• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 390 Views, 4 Comments

Ten More Yards - 5aszs

This is the story of a hoofball-obsessed colt who will do anything in his power to fulfil his dreams and become a legend for his hometeam.

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“Bring the witness in.”

Atomic Tangerine followed the security guard into the courtroom. The baby blue colt felt the sweat on his forehead slide down the sides of his face and he quickly wiped it away. In the glass box on the other side of the courtroom, the doctors that had inserted narcotics into Atomic glared at him, hoping to intimidate him enough to mess up his testimony. Fortunately, one of the guards standing next to the defendants noticed this, and stood in front of the glass box to block the doctors from seeing Atomic.

Atomic made his way up to the witness stand (which had an extra step to accomodate for Atomic’s height) and nervously looked upon everypony in the courtroom.

“State your name for the court, please,” said Judge Gavel.

“Atomic Tangerine.”

“Atomic can you take us through what happened on the afternoon of 29th November?” the head prosecutor Fuschia asked.

Atomic took a deep breath. “I left school at 3:30 with my friend Thunderhoof. We got to our road 10 minutes later and Thunderhoof went into his house first. When I was about to knock on my door, I felt something hit the back of my head and the next thing I knew, I was hoofcuffed inside a basement.”

“Did you initially know who assaulted you?” Fuschia asked.

“No, but I heard him say my name before he hit me in the back of the head. I found out his name was Marble later,” Atomic replied.

“Okay, what happened next?”

“I woke up in the basement and the pony that foalnapped me was watching me. I asked him if he could let me go home and he smashed my head against the wall.”

Atomic turned around and showed the scar, drawing winces from the spectators and reporters.

“Marble and these two other stallions put me in a carriage and took me across town. I saw a police officer and I tried to call him over. But Marble stopped and when the officer came to us, one of the other stallions knocked him out.”

“Where did they take you?”

“We pulled up outside this massive hospital. Some nurses dragged me out and injected me with something to put me to sleep.”

“As you can see, Atomic was subjected to abuse that nopony, let alone a foal, should ever experience. And what do the defendants have to say for themselves? Absolutely nothing.”

Fuschia turned everypony’s attention to the glass box. Suddenly, the doctor on the right jumped out of his seat and used his hoof cuffs to smash through the glass. With everypony in shock, both of the defendants looked at each other briefly before leaping through the broken glass. Although their forelegs and hindlegs were hoofcuffed together, First Aid and Aspirin were still able to barge past the guard and move with alarming speed towards their target; Fuschia. She barely had any time to react before the stallions were on her, taking their anger at their predicament out on her. She tried her best to defend herself and was able to protect herself for a few moments before Aspirin’s punches starting hitting their mark.

From the witness stand, Atomic ducked down underneath the table, looking up after a few seconds to make sure the doctors weren’t going to come for him. Fuschia’s colleagues and the defence prosecutors tried to seperate the defendants from the lawyer. But their efforts were met with blows from First Aid, who thrashed about wildly to try and get the other lawyers off from him.

At the back of the court, eager spectators who had never seen a trial before, let alone witness or hear about a fight as big as this one, got out of their seats to get a better view of the. Reporters stood up and took out their cameras, the bright flashes documenting every second of the chaos. A group of stallions jumped into the brawl and began throwing punches at the defendants - not at all considering that they should try and stop the fight.

The guard that had been standing next to the glass box was trying to drag the defendants off Fuschia, and he lifted his bat high over his head and brought it down with considerable force onto their heads.

At least 10 security guards rushed into the courtroom and split off into two groups; the majority of them restraining the defendants - both doctors had not done any serious harm to Fuschia. The rest escorted Atomic out of the courtroom. Judge Gavel banged his mallet repeatedly.


After what seemed like hours, things finally calmed down. Fuschia was taken out of the courtroom and rushed to the hospital to tend to her broken nose and other injuries. First Aid and Aspirin were held down in headlocks and properly restrained. The stallions that had joined the fight were also restrained and they were being read their rights Judge Gavel ordered the guards to throw both defendants and the other stallions into the nearest jail. The spectators and reporters all got back into their seats.

