• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 514 Views, 28 Comments

A Rose's Journey - VioletRose13

The life-changing journey of a young unicorn who's much more than she thinks...

  • ...

Escaping Typhon's Wrath

“We need to find Violet! NOW!” Snow Diamond exclaimed. “For all we know she could be in danger!”

“Wait!” Echidna called out, stopping Snow in her tracks. “Can I talk to you about something for a moment?”

“About what?”

The draconequus inspected the unicorn curiously like a foal that just discovered a new butterfly; then Echidna noticed Snow Diamond’s mismatched irises and she froze.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Snow nervously asked.

“You’re cursed…” Echidna said simply.

Snow scoffed under her breath. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“…with a Muddle Mind Spell.”

Snow Diamond’s eyes widened; she said nothing.

“Muddled Mind? What’s that?” Starlight reluctantly asked, stepping forward.

“It’s a spell that causes anypony or any creature inflicted with it to go completely insane; but it’s also rather random.” Echidna explained. “Sometimes you see things that are real and other times it’s just like crazy-crazy-CRAZY in your face all the time! But Miss Diamond? I haven’t seen a case like yours in centuries; the form of this spell is incredibly rare and very powerful. It still causes you to see things that aren’t real, but it can only affect two creatures at once; their moods can switch back and forth at random. One can be angry while the other is sad and vice versa. This spell is even known to slowly drain creatures of their power and energy, taking away their life essence until there’s nothing left.”

The chamber was deathly silent.

“So… that’s the type of curse I have?” Snow Diamond asked worriedly.

“…Yes.” Echidna replied. “You’ve had it for the past twenty years, but it’s still potent. It also makes your eyes the colors they are now.”

“Hey, Jackpot Spade as green and purple eyes too!” Silverstream pointed out.

“You’re right, he does!” Smolder added.

“Jack is cursed with the SAME SPELL?!” Snow cried in terror. “Oh no! Echidna, is there any way to break the Muddled Mind Spell?”

“Uh, that’s the problem… There’s no known cure.”


“I’m afraid so, dear.”

“There can’t be! There has to be some way to—”

“Okay, okay, okay! That’s enough!” Tempest intervened. “Thank you for letting us know about Snow Diamond’s condition, Your Majesty, but we’re getting off track. Where is Violet? You know where she is, don’t you?”

“I believe I do.”

Echidna snapped her claws and a floating crystal ball appeared in front of her. She taped it a couple times and she could see an image of Violet.

“Ah, there she is! …But I think she’s in a bit of trouble at the moment.”


“And you are a lost little filly who’s on the run from a deranged pirate. Violet Rose is your name?” Typhon said.

“How did you know that?” Violet asked.

“Kid, I have supernatural powers that allow me to do anything I please, including read your mind. But if you want to get away from that Jackpot Spade pony once and for all, you need someone who can protect you.”

“But… who?”

“That’s where I come in. Only I can protect you from that pirate and ANY other form of threat that comes to pass and I will… for a price.”

“But I don’t have anything to give you.”

Typhon smirked at the unicorn.

“I think you do.” He said, twirling a lock of her hair with his finger.

“…What?” Violet asked, taking a step back.

“Look around, Miss Rose. I have everything I need; I have plentiful food, endless treasure, command over my own personal armies, and a loving, beautiful wife who cares the world for me. But there’s still one thing I don’t have and that’s the one thing you can give me… the Blue Flower.”

“Blue flower? You mean like poison joke?”

“Poison joke? Oh, no way; I have a whole garden of that crud in the back. I mean a rare blue flower and I know for a fact that you, and only you, possess it.”

“No I don’t. I don’t have anything like that.”

“Of course you do. You’re a unicorn, aren’t you? You know how to summon the Blue Flower and control it to your own free will. That’s what I’m after.”

“But I-I-I, uh…”

“You’ve been told not to even go near it. But do you know WHY they tell you that? Because once you have it, you rise to the top. Nothing in this world can stop you or stand in the way of the Blue Flower. So what do you say?”

