• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 236 Views, 0 Comments

Equis Machina Arcana - white1498

an expedition is organized to travel to the southern artic to investigate a strange serious of events plaguing equis.

  • ...

the journey

Author's Note:

at some point in the chapter, I will include a DnD-esk racial profiling segway.
the rest of the story will only hive journal entries at the bottom of the chapter that will high light the chapter iself.

November 1, 1825, C.E.
Personal quarters, Mistbloom-unknown

Its the first day on the journey to the southern ice lands and for the first time my dreams are not besieged by nightmares telling me the end times have befallen Equis and to surrender all hope. Though I still feel the madness pushing at the edges of my mind, however, the madness is too weak to cause me to suffer anything too serious other than this painfully throbbing headache. I wonder if the altitude is somehow contributing to the weakness of the madness or if its weaker from my plan to end the madness at the source, either way, I plan to stop by the airships doctor for something to relieve me of this headache and for something to help in the field. Though the ground forces I will be commanding in the field may seem like a bunch of cobbled together random individuals, that's only on the surface they have an extensive background in something that is needed for this expedition.

The doctor says that by taking the medicine that she gave me will help dampen my headache by a large margin, but personally, I don’t really care because I just want this headache to end along with the madness. I do hope she survives this expedition because I may have taken a fancy to the young Mis. Sabi Mist. A coat as pure and unblemished as the first snowfall of winter and a mane just as pure with eyes as the clean and polished as the golden regalia of the crown its self. Though I’m just too timid to confess how I feel maybe I could write her a note that will confess my feelings for her or I don’t know I’ll think of something.

November 2, 1825, C.E.
Personal quarters, Mistbloom-unknown

It’s the second day of the journey to the lair of whatever is causing the madness that has befallen the land. I should start working on making myself some equipment to aid my comrades for when we arrive at the lair of the beast. I just need to get the materials from the quartermaster, find the appropriate workbench and get to work on my equipment. I may just go with a simple blade and short firearm combination because it's worked in the streets of the cities and in tight alleyways of all communities. However, of course, I will need to go to the training area onboard to train with the equipment that I will be using in the field, best wish me luck in my endeavor.

Great news the weapons I made work better than I had initially expected. My firearm while small with only five bullets in the cylinder has proven to pack quite a punch for such a small little thing, as for my blade I settled for a short eight-inch knife with a rune of cold-frost, in fact, I had to make a special sheath for my knife to keep my knifes’ blade from coming into contact with anyponies skin because that blade is damn cold as hel. Now my aim with my firearm, now that will require a lot of work I may need to practice daily just to make two out of three shots hit anything that I aim at. Either way, I need to practice at least daily for the journey to the lair of the beast that is responsible for the madness.

November 3, 1825, C.E.
Personal quarters, Mistbloom-unknown

There was a noise that came from the cargo bay. I plan to take a team into the cargo bay with me to investigate who or what made the noise that I heard while I was walking back to my quarters. Though if it turns out to be vermin then I will personally line the pantry with traps to help ward off the pests.

I have assembled the team I will be leading into the cargo bay whatever we find either we kill it and save the expedition or we’re all doomed, either way, there’s no turning back now.

It turned out that it was a mare who was hiding in the cargo bay. We placed her in the brig until we come to a decision on what to do with her. Personally, I say we put her to work under an armed guard until more is known about her and how she went undetected for three days in an airship with a crew of over forty ponies.

We have reached a decision and its what I said. She will be placed under an armed guard and put to work in low priority area that is not crucial to the expedition. After a week when we clear out an interrogation room, we will question her to learn more about why she’s here and how she got onboard. In fact, I’m sure that if I help the time it would take could be knocked down to only a few hours. Never the less I will be helping to clear out one of the extra storerooms to convert it into an interrogation room.

November 4, 1825, C.E.
Personal quarters, Mistbloom-unknown

I really want to get the interrogation over with. I just can’t stand the idea of an unknown onboard such an important expedition because it could put the entire expiation at risk of being a failure. So I will help clear out the makeshift interrogation room. If anything the aid of more ponies will actually help get it ready sooner rather then later.

The interrogation room is all set up now. I personally will be helping with the interrogation to find out why the mare we found was hiding in the back of the cargo bay. I just hope she isn’t a cultist because that will only make things more complicated then is necessary.

Well, I’m glad to know that she isn’t a cultist, in fact, if anything she is actually going to be with the ground forces to fight any resistance that will be waiting in the lair of the beast. Well, actually whos’ to say that whatever is causing the horror and what else is waiting for us is even a creature that can be hurt with magic or even non-magical means. I really just want to end the terror that awaits us before it burns our world.