Judge Gavel announced that court would be adjourned for the rest of the day, followed by his gavel coming down hard against the wooden table. Ponies rushed out of the court, eager to tell the story of what had happened in court. Outside the court, a large group of reporters were waiting with cameras and microphones, and news of the large brawl was quickly being broadcasted on news stations across all Equestrian radio stations.

Inside the court building, Atomic was being tended to by his parents. Tea Rose and Syracuse Orange had left their infant daughter Butterscotch with a neighbour and travelled to the court to support their son during his testimony. When the fight had broken out, they had been in the audience section and left the courtroom with their son when he had been taken out by security guards.

“Apologies for what happened today. We’ve never seen anything like this happen before,” said Judge Gavel. When he’d ended court for the day, he immediately went to check if Atomic was okay.

“It's alright Judge, we understand. This was never a ‘normal’ trial anyway,” Tea Rose replied, relieved that Atomic was okay.

Atomic had to sign some paperwork and the Tangerine family were escorted out of the courtroom and into a police carriage waiting for them. As the doors were shut, a few reporters spotted them and galloped over to the carriage, shoving their cameras and microphones into the windows, yelling questions.

The driver pushed the gas pedal down and the carriage made a speedy departure, heading to 27 Mayfield Avenue.

“Atomic Tangerine?”


At Sycamore Oak Elementary School, Monday morning was going smoothly. In Ms Ivory’s homeroom class, Ms Ivory was away from school to attend a work conference, and in her absence, the pupils were instructed to do some extra revision. The January pre-public exams would take place after the Hearth’s Warming holidays, and Atomic was dreading all of the revision he had waiting for him.

On the other side of the classroom, Thunderhoof and Chestnut Oak called Atomic over and the best friends sat together next to the windows.

“It was so crazy, one second the lawyer asking me questions, the next thing I knew, those doctors were attacking her!”

As Atomic retold the events of the first day of the trial, some fillies sitting around the colts joined the conversation.

“Did they try and come for you as well?” one of the fillies asked.

“No, I was lucky they didn’t. I remember seeing some random stallions jumping into the fight as well, and then all these security guards ran in and arrested the doctors.”

“Guys, can you get back to your work please?” the supply teacher asked, looking up from her book.

The foals turned back to their desks. Atomic, Thunderhoof and Chestnut Oak took out their EHL cards and began trading them.

Across the classroom, Pablo day stewing one his seat. After the massive fight he had with Blaze and Mustang, his former best friends were moved to another homeroom. He watched Atomic quietly, all the while becoming more and more angry.

How the hay is this guy in a better position than me?! He has friends, he’s on the Eagles- he even made it into the newspaper!

When Atomic got up to put something in the bin, Pablo quickly averted his eyes and reached into his saddlebag to take out a random book and look like he was busy with his work. Pablo did some extra Science for the rest of homeroom, and when the bell rang at 09:15, he packed up his bags and prepared to go to English.

“Pablo, Pablo!”

Amber Breeze caught up to Pablo and greeted him cheerily. Pablo’s bad mood instantly dissipated, and he greeted Amber.

“How was your weekend?” Amber asked.

“Hoofball practise with my brothers, usual homework, same old, same old.”

“Yeah, same for me. At least I get to see you now. Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you this crazy story!”

Amber put her hoof on Pablo’s shoulder as she spoke, not seeming to notice the growing blush on Pablo’s face. He tried to call himself down and tuned back into the conversation just as Amber finished her story.

“And then we had to clean the whole house for a week!”

“Yeah, that was crazy!” said Pablo with a grin, trying to bring his focus back to the conversation.

Amber and Pablo reached their class and lined up outside. As their teacher arrived and unlocked the door, Amber gasped out loud.

“Are those comprehension questions due today?!”

“Yeah, didn’t you do them?” Pablo asked and he quickly got his answer.

“No! I really don’t want detention!”

Amber suddenly dragged Pablo away and down another corridor before their teacher saw them.

“What are you doing?!”

“Let’s not go to English. Please.”

Pablo couldn’t say no to Amber, and he figured that an hour with the only friend he had left was a lot better than English. His mind was made up.

“Okay, lets go.”

