• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 1,928 Views, 61 Comments

Looking for Love (Part 2): Turmoil - fluttershy<3_66

After the events that took place in "Discovery" Rainbowdash and Rarity must tell their fri

  • ...


Chapter 5

Rarity awoke with her eyes red and puffy from all of the night's crying and emotion. When she felt the soreness in herself from all the sobbing she frowned and was on the verge of more tears. It was still early in the morning and she started to move but stopped when she felt Rainbow's arm wrapped around her neck. At that she smiled remembering how Rainbow had walked in last night and not saying a word had crawled into her bed and pulled her into an embrace, and that was how she woke so instead of leaving the bed she lay there listening to the soothing sound of Rainbow's breathing as she fell back to sleep.

About an hour and a half later Rainbow woke up and looked at Rarity and sighed remembering the events of last night. She knew she was supposed to be on the weather patrol today but she didn't care somepony else would take care of it she had to stay with Rarity today.

'Stupid ignorant ponies.' she thought, 'What ever happened to loving your child no matter what, that's what parents are supposed to do right?' Rainbow went on thinking like this for some time before she decided, 'buck it they don't matter anyways.' and then she snuggled up closer to Rarity and went back to sleep. They both slept well into the afternoon until Rarity awoke with a start because something had jumped into their bed.

"Rarity! What's going on here?" asked Sweetie Belle who seemed nervous.

"Oh well um I guess I should tell you now, Sweetie Rainbow and I are well to but it bluntly we are dating."

Sweetie Belle seemed taken aback by this which worried Rarity but then she said, "Oh Rarity that is so CUTE!!" she then happily bounced around the room and "squeed" several times which drew a chuckle from Rainbow.

"Oh Rainbow you're up."

"Yup only thanks to that." she said with a gesture towards Sweetie Belle who had begun to settle down.

"I apologize for my sister's behavior she can be quite....excitable." she said looking at her sister with a smile on her face.

"I can tell.... so how are you doing after last night?"

"I'm...better I'll get over it eventually I guess I'm glad they didn't try to take Sweetie away from though that would have pushed me over the edge."

"What do you mean Rarity?" asked Sweetie who was scared.

"Me and Mommy and Daddy had a disagreement last night when they found out about Rainbow and I. There's nothing to worry about dear just relax." she smiled reassuringly as she said the last part which helped to calm the young filly.

"How bad was it?" she asked knowing about how much her parents approved of "fillyfoolers"

"Very bad, but it's over now and they won't come back for a long time so don't worry."

Sweetie ran up to Rarity and hugged her saying, "I want to stay with you I love you Rarity."

"I love you too Sweetie now go play with your friends."

Rainbow d'awwwed silently at the scene but she didn't let it show then a thought struck her.

"I think that proves that you'll be a great mother."

Rarity started blushing and said, "I don't know she's my sister not a some young child I don't know."

"The way you treated her was perfect you'll be a great mother." she smiled and stared into Rarity's eyes and that was the end of the argument.

"I guess but like you said it's way to early to worry about that. Anyways what would you like to do the rest of today what little there is of it left I need something to distract me. Oooh I know let's go to the spa!"

"Oh no you will not get me in there." she said trying to protect her pride.

Rarity thought for a second and began to pout, "Come on Rainbow for me?" she threw up some puppy dog eyes and she knew she had won when Rainbow smiled.

"Fine but if anyone asks you forced me to."

"We'll see about that." and with that they left the bedroom and headed out of the house. But before they could reach their goal Pinkie rounded the corner and looked worried when she saw them.

"Are you two okie dokie lokie? I'm so sorry I told your parents Rarity I thought that they would've known and when I told them they got really mad and stormed out and I didn't know why so I followed them and then I heard all the shouting and I couldn't help but listen and then I saw them storm out....."

"Pinkie," Rarity cut her off, "It's alright they left and I'm okay me and Rainbow are going to the spa so relax I know you didn't know how they are."

"Are you sure Rarity because I feel really bad about it and..."

Rarity cut her off again saying, "Yes I'm sure Pinkie, perk up it wasn't your fault."

"Well that's a relief, well enjoy your spa day I have to get back to work." when she finished she bolted off and Rainbow and Rarity continued uninterrupted on to the spa where they both got the best treatment they could and when it was over Rarity kissed Rainbow and told her she'd walk herself home and with that they parted ways for the night smiles on their faces and a lighthearted pop in their steps.

Rainbow flew up to her cloud mansion and Rarity walked back to her Boutique and they both stared out of their windows at the moon, which was full that night, and they of each other and smiled happily at what they hoped would be a long happy relationship, and with those happy thought they began to drift of to sleep and they both passed out at almost the same moment thinking only of each other.