, "What could the Queen possibly want with me? I'm an outcast, she made that clear."

"Her Majesty has gotten word of your dealings. She knows how good a blacksmith you are and is willing to attribute your absence to overworking. I suggest you take your chance. She's waiting."

The conversation ended with a rip in Amare's mental scape. When he could concentrate again, a single thought went through his head.

I'm screwed

Author's Note:

Sorry for such a long wait. I rewrote this at least seven times.

Comments ( 4 )

I look forward to getting more of this fanfic.

I like this story, I look forward to how this goes and wish you luck my friend :)

Very interesting beginning, let's see how it goes.

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