The two foals quickly went down to the ground floor and Pablo pulled Amber back, pointing to their Science teacher that was outside. Once they were sure that they weren’t going to get caught, the foals laughed to themselves and headed for an outdoor working space that was nearby, away from prying eyes.

“Okay everypony, let's continue reading.”

On the first floor, Miss Bellflower was teaching her fifth-grade class. At the front of the classroom, Atomic was struggling to stay focused. He began looking around the classroom and out of the corner of his eye, Atomic saw two ponies walking past his classroom.

What the?! Amber’s skipping English with Pablo?!

There was no way Atomic was going to miss out on an opportunity to slip English, even if it meant hanging out with Pablo for an hour. Atomic wracked his brains for a good excuse to leave class, and settled on one after a few moments.

Another colt was reading from ‘The Isle of the Lost’ (the book Atomic’s class was studying) when Atomic suddenly groaned loudly. The colt stopped reading and everypony turned to look at Atomic.

“Miss Bellflower, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Atomic said, holding his stomach and squeezing his eyes shut. As the teacher walked to him, he began packing his books into his saddlebag.

“Okay, quickly go to the nurse’s office,” Miss Bellflower opened the door for Atomic, and he made a speedy exit from the class, still feigning nausea as he put his saddlebag on.

Once he heard the door close behind him, Atomic crouched down and peeked through the keyhole. Miss Bellflower had returned to her desk to resume the lesson.

Right, where did they go?

Atomic headed down the corridor quickly and quietly to avoid detection. At the end of the corridor, he turned right and saw Pablo and Amber sitting at the outdoor workspace.

“Hey guys.”

Pablo narrowed his eyes as Atomic walked over to them. Amber on the other hand was much more welcoming. She waved to Atomic and pulled out a chair for him to sit in on her right.

“It’s so cool that we’re all hanging out together!” Amber exclaimed, trying to lift the tension. It didn’t work.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in English?” Pablo’s retorted.

“Don’t you have English too?” Atomic replied with a glare.

“Come on guys,” Amber wheeled herself int he middle of Atomic and Pablo. “Let’s have some fun and not argue all the time. How about we play Truth or Dare?”

“Nah, Atomic would be too scared to pick Dare,” Pablo sneered.

“No I’m not! Give me a dare right now and I’ll do it. Any dare?”


“Any. Dare.”

“Fine, I dare you to go to that classroom,” Pablo pointed to the door behind Atomic, “and start jumping on the tables and acting crazy.”

Amber interjected. “Okay, that’s too crazy, there’s no way Atomic’s gonna…”

Atomic had already left his seat and was walking up to the nearest door. He took a deep breath and knocked.

“Come in.”

Atomic opened the door loudly. “Who’s ready to see Buster the Clown?!”

Atomic pushed past the teacher and jumped onto the first desk, whipping his hair back and forth.

“Buster the clown, he’s here to make you smile, Buster the clown, he’s here to make you laugh,
Buster the clown, you’re gonna have a great time when Buster puts his hands on his hips and moves like this!”

The class, which were between six and seven years old, erupted into laughter as Atomic began shaking his hips wildly. When the teacher yelled at him to get down and tried to grab him, Atomic jumped to the next desk, still dancing and singing his song.

Outside, Amber and Pablo stood in the doorway. Pablo was shocked and irritated that Atomic was actually doing the dare, whilst Amber laughed loudly, enjoying the show.


The teacher sprinted to the back of the class to try and pull Atomic down from the table, but he was too quick. The pupils started chanting ‘Buster, Buster!’ as Atomic continued.

“What in Equestria is all this noise?!”

At the end of the corridor, Principal Autumn Forest and another teacher had heard the commotion, and they were closing in on room 40.

Amber saw the teachers first and quickly grabbed Atomic’s, Pablo’s and her belongings, tossing Pablo’s saddlebag to him.

“I’ll get Atomic, you distract those two!”

Pablo nodded and met the the teachers in the middle of the corridor, blocking their path.

“Good morning Principal, Mr Lime. I had a question about the January exams….”

As Pablo distracted the teachers, Amber rushed into the classroom.

“Atomic, the principal’s coming, we gotta go!”

Atomic jumped down from the table and took his saddlebag from Amber.

