• Published 17th Oct 2018
  • 1,049 Views, 14 Comments

Crossed Lines - Bronyxy

Something has gone wrong with the Crystal Mirror and it just so happens to be on a day when Princess Twilight is rolling out the red carpet for Princess Ember. Could Twilight have made a mistake when she rigged up Celestia’s book to the portal?

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9 The Dragon Alliance

It was late, very late.

Canterlot High School looked even more imposing than usual in the dark, and Flash had turned his car so that its headlights illuminated the plinth out front of the school where the portal lay.
“So sorry you’ve got to go, darling” said Rarity giving Twilight a hug, “Do give our love to Spikey Wikey.”
All the friends gathered round, each wishing Twilight and Fluttershy a fond farewell in their turn, after which they gave their human friends a cheery wave goodbye and turned to face the plinth.
“I liked it here” whispered Fluttershy as her friend led them into the portal.

Twilight stepped hesitantly into a completely dark room, her eyes still seeing spangles from Flash’s headlights. She lit her horn and looked around; everything appeared to be as it should, but the bats had gone. That was a bonus; she wasn’t keen on them, but presumably they could fly through between portals as they chose. Fluttershy, now a little disorientated in becoming a pony once more stepped unsteadily through the portal and Twilight caught her lest she fall.

“Strange day” said the earth pony guard to his smaller unicorn colleague.
“One of the stranger I can recall” he concurred.
“If not the strangest”
Suddenly there was a knocking on the door and both guards froze.
“Did you hear that?” asked the earth pony, “Now, it could have been my ears playing tricks …”
The knock rang out again, echoing each way down the corridor.
“Do you think I should …” asked the unicorn, warily.
“Yeah. Just so as we know we both imagined it.”

The unicorn fumbled with his key and had only just turned it in the lock when the door sprang open and two ponies ran out, each taking to the air as soon as they were out the door.
“Thank you, Sirs” called back the Princess, as she always did, even though she was by now some way along the corridor.
“So” said the earth pony, “The room was empty?”
“Yes” agreed the unicorn, “I checked it.”
“And Princess Twilight Sparkle and her pegasus friend just came out of it?”
“I don’t know about you old friend, but I think I should be looking for a career change.”
“Shall I lock it up again?” asked the unicorn.
“Don’t ask me” chuckled his colleague with a derisive snort, “I don’t work here anymore.”

Both friends flew down the corridor together and then parted ways, Fluttershy heading for the exit while Twilight powered on towards Spike’s room, coming to an abrupt stop just outside his door. She knocked, but did not wait for an answer before forcing her way in.
“Spike, Spike!” she called.
The lights were off, so she lit her horn and trotted over to him, shaking him gently.
“Wha … wha’s happening?” he mumbled sleepily.
“Spike, wake up” urged Twilight rocking him from his slumber.
“Twilight?” he asked.
“Yes Spike, yes it’s me!”
“Where have you been, Twi?”
“Long story. Quick version: Nightmare Moon is on her way to taking over Equestria. We’ve got to stop her!”
“What?” queried Spike, “Nightmare Moon’s long gone. That’s how we got Princess Luna back, remember?”
“We need to rustle up our friends fast” said Twilight, then adding as an afterthought, “Anything important happen since I’ve been away?
“The dragons are still here, that’s about it. Ember decided to stay when you went missing.”
“Good for her!” cheered Twilight, “Right, get on my back Spike, we’re going flying!”

Twilight tore round the castle and stopped off at Ember’s room, waking her and telling her the news of impending invasion.
“… And when Nightmare Moon plunges Equestria into eternal night, that’s going to affect the whole planet!” explained Twilight.
“We have legends in Dragonlore about such events, but that was before we learned that ponies raised the sun. Well, the dragons are ready if you want some muscle; just tell us where to aim them.”
“We need to go through the details” said Twilight, “But not somewhere she can easily find us. Can you come with me to Fluttershy’s Cottage? She’s rounding up the other Element Bearers right now.”
“Hey, lead the way.”
Spike was unsure whether to climb onto Twilight or Ember because he hadn’t been asked and didn’t want to create a diplomatic incident, especially as he was the Ambassador to the Dragon Lands. Sensing his dilemma, Ember caught his eye and winked, lowering herself so he could get on. He smiled and gratefully accepted the lift, hanging on tight as they launched themselves from the VIP guest’s balcony.