Violet’s eyes nervously darted back and forth, trying to think of something to say so Typhon wouldn’t get mad.

“I-I… What if I don’t know how?” She asked hesitantly. “I just want to go, please?”

Typhon looked at Violet curiously.

Now don't try to kid me, Miss Rose” He sang.

I'll make a deal with you

What I desire is a rare blue fire

To make my dream come true

Now, give me the secret, Miss Rose

Come on, clue me what to do

Give me the power of your Blue Flower

So I can be like you

‘MY Blue Flower?’ Violet thought, taking a step back.

Oh, oobee doo” He continued.

I wanna be like you

I wanna walk like you, talk like you, too

You'll see it's true someone like me

Can learn to be like someone like you

Now you might think it's ridiculous

That me, a simple draconequus

Would ever dream I'd like to team

With the likes of you, Miss Rose

But together, we'd have powers

All the planet's treasures, ours

I got desire, you got the fire

But the dream I dream takes two

So, ooh, I wanna be like you

I wanna use that flame just the same you can do

Oh, how magnificus it would be

A good ol’ draconequus like me

Could learn to do like you ponies do

Violet couldn’t understand what was going on; why did Typhon want her magic?

“Just one thing we both need to reach our full potential.” Typhon said in a deep voice. “Hand over your Blue Flower and in return, I will protect you and you will never be hunted for anything ever again.”

“Uh-uh-um…” Violet stammered, trying to find the right words. “That sounds like an amazing offer with a lot of pros… but there’s at least ONE con. What if I can’t?”

“…You can’t, or you won’t?”

“I can’t!”

“You WILL!”

Violet furrowed her brow and her lips curled into a sneer.

“What makes you think you can tell me what to do?” She asked.

Typhon paused. “Because I am the King of the Draconequui and every creature here takes orders from me.”

“Well, I’m not from here. So you have NO power over me.”

“Don’t toy with me, Miss Rose. If you are, you are going to be in serious trouble. Because I’m big, you’re small, I’m right, you’re wrong, and there’s NOTHING you can do about it. So do as I say and GIVE ME YOUR MAGIC!!”


Violet’s horn suddenly let out a shockwave of magic, causing Typhon to stumble backwards a bit. He got back up and looked at the young mare who was now glaring daggers up at him.

‘How interesting. Your magic is even MORE robust than I thought… How delightfully chaotic.’ He said to himself as his eyes started to glow with hunger; his irises remained bright red, but the rest of his eyes turned to inky black.

Violet didn’t back down; her horn still glowing, she stood her ground. Disarray licked his lips and he began to open his mouth, which revealed many rows of razor sharp teeth.

“Typhon!” Echidna’s voice shrieked; Typhon paused. “What in the name of Bedlam are you doing?!”

He looked up and saw Echidna and Discord standing in the doorway; Echidna had a disapproving glare on her face while Discord had a look of confusion.

“Echidna!” Typhon cried out; he eyes turned back to normal. “W-w-w-w-what are you doing here?”

“I just want to know what’s going on.” She replied. “…I also wanted to introduce you to our son, Discord.”

“Son?” Typhon asked; Discord gave a nervous wave. “Bring him here.”

Discord took a few steps forward and looked at his father; he gasped dramatically.

“Oh my goodness, YOU are Typhon?” He exclaimed. “Wow! The legends do you NO justice, sir. You are truly… a wonder! How chaotically majestic!”

“How do I know you’re really my son?”

“Well, let’s see…”

As Discord continued to talk, Tempest, Starlight, Sunset, and Snow Diamond snuck into the chamber while Typhon was distracted. Violet turned to look at them and gave a soft sigh of relief; they gestured for her to follow them and while Discord kept his father busy, Violet slowly and quietly snuck away from Typhon and over to her friends. Snow covered Violet with her cloak and they started to walk away, but Violet’s hoof caught on an invisible wire which caused them to hear some kind of scream over a magical loudspeaker… which quickly alerted Typhon.