“Okay guys, Buster has to go now but he’ll see you again soon! Bye!”

The pupils cheered and waved goodbye as Atomic ran out of the classroom.

“Guys, lets go!” yelled Pablo, before pushing past the principal and running away from them.

Amber and Atomic also pushed past the teachers and followed Pablo to the end of the corridor. Principal Forest instructed the other teacher to catch the three foals whilst he went to the classroom to check if everything was okay.

Mr Lime opened his wings and flew across the corridor quickly, keeping low to avoid hitting the ceiling. He soon spotted the three foals rushing down the stairs and followed them trying to physically pull them up by their saddlebags.

As Amber reached the bottom of the stairs, she suddenly felt herself being pulled up.


Atomic and Pablo jumped up and gripped each of Amber’s shoulders respectively. They pulled down with all of their might, but Mr Like was too strong for them, and Amber was pulled higher and higher.

“What the hay do you think you’re doing Mr Lime?!”

Mr Bouncer had suddenly appeared from the male toilets.

“Let go of her, now!”

An embarrassed Mr Lime obliged and put Amber down.

“You three, come with me now.”

The three foals sheepishly followed Mr Bouncer to the head of fifth-grade’s office, waiting for recess to start so Miss Bellflower could come.

“I’m in so much trouble when she comes,” Atomic whispered to Amber, dreading Miss Bellflower’s arrival.

“Mr Bouncer, what’s going on?”

As Miss Bellflower put his her folders down onto her desk, Mr bouncer gestured for Miss Bellflower to follow him out the office. Inside the office, Amber, Atomic and Pablo watched.

“Five bits she gives us detention for a month,” said Pablo.

“Ten bits we have detention for the rest of the year,” replies Amber, and the two shook hooves.

Miss Bellflower came back into the office and closed the door.

“Atomic, what did you say to me when you left class?”

Atomic reluctantly spoke. “I said I felt sick.”

“You did. You three are supposed to be setting an example for the younger pupils at this school, and this is what you decide to do during a lesson?!”

Miss Bellflower had fully lost her temper and she let rip at the foals.

“Not only did you embarrass yourselves with your behaviour, but you also embarrassed me in front of Mrs Clementine!”

Miss Bellflower was normally a polite and quiet teacher, but when angry, was almost as fearsome as Ms Ivory. Atomic nervously shuffled about in his seat, his mind racing with possible punishments.

Mom’s definitely gonna find out about this. I’m so dead.

She wouldn’t suspend us, right?

“You three are going to the principal’s office now, and I’m calling all of your parents. Get your things, let’s go.”

“Don’t even think about playing outside, mister!”

Atomic dropped his hoof from the doorknob and stomped back upstairs to his room.

Miss Bellflower actually suspended us for a week!

And I thought she was supposed to be nice!

As part of his punishment at home, Atomic was forbidden from playing outside with Thunderhoof and his other neighbours, and Atomic felt bored out of his mind. He dropped onto his bed and closed his eyes. Taking a nap was the only other thing he could think of doing.

At the Scar family home, Pablo wipes the tears from his face as his father moved back from him, his hoof red from the blow to Pablo’s face.

“You insolent child! This is the sort of trouble that you are causing at school?! I should keep you here every day to be homeschooled!”

“No Father, please! I promise I’ll behave, I promise!” Pablo cried.

Pablo’s father left his son’s room, and Pablo threw himself backwards into his bed, tears streaming down his face.

It’s all Atomic’s fault, he was the one that did the stupid dare!

Meanwhile in Atomic’s bedroom, Atomic was thinking the same thing, blaming Pablo for giving the dare in the first place.

In her bedroom at the local children’s home, Amber had received a much lighter punishment from the head care workers. As she got started on her homework, she suddenly started giggling as she remembered Buster the clown.

Today was actually fun, aside from getting in trouble.

When Atomic and Pablo aren’t arguing, they’re actually really fun to hang out with.

Amber suddenly pushed her schoolbooks aside and reached under her bed to pull out her diary. On a new page, she began writing.

Before the end of elementary school, I’m gonna get Atomic and Pablo to be best friends.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will probably come out in two week’s time, maybe a little earlier. Thanks for reading!