• Published 17th Jan 2019
  • 437 Views, 1 Comments

Thunder's Origin - Thunder7669

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Chapter 13: Canterlot City Needs a Hero

As I ran off, my Thunder Sense started tingling. I then saw it, a red creature with a black face was wreaking havoc in the city along with the creature I saw in my dream. "That must be Mary for sure, but who is the other one?" I said to myself. I also saw something else...Juniper Montage was stuck in a taxi that was suspended in the air by Madison's webbing. "I've got to go faster if I want to stop her." I said as I ran faster.

I arrived at the city and went straight to Juniper. "Thunder, she's gonna kill us both." She said.

"I'm gonna get you out of this." I said.

"Watch out!" Juniper said. The creature from my dream a.k.a Mischief came at me and kicked me in the face while swinging on a web which took off the roof of the taxi and almost made me fall off. I climbed back up on the taxi. The creature then revealed itself to be Mary Chief.

"What's up, loser." She said.

"Mary?" I said.

"My name is Mischief. Don't you ever forget that." She said.

"What do you want with her?" I ask.

"Hey, I think my Thunder Sense is tingling." She said while picking up Juniper with her webbing. "If you know what I'm talking about." She said while pointing at Juniper and laughing.

"Oh no you don't." I said running towards her. She then does an extended punch and I fall down to the bottom of her web. She jumps down while webbing my arms and smiles evilly. The webbing on the taxi was starting to break. "You already killed my sisters. What more do you want?" I said.

"Ever since I had this power, I have felt unstoppable. I can now take over the world and now I can because anyone that will rebel can't stop me." Mischief said.

"What about the Rainbooms?" I asked.

"I already killed them." She answered. I was wondering why they weren't at the funeral. "Now it's time for you to join them!" She then conceals her face with webbing and raised her claw at my face while screaching. What she didn't see was a concreate block plummeting on her head that was thrown by Juniper Montage. I took advantage of this distraction and used my electricity to weaken the webbing wrapped around my arms. I grabbed her body and threw her down while flying up to Juniper Montage.

"Told you I'd get you out of this." I said while flying her to the ground.

"Thanks for rescuing me." She said.

"Your welcome, now get out of here and escort everyone to safety because things might get a little messy." I ordered.

"Okay, you can count on me." She said. Right when she left, Trixie came to talk to me.

"Trixie? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've come to help you because what happened to the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms wasn't right." She explained.

"How did you know about the Rainbooms?" I asked.

"I was with them when they got shot down by a drive by. They sacrificed themselves to save me. I later found out that the drive by was organized by Mary Chief so I figured we could team up because of our simular interests." She explained.

"Okay. You can help but how are you going to do that?" I asked. Trixie then gives a smirk.

"You'll see." She said as I ran us back to the tower where Fear was until we were stopped by the red creature with a black face. It showed us who was under the mask.

"Casey!?" We both said.

"The name's Carnage." She said.

"The great and powerful Trixie has a friend who has a score to settle with your friend." Trixie says while covering her body in black webbing.

"What the hell are you?" Carnage asked.

"We...are Venom." She said.

"Time to minimize the carnage." I said while electrocuting Carnage. Venom then follows up with a few slashes and rips Carnage out of Casey.

"No, you...you can't do this to me." Casey said.

"I already have." I said with revenge in my eyes. "And it feels so FUCKING good!" I then punch her off the tower and into a police van.

"Thunder, are you okay?" Trixie says worried.

"Never better. Now let's get Mary." I said as we both ran to the top of the tower and faced Mischief.

"If it isn't the special victims." She said. "Your just in time to witness the destruction of your beloved city."

"How so?" I said while Mischief jumped to the ground. "A fall like that is fatal. I guess our work here is do-" I was interrupted by the ground shaking. I then saw a giant form of Queen Chrysalis. "Aw fuck." I said as me and Venom were pushed off the ground by her giant hoof. Venom swung us both to safety. I then to my surprise saw Juniper didn't leave yet. "Juniper? I thought I told you to leave the city!" I yell at her.

"I can't leave just yet." She said as her body started glowing. Then clones of Juniper came out of nowhere and surrounded her and kept saying my name. Juniper then absorbed the clones grew to the size of Queen Chrysalis. I just stood there in awe. She then picks me and Venom up and places us in her hair. "C'MON, WE'VE GOT A JOB TO DO." She said while walking towards Queen Chrysalis.

(After a long 10 minutes of the battle...)

Queen Chrysalis was getting weak but her horn started glowing. "THIS IS THE END FOR YOU!" She said while launching a constant magic beam at us. Juniper was blocking the attack the best she could.

"While we're taking no damage, we still can't attack and are vulnerable to one last blow. What are going to do?" I said. I then heard my name from above. It was my sisters. They flew into Juniper and released a magical beam that was five times the size of Chrysalis'. Chrysalis then shrunk back to normal and turned back into Madison. Juniper also shrunk back to normal as her clones exited her body saying "bye-bye". My sisters gave us all a kiss before heading back to the heavens, making me almost cry. We all then confronted Mary. "It's over, Mary. Give up now."

"No, It's not over." She then ran away. I started to run back home until a crowd of High School girls came after all three of us. Before they asked for a single autograph, I teleported all three of us out of the city...or so it seemed. What really happened was that I shrunk us and ran us back to Trixie's house. I then turned us all back to normal and we hugged it out.

Author's Note:

This whole scene is a reference to an ending battle in one of my favorite movies. There is also a reference to a video game when Thunder realizes that Juniper didn't leave yet.