November 5, 1825, C.E.
Personal quarters, Mistbloom-unknown

Its the fifth day and things appear to have settled rather drastically from the last two days events of: discovery of a stowaway, the clearing out and setup of an interrogation room, finding out she’s part of a government organization and being unhappy with what little headway they made decides to join the expedition as part of the ground forces and willfully subjecting herself to being under an armed guard. So much has happened in such a short amount of time that I think I may just take to the bottle for a few days all in an effort to forget the madness that is happening on this vessel.

(five days of binge drinking later)

November 10, 1825, C.E., 6:45 PM
The Crowns Bar, Mistbloom-unknown

“Nother round keep.” I say with my face planted into the bar. “What, you just had at least eight shots of aged hard-apple cider...” says the barkeep before the sound of hoofs steps are heard heading over to me and stopping next to me, “... (sigh) how many hooves am I holding up.” says the barkeep before I turn my head in the bars general direction. “Ugh, t-two, no wait, three, ya three hooves...” I say looking through blurry eyes, “... Now just get me my shont on cider, will ya.” I say still with my head still planted on the bar.

“C’mon, let's get you to your quarters an in bed because you buddy will have one tartarous of a hangover come morning.” says the barkeep who somehow makes me feel weightless. “Why did you turn the tavity off...” I say before feeling myself being moved, “...c’mon keep turn the tavity back on I like tavity it makes me feel safe.” I say before my eyes closed and I lose consciousness.

November 11, 1825, C.E.
Personal quarters, Mistbloom-unknown

I don’t know what happen last night but when I woke up this morning I had the single worse hangover of my life, but I was in my bed and a mare was in it with me not that I’m complaining, but how did I get a mare to sleep with me. I mean it I have always had terrible luck with mares, in fact, it ranged from them straight up rejecting me to calling me a narcissistic asshole and just leaving. I just don’t know what happened but I personally don’t mind, in fact I feel incredibly refreshed even though I spent the better part of a week in the bar getting drunk and passing out at the bar just to get even more drunk, but I guess I got lucky after getting blackout drunk that I got laid last night. That is the single most lucky thing to ever happen to me, well its’ about nine-fifteen I’ll wake up the mare in my bed and we both can get to our workstations.

Well, I’m happy to write in this journal that I will be getting a roommate because as it turned out we had more than just one stowaway. In fact, we have thus far found about twenty stowaways scattered across the vessel. I don’t like how we have so many that we actually have to start wearing name tags, but like I wrote before I’ll be getting a roommate. I just hope its that las from medical because this could be my chance to confess how I feel abo-
Sorry about that the door opened and I’m getting four roommates: a kirin, two unicorns and a thestral. I didn’t even know that kirin existed what with their bizarre unicorn horn, lion-like manes, scales running from the top of the muzzle to the base on their long tail with long hair running along the bottom of it. Though I don’t have any ill feelings about the thestral of all creatures it’s the unicorns that I have the problem with, really both of them are basically identical to each other granted they have personalities that are polar opposites but still its freaky how much they look alike: white coat, blue eyes, black manes and tails its just so creepy how much they look alike. As for the thestral, she has a pretty basic color pallet: dark blue coat, light near sky blue mane and tail with of all things silver eyes even though she insists that she isn’t blind though I personally don’t by that.

November 18, 1825, C.E.
cabin one, Mistbloom-unknown

it has been a week and I am still kinda am still adjusting to having cabinmates. The thestral its just the whole pony with fangs going on is just the only thing that freaks me the heck out. as for the kirin and unicorns I have no problem with even though the kirin is remarkably silent even to the point that when it's in the shower it's silent but I might still be three-fourths asleep... either way I have yet to find out if the Kirin even has a sex and if so which is it. the unicorns as it turns out are sisters and I am fully aware that two pony mares who have near total polar-opposite personalities can get along in such cramped conditions is a mystery even to me. in fact, this experience with these ponies has actually gotten me to look upon other pony breeds in a whole different light and I don't mean just: earth, unicorn, pegasus, or alicorn. but rather kelpies with their strong affinity for water and great tolerance to the cold, thestrals with being nocturnal and semi-carnivorous eating medium-sized pests, kirin who apparently are so quiet they can move around and you'd never hear them, zebras with the great knowledge of herbal remedies and natural hazards.
I'm starting to consider doing interviews with the different equine races that makeup ponykind. actually, this is a good idea. I'll be sure to record my findings below... I just hope this doesn't blow up in my face later.

