• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 570 Views, 0 Comments

Dawn of the ERS - Robert Emerald Fountain

Neighsay and his comrades released and retired

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The Letter

Two months after Neighsay and his comrades were jailed for setting fire to Twilight's Friendship School, they asked for parchment and quills. With them, they wrote a group letter of apology to Twilight.

The letter said:

"Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

We apologize for attacking your school. We are planning to retire from our education career, and start a new one. You will receive further information later.

Signed, Neighsay and the members of the former EEA."

Celestia knew they would write, and sent the letter to Twilight. Spike rushed into Twilight's office only seconds later.

"You might want to see this.", he told her. "It looks like it's from Neighsay." "What do you think he wants?"

"Spike, slow down." " You're telling me it is from NEIGHSAY???", Twilight asked.

"Yes it is, and I have a feeling that it may be an apology for attacking the school earlier.", Spike replied.

She read the letter, and after figuring out that Spike was correct, she called her friends down. They were in awe when she read it to them.

"He must have realized that you were right when you told him that Friendship is not just for ponies", said Rainbow.

"You're right, Dash. I am going to Canterlot to release him.", said Twilight as she headed for the door.