As they flew through the still night air, Spike looked up and leaned forward in astonishment.
“Ember, look at the moon!”
Twilight caught the comment and looked up too, gasping in horror. The moon now had the silhouettes of four alicorn heads looking down on them. She knew exactly what this meant and felt a shudder run down her back.
“What’s it mean?” asked Ember.
“No more sun” she replied, “Ever.”

When they arrived, Fluttershy had managed to round up four of the Element Bearers and was just waiting for Rarity whom she had left complaining bitterly about not having enough time to apply the appropriate level of makeup to achieve even a basic evening look.
Fluttershy made all her guests tea and then Rarity arrived, bemoaning her appearance, although to everypony present, and especially one smitten baby dragon, she looked sensational.

“Firstly thank you to Fluttershy for hosting this gathering at short notice and to Princess Ember for coming in her capacity not only as our friend, but also as Dragon Lord” began Twilight as she went on to explain what had happened to her and Fluttershy as well as the ominous sign in the sky.
“As I am the last alicorn left in Equestria and the only one who can raise the sun or rescue the Princesses from the moon, I am acutely aware that Nightmare Moon will be focusing her energy in coming after me now. I literally have a very high price on my head which means I can’t go back to my castle as it’s the first place she will come looking for me.”


“Right, last time we defeated Nightmare Moon it was with the Elements of Harmony. However, I’m not sure if they’re strong enough this time given that they’re helping to heal the Tree of Harmony right now. Ember; my human friends and I fought sirens in their world and I have just managed to capture as much of their magic as I could in my crown. What I was wondering is that since sirens are more closely related to dragons than ponies; perhaps their magic might be more effective if you were to wield it rather than me?”
“Why certainly Twilight” said Ember, turning the crown over in her claws and examining it in detail, “I think we should be able to do something with that. Meantime, I’ll send word back to the Dragon Lands that we could use a little help and get the numbers up for you.”
“Thanks Ember, I knew we could count on you.”

Twilight looked around the room. The animals had all pressed themselves respectfully against the wall, giving as much room as possible for the six ponies and two dragons who sat in the middle of the ramshackle gathering; Equestria’s last hope. It seemed so unreal; such a momentous act of rebellion being orchestrated from the home that more than any other epitomised kindness. Yet, safe places to meet were going to be few and far between and the stakes of being discovered, too high.

“Ember” she asked, “How quickly can you get organised?”
“With your permission, Princess?” replied the blue dragon.
Twilight smiled and nodded.
Ember picked up the crown and lowered it carefully onto her head. The instant it touched, it became drawn to her and stuck fast as if magnetised. Ember gasped as little flashes appeared and started to circle around her, building in size and speed. Every creature in the room recoiled in shock and pushed back further against the walls, all except for Twilight who looked on wearing an enigmatic smile, unsurprised to see her friend engulfed in magic. The ball of energy that encircled Ember grew brighter and raised off the floor before spikes of light shot out in all directions in one blinding flash.

Once everyone in the room had recovered from the shock and their eyes begun to recover, they all saw Ember before them in pretty much the same pose as when they had last seen her, only now she was glowing light blue all over. She removed the crown and handed it back to Twilight.
“Yours, I believe?”
“Thank you Ember” said Twilight, restoring it to the rightful place on her own head, “We’ve got to get to the Tree of Harmony now and recover the Elements. What about you?”
“I’m done” replied the glowing dragon, “That magic has got a real kick to it. When it flowed from the crown into me, it was like I could tap in to the feelings of every animal on the planet, especially the negative feelings.”
Ember smiled, continuing, “… And some dragons do tend to carry slightly more negative emotion than most, strike that, all other creatures, so I have summoned them already. They’re on their way as we speak. If it’s one thing they don’t want to be late for, it’s a good fight!”
“Great!” cried Twilight, “Then come with us to the Tree of Harmony. I don’t know how long we’ve got, but frankly I think we’re stronger together.
“Lead the way, Princess!”

Flying down from Canterlot, a sinister black shape suddenly saw something she had not been expecting – a bright flash somewhere near the Castle of Friendship. She cackled to herself.

So, the last Princess was back, was she?

This was going far more easily than she had dared hope.