November 19, 1825, C.E.
cabin one, Mistbloom-unknown

I managed to interview the four base pony races given I myself am a-
ugh, the twins busted into the cabin fighting over who would get nailed this mating season. I quickly dealt with it. I will write down the information below based on myself acting as a baseline when I get the time later today.

(the numbers think dnd but with a unique twist)
earth pony: strength: 15-16, constitution: 16-18, intelligence: 10-12, wisdom: 16-18, Stamina: 10, special traits(s): terrestrial strength: carry large/heavy items without becoming encumbered (earth pony).
earth ponies are best known for their great strength often carry or use items that no other pony can use because of either the size or weight of the item or a combination of both.

Pegasus: strength: 10-12, constitution: 16-18, intelligence: 12-14, wisdom: 14-16, Stamina: 12, special traits(s): flight (move over counts as a regular movement)(flyers only), weather manipulation: move clouds and produce wind(pegasus only).
pegasi with their wings and capabilities of weather control but slightly lower strength are compensated with more stamina and being able to fly over chasms and other natural obstacles.

unicorn: strength: 8-10, constitution: 10-14, intelligence: 18-20, wisdom: 18-20, Stamina: 10, special traits(s): magic: cast spells to help allies or hinder enemies(casters only), analytical sight: analyze what is seen after a few seconds of seeing it and the longer its looked at the more that will be learned (unicorn only).
unicorns being the most scholarly of the equine races are able to use magic as well as learn almost any new skill they please. however, unicorns are the most susceptible to Eldridge corruption if that are not careful of what they learn of the far darker arts.

alicorn: strength:16-18, constitution: 16-18, intelligence: 10-12, wisdom: 16-18, Stamina: 14, special traits(s):ancient knowledge: any ally nearby will gain +1 on physical combat rolls only (I.E. blade, shot, etc.), faith of the light: cannot be easily corrupted by the dark arts. (alicorn only).
alicorns the only equine race that (probably) is immortal and seen as messengers of the goddess Faust are highly resistant to the corruption of the dark arts. as well as being able to inspire great physical deeds of other equine races.

thestral: strength: 11-14, constitution: 16-18, intelligence: 12-14, wisdom: 14-16, Stamina: 14, special traits(s): flight (move over counts as a regular movement)(flyers only), dark vision: see in absolute darkness as if it was daylight (thestral only).

kelpie: strength: 15-16, constitution: 16-18, intelligence: 10-12, wisdom: 16-18, Stamina: 10, special traits(s): fridged resistance: will not suffer any cold penalties, dive swim: move through water as well as dive down in to water, but will hamper movement(-2 stamina) (kelpies only)

kirin: strength: 11-14, constitution: 12-15, intelligence: 10-14, wisdom: 16-18, Stamina: 10, special traits(s): life protector: movement is silently when plants are present on the ground.

zebra: strength: 15-16, constitution: 16-18, intelligence: 10-12, wisdom: 16-18, Stamina: 10, special traits(s): alchemical knowledge: craft potions that help allies and hamper enemies.

The information I have written down will definitely be of use if not to anypony on this expedition then for those who follow if they ever follow us. as for the stats, I'll write the key below. (use dnd number system)
strength: how much can be carried (+1 item), constitution: damage that can be taken (+1 health per point), intelligence: learned knowledge (+1 learnable skill per 2 pts), wisdom: innate knowledge (+1 special skill per 2 pts), Stamina: movement and select actions, special traits(s): special racial traits.

December 1, 1825, C.E.
cabin one, Mistbloom-unknown

we have finally reached our destination. the Mistbloom just needs to land and my expedition gathers our equipment before we launch our first and hopefully only offensive against the cult and its masters.

Meanwhile in the engine room

A pegasus mare and an earth pony stallion walk up to the main boiler and place a satchel full of explosives on the boiler before lighting a fuse. "For the gods..." says the stallion before turning to the mare, "...go and ensure that there are no survivors to hamper the plan for the return of the gods." says the stallion taking up a defensive "Yes, brother." says the mare before turning and trotting to the far end of the vessel before the explosives went off.

With the mare gone the stallion begins to pray. "May my sacrifice not be in vain sister because our foal deserves to know its gods before its death." says the stallion finishing that one sentence the flame reaches the explosives and then nothing is left.

mistbloom outside

The rear of the Mistbloom bursts into flames with a thunderous boom following close behind. the Mistbloom begins to fall from the sky into the middle of mysterious stone structures of unknown purpose and bizarre make. after the Mistbloom crashes a blizzard rolls in and begins to bury the Mistbloom in ice and snow.

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