• Published 23rd Oct 2018
  • 744 Views, 29 Comments

Out of Context Nightmare - LordBucket

Earth's militaries were prepared to wage many kinds of war. Conventional, chemical, biological, even nuclear. They were not prepared for an angry goddess

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4 - Singularity

Luna casually strolled through the remains of the city, the sounds of machine gun fire all around her. Catching one of the many bullets before it struck, she brought it up to one eye and compared it to one of its sisters on the ground. The bullet she had kept from reaching her was long and cylindrical up to a tapered point. A tiny little bit of lead wrapped in copper, while the one that had struck her was...a bit mangled, really, resembling more of a little mushroom with the lead interior having been squished out of its copper coating by impact with her side.

"Target sighted. R.O.E four twenty five. Final attack heading south to north, front-runner's callsign Bulldog S-26."

The humans were calling in another airstrike. They still hadn't figured out that they didn't work, and they still hadn't figured out that she could hear what they called 'radio' transmissions as easily as she could hear their heartbeats. Not that it mattered.

"Roger, Bulldog. Wilco. Inbound ETA two minutes. Recommend you get out of there."

Luna nodded appreciatively at how very convenient the omni-directional nature of human communications were. Though not very suitable on the battlefield. No unicorn battle mage would be so foolish as to broadcast their intentions and location to every unicorn who might be listening.

Teleporting across several miles to the inside of a medium-sized green tent that had been hastily sent up in a field, she picked up a few hoof-fulls worth of dirt from the ground and dispersed it into a cloud of dust travelling at supersonic speeds in a sphere all around her. What remained of the radio operator before he hit the ground somewhat resembled a cross between a cloud of red mist and a seriously starved changeling.

The sound of screams and machine gun fire erupted from the soldiers who'd been fortunate enough to be standing far enough away from the broadcast station to avoid its operator's fate.

She ignored them in favor of picking up one of two nearby tanks with a telekinetic field and crushing both it and its occupants down into a conveniently shaped ball, then flinging it into the other tank with enough force to crush it beyond operability.

"Base, this is Eagle-3 awaiting strike clearance. Our boys in the clear yet?"

Luna glanced around at the remaining soldiers, half of them fleeing while the other half continued uselessly unloading their weapons at her. Inspired by the fact that they'd completely destroyed their own radio equipment with their gunfire, she lit up her horn to broadcast her own reply into the aether.

"Eagle-3, this is base. You're all clear. Strike is go. Repeat, strike is go."

Several miles away, a dozen soldiers were briefly surprised to hear the sound of a missile homing in on their location.
