• Published 21st Sep 2018
  • 347 Views, 40 Comments

The S.R.G: Phantom Girl - SaphireHoyt

It all happened far to fast for me to recall. I was standing in one spot on the road, and the next I was meters from the spot I was in, with the girl. I felt my body becoming colder, and my vision fading into black.

  • ...


I walked into the darkness, wiping tears from my eyes as I walked, hoping that I never have to deal with the crying in my new job. But considering the screaming of the baby, I was going to have to put up with the situation either way. I hated it, letting out a small grumble as I walked further into the darkness. I felt my tears start to fade and I was left alone, following the crying into the darkness. I found a strange crib, rather large. It had a big light over it, leaving it the only thing in the massive black void.

The baby wasn't human. It certainly wasn't human in any form of the word, considering it looked like a foal, but super tiny. I watched the swaddled baby squirm and cry, sob and whine. It just writhed their pathetically, and I watched it, feeling my heart melt a little when I saw her. I reached down and slowly opened the blanket, and out popped a short little pink mane, and long little wings, and I saw... I saw I saw her horn. Her sweet little eyes were closed with tears pouring from them as she cried loudly and pleadingly. Her white fur seemed to shimmer in the light.

I slowly lifted it up, and hummed softly as I closed my eyes and listened to her cry. Her crying died down into sniffles as she curled up. I looked at her like I was seeing a baby for the first time. I looked up and spoke almost silently to the darkness.

"She's perfect..." And the darkness lightened for a moment before returning to normal. I saw the floor of a room begin to form under me, and my feet were planted on the floor. I looked up, and I saw a nursery starting to form. I saw a window, and a door, and a balcony outside. I went to the window and watched the creation of the world. It was beautiful. What I saw there, was just... Astonishing. I saw the stars blink into life like they were candle lights, and I watched the moon come into view last, thereby completing the view of the entire forested area around us. I felt my heart soar high into the sky, but my body stayed, remaining on the ground. I turned around and when I took a step, I found that I was floating. I moved though, like I was on the floor. But it was a good few feet below me. I started moving back to the crib, and I set the baby back down in the crib. I closed my eyes, and found myself curled up above her, floating happily. I smiled as I looked down, and then around the room. I smiled slightly and closed my eyes.

The night seemed to pass by in less than a few seconds, because the baby was crying and sobbing and squirming around, and I felt as grumpy ash she did. She squirmed around, and I was about to grab her up to calm her when the door opened slowly and in walked a tall white horse with a horn, a flowing mane, and a beautiful pair of unpreened wings. She was smiling as she looked at me, and I smiled as I looked at her. She started to pick her up, and I looked at her. The baby sniffled and whimpered, beginning to giggle. I felt the emotion of happiness in my core. The tall horse walked to the corner and I was dragged along, looking surprised. The laid down and began to read a book about parenting. This was impressive, considering she was a horse. She hovered her wing over the little one as she set the baby on the carpet in front of her swollen... Oooohhhh.

She covered her baby with her wing, as if suddenly sensing my discomfort. I floated above them, feeling a sensation of bliss growing in my core. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling as long as I could, until I felt a pain. I realized that the feelings I got were from the baby, as if we were emotionally linked. Or even the same entity. I looked at my hands, thinking for a moment. What was I called before? The only thought that came into my mind was random gibberish.

The mother spoke to the foal, and I couldn't understand a single thing she was saying. It was all complete gibberish. It was weird, and I tilted my head, and so did the baby, before letting out a small belch fit of a father. She smiled at the baby, and nuzzled her. The baby giggled, and I smiled a t the display. She picked up the baby and began to carry her away. I was dragged along, unable to stick in one place far away from the baby. I looked at the big hallways, seeing everything was absolutely massive. I couldn't tell if I was getting the same perspective of the little baby, but I was enjoying it. It was a sense of wonder. I felt eyes focus on me, and I felt a little strange, like I had been spotted. I turned around, and the only thing visible was the baby. She was staring directly at me, with her tiny little eyes and glistening white fur. I smiled at her, and smiled.

I opened my mouth to speak to her but the only thought that was heard was baby babbling. So I could think, but not speak? That felt strange. I tried again, and the baby began giggling, holding her little hooves towards me. I floated down and settled down on the back of the mother of the baby. The mother shivered a little, and the baby was smiling as I looked at her like she looked at me. With wondrous eyes and amazement. The mother spoke quietly, and it gained the attention of the baby, and me too, so we turned our heads in unison, tilting them while waited for her to speak again. She did, and the first instinct she had was to smile as she looked at the baby. The baby tilted her ears around as she spoke and she tried to babble along. I sensed she was trying to mimic her.

I did too, smiling at the baby giggling. The mother cooed at the baby, and I felt joy. She said something, that I recognized as well as the baby. It was the name Celectia. It was easy to pick up on for some reason, like it was there on purpose. It made me smile. It was such a beautiful name for a baby. I looked at the pair and smiled.

It was a beautiful family moment. And I was going to enjoy looking at it. It was time to move on.