“Oh no…” Tempest whispered.

“RUN FOR IT!” Starlight screamed as the five mares ran towards the exit.

“No one leaves!” Typhon yelled as Echidna ran towards the exit as well.

“No need for a ‘farewell’; I can show myself out. Thank you so much for having me, bye-bye!” Discord said quickly before following after his mother.

An army of stone creatures suddenly emerged from the floors and walls of the chamber and chased after the group.

“Don’t worry, we’ll hold them off.” Captain Celaeno said as she took out her sword.

“Leave it to us.” Tempest added.

“This way, c’mon!” Snow took Violet’s hoof and they ran off in a different direction.

A loud, ear-piercing roar suddenly emitted from Typhon; it was so loud that it could be heard from even Jackpot Spade’s ship… which was nearby. Sea Sponge and Star Fish jumped at the sound.

“Whoa! What the hay was that?!” Sea Sponge cried.

“It’s coming from the mountains! She’s there, I know it! Starboard, NOW!” Spade demanded as he turned the helm to the right.

Violet and Snow ran to the exit until Typhon cut them off.

“Where are you going, Miss Rose?” He casually asked.

“Stay away from her!” Snow Diamond yelled.

“Why should I?” He asked. “She doesn't have anyone now. I'm your only hope, Miss Rose. I can make it real good for you here. Where else are you gonna go?”

“I’ll go back home to Seaward Shoals! With Grandma and Grandpa!” Violet answered.

“Oh, you didn't hear? They went to this Ponyville place of yours… and they were captured and are now held hostage by that siren, Andante. Must've been on account of you.”

“…No. No, no, no, no, no! You’re lying!”

With tears of bitterness in her eyes, Violet ran away back towards the temple to hide.

“Violet, no! Come back!” Snow Diamond cried before Disarray pushed her out of the way and flew after the orchid unicorn; she ran after them.

“Don't run away from who you are! You hear me?” Typhon screamed as he chased after her.

“Get away from me!” Violet screamed as she continued to run.

“There’s too many!” Echidna cried.

“How many of these things are there?!” Smolder asked.

Before Echidna could answer, Discord suddenly let out a terrifying roar which caused everyone to freeze… before they stone creatures continued their attack.

“What was that?” Gallus asked.

“I have no idea.” Discord answered.

In the temple, Violet was desperately trying to hide from Typhon as he looked for her. He was snarling and crawling on all fours.

“Think about it, Miss Rose. We can rule this world, together. Listen to reason.” Typhon said, trying to make an offer she couldn’t refuse.

Violet was having none of that. After a long moment of silence, she believed that he was finally gone. So she slowly peeked her head out from her hiding place to see if she could find him anywhere.

“Gotcha!” He screamed.

Violet screamed and continued running, her heart beating faster and faster with every hurried step she took. Typhon ran after her, his eyes as black as ink and his mouth watering.

“Stay away! You can’t do this to me!”

“Who says I can’t?!”

“Violet, over here!”

Violet opened her eyes and saw Snow Diamond. She ran towards her, hoping she has a plan on how to escape. Snow took her hoof and ran though the temple until she spotted a small opening in the wall on the other side of the chamber. They ran towards it with Typhon still hot on their trail.

“Get back here! There’s nothing you can do to save your skins!” He yelled.

“Oh yeah? How about THIS?!” Violet screamed as she blasted a beam of magic at Disarray’s face, which caused him to cry out in pain and surprise.

“We’re gonna have to jump!” Snow yelled. “Ready?”


“One, two, THREE!”

And with that, the two mares jumped out through the hole, just before Typhon was able to grab either of them. Suddenly, the temple started to crumble and before anyone knew what was going on, the entire temple started to collapse right on to Typhon and the creatures of stone.

“Violet! Snow Diamond!” Tempest cried.

“You need to leave! NOW!” Echidna said before she and Babél snapped their fingers, causing the rest of the group, including Discord, to vanish